Motorola KEM-ML36100 User Manual

Two-Way Radio
User’s Guide
KEM-M L3610 0
Fo r More Information
For further informati on, you may call M otorola a t 1-800-638-5119 (U.S. and Cana da), e-ma il us at giantint l@ca or visit us on the Internet at rola.c om.
Important Information on Safe and Efficient Operation
Read This Information Before Using Your Rad io.
The information provided in this document supersedes the general safety information in user guides published prior to December 1, 2002.
Transmit and Receive Procedure
Your two-way radio con tains a transmitter and a receive r. To control your e xposure and en sure c ompliance with the general population/ u ncontrolled environment exp osure limits, always ad here to the following procedu re:
Transmit no more than 50% of the time.
To receive calls, release the Push to Talk (PTT) button.
To transmit (talk), press the PTT button.
Transmitting 50% of the time , or less, is important because the radio generates measurable RF energy e xpos ure on ly when transmittin g (in terms of measuring stand ards compliance).
Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy
Your Motorola two-way ra dio complies with the following RF energy ex posure standards and guid elines:
United States Federal Communicati ons Commission, Code of Federal Re gulations; 47CFR part 2 sub-p ar t J.
American Nati onal Standards Institute (AN SI)/Institute of Electr ical and Electronic Engineers (I EEE) C 95. 1-1992.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi neers (IEEE) C95.1-1999 Editi on.
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radi ation Protection (ICNIRP) 1998.
Ministry of Hea Exposure to Radi ofrequency Electrom agneti c Fields in th e Frequency Range from 3 KHz to 300 GHz, 1999.
Australian Communicati ons Authority Radiocommunications (El ectromagnetic Radi ation—Human Exposure) Standard, 2003.
ANATEL ANNEX to Resolution No. 303 of July 2, 2002 “Regulation of
limitation of exposure to elec tric al, magnetic and e lectromagnetic fields in the radi o frequency range betw een 9 KHz and 300GHz”.
To ensure optimal radio performance and make sure hu man exposure to ra dio fr equency electromagne tic energy is within the guidelines set for th in the a bove standards, always adhere to the following pr ocedures.
Portable Radio Operation and EME E xposure
Antenna Care
Use only the supplied or a n approved replaceme nt antenna.
lth (Canada) Safety Code 6. Limit s of Human
MC Series
Unauthorized antennas, modifi cations, or attachments could dama ge the rad io an d
Do NOT hold the antenna when the radio is “I N USE.” Hold ing the antenna a ff ec ts its effective range .
Body-Worn Op eration
To mai ntain compliances with FCC/Heal th Canada RF e xposure guidelines if you wear a radio on your bo dy when transmitting always place t he radi o in a Motorola- supplied or app rove d clip holder, holster, case or body harn ess fo r this pro duct. U se of non-Motorola-approved accessori es ma y ex ceed FCC/Health Canada RF exposure gu id elines.
If you do not us e on e of th e Motorola- supplied o r app roved body-worn ac cessories and a re n ot using the r adio held in the normal use position,
least 1 inch (2.5 c m) fro m your body wh en transmitti ng
Data Opera tion
If applicable, when using any data fe without an ac cessory c ab le,
at least one inc h (2.5 cm) from the body
Approved A ccessories
For a list o f appro ved Motorola a ccessories, visit our Web site at www.mot orola .com.
Electromagnetic Interf erence/Compatibility
electromagne tic interferenc e (EMI ) if inadequat ely shielde d, designed or otherwise configur ed for electromagnetic compatibility. This device complie s with Part 15 of the FCC Rul es.
Operation is subject to the follo wing two condi tions:
1. Th is device may not cau se harmful interference; an d
2. Th is device must accept a ny interfe rence re ceived, including
IC Canad a
The term "IC signifies that the Industry Canada te ch nica l specifications were met .
