MOTOROLA MPC603ERX100LN, MPC603ERX133LN, MPE603ERX100LN, MPE603ERX133LN, MPC603EFE100LN Technical data

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Application-SpeciÞc Information
PID6-603e_N PNS 980521
Motorola Part Numbers Affected:
RISC Microprocessor Family:
PID6-603e (Stretch) Part Number SpeciÞcations
This document deÞnes a unique part number for a PowerPCª 603e microprocessor manufactured by Motorola. It describes changes to recommended operating conditions and revised electrical speciÞcations, as applicable, from those described in the
Hardware SpeciÞcation
SpeciÞcations provided in this data sheet supercede those in Revision 1 (11/96) of the (order #: MPC603EC/D); speciÞcations not addressed herein are unchanged.
Note that headings and tables in this data sheet are not numbered; however, they are intended to correspond directly to the heading or table affected in the general hardware speciÞcations. Any additional information (including tables) not included in the hardware speciÞcations are noted.
Part numbers addressed in this document and a summary of their differences from the general speciÞcation are listed in the following table. For more detailed ordering information see ÒOrdering Information for the PowerPC 603eÓ on page 4.Feature Changes
Motorola Part
MPC603ERX100LN 100 MHz 3.3 V ± 5% 0 to 105 ModiÞed AC spec, BGA package
MPC603ERX133LN 133 MHz 3.3 V ± 5% 0 to 105 ModiÞed AC spec, BGA package
MPC603EFE100LN 100 MHz 3.3 V ± 5% 0 to 105 ModiÞed AC spec, QFP package
MPC603EFE133LN 133 MHz 3.3 V ± 5% 0 to 105 ModiÞed AC spec, QFP package
MPE603ERX100LN 100 MHZ 3.3 V ± 5% 0 to 105 ModiÞed AC spec, BGA package
MPE603ERX133LN 133 MHz 3.3 V ± 5% 0 to 105 ModiÞed AC spec, BGA package
MPE603EFE100LN 100 MHz 3.3 V ± 5% 0 to 105 ModiÞed AC spec, QFP package
MPE603EFE133LN 133 MHz 3.3 V ± 5% 0 to 105 ModiÞed AC spec, QFP package
MPC603ERX100TN 100 MHz 3.3 V ± 5% -40 to 105 ModiÞed thermal spec, extended temperature range, BGA
MPC603ERX133TN 133 MHz 3.3 V
PID6-603e Hardware SpeciÞcations
Part Numbers Addressed by this Part Number Specification
Operating Conditions
Vdd T
5% -40 to 105 ModiÞed thermal spec, extended temperature range, BGA
(low frequency operation restricted to 80MHz minimum)
(low frequency operation restricted to 120MHz minimum)
(Low frequency operation restricted to 80MHz minimum)
(low frequency operation restricted to 120MHz minimum)
(ßoating point not supported, low frequency operation restricted to 80MHz minimum)
(ßoating point not supported, low frequency operation restricted to 120MHz minimum)
(ßoating point not supported, low frequency operation restricted to 80MHz minimum)
(ßoating point not supported, low frequency operation restricted to 120MHz minimum)
SigniÞcant Differences
PID7v-603e Apple-Only Data Sheet
This document contains information on a new product under development by Motorola. Motorola reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice.
© Motorola Inc., 1998. All rights reserved.
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Part Numbers Addressed by this Part Number Specification (Continued)
Operating Conditions
Motorola Part
MPC603EFE100TN 100 MHz 3.3 V ± 5% -40 to 105 ModiÞed thermal spec, extended temperature range, QFP
MPC603EFE133TN 133 MHz 3.3 V ± 5% -40 to 105 ModiÞed thermal spec, extended temperature range, QFP
Vdd T
SigniÞcant Differences
Feature Changes
This section summarizes signiÞcant feature changes between the revision of the 603e addressed by this document and the previous widely available revision 1.4.1 (XPC603ERXnnnLJ or XPC603EFEnnnLJ where nnn is the core frequency).
This revision Þxes numerous errata which existed on the earlier revision but added no new features.
This section summarizes design defects or errors (errata) that are known to exist on this revision of the 603e. There may be additional errata that are not known or are not yet documented here which may cause the part to deviate from the functional description provided in the website at for the latest version of this Part Number SpeciÞcation or to your local Motorola sales ofÞce for later and/or more detailed description of the errata.
The known errata as of the date of this document are summarized below.
MPC603e & EC603eª RISC Microprocessor UserÕs Manual (order # MPC603EUM/AD Rev 1). Refer to the
# Problem Description Impact Solutions
Snoop causes cancelled speculative load to corrupt GPR/FPR.
Snoop copyback causes every tenth dcbi to fail.
A snoop that hits to a pend­ing but cancelled copy back address can cause wrong data to be loaded into a GPR/FPR.
A snoop which causes a copyback and occurring in a one cycle window near every tenth dcbi causes the dcbi to fail to invalidate the cache.
All systems that use hard­ware coherency along with speculative loads.
Only systems using both software and hardware coherency simultaneously are affected.
Set G=1 to pages loaded from during snooping.
After each dcbi, place an additional dcbi to the same address.
Electrical and Thermal Characteristics
This section provides any changes to the AC and DC electrical speciÞcations and thermal characteristics for the PID6-603e parts described herein.
DC Electrical Characteristics
The following table describes the changed thermal operating conditions for the PID6-603e part numbers described herein.
Recommended Operating Conditions
Characteristic Symbol Value Unit Notes
Junction temperature Tj -40 to 105 ¼C 1
Note: 1. Parts with TN sufÞx only.
2 PID6-603e Part Number Specifications
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