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The MC68HC11P2 8-bit microcomputer is a member of the M68HC11
family of HCMOS microco mput ers. In additi on to 32kbytes of ROM, the
MC68HC11P2 cont ains 1kbyte of RAM and 640 bytes of EEPROM. With
its advanced timer and communication features (including MI BUS
the MC68HC11P2 is especially suitable for mobile communications and
automotive applications.
Section 1. General Description
The MC68HC711P2 is an EPROM version of the MC68HC11P2, with
the User ROM replaced by a similar amount of EPROM. All references
to the MC68HC11P2 apply equally to the MC68HC711P2, unless
otherwise noted. References specific to the MC68HC711P2 are
italicised in the text.
1. The Motorola interconnect bus (MI BUS) is a serial communications protocol which supports
distributed real-tim e control effi ciently and with a high degr ee of noise immunity. I t allows data
to be transferred between the MCU and the slave de vice using only one wire, making this ty pe
of communication suitable for medium speed networks requiring very low cost multiplex wiring.
MC68HC11P2 — Rev 1.0Technical Data
MOTOROLAGeneral Description17
General Description
1.3 Features
•Low power, high performanc e M68HC11 CPU core, with 4MHz
bus capability
•Power saving PLL clock circuit, with automatic disable during
WAIT mode
•32kbytes of User ROM (MC68HC11P2); 32kbytes User EPROM
•1kbyte of RAM
•640 bytes of byte-erasable User EEPROM, with on-chip charge
•Up to 50 general purpose I/O lines, plus up to 12 input-only lines
•Non-multiplexed addr ess and data buses, permitting dir ect access
to the full 64k address map
•16-bit timer with 3/4 input captures and 4/5 output compares;
pulse accumulator and COP watchdog timer
•Three 8- or 9-bit SCI subsystems, two with MI BUS† capability
•SPI subsystem, with software selectable MSB/LSB first option
The MC68HC11P2 is available in an 84-pin plastic-leaded chip carrier
(PLCC); the MC68HC711P2 is also available in an 84-pin windowed cerquad package, to all ow full use of the EPROM. Most pins on this MCU
serve two or more functions, as described in the following paragraphs.
Refer to Figure 2-1 which shows the pin assignments for both 84-pin
Power is supplied to the microcontroller via these pins. VDD is the
positive supply and VSS is grou nd. The MCU op erates from a single 5V
(nominal) power supply.
It is in the nature of CMOS designs that very fast signal transitions occur
on the MCU pins. These short rise and fall times place very high shortduration current demands on the power supply. To prevent noise
problems, special care must be taken to provide good power supply
bypassing at the MCU. Bypass capacitors should have good highfrequency characteristics and be as close to the MCU as possible.
Technical DataMC68HC11P2 — Rev 1.0
22Pin DescriptionsMOTOROLA
Pin Descriptions
Bypassing requirem e nts v ar y, depending on how heavily the MCU p ins
are loaded.
The MC68HC11P2 MCU has five VDD pins and five VSS pins. One pair
of these pins is reserved for supplying power to the analog-to-digital
converter (VDD AD, VSS AD); two pairs are used for the internal logic
(VDD, VSS); the remaining two pairs supply power for the port logic on
either half of the chip (VDDL, VSSX and VDDR, VSSX). This
arrangement minimizes the injection of noise into the digital circuitry on
the chip.
An active low bidirectional control signal, RESET, acts as an input to
initialize the MCU to a known start- up state. It also acts as an open-drain
output to indicate that an internal failure has been detected in either the
clock monitor or the COP watchdog circuit. The CPU distinguishes
between internal and external reset conditions by sensing whether the
reset pin rises to a logic one in less than six E clock cycles after a reset
has occurred. It is therefore not advisable to connect an external
resistor-capacitor (RC) power-up delay circuit to the reset pin of
M68HC11 devices because the circuit charge time constant can cause
the device to misinterpret the type of reset that occurred. Refer to
Resets and Interrupts for further information.
Figure 2-2 illustrates a typical reset circuit that includes an external
switch together with a low voltage inhibit circuit, to prevent power
transitions, or RAM or EEPROM corruption.
MC68HC11P2 — Rev 1.0Technical Data
MOTOROLAPin Descriptions23
Pin Descriptions
4.7 k¾
4.7 k¾
4.7 k¾
To M68HC11
Figure 2-2. External reset circuitry
2.5 Crystal driver and external clock input (XTAL, EXTAL)
These two pins provide the interface for either a cr ystal or a CMOS
compatible clock to control the internal clock generator circuitry. The
frequency applied to these pins must be four times higher than the
desired E clock rate (unless the PLL circuit is used to provide the E
The XTAL pin is normally left unconnected when an external CMOS
compatible clock inp ut is connected to the EXTAL pin. However , a 10 k¾
to 100 k¾ load resistor connected from XTAL to ground can be used to
reduce RFI noise emission. The XTAL output is normally intended to
drive only a crys tal. The XTAL output can be buffered with a highimpedance buffe r, o r i t can be u sed to dri ve the EX TAL inp ut of a nothe r
M68HC11 family device.