To avo id electr omagnet ic interference and/o r compatibility co nflicts, turn off your radio in any fac ility whe re post ed notices in st ruct you to do so. Hosp itals or health care facilitie s may be using equipment that is sensitive to ext ernal RF energ y.
When instructed to do so, tur n off your ra dio when onbo ard an aircraft. Any us e of a radio mu st be in accordance with applica ble regulations pe r airlin e crew in structions.
Medical Devices – Pac em aker s
The Advanced Medi cal Technology Association recommends that a minimum separation of 6 inch es (15 cm) be maintained between a handheld wirele ss radio and a pacema ker. These reco are consistent with the ind ep ende nt resea rc h by a nd recommendations of the U .S . Food and Drug Administration.
People with pacem ak ers should :
ALWAYS keep the radio more than 6 inches (15 cm) from thei r
Not carry the radi o in the breast pock et.
Use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize the potential for
Turn the radi o OFF immedi ately if there is any reason to suspect
Medical Devices – H eari ng Aid s
Some digi tal wireless r ad ios may interfere wit h some hearing a id s. In the event of suc h inte rfer ence, you may wa nt to c onsult your hearing ai d manuf actu rer to disc uss altern at ives.
Medical Devices – O ther
If you use any o t manufacture r of you r device t o determine if it is a dequ ately shielde d from RF energ y. Your physician may be a ble to assist you in obtaining this in form ation.
Safety and Gene ral Use Whi le Driving
Check the laws and regulati ons regarding the use of radios in the area where you drive , and a lways obey them. If yo u do use yo ur radio while driving , please:
Give full attenti on to driving and to the road.
Use hands-free operation, if ava ilable.
Pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if
The use of a two-way radio while engaged in act ivities re quiring concentration may cause distraction or ot herwise impair your ability to safely participate in such activities. Always use technology safely.
not p lace a por table radio in the ar ea over an air ba g or in the a ir
Do bag deployment area. Ai r bags inflate with great force. If a po rtable radio is place d in t he air bag de ployment a rea and th e ai r bag inflates, the radio may be p ropelled with great force an d cause serious inj ury to occupants of the vehicle .
Potentia lly Ex pl osive Atmosp heres
Turn o ff your radio prior to entering any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere. Only radio types that are especially qual ified should be used in such areas as “Intrinsically Safe.” Do not re move , install or charge batterie s in such areas. Sparks in a potentially
may violate FCC regulations .
ensure the r adio and its antenna are at
atur e of the ra dio with or
position the radio and i ts antenna
Nearly every el ectronic device is su sceptibl e to
interfer ence that may cau se undesired operat ion.
:" before the equipment cert ification numb er only
pacemaker when the radi o is turned ON .
interfer ence.
that interference is taking place.
her personal medi cal d evice, con sult the
driving condi tion s so req uire.
explosive atmosphere can cause an explo sion or fire resu lting in bodily injury or e ven
The ar eas with pote ntia lly expl osive atmo sp heres referre d to above include fueling areas such as below decks on boats, fuel or chemical tr ansf er or sto rage facilities, ar eas where the a ir contains chemicals or par ticles (such a s grai n, dust or metal po wd ers) and any ot he r area wher e you would nor mally be a dvised to tur n off you r vehicl e engine. Areas with potentially ex plosive atmos pheres ar e ofte n— but not always—posted .
Blasting Cap s and Areas
To avoid possib le int erfere nce with bl asti ng o perati ons, turn off your radio when you are near e lectri cal blasting caps, in a b last ing ar ea, or in areas posted “Turn off tw o-way radio s.” Obey all signs and instructions.
Operational Cautions
Do not use any portab le radio t hat has a damage d an tenna.
a damaged antenna com es into contact with your skin, a minor bu rn can result .
All batteries can cause property damage and/or bodily injury su ch as burns if a conductive materia l—like jewelry, keys or beaded chains— touch exposed termin als. The conductive material may complete an electrical circuit (s hort circuit) and become quite hot. Exercise care in handling any charged bat tery, particularly when plac in g it inside a pocket, purse or other container with metal objects.
