L6 i-Mode Signal Description
Service, Engineering Optimization
L6 i-Mode Signal Description
BRIT2 Main board
Date: 31.05.2006
Version: 1.0
Service, Engineering & Optimization
Signal Name from to Describtion
/13MHZ_VCP C506-1 C226-1
/ABUS[1-23] U500-R6 U200-C10
/ADV U200-E11 U201-E5
/AIN1P J402-2 C422-1
/AIN2P C410-1 U100-P15
/AIN3L C322-2 U100-R13 Not used on BRIT2
/AOUT1N U303-7 U100-K15
/AOUT1P U303-3 U100-J15
/AOUT3L R409-1 U302-4
/ASDI U200-C6 U100-E1
/ASDO U200-B5 U100-D2
/ASFS U200-B6 U100-F2
/ATSM U200-A4 U100-J1 TX state machine control
/BAND_SEL1 U600-2 U200-K3
/BAND_SEL2 U600-1 U200-J5
/BATT_FET U400-36 Q403-1 Charging command signal
/BATT_IO R403-2 R404-2
/BP_FET Q402-1 U400-34 Charging command signal
/BSDI U200-C8 U100-G2
/BSDO U200-E7 U100-E2
/BSIFS U200-A8 U100-F1
/BSOFS U200-B7 U100-G1
/BURSTCLK U200-C13 U201-C6
/CAM_CAMCLK U500-J13 R512-1
/CAM_HSYNC U500-G3 J501-16
/CAM_PCLK U500-G13 C534-1
/CAM_PWRDN R511-1 U500-J2
/CAM_RESET U500-H2 R510-1
/CAM_VSYNC U500-H1 J501-15
/CHRGCTRL TP406-1 U400-30
/COL[0-5] J402-17 SW400-4
/CSDI U200-A7 U100-H2
13MHz Master Clock for Video Co Processor
Adress Bus from 1 to 23 for memories and Video Co Processor memory
Adress Valid input for NOR flash memory
Audio input 1 positive voice band for DBB Typhoon (from microphone)
Audio input 2 positive voice band for DBB Typhoon (from headset microphone through Enhanced Mini USB IC)
Typhoon IC Audio output 1 negative output signal towards audio interface
Typhoon IC Audio output 1 positive output signal towards audio interface
Typhoon IC Audio output 3 left channel output signal towards Enhanced Mini USB IC
Audio serial port data input
Audio serial port data output
udio serial port framing signal (active high)
RF band select 1 from MDA1+ to antenna switch module
RF band select 2 from MDA1+ to antenna switch module
Eprom BATT read for signal threshold
Baseband serial port data input
Baseband serial port data output
Baseband serial port input framing signal (active high)
Baseband serial port output framing signal (active high)
Synchronous (burst mode) clock for NOR flash memory
Camera master clock 13MHz
Camera horizontal synchro lines 15kHz
Camera pixel clock 52MHz
Camera power down signal
Camera reset signal
Camera vertical synchro lines 15Hz
Charge control circuit gate driver
Keypad column scan input [0-5]
Control serial port data input
Version: 1.0 Page: 1/5 Motorola Internal Use

L6 i-Mode Signal Description
Service, Engineering Optimization
/CSDO U200-A6 U100-H1
/CSFS U200-C7 U100-L2
Control serial port data output
Control serial port framing signal
/CTS1 U700-A7 C710-1 Flow control UART signal from DBB MDA1+ UART1 interface to bluetooth IC UART
/DBBON U200-E2 TP101-1 Main power control from DBB MDA1+ to ABB Typhoon
/DBUS[0-15] U500-P14 U200-A12
/DCS_PCS_PA_IN R601-1 R602-1
/DM D400-1 R412-1
/DP D400-3 C401-1
/EMU_PWR_ON U400-33 Q200-1
/EN_BL1 U500-B13 U102-10
/EN_BL2 U500-E13 U102-1
/EN_BT C723-1 U701-6
U600-27 U200-T1
/EN_LDO U501-6 R122-1
/EN_PU_USB Q404-2 U200-G2
/EN_RCVR U300-C3 U200-U7
/EN_SENSOR J402-25 U200-R2
/EN_SPKR R303-1 U301-C3
/EN_VAUD U200-P17 U108-5
/EN_VCXO U602-6 R610-1
/EN_VIB U200-L3 U107-6
/FD[0-7] U500-A3 FL501-4
/GSM850_900_PA_IN U600-6 R604-1
/GSM_RX_IN FL601-1 C602-2
/HOOK_BIAS Q405-2 U200-B16
/HW_MOD_ID0 U200-U10 R211-1
Datas BUS from 0 to 23 for memories and Video Co Processor memory
RF TX signal in DCS PCS band for PA input
bidirectionnal data minus of DM pin USB interface
bidirectionnal data positive of DP pin USB interface
External Enhanced Mini USB IC power on indication to DBB MDA1+
Enable signal 1 for LCD backlight driver
Enable signal 2 for LCD backlight driver
Enable power source for bluetooth
Enable front end module
Enable low dropout regulator for USB_VDD, 2.8VD, 1.5VD,2.8VANA_CAM power source
Enable pull-up resistor on USB DP line
Enable receiver audio amplifier
Enable light sensor signal
Enable speaker audio amplifier
Enable 1.5VAUD and 2.9VAUD regulator power source
Enable Voltage Control (X)crystal Oscillator
Enable vibrator signal
Data BUS from Video Co Processor to LCD
RF TX signal in GSM850 900 band for PA input
RF RX signal input in GSM band
Enable Hook Bias on AOUT3L Signal
Hardware modem board identification 0
/ICHRG U400-5 U100-A9 Muxed output voltage proportional to the charge current or the ID voltage
/IN U601-6 C106-2
/INT_ABB U200-G3 U100-D1
/IP U601-7 C106-1
/ISENSE U400-32 Q401-2
/IT_EMU U400-10 U200-W10
/IT_MELODY U304-D7 U200-V15
/LCD_CS U500-C3 J500-15
/LCD_LED[1-3] J500-19 U102-2
/LCD_RESET RV500-1 J500-13
/LCD_RS U500-C14 J500-14
/LCD_WR U500-B3 R513-2
RF I channel negative input/output
Interrupt signal to DBB MDA1+ from ABB Typhoon
RF I channel positive input/output
Current sense input to the Enhanced Mini USB IC charge control circuitry
Interrupt signal to application processor from Enhanced Mini USB IC
Interrupt signal to application processor from Melody IC
LCD Chip select signal managed by Video Co Processor
LCD backlight Led current measured through R104 R106 R107 in order to managed global LCD backlight adjustable
Reset signal managed by DBB MDA1+ for LCD
LCD data / command select pin
LCD read / write select pin
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