without permission in writing from Motorola. This includes electronic or mechanical means, such as
photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems. The material in this manual is subject to
change without notice.
The software is provided strictly on an “as i s” basis. All sof twar e, including firmware, furnished to the user is on
a licensed basis. Motorola grants to the user a non-transferab le and non-exclusive license to use each
software or firmware program delivered hereunder (licensed program). Except as noted below, such license
may not be assigned, sublicensed, or otherwise transferred by the user without prior written consent of
Motorola. No right to copy a licensed program in whole or in part is granted, except as permitted unde r
copyright law. The user shall not modify, merge, or incorporate any form or portion of a licensed program with
other program material, create a derivative work from a licensed program, or use a licensed program in a
network without written permission from Motorola. The user agrees to maintain Motorola’s copyright notice on
the licensed programs delivered hereunder, and to include the same on any authorized copies it makes, in
whole or in part. The user agrees not to deco mpile, disassemble, decode, or reverse engineer any licensed
program delivered to the user or any portion thereof.
Motorola reserves the right to make changes to any software or product to improve reliability, function, or
Motorola does not assume any product liability arising out of, or in connection with, the application or use of
any product, circuit, or application described herein.
No license is granted, either expressly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise under any Motorola, Inc.,
intellectual property rights. An implied license only exists for equipment, circuits, and subsystems contained in
Motorola products.
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo and Symbol and the Symbol logo are registered in the US Patent &
Trademark Office. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG. Microsoft, Windows and ActiveSync
are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other product or service names
are the property of their respective owners.
Motorola, Inc.
One Motorola Plaza
Holtsville, New York 11742-1300
Revision History
Changes to the original manual are listed below:
-01 Rev A8/2006Initial Release.
-02 Rev A8/2007Updated service information, updated drop specification, added DPM information
including decode ranges/zones and paramete r, a dded SSI Interface chapter , added
new UPC/EAN supplemental options, changed RSS references to GS1 DataBar,
added following parameters: Bookland ISBN format, 4State Postal, Inverse 1D,
Data Matrix Inverse, Micro QR, QR Inverse, Aztec, Aztec Inverse.
ivSymbol MS4404/MS4407 Integration Guide
Table of Contents
About This Guide
Overview........................................................................................................................ xiii
Chapter Descriptions..................................................................................................... xiii
Notational Conventions.................................................................................................. xiv
Related Documents....................................................................................................... xv
Service Information........................................................................................................ xv
The Symbol MS4404/MS4407 Integration Guide provides general instructions for mounting and setting up the
Symbol MS4404 and MS4407 MiniScan imagers.
NOTEUnless otherwise noted, all instructions, drawings, bar codes, theory of operation, and features
documented in this guide apply to both the Symbol MS4404 and MS4407.
Chapter Descriptions
Chapter 1, Getting Started provides an overview of the Symbol MS4404 and MS4407 imager s, including a
theory of operation.
Chapter 2, Installation provides information on unpacking, mounting, and installing the Symbol MS440X.
Chapter 3, Imaging provides information on aiming, illum i na tio n , focus control, data capture, beeper and
decode LED signals, supported symbologies and operating modes.
Chapter 4, Symbol MS4404/MS4407 Specifications includes technical specifications, electrical interface,
mechanical drawings and decode zones.
Chapter 5, Maintenance & Troubleshooting includes maintenance requirements and troubleshooting.
Chapter 6, User Preferences provides programming bar codes for selecting user preference features.
Chapter 7, Imager Preferences provides progra mming bar codes for selecting imager preference features.
Chapter 8, SSI Interface describes the system requirements of the Simple Serial Interface (SSI), which
provides a communications link between Motorola decoders (e.g., scan engines, slot scanners, hand-held
scanners, two-dimensional scanners, hands-free scanners, and RF base stations) and a serial host.
