MOTOROLA, the Stylized M logo, Handie-Talkie, Private-Line, Digital Private-Line, FLASHport,
HearClear , HT 1000, JT 1000 , MT 200 0, MTS 2000, M TX 2000, MT X 838, MTX 80 00, and MT X 9000 a re
registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of
their respective owners.
The information contained in this manual relates to all HT 1000™, JT1000®, MT 2000™, MTS 2000™, and MTX Series
service shop technicians to troubleshoot and repair the portable radio to the component level.
For details on th e operation of the ra dio or lev el 1 or 2 m ain ten anc e proc ed ures , re fer to the applicable manuals, which are
available separately. A list of related publications is provided in the section, “Related Publications Available Separately” on
page vii.
portable radios, unless otherwise specified. This manual provides sufficient information to enable qualified
Product Safety and RF Exposure Compliance
Before using this product, read the operating instructions
C a u t i o n
for safe usage contained in the Product Safety and RF
Exposure booklet enclosed with your radio.
This radio is restricted to occupational use only to satisfy FCC RF energy exposure requirements.
Before using this product, read the RF energy awa reness information a nd operating instruction s in the
Product Safety and RF Exposure booklet enclosed with your radio (Motorola Publication part number
6881095C98) to ensure compliance with RF energy exposure limits.
For a list of Motorola-approved antennas, batteries, and other accessories, visit the following web site
which lists approved accessories: <>
Manual Revisions
Changes which occur af te r this man ual is pri nte d are de sc ribe d in FM R s (Fl orid a Ma nua l Revi sions). These FMRs provide
complete replacemen t page s for all adde d, chang ed, and dele ted items, in cludi ng pertine nt par t s list dat a, sc hematics , and
component layout diagrams. To obtain FMRs, contact the Radio Parts Services Division (refer to “Replacement Parts
Ordering” on page 115).
Computer Software Copyrights
The Motorola products described in this manual may include copyrighted Motorola computer programs stored in
semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola certain
exclusive rights for copyrighte d compu ter program s, includi ng, but not limited to, the exclus ive rig ht to copy or reprodu ce in
any form the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Motorola computer programs contained in the
Motorola products described i n t his m an ual m ay not be copied, repro duc ed , m od ifi ed, rev ers e-e ngi nee red , or distributed in
any manner without the express written permission of Motorola. Furthermore, the purchase of Motorola products shall not
be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or
patent applications of Motorola, except for the normal non-exclusive license to use that arises by operation of law in the
sale of a product.
Document Copyrights
No duplication or distrib ution of this document or any portion thereof sha ll take pl ace witho ut the express w ritten permis sion
of Motorola. No part of this manual may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, for any purpose without the express written permission of Motorola.
The information in thi s d ocu ment is carefully exa mi ned , and is believed to be entirely reliabl e. How e ve r, no responsibility is
assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, Motorola reserves the right to make changes to any products herein to improve
readability, function, or design. Motorola does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product
or circuit described herein; nor does it cover any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service
names are the property of their respective owners.
1 = Basic
2 = Limited Package
3 = Limited Plus
4 = Intermediate
5 = Standard Package
Position 9 - Primary System Type
Privacy Plus®
Advanced Conventional Stat-Alert™
Enhanced Privacy Plus®
Nauganet 888 Series
Japan Specialized Mobile Radio (JSMR)
Multi-Channel Access (MCA)
MPT1327* - Public
MPT1327* - Private
Tone Signalling
Binary Signalling
Secure Conventional
6 = Standard Plus
7 = Expanded Package
8 = Expanded Plus
9 = Full Feature/
* MPT = Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
Position 8 - Primary Operation
Trunked Twin Type
Dual Mode Trunked
Dual Mode Trunked/Duplex
Trunked Type I
Trunked Type II
FDMA* Digital Dual Mode
TDMA** Digital Dual Mode
Single Sideband
Global Positioning Satellite Capable
Amplitude Companded Sideband (ACSB)
* FDMA = Frequency Division Multiple Access
** TDMA = Time Division Multiple Access
Model Charts
Model Programming,
Flashing, and Cloning
Model Charts
General Description
Flashing, and
Four model charts cover the three families of radios discussed in
this publication:
Conventional Systems Radios, HT 1000
Conventional Systems Radios, JT 1000 and MT 2000
Private Systems Radios
Shared Systems Radios
Each model chart lists the model number and its description,
and the three main radio components: the transceiver board, the
controller board, and the front cover. A single model may be
built using alternate controller boards and alternate transceiver
boards. The model charts will list all alternate controllers and all
alternate transceivers for any one particular model. Other model
components are referenced in electrical parts lists and exploded
view parts lists located toward the rear of the manual.