Technical DataMC68HC11P2 — Rev 1.0
24Pin DescriptionsMOTOROLA
Pin Descriptions
Crystal driver and external clock input (XTAL, EXTAL)
In all cases, use caution when designing circuitry associated with the
oscillator pins. Load cap acitances shown in the oscillator cir cuits include
all stray layout capacitances. See Figure 2-3.
(a) Common crystal
(b) External oscilla tor
10 M¾
External oscillator
NC or
10–100k¾ load
25 pF
25 pF
25 pF
(c) One crystal driving two MCUs
10 M¾
25 pF
NC or
Note: capacitor values include all stray capacitance.
Figure 2-3. Oscillator connections
MC68HC11P2 — Rev 1.0Technical Data
MOTOROLAPin Descriptions25
Pin Descriptions
2.6 E clock output (E)
E is the output connect ion for the internally generated E clo ck. The signal
from E is used as a timing reference. The frequency of the E clock output
is one quarter that of the input frequency at the XTAL and EXTAL pins
(except when the PLL is used as the clock source). When E clock outp ut
is low, an internal process is taking place; when it is high, data is being
accessed. All clocks, including the E clock, are halted when the MCU is
in STOP mode. The E clock output can be turned off in single chip
modes to reduce the effects of RFI.
2.7 Phase-locked loop (XFC, VDDSYN)
The XFC and VDDSYN pins are the inputs for the on-chip PLL (phaselocked loop) circuitry. On rese t all the device clocks are de rived from the
EXTAL input. The EXTAL clock is used as a reference for the PLL circuit,
which generates a cl ock that is a multiple of the EXTAL frequency. Once
the PLL has stabilized, alternate clocks may be selected.
VDDSYN is the powe r supply pin for the PL L. Connecting it high en ables
the internal low frequency oscillator circuitry designed for the PLL. The
PLL has been designed particularly for use with 614.4 and 640kHz
crystals, though other values may be used. The maximum
recommended crystal freq uency for PLL opera tion is 2MHz. Above this
frequency VDDSYN sh ould be g roun ded to disa ble the PLL a nd en able
the high frequency oscillator circuit; in this state EXTAL is designed for
16MHz operation and XFC may be left unconnected.
The PLL consists of a variable bandwidth loop filter, a voltage controlled
oscillator (VCO), a feedback frequency divider and a digital phase
detector. VDDSYN is the supply voltage for th e PLL and must be suitab ly
bypassed. The extern al capacito r on XFC sh ould be located a s close to
the chip as possible to minimi ze nois e. A typical val ue for thi s capacito r
is 0.047µF, for a crystal frequency of 614.4kHz.
1. In general, a larger capacitor will improve the PLL’s frequency stability, at the expense of increasing the time required for it to settle (t
cation, or one in which the slew rate is not critical, a capacitor value of 0.1µF is usually
adequate. For a crystal frequency of 614.4kHz and a slew time of 1–2ms (from 614kHz in
WAIT mode to 16MHz in RUN mode), a capacitor of 0.047µF has been found satisfactory.
Technical DataMC68HC11P2 — Rev 1.0
26Pin DescriptionsMOTOROLA
) at the desired frequency. For a 32kHz appli-
Pin Descriptions
Phase-locked loop (XFC, VDDSYN)
The PLL filter has two band widths that are au tomatically selected by th e
PLL, if the AUTO bit in PLL CR is set. Whenever the PLL is first enable d,
the wide bandwidth mode is used. This enables the PLL frequency to
ramp up quickly. When the output frequency is near the desired value,
the filter is switched to the narrow bandwidth mode, to make the final
frequency more stable. Manual control is possible, by clearing AUTO in
PLLCR, and setting the appropriate value for BWC.
A block diagram of the PLL circuitry is given in Figure 2-4.
Low frequency
crystal oscillator
Loop filterVCO
Frequency divider
Figure 2-4. PLL circuit
Bus clock
To clock
Module clock
and timer
2.7.1 Synchronization of PLL with subsystems
The timer and SCI subsystems operate off the EXTAL clock, but are
accessed by the CPU relative to the internal PH2 signal. Although the
EXTAL clock is used as the referenc e for the PLL, the PH2 clock and the
module clocks for the timer and the SCI are not synchronized. In order
to ensure synchronized data , special circuitry has been incorporated into
both subsystems.