Chapter 9, Symbol MS4404 - RS-232 (Serial) Interface describes how to set up the Symbol MS4404 with a
serial host. The serial interface is used to connect the imager to point-of-sale devices, host computers, or
other devices with an available serial port (e.g., com port).
Chapter 10, Symbol MS4407 - USB Interface describes how to set up the Symbol MS4407 with a USB host.
The imager connects directly to a USB host, or a powered USB hub, and is powered by it. No additional
power supply is required.
xivSymbol MS4404/MS4407 Integration Guide
Chapter 11, Symbologies describes all symbology features and provides the programming bar codes
necessary for selecting these features.
Chapter 12, Miscellaneous Imager Options includes commonly used bar codes to customize how data is
transmitted to the host device.
Chapter 13, Mounting Te mplate provide the mounting templates for the Symbol MS440X imager.
Appendix A, Standard Defaults provides a table of all host devices and miscellaneous defaults.
Appendix B, Programming Reference provides a table of AIM code identifiers, ASCII character conversions,
and keyboard maps.
Appendix C, Sample Bar Codes includes sample bar codes.
Appendix D, Numeric Bar Codes includes numeric bar codes to use with parameters requiring specific
numeric values. This chapter also includes the Cancel bar code.
Appendix E, ASCII Character Sets provides ASCII character value tables.
Notational Conventions
The followingconventions are used in this document:
The terms “MS440X,” “imager,” and “MiniScan” refer to both the Symbol MS4404 and MS4407.
Italics are used to highlight the following:
• Chapters and sections in this and related documents
bullets (•) indicate:
- Action items
• Lists of alternatives
• Lists of required steps that are not necessarily sequential
Sequential lists (e.g., those that describe step-by-s te p pr oc ed ur e s) ap pe a r as nu m be re d lists.
Throughout the programming bar code menus, asterisks (*) are used to denote default parameter settings.
* Indicates Default
*Baud Rate 9600
Option Hex Va lue for
programming via SSI command
Related Documents
The following documents provide more information for the MiniScan Series imagers.
MiniScan Family of Scanners Quick Reference Guide, p/n 72-58809-xx
Simple Serial Interface (SSI) Programmer’s Guide, p/n 72-40451-xx
Simple Serial Interface (SSI) Developer’s Guide, p/n 72-50705-xx
For the latest version of this guide and all guides, go to: http://support.symbol.com.
Service Information
If you have a problem with your equipment, contact Motorola Enterprise Mobility Support for your region. Contact
information is available at: http://www.symbol.com/customersupport. If you purchased your Enterprise Mobility
business product from a Motorola business partner, contact that business partner for support.
Before contacting, have the model number and serial number at hand. If your problem cannot be solved by
Motorola Enterprise Mobility Support, you may need to return your equipment for servicing and will be given
specific directions.
About This Guidexv
Motorola is not responsible for any damages incurred during shipment if the approved shipping container is not
used. Shipping the units improperly can possibly void the warranty.
xviSymbol MS4404/MS4407 Integration Guide
Chapter 1 Getting Started
CAUTION Use of controls, adjustments or procedures other than those specified here can result in
The Symbol MS440X fixed-mount imager is specifically designed for stand-alone applications, and OEM
applications such as kiosks. The imager is extremely compact, provides easy and flexible integration of bar code
imaging into a host device, and of fers high-performance imaging on 1-D and 2-D bar codes. The Symbol MS440X
is ideal for medical instruments and manufacturing applications.
hazardous laser light exposure.
Figure 1-1
This integration guide includes parameters and describes the th eory of operation, installation, specifications, and
Symbol MS440X MiniScan Imager
1 - 2Symbol MS4404/MS4407 Integration Guide
Symbol MS440X Features
Stand-alone or OEM applications
Quick and easy integration for OEM devices
Excellent imaging performance on all 1-D and 2-D bar codes
RS-232 (Serial) or USB Interface
Direct part mark (DPM) support (DPM version only). Scan 2D symbols etched directly onto an item’ s surface
(via laser etching and dot peening) for permanent identification.