To determine which controller and transceiver is in a radio, that
radio must be opened and physically examined. Identification
kit number labels are attached to the controller board and to the
transceiver board.
All HT 1000, JT 1000, MT 2000, MTS 2000, and MTX Series
Radios covered in this manual are clonable. The JT 1000 Model
Radios are also front-panel programmable, and the MTS 2000
Series Radios are
applies only to HT 1000 Model Radios.
“flashable.” The following cloning information
HT 1000 Model Radios:
VHF DN models cannot be cloned to AN, BN, or CN models.
Any DN model can be cloned from like CN or DN models.
Prior to cloning any AN or BN model into a like CN or DN
model, a code plug fix must be performed on the AN or BN
model. Failure to do so could seriously degrade the scan and
battery-saver capabilities of the CN or DN model radio. For
code plug-fix information, order Service Repair Notice,
Note: Cloning any AN model into a like CN or DN model will
remove the TEST MODE capability.
Conventional Systems Radios
(HT 1000 Models)
NCN6140C/ PMCN6140CController Board *
NTN7151B / NTN7151C Front Cover
NTN7156A / NTN7156BFront Cover
Transceiver Board
Controller Board *
Note:This model chart lists the model numbers and their respective major components of all
conventional systems radios covered in this publication.
A = Alternate transceiver board supplied, see “Model Charts General Description” (this section).
B = Alternate controller board supplied, see “Model Charts General Description” (this section).
X = One item is supplied per radio.
* = The radio model number is required when placing an order for the controller board. The
model number can be found on the FCC Label on the back of the radio. Refer to Replacement
Parts Ordering, Section 10 of this manual for instructions on how to place an order.
Conventional Systems Radios
(JT 1000 and MT 2000 Models)
H01KDH9PA3ANJT 1000, VHF, 16CH, Front Display
H01RDH9PA3ANJT 1000, UHF B1, 16CH, Front Display
H01SDH9PA3ANJT 1000, UHF B2, 16CH, Front Display
H01KDD9AA4ANMT 2000, VHF, 16F, 5- to 1-Watt, Top Display
H01KDH9AA7ANMT 2000, VHF, 16CH, 5- to 1-Watt, Front Display
H01RDD9AA4ANMT 2000, UHF B1, 16F, 4- to 1-Watt, Top Display
H01RDH9AA7ANMT 2000, UHF B1, 16CH, 4- to 1-Watt, Front Display
H01SDD9AA4ANMT 2000, UHF B2, 16F, 4- to 1-Watt, Top Display
H01SDH9AA7ANMT 2000, UHF B2, 16CH, 4- to 1-Watt, Front Display
H01UCD6AA4ANMT 2000, 800MHz, 16F, 4- to 1-Watt, Top Display
H01UCH6AA7ANMT 2000, 800MHz, 16CH, 4- to 1-Watt, Front Display
Note:This model chart lists the model numbers and their respective major components of all
conventional systems radios covered in this publication.
A = Alternate transceiver board supplied, see “Model Charts General Description” (this section).
B = Alternate controller board supplied, see “Model Charts General Description” (this section).
X = One item is supplied per radio.
* = The radio model number is required when placing an order for the controller board. The model
number can be found on the FCC Label on the back of the radio. Refer to Replacement Parts
Ordering, Section 10 of this manual for instructions on how to place an order.
Note:This model chart lists the model numbers and their respective major components of all private systems
radios covered in this publication.
A =Alternate transceiver board supplied, see “Model Charts General Description” (this section).
B = Alternate controller board supplied, see “Model Charts General Description” (this section).
X = One item is supplied per radio.
