MOTOROLA MPC561, MPC562 Technical data

Rev. 1, December 2001
Product Brief
MPC561/MPC562 / MPC563/MPC564 RISC MCU Including Peripheral Pin Multiplexing with Flash and Code Compression Options
The MPC561/MPC562 / MPC563/MPC564 are members of the Motorola MPC500 RISC Microcontroller family. As shown in the block diagram, they are composed of:
• High performance CPU system — High performance core
• Single issue integer core
• Compatible with PowerPC instruction set architecture
• Precise exception model
• Floating point
• Extensive system development support — On-chip watchpoints and breakpoints — Program flow tracking — Background debug mode (BDM) — IEEE-ISTO Nexus 5001-1999 Class 3 Debug Interface
— MPC500 system interface (USIU, BBC, L2U) — Fully static design — Four major power saving modes
• On, doze, sleep, deep-sleep and power-down
— 32-Kbyte static RAM (CALRAM) — 512-Kbyte flash (UC3F) on MPC563/MPC564 — General-purpose I/O support
• On address (24) and data (32) pins
• 16 GPIO in MIOS14
• Many peripheral pins can be used as GPIO when not used as primary functions
• 2.6-V outputs on external bus pins
• PPM (peripheral pin multiplexing with parallel-to-serial driver) module
• Available in package or die — Plastic ball grid array (PBGA) packaging
Key Feature Details
MPC500 System Interface (USIU)
• System configuration and protection features: — Periodic-interrupt timer — Bus monitor — Software watchdog timer — Real-time clock (RTC)
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.
© MOTOROLA 2001, All Rights Reserved
— Decrementer — Time base
• Clock synthesizer
• Power management
• Reset controller
• External bus interface that tolerates 5-V inputs, provides 2.6-V outputs and supports multiple-mas-
ter designs
• Enhanced interrupt controller that supports up to eight external and 40 internal interrupts, simpli-
fies the interrupt structure and decreases interrupt processing time
• USIU supports dual mapping to map part of one internal/external memory to another external
• USIU supports dual mapping of flash on MPC563 and MPC564 to move part of internal flash mem-
ory to external bus for development
• External bus, supporting non-wraparound burst for instruction fetches, with up to 8 instructions per
memory cycle
Burst Buffer Controller (BBC) Module
• Support for enhanced interrupt controller (EIC)
• Support for enhanced exception table relocation feature
• Branch target buffer
• Contains 2-Kbytes of decompression RAM (DECRAM) for code compression. This RAM may also
be used as general-purpose RAM when code compression feature not used.
Flexible Memory Protection Unit
• Flexible memory protection units (MPU) in BBC and L2U
• Default attributes available in one global entry
• Attribute support for speculative accesses
• Up to eight memory regions are supported, four for data and four for instructions
Memory Controller
• Four flexible chip selects via memory controller
• 24-bit address and 32-bit data buses
• 4-Kbyte to one 16-Mbyte (data) or four-Gbyte (instruction) region size support
• Supports enhanced external burst
• Up to eight-beat transfer bursts, two-clock minimum bus transactions
• Use with SRAM, EPROM, flash and other peripherals
• Byte selects or write enables
• 32-bit address decodes with bit masks
• Four regions
512-Kbytes of CDR3 Flash EEPROM Memory (UC3F) – MPC563 Only
• One 512-Kbyte module
• Page read mode
• Block (64 Kbytes) erasable
• External 4.75- to 5.25-V VFLASH power supply for program, erase, and read operations
32-Kbyte static RAM (CALRAM)
• Composed of one 32-Kbyte CALRAM module — 28-Kbyte static RAM — 4-Kbyte calibration (overlay) RAM feature that allows calibration of flash-based constants
• Eight 512-byte overlay regions
• One clock fast accesses
• Two-clock cycle access option for power saving
• Keep-alive power (VDDSRAM) for data retention
General-Purpose I/O Support
• 24 Address pins and 32 data pins can be used for general-purpose I/O in single-chip mode
• 16 GPIO in MIOS14
• Many peripheral pins can be used as GPIO when not used as primary functions
• 2.6-V outputs on external bus pins
• 5-V outputs with slew rate control
NEXUS Debug Port (Class 3)
• Compliant with Class 3 of the IEEE-ISTO Nexus 5001-1999
• Program trace via branch trace messaging (BTM)
• Data trace via data write messaging (DWM) and data read messaging (DRM)
• Ownership trace via ownership trace messaging (OTM)
• Run-time access to on-chip memory map and MPC5xx special purpose registers (SPRs) via the