Easy programming and configuration
Flexible mounting options
LEDs indicating power status and successful decodes.
Typical Applications
Fixed Mount Standalone Applications
Clinical diagnostics
Medical instruments
Work st ations
Assembly lines.
OEM Applications
Kiosks / ATMs
Music listening stations
Medical instruments
Clinical diagnostics
Lottery terminals / gaming
Airline gate check-in.
Theory of Operation
During image capture:
1.The imager sensor array contained in the SE4400 captures the image of the bar code through the optical
2.The PL4407 controls the SE4400imager to obtain the best possible image quality.
3.The PL4407 transfers the decoded data or image data to the host system.
The result is a monochrome digital image similar to that of a digital came ra. The output from the SE4400 is byte wide
pixel data that is sent to the PL4407.
Block Diagrams
The MiniScan block diagrams illustrate the functional relationship of the MiniScan components. A detailed
description of each component in the block diagr ams is also pro vid ed .
Block Diagrams
Getting Started1 - 3
Interface Board
Voltage Regulator
Figure 1-2
External Beeper
Interface Circuit
External Trigger
Symbol MS4404 Block Diagram
Illumina tion
1 - 4Symbol MS4404/MS4407 Integration Guide
Interface Board
Figure 1-3
External Beeper
External Trigger
Interface Circuit
Symbol MS4407 Block Diagram
Illumina tion
Miniscan Block Diagram Descriptions
Imager Engine - The SE4400 engine provides digital images which can be transmitted to a decoder to decode a
bar code of any format supported by the decoding software. The engine utilizes laser aiming and an LED illumination
system, and can switch between two focus positions for extended working range or for mor e precise focusing in
high-density bar code decoding or digital picture taking.
Interface Board - The interface board adapts the imager engine's interface into usable signals and data for the host.
It also contains a beeper. LED illumination and red/green LED for audio/visual feedback, and provides for an
external trigger and external beeper.
The Symbol MS4404 interface board converts TTL level SSI signals to proper RS-232 levels fo r co nnectio n to an y
RS-232 compliant host, and the Symbol MS4407 interface board allows connection to logic level serial and USB
Voltage Regulator (S ymbol MS4404 only) - The power supply allows the Symbol MS4404 to operate of the
extended input voltages of 5 - 12 Vdc.
DB9 - The DB9 connector provides an outlet for the various interface signals used between a MiniScan and the host.
It also maintains pin compatibility with MiniScan (MSXXXX) host cables.
Getting Started1 - 5
PL4407 Decoder
ARM9-Based Processor
The digital system is built on an ARM9 Harvard architecture core, 32 bit RISC engine with a five-stage pipeline. The
major features of the core are:
Programmable speed up to 150 MHz with an adjustable external bus speed up to 96 MHz.
16K instruction and data cache (64-way set associative).
Flexible internal bus architecture that supports DMA operations from any peripheral module to the core or to
another peripheral port including main memory.
Implementation of an enhanced Memory Management Unit (MMU).
Main Memory
The two available PL4407 microprocessor designs are:
PL4407-x100: 32-bit external bus interface to 8 MB of PC100-compliant SDRA M, class ified as Mo b ile
SDRAM due to its lower operating current and enhanced power-down modes; internally configured as
4 banks of 512 kb x 32 bits.
PL4407-x200: 32-bit external bus interface to 16 MB of Mobile SDRAM; internally configured as
4 banks of 1024 Kb x 32 bits.
Power Management (Symbol MS4404 Only)
NOTE This section does not apply to the USB interface. USB supports low power mode as defined by the USB
The Symbol MS4404 has two power modes:
Continuous Power
Low Power.
In Continuous Power mode, the Symbol MS4404 system is always running even when not in a decode session.