Exercise care when rem oving NiMH or AA batterie s. Do not use sharp or con ductive too ls to remov e ei th er of these batt eries.
Battery Charg er Saf ety Instructio ns:
Save these Instructions
1. Do n ot expose the ch arger to rain or snow.
2. Do n ot operate or disassemble t he c harger if it has re ceived a
sharp blow, o r has been dr opped o r damaged in any way.
3. Ne ver alter the AC cord or p lug provided with the unit. If the plug
will not fit the outl et, ha ve the prope r ou tlet installed by a qualified e lectri ci an. An improper condi tion can result in a ri sk of electric shock.
4. To reduce the risk of damage to the cord or plug, pull the plug
rather than the cord wh en disconnecting the charger from the AC recepta cle.
5. To reduce the risk of e lectric shock , unplug the charger from the
outlet befo re attempt ing any ma inte nance o r cleaning.
6. Use of an at tachment not recommended o r sold by Motorola ma y
result in a risk of fire, elect ric shock or personal inj ury.
7. Make sure the cord is located so i
tripped ov er or subj ected to damage or stress.
8. An e xtension cord should not be used unle ss absolutely
nece ssary. Use of an imp roper extension cord could r esult in a risk of a fi re and/or electric shock. If an e xtension cord mu st be used, mak e sure that:
The pin s on the pl ug of the extension cord are the sam e number, size and shape as those on the pl ug of the charger.
The extension cord is properly wired and in good e lectrical cond ition.
The extension cord s ize is 1 8 AWG for lengths up to 100 feet, and 16 AWG for lengths up to 150 feet.
9. The supply cord of the AC adaptor cannot be replaced. If the cord is damaged, call customer service at 1- 800-638-5119 (U.S . and Canada).
t will not be stepped on,
FCC Licensing Information
Your Motorola radio operates on General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) frequencies and is subj ect to the Rules and Regulati ons of the Federal Communi ca tions Commission (FCC ). The FCC requi res that all operators using GMRS frequencies obtai n a radio licens e befo re opera ting their eq uipment. To obtain the FCC forms, pleas e visit the FCC’s Web sit e at /uls/index.htm?job=home to source form 605 and 159, whi ch in clude all the instructi ons yo u will need.
If you wish to have the do cument faxed or ma iled, or if yo u have questi ons, p le ase use th e following c onta ct information:
For a f ax: For mail se rvice: If you have questions Contact the Fax-On Call th e FCC about the FCC License: Deman d system Forms Hotline Call t he FCC
1-202-418-0177 1-800-418- FORM 1-888-CALL-FCC (3676) (225-5322)
Changes or modi fication s no t ex pressly approved by M otor ola may void the user’s authority gran ted by the FCC to oper ate th is radio a nd should not be ma de. To comply with FCC r eq uirements, tra nsmitter adjust ments shoul d be made only by or under the supervision of a person certified as tec hn ically qua lified to perfo rm transmitter maintena nce an d re pairs in the private la nd mobile and fixe d services as certif ied by an organization repres entative of the user of those services. Replacement of any t ransmitter component (cr ystal, semiconductor, etc.) not authorized b y the FCC equi pment authorization for this radi o could viol ate FCC rul es.
Use of this radio outside the country where it was intended to be
distributed is subject to government regul
ations and may be prohibited .
Control Buttons
LED indicator
Accessory Jack
Push-to-Talk (PTT)
Call Tone
Display Screen Guid e
for Codes
Numbers for
Channel, Call Tone
- Battery Meter
- Channel Power Indicator
- Lock
- Scan
- Noise Filtering
- Hands-Free (VOX)
- Talk Confirmation Tone (Roger Beep)
Getting Started
Installing the B atterie s
Each radio can u se either 1 NiMH rechargeable battery pack or 3 AA alkaline batteri es and beeps when the batteries are low.