MC68HC11P2 — Rev 1.0Technical Data
MOTOROLAPin Descriptions27
Pin Descriptions
2.7.2 Changing the PLL frequency
To change the PLL frequency it is necessary to perform the following
sequence of events, in order to prevent possible bursts of high frequency
operation during the reconfiguration of the PLL:
1.Switch to the low frequency bus rate (BCS = 0)
2.Disable the PLL (PLLON = 0)
3.Change the value in SYNR
4.Enable the PLL (PLLON = 1)
5.Wait a time t
6.Switch to the high frequency bus rate (BCS = 1)
2.7.3 PLL registers
Two registers are used to control the operation of the MC68HC11P2
phase-locked loop circuitry. These are the PLL control register and the
synthesizer program register, each of which is described below. PLLCR — PLL control register
Address bit 7bit 6bit 5bit 4bit 3bit 2bit 1bit 0
This read/write register contains two bits that are used to enable and
disable the synthesizer and to switch from slow (EXTAL) to one of the
fast speeds. Two further bi ts are used to control the filt er bandwidth. The
SCI and timer clock source and the slow clock for WAIT mode are also
controlled by this register.
for the PLL frequency to stabilize
on reset
1 = Switch PLL on.
0 = Switch PLL off.
Technical DataMC68HC11P2 — Rev 1.0
28Pin DescriptionsMOTOROLA
Pin Descriptions
Phase-locked loop (XFC, VDDSYN)
This bit activates the synthesizer circuit without connecting it to the
control circuit. This allows the circuit to stabilize before it drives the
CPU clocks. PLLON is set by reset, to allow the control loop to
stabilize during power up.
PLLON cannot be cleared whilst using VCOOUT to drive the internal
processor clock, i.e. when BCS is set.
BCS — Bus clock select
1 = VCOOUT output drives the clock circuit (4XCLK).
0 = EXTAL drives t he clock circuit (4XCLK).
This bit determine s which signal drives the clock cir cuit generating the
bus clocks. Once BCS has been altered it can take up to [1.5 EX TAL
+ 1.5 VCOOUT] cycles for the change in the clock to occur. Reset
clears this bit.
NOTE:PLLON and BCS have built-in safeguards so that VCOOUT cannot be
selected as the clock source (BCS = 1) if the PLL is off (PLLON = 0).
Similarly, the PLL ca nnot be tu rned off ( PLLON = 0) if it is on and in us e
(BCS = 1). Turning th e PLL on and selecting VCOOUT as the clock
source therefore requires two independent writes to PLLCR.
AUTO — Automatic bandwidth control
1 = Automatic bandwidth control selected.
0 = Manual bandwidth control selected.
AUTO selects between automatic bandwidth control circuits in the
phase detect block and manual bandwidth control. Reset sets this bit.
BWC — Bandwidth control
1 = High bandwidth control selected.
0 = Low bandwidth control selected.
Bandwidth control is unde r manu al cont rol onl y when AU TO is clear.
(When AUTO is set, BWC acts as a read-only status bit to indicate
which mode has been selected by the internal circuit.) A delay of t
is required between changes to BWC. The low bandwidth driver is
always enabled, so this bit determines whether the high bandwidth
driver is on or off. On PLL start-up in automatic mode (AUTO = 1), th e
high bandwidth driver is enabled (BWC = 1) by internal circuitry until
MC68HC11P2 — Rev 1.0Technical Data
MOTOROLAPin Descriptions29
Pin Descriptions
the PLL is near the specif ied frequ ency. The high bandwidth driver is
then disabled and BWC is cleared by internal circuitry. Reset clears
this bit.
00 Off
01 On
VCOT — VCO test (Test mode only)
1 = Loop filter operates as specified by AUTO and BWC.
0 = Low bandwidth mode of the PLL filter is disabled .
This bit is used to isolate the loop filter from the VCO for testing
purposes. VCOT is always set when AUTO = 1 when running in
automatic mode. This bit is writable only in test mode. Reset sets this
MCS — Module clock select
1 = 4XCLK is the source for the SCI and timer divider chain.
0 = EXTAL is the source for the SCI and timer divider chain.
Reset clears this bit.
LCK — Synthesizer lock detect
1 = The PLL has stabilized.
0 = The PLL is not stable.
This bit is used as an indicator for software that it is all right to set
WEN — WAIT enable
1 = Low-power WAIT mode selected (PLL set to ‘idle’ in WAIT
0 = Do not alter the 4XCLK during WAIT mode.
This bit determines whether the 4XCLK is disconnected from
VCOOUT during WAIT and connected to EXTAL. Reset clears this
When set, the CPU will respond to a WAIT instruction by first stacking
the relevant registers, then by clearing BCS and setting the PLL to
‘idle’, with modulus = 1.
Technical DataMC68HC11P2 — Rev 1.0
30Pin DescriptionsMOTOROLA
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