In Low Power mode (the default power mode), the Symbol MS4404 draw less current than when in Continuous
Power mode, and is more suitable for battery-powered applications. In this mode the Symbol MS4404 enter Low
Power mode whenever possible. The Symbol MS4404 must be awakened from Low Power mode before performing
any functions.
1 - 6Symbol MS4404/MS4407 Integration Guide
Table 1-1 describes how to put the Symbol MS4404 into Low Power mode; Table 1-2 describes how to awaken it.
Completely removing power from the Symbol MS4404 is not recommended; th is should not be necessary as in Lo w
Power mode the Symbol MS4404 consume very little power (see Table 1-1).
Table 1-1
Set the Power Mode parameter to Low
Power (see Power Mode on page 6-8).
Send the serial SLEEP command
(see the Simple Serial Interface (SSI) Programmer Guide).
Note: All Wake Up signals (see T able 1-2) mu st be inactive to enter Low Power mode. Once the
Symbol MS4404 is awakened, at least 1 second (programmable time) must elapse before it
re-enters Low Power mode.
Table 1-2
RXDSend 0x00
Placing the Symbol MS4404 into Low Power Mode
The Symbol MS4404 enters Low Power mode
automatically whenever possible.
The Symbol MS4404 enters Low Power mode only
once, as soon as possible.
Waking Up the Symbol MS4404
SignalState to Wake Up
When the Symbol MS4404 is awakened, it remains awake for at least 1 second (programmable time) before
re-entering Low Power mode; the host must perform its first action within this time period.
Serial I/O
Simple Serial Interface (SSI) Protocol is a half-duplex asynchronous serial interface with two hardware handshaking
lines. The four SSI-specific interface signals are:
TXD - Transmitted Data
RXD - Received Data
RTS* - Request to Send
CTS* - Clear to Send
Signal names with the "*" modifier are asserted when at the positive logic 0 state (active low).
Signal names without the "*" modifier are asserted when at the positive logic 1 state (active high).
The TXD line transmits asynchronous serial data from the Symbol MS440X to the host.
The RXD line is used by the Symbol MS440X to receive asynchronous seria l data from the host. The SSI protocol
does not support full-duplex data transfers; dat a is either tran smitted or received by the Sym bol MS440X, but never
both simultaneously.
The RTS* and CTS* signals help coordinate data transfers between the Symbol MS440X and the host.
Chapter 2 Installation
This chapter provides information on unpacking, mounting, and installing the MiniScan imager.
Remove the MiniScan from its packing and inspect for damag e. If the imager is dama ged, call Motorola Enterprise
Mobility Support on page xv.
KEEP THE PACKING. It is the approved shipping container and should be used if the equipment needs to be
returned for servicing.
2 - 2Symbol MS4404/MS4407 Integration Guide
There are two mounting holes (threaded inserts) on the bottom of the Symbol MS440X chassis.
The following figures provide mounting dimensions for the MiniScan housings. For a mounting template, see
Chapter 13, Mounting Template.
NOTE Use only non-magnetic M3x.5 screws with a maximum length of 3.6mm to mount the MiniScan imager
Symbol MS440X Mounting Dimensions
Note: Dimensions are
in inches [mm]
Figure 2-1
Symbol MS440X Mounting Dimensions
Exit Window
Connecting the MiniScan
To connect the MiniScan to the host, connect the imager cables in the order shown in Figure 2-2.
To Host
Getting Started2 - 3
Trigger or Photo
Sensor (Optional)
Trigger Jack (Optional)
See Figure 2-3
Figure 2-2
Figure 2-3
Typical Connection Diagram
Male jack shown for reference
Note: Due to many variations of
jack and socket styles, identify
terminals as shown before
soldering leads.
Trigger Jack Connector Pins
1 - Ground (Sleeve)
1 - Ground (Sleeve)
2 - Vcc (Middle Contact)
2 - Battery (Middle Contact)3 - Trigger (Tip)
3 - Trigger (Tip)
2 - 4Symbol MS4404/MS4407 Integration Guide
Location and Positioning
The location and positioning guidelines provided do not consider unique application characteristics. It is
recommended that an opto-mechanical engineer perform an opto-mechanical analysis prior to integration.