Installing NiMH Rechargeable Battery Pack
1. Turn the radio off.
2. With the back of the radio facing you, lift the battery cover latch up and remove the c over.
3. Remo ve the battery pack from the clear p la stic bag (do not disassembl e or unwrap the battery pack).
4. Insert the NiMH battery pack with the diagram facing you.
5. Repo sition the battery c over and pr ess down to sec ure.
Installing the T hre e AA Alkaline Batteries
1. Turn the radi o off.
2. With the back of the radio facing you, lift the battery cover latch up and remove the c over.
3. Insert the three AA alkaline batteries with + and - pol arit y as shown inside.
4. Repo sition the battery c over and pr ess down to sec ure.
Radio Battery Meter
The radio b atte ry icon sh ows the batter y charge level, f rom
full to empty . When the radio has one seg ment left,
the radio chi rps peri odically or after releasing ( Low Ba ttery Alert).
Removing the NiMH Battery Pack (Op tional Accessory)
1. Turn the radi o off.
2. With the back of the radio facing you, lift the battery latch up to release the ba tt ery cover and re move th e cove r.
3. Gently remov e the NiMH battery.
4. Reposition the battery cover and pr ess down to sec ure.
Removing the Three AA Batteries
1. Turn the radio off.
2. With the back of the radio facing you, lift the battery latch up to release the ba tt ery co
ver and rem ove t he cover.
3. Gently remo ve each battery b y easing each battery out individua lly.
4. Repo sition the battery c over and pre ss down to sec ur e.
Exercise care when rem oving NiMH or AA ba tteries. Do not use shar p or co nductive tools to remove e ither of t hese batteries.
Remove t he batt eries before storing your radio for ex tended periods of time . Batteries corrode o ver time and may ca use permanen t da ma ge to your radio.
Using the Battery Charger
The battery cha rger provides drop- in cha rging convenien ce for NiMH batterie s and can be pl aced on any flat s urface, such a s a desk or work bench. Charge the NiMH battery overni gh t (at least 16 hours) before using it for the empty battery is fully charge d within 14 hours.
1. Fo llow the steps above to in stall a NiMH Battery Pack .
2. Pl ug the AC power supply cord into the jack on th e de sk stand.
3. Pl ug the AC power supply int o a standard wall outlet.
4. With a ra dio fa cing forward, slide it into one of the charg ing pockets.
5. When charging the batte ry charg er, the r ed light on the charger base will glow continuously.
The light will remain red after the NiMH batte ry pack is fu lly charged .
When moving betw een hot and cold tem peratures , do not charge the NiMH battery pack until the battery temperatur e ac climates (usually about 20 minutes ).
For optimal battery life, rem ov e the radio or b attery from th e charger within 16 ho urs. Do to the charg er.
Turn radio off while in charging tray.
Attaching and Removin g the B elt Clip
1. Attach bel t clip to pocket or belt strap.
2. Align the bel t clip post with the hole in the back of the radio.
3. Gently push until the clip click s in p lace.
To Remove
1. Push dow n on the release tab at the top of the belt clip to release the catch.
2. Pull the bel t clip a wa y from the back of the radi o.
Turning Your Radio On and Off
Turn clockwise to turn the radio on and counterclockwis e to turn t he radi o off.
1. In the ON position, the radi o chirps and brief ly shows all feature icons ava ilable o n the radio.
2. Th e displa y scr een then shows the cu rren t chan nel, code and all fea
tures that are ena bl ed.
Setting the Volume
Press and hold for three s econds while rotating u nt il you reach a comforta ble listening level.
1. Rotate cl ockwise to increase the volu me .
2. Rotate counterclockwise to decrease the volume.
Do not hold the r adio close to you r ear. If the vo lu me is set to an uncomfortab le level, it could hurt you r ear.
fir st time . After the in itial charge , an
not stor e th e radio wh ile connected
Talking and Listenin g
To communicat e, a ll radios in your group must be set to the same channel an d Interfer ence E liminator Co de.