READI read/write access protocol
• Watchpoint messaging via the auxiliary port
• Reduced-port mode (1 MDI, 2 MDO) or full-port mode (2 MDI. 8 MDO)
• All features configurable and controllable via the auxiliary port
• Security features for production environment
• Supports the RCPU debug mode via the auxiliary port
• READI module can be reset independent of system reset
Integrated I/O System
Two Time Processor Units (TPU3)
• True 5-V I/O
• Two time processing units (TPU3) with16 channels each
• Each TPU3 is a micro-coded timer subsystem
• Eight-Kbytes of dual port TPU RAM (DPTRAM) shared by two TPU3 modules for TPU micro-code
22-Channel Modular I/O System (MIOS14)
• Six modulus counter sub-modules (MCSM)
• 10 double-action sub-modules (DASM)
• 12 dedicated PWM sub-modules (PWMSM)
• One MIOS14 16-bit parallel port I/O sub-modules (MPIOSM)
Two Enhanced Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter Modules (QADC64E)
• Two queued analog-to-digital converter modules (QADC64_A, QADC64_B) providing a total of 32
analog channels
• 16 analog input channels on each QADC64E module using internal multiplexing
• Directly supports up to four external multiplexers
• Up to 41 total input channels on the two QADC64E modules with external multiplexing
• Software configurable to operate in Enhanced or Legacy (MPC555 compatible) mode
• Unused analog channels can be used as digital input/output pins — GPIO on all channels in Enhanced mode
• 10-bit A/D converter with internal sample/hold
• Typical conversion time of less than 5 µs (>200 K samples/second)
• Two conversion command queues of variable length
• Automated queue modes initiated by: — External edge trigger — Software command — Periodic/interval timer within QADC64E module, that can be assigned to both queue 1 and 2 — External Gated trigger (queue 1only)
• 64 result registers — Output data is right- or left-justified, signed or unsigned
• Alternate reference input (ALTREF), with control in the conversion command word (CCW)
Three CAN 2.0B Controller (TouCAN) Modules
• Three TouCAN modules (TOUCAN_A, TOUCAN_B, TOUCAN_C)
• Each TouCAN provides the following features: — 16 message buffers each, programmable I/O modes — Maskable interrupts — Independent of the transmission medium (external transceiver is assumed) — Open network architecture, multi-master concept — High immunity to EMI — Short latency time for high-priority messages — Low-power sleep mode, with programmable wake-up on bus activity — TOUCAN_C pins are shared with MIOS14 GPIO or QSMCM
Queued Serial Multi-Channel Module (QSMCM)
• One queued serial module with one queued SPI and two SCIs (QSMCM)
• QSMCM matches full MPC555 QSMCM functionality
• Queued SPI — Provides full-duplex communication port for peripheral expansion or inter-processor commu-
nication — Up to 32 preprogrammed transfers, reducing overhead — Synchronous serial interface with baud rate of up to system clock / 4 — Four programmable peripheral-selects pins: — Support up to 16 devices with external decoding — Support up to eight devices with internal decoding — Special wrap-around mode allows continuous sampling of a serial peripheral for efficient inter-
facing to serial analog-to-digital (A/D) converters
• SCI — UART mode provides NRZ format and half- or full-duplex interface — 16 register receive buffers and 16 register transmit buffers on one SCI — Advanced error detection and optional parity generation and detection — Word-length programmable as eight or nine bits — Separate transmitter and receiver enable bits, and double buffering of data — Wake-up functions allow the CPU to run uninterrupted until either a true idle line is detected,
or a new address byte is received
Peripheral Pin Multiplexing (PPM) PPM
• Synchronous serial interface between the microprocessor and an external device
• Four internal parallel data sources can be multiplexed through the PPM — TPU3_A: 16 channels — TPU3_B: 16 channels — MIOS14: 12 PWM channels, 4 MDA channels — Internal GPIO: 16 general-purpose inputs, 16 general-purpose outputs
• Software configurable stream size
• Software configurable clock (TCLK) based on system clock
• Software selectable clock modes (SPI mode and TDM mode)
• Software selectable operation modes — Continuous mode — Start-transmit-receive (STR) mode
• Software configurable internal modules interconnect (shorting)
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