NOTE Integrate the imager in an environment no more extreme than the product’s specification, where the
imager will not exceed its temperature range. For instance, do not mount the imager onto or next to a large
heat source. When placing the imager with another device, ensure there is proper convection or venting
for heat. Follow these suggestions to ensure product longevity, warranty, and overall satisfaction with the
Embedded Applications Requiring a Window
Use the following guidelines for applications that require a window in front of the MiniScan.
NOTE Motorola does not recommend placing an exit window in front of the MiniScan; however, the following
information is provided for applications that require such a window.
Window Material
NOTE The window placement and material recommendations that follow should be considered if the Symbol
MS440X is mounted within a product with its own window.
Many window materials that look perfectly clear can contain stresses and distortions that can reduce imager
performance. For this reason, optical glass or cell-cast acrylic with an anti-reflection coating is highly
recommended. Following is a description of acrylic, and CR-39, another popular window material. Table 2-1
outlines the suggested window properties.
CAUTION Consult an opto-mechanical engineer to recommend an appropriate window material and to
NOTE Do not use polycarbonate material.
When fabricated by cell-casting, acrylic has very good optical quality and low initial cost. However, protect the
surface from the environment as acrylic is susce pt ible to attack by chemicals, mechanical stresses, and UV light.
Acrylic has reasonably good impact resistance and can be ultrasonically welded.
determine if coatings are appropriate for the specific application.
CR-39 is a thermal-setting plastic produced by the cell-casting process, and is commonly used in plastic eye glasses
lenses. CR-39 has excellent chemical and environmental resistance, including good surface hardness. Typically it
does not require hard-coating, but can be hard coated for severe environments. CR-39 has re asonably good impact
resistance and cannot be ultrasonically welded.
Getting Started2 - 5
Chemically Tempered Float Glass
Glass is a hard material which provides excellent scratch and abrasion resistance. However, unannealed glass is
brittle. Increasing flexibility strength with minimal optical distortion requires chemical tempering. Glass cannot be
ultrasonically welded and is difficult to cut into odd shapes.
Table 2-1
MaterialClear cell-cast acrylic.
Spectral Transmission85% minimum from 640 to 690 nanometers.
Thickness0.059 ± 0.005
Wavefront Distortion (transmission)0.2 wavelengths peak-to-valley maximum over any
Clear ApertureTo extend to within 0.04 in. of the edges all around.
Surface Quality60-20 scratch/dig
CoatingBoth sides to be anti-reflection coated to provide
Suggested Window Properties
0.08 in. diameter within the clear aperture.
0.5% max reflectivity (each side) from 640 to 690
nanometers at nominal window tilt angle. Coatings
must comply with the hardness adherence
requirements of MIL-M-13508.
Window Coatings
Table 2-2 lists some e xit window manufacturers and anti-reflection coaters.
Anti-Reflection Coatings
Apply an anti-reflection coating to the inside and/or out side of the window to significantly reduce the amount of light
reflected off the window, back into the imager engine. The coating can also improve the range of acceptable window
positions and minimize performance degradation due to signal loss as the light pa sses through the window. Using
anti-reflection coatings on both the inside and outside of the window is high ly recommended.
2 - 6Symbol MS4404/MS4407 Integration Guide
Polysiloxane Coating
Polysiloxane type coatings are applied to plastic surfaces to improve the surface resistance to both scratch and
abrasion. They are usually applied by dipping, then air-drying in an oven with filtered hot air.
Table 2-2
Evaporated Coatings, Inc.
2365 Maryland Road
Willow Grove, PA 19090
(215) 659-3080
Fosta-Tek Optics, Inc.
320 Hamilton Street
Leominster, MA 01453
(978) 534-6511