1. To tal k, press and hold .
2. When you are fi nished talking, release .
For maximum cla rity, h old the radio two to three inches away from your mouth and speak di rectly into the microp hone. Do n ot cover the microphone while talking.
Talk Range
Your radio is designed to maximize perf ormance and improv e transmission range. Do not use the radios closer than five feet apart.
Monitor Button
Pressing and hold ing for three seconds allows you to listen t o the volum e leve l of the radio when you ar e not r ec eiving. This allows
you to adju st the volum e, if necessary. You can also press to check for activi ty on the current channel before you talk.
Push-to-Talk Timeout Timer
To preven t acci dental tr ansmissions an d sa ve b attery life, the ra dio emits a cont inuo us warn ing tone and stops tra nsmit ting if you press
for 60 continuous seco nd s.
Menu Options
Selecting the Channel
Your radio has 22 channe ls. The channel is the fre quency the r adio uses to transmit. Channels 8-14 ar e FRS 0.5 wa tt only and all other channe ls are G MRS. (See t overleaf for details.)
1. With the radio on , press . When the ra di o is on a 0.5 wat t
channel, displays. When the radio is on a 1 watt chan nel,
displays. The current c hannel flashes.
2. Press or and select an unuse d or qui et channel .
3. Press to sa ve the c hannel sett ing or to continue set up.
Selecting the Interf erence Eliminator Code
Interference El iminator Codes help minimize interference by blocking transmissions from unknown sources. Codes 1 – 38 are the standard analog codes that appear on other FRS/GMRS radios. 0 is the off position, no codes are enabled.
To set the code for a chan nel:
1. Press until the cod e st arts to fla sh.
2. Press or to select the code.
Press to s av e the code setti ng or to c ontinue set up.
You can set a differe nt co de for each chann el using this procedur e.
An extended press of o r allows you to scroll through the Interference Codes rapidly so you can quickly reach the code you want.
You must set the Interfer ence Eliminator C ode to 0 on a radio that uses Inter ferenc e Eliminator Codes t o communicate with r ad ios that do not have Interferenc e Eliminat or Codes. Sele ct 0 for “no tone, no c ode” and O FF will fla sh on your radio’s displa y.
Setting and Transmitting Call Tones
Your radio can transmit dif ferent ca ll tones to other radios in your group so you c an a lert them that you wan t to talk. Your radio has 5 call tones.
To set a call tone:
1. With the radio on, press thr ee times until the curr ent call tone
setting (0 - 5 ) flashes and CA displ ays.
ss or to c hang e and hear the call tone.
2. Pre
3. Press to se t the new call tone or to con tinue set up.
To transmit your call tone t o other radios set to t he same channel
and Interferenc e Eliminator Co de as your radio, pr ess .
Setting the call to 0 disables the call tone feature.
he "Channels and Frequenci es " table o n
MC Series
Menu Options (continued)
QT Noise Filtering
The QT noise-filtering feature helps to ensure uninterrupted communication with other Motorola radios that have this feature. This feature also filters out unwanted transmissions from other radios. This is useful in places where there is heavy radio traffic, such as amusement parks or ski resorts.
QT noise filtering is not available when the radio is scanning.
To turn Q
noise filtering on or off:
1. Press until displays.
2. Press or until Y displays to turn noise filtering on, or
until – displays to turn noise filtering off.
3. Press to confirm your selection.
To transmit to a radio that has Q
1. Select the same channel and Interference Eliminator Code as the other radio.
2. Press to send a call tone. This allows your voice to pass through the Q
noise filter on the receiving radio.
3. Press and speak normally.
If you skip step 2, the beginning of your message may not be heard on the receiving radio. For a 30-second period, starting after the last transmission, all transmissions received on the selected channel and code will pass through the Q
Transmitting a Talk Confirmation Tone
Your radio will transmit a unique tone when you finish transmitting. It is like saying “Roger” or “Over” to let others know you are finished talking.
1. To turn Talk Confirmation off, press and hold while you turn
your radio on. The Talk Confirmation call tone will not display.
2. To turn Talk Confirmation back on, turn your radio off and then
back on while pressing and holding . The Talk Confirmation call tone will be displayed.
Use With Accessories (PTT)
You can use optional headset accessories. MC Series radios are compatible with PTT accessories. VOX headsets will require use of the radios button to talk.
Many accessories (sold separately) are available for your radio. For more information, visit our Web site at or
noise filtering turned on:
noise filter.
Special Features
Keypad Lock
To avoid accidentally changing your radio settings:
1. Press and hold until displays.
2. When in lock mode, you can turn the radio on and off, adjust the volume, receive, transmit, send a call tone, and monitor channels. All other functions are locked.
To unlock the radio, press and hold until is no longer displayed.
Scanning Channels
Use scan to search the 22 channels for transmissions from unknown parties, to find someone in your group who has accidentally changed channels, or to quickly find unused channels for your own use.
To start Scanning:
1. Briefly press the key. The scan will appear in the display, and the radio will begin to scroll through the channel and code combinations.
2. When the radio detects channel activity matching the channel and code combination, it stops scrolling and you can hear the transmission.
3. To respond and talk to the person transmitting, press within five seconds after the end of the transmission.
4. The radio will resume scrolling through the channels five seconds after the end of any received activity.
5. To stop scanning, briefly press the key.
Scanning Notes:
1. If you press while the radio is scrolling through inactive channels, the transmission will be on the “home channel”, that is, the channel (and Interference Eliminator Code) your radio was set to when you started the scan. Scanning will resume five seconds after the end of your transmission. You may press the key to stop scanning at any time.
2. If the radio stops on an undesired transmission, you may
immediately resume the scan by briefly pressing or .
3. If the radio repeatedly stops on an undesired transmission, you may temporarily remove that channel from the scan list by
pressing and holding or for three seconds. You may
remove more than one channel in this way.
4. To restore the removed channel(s) to the scan list, turn the radio off and then back on, or exit and re-enter the scanning mode by
pressing .
5. You cannot remove the home channel from the scan list.
6. In Advanced Scan, the detected code will only be used for one transmission. You must note the code, exit scan, and set that detected code on that channel to permanently use the detected code.
Channels and Frequencies
Channel Frequency Description Channel Frequency Description
1 462.5625 MHz GMRS/FRS 12 467.6625 MHz FRS
2 462.5875 MHz GMRS/FRS 13 467.6875 MHz FRS
3 462.6125 MHz GMRS/FRS 14 467.7125 MHz FRS
4 462.6375 MHz GMRS/FRS 15 462.5500 MHz GMRS
5 462.6625 MHz GMRS/FRS 16 462.5750 MHz GMRS
6 462.6875 MHz GMRS/FRS 17 462.6000 MHz GMRS
7 462.7125 MHz GMRS/FRS 18 462.6250 MHz GMRS
8 467.5625 MHz FRS 19 462.6500 MHz GMRS
9 467.5875 MHz FRS 20 462.6750 MHz GMRS
10 467.6125 MHz FRS 21 462.7000 MHz GMRS
11 467.6375 MHz FRS 22 462.7250 MHz GMRS
Consumer Two-Way Radio Products and Accessories purchased in the United States or Canada.
What Does this Warranty Cover?
Subject to the exclusions contained to the right, Giant International Ltd. warrants the Motorola branded consumer two-way radios that operate via Family Radio Service or General Mobile Radio Service that it manufactures (“Products”), the Motorola branded or certified accessories sold for use with these Products that it manufactures (“Accessories”) to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal consumer usage for the period(s) outlined below. This limited warranty is a consumer’s exclusive remedy, and applies as follows to new Motorola branded Products and Accessories manufactured by Giant International Ltd., and purchased by consumers in the United States or Canada, which are accompanied by this written warranty:
Products Covered
Products and Accessories
as defined above, unless otherwise provided for below.
Length of Coverage
One (1) year
from the date of purchase by the first consumer purchaser of the product unless otherwise provided for below.
Normal Wear and Tear.
replacement of parts due to normal wear and tear are excluded from coverage.
80% of their rated capacity and batteries that leak are covered by this
Consumer Two-Way Radio
1. Accessories.
Products and Accessories that are Repaired or Replaced.
Ninety (90) days
from the date of purchase by the first consumer purchaser of the product.
The balance of the original
2. warranty or for ninety (90)
from the date returned to
the consumer, whichever is longer.
limited warranty.
Abuse & Misuse.
operation, storage, misuse or abuse, accident or neglect, such as physical damage (cracks, scratches, etc.) to the surface of the product resulting from misuse; (b) contact with liquid, water, rain, extreme humidity or heavy perspiration, sand, dirt or the like, extreme heat, or food; (c) use of the Products or Accessories for commercial purposes or subjecting the Product or Accessory to abnormal usage or conditions; or (d) other acts which are not the fault of Motorola or Giant International Ltd., are excluded from coverage.
Use of Non-Motorola branded Products and Accessories.
Defects or damage that result from the use of Non-Motorola branded or certified Products, Accessories, or other peripheral equipment are excluded from coverage.
Unauthorized Service or Modification.
resulting from service, testing, adjustment, installation, maintenance, alteration, or modification in any way by someone other than Motorola, Giant International Ltd. or its authorized service centers, are excluded from coverage.
Altered Products.
or date tags that have been removed, altered or obliterated; (b) broken seals or that show evidence of tampering; (c) mismatched board serial numbers; or (d) nonconforming or non-Motorola branded housings, or parts, are excluded from coverage.
Communication Services.
Products or Accessories due to any communication service or signal you may subscribe to or use with the Products or Accessories is excluded from coverage.
Who is covered?
This warranty extends only to the first consumer purchaser, and is not transferable.
GIANT INTERNATIONAL LTD., at its option, will at no charge repair, replace or refund the purchase price of any Products or Accessories that does not conform to this warranty. We may use functionally equivalent reconditioned/ refurbished/ pre-owned or new Products, Accessories or parts.
How to Obtain Warranty Service or Other Information?
To obtain service or information, please call:
USA Two-Way Radios Canada Two-Way Radios
1-800-638-5119 1-800-638-5119
For Accessories
, please call the telephone number designated
above for the product with which they are used.
You will receive instructions on how to ship the Products or Accessories at your expense, to a GIANT INTERNATIONAL LTD. Authorized Repair Center. To obtain service, you must include: (a) a copy of your receipt, bill of sale or other comparable proof of purchase; (b) a written description of the problem; (c) the name of your service provider, if applicable; (d) the name and location of the installation facility (if applicable) and, most importantly; (e) your address and telephone number.
Periodic maintenance, repair and
Only batteries whose fully charged capacity falls below
Defects or damage that result from: (a) improper
Defects or damages
Products or Accessories with (a) serial numbers
Defects, damages, or the failure of
What Other Limitations Are There?
Some states and jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, or limitation on the length of an implied warranty, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state or from one jurisdiction to another.
Patent and Copyright Information
Manufactured, distributed or sold by Giant International Ltd., official licensee for this product. Motorola, the Motorola logo trademarks and the Motorola trade dress are owned by Motorola, Inc. and are used under license from Motorola, Inc. Please contact Giant International Ltd. at 1-800-638-5119 for questions/comments, warranty, support, or service related to this product. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2010. All rights reserved.
MC Series