* = The radio model number and flash code are required when placing an order for the controller board. The
model number can be found on the FCC Label on the back of the radio. The Flashcode can be obtained
several ways:
Check the FCC Label on the back of the radio.
Shared Systems Radios
(MTX 838, MTX 8000, MTX•LS, and MTX 9000 Models)
MTX 838
H01KDC9DB3ANVHF, 16-Mode, 5- to 1-Watt
H01KDD9DB4ANVHF, 99-Mode, Top Display, 5- to 1-Watt
H01KDF9DB5ANVHF, 160-Mode, Front Display, Limited Keypad, 5- to 1-Watt
H01KDH9DB7ANVHF, 160-Mode, Front Display, Full Keypad, 5- to 1-Watt
H01RDC9DB3ANUHF B1, 16-Mode, 4- to 1-Watt
H01RDD9DB4ANUHF B1, 99-Mode, Top Display, 4- to 1-Watt
H01SDC9DB3ANUHF B2, 16-Mode, 4- to 1-Watt
H01SDD9DB4ANUHF B2, 99-Mode, Top Display, 4- to 1-Watt
Note:This model chart lists the model numbers and their respective major components of all shared systems radios covered in
this publication.
A = Alternate transceiver board supplied, see “Model Charts General Description” (this section).
B = Alternate controller board supplied, see “Model Charts General Description” (this section).
X = One item is supplied per radio.
* = The radio model number is required when placing an order for the uniboard. The model number can be found on the FCC
Label on the back of the radio. Refer to Replacement Parts Ordering, Section 10 of this manual for instructions on how to
Substitution of components may impair the intrinsic
safety of the radio.
* These accessories are approved as being intrinsically safe by Factory Mutual Research Corporation
(FMRC). Refer to the radio label for intrinsic safety ratings and required batteries. Only the accessories
and antennas noted (by *) may be used on approved radios.
Maintenance Specifications for VHF Radios
(All Specifications Are Per Electronic Industries Association (EIA) 316B Unless Otherwise Noted.)
FCC Designation: AZ489FT3768
Power Supply: Nickel-Cadmium Battery
Battery Voltage:
Nominal:7.5 Volts
Range:6 to 9 Volts
Battery Drain, Typical:
Temperature Range:
Operating:–30˚C to +60˚C
Storage:–40˚C to +85˚C
Duty Cycle (5-5-90):1 Watt/5 Watts
High Cap. Battery:11.2 Hrs./8 Hrs.
Ultra-High Cap. Battery:12.9 Hrs./9 Hrs.
Dimensions (H x W x D)
Less Battery:6.30" x 2.34" x 1.49"
(16.0cm x 5.9cm x 3.8cm)
With High Cap. Battery: 6.30" x 2.34" x 1.49"
(16.0cm x 5.9cm x 3.8cm)
With Ultra-High Cap. Battery: 6.30" x 2.34" x 1.54"
(16.0cm x 5.9cm x 3.9cm)
Weight: (w/Helical Antenna)
Less Battery:12.1oz. (343gm)
With High Cap. Battery:20.2oz. (573gm)
With Ultra-High Cap. Battery:21.3oz. (604gm)
* Frequencies in the 174-178MHz range are not permitted in the USA.
(–30 to +60˚C; 25˚C ref.):±.00025%
(821-824MHz Capable):± .00015%
Emission (Conducted and Radiated): –46dBw
FM Hum and Noise
(Companion Receiver):–40dB Typical
Distortion:3% Typical
Modulation Limiting:±5kHz
Recommended Battery:
High Capacity:NTN7143
Ultra-High Capacity:NTN7144
Maintenance Specifications for 900MHz Radios
(All Specifications Are Per Electronic Industries Association (EIA) 316B Unless Otherwise Noted.)
FCC Designation: AZ489FT5748
Power Supply: Nickel-Cadmium Battery
Battery Voltage:
Nominal:7.5 Volts
Range:6 to 9 Volts
Battery Drain, Typical:
Temperature Range:
Operating:–30˚C to +60˚C
Storage:–40˚C to +85˚C
Duty Cycle (5-5-90):
High Cap. Battery:8 Hours
Ultra-High Cap. Battery:9 Hours
Dimensions (H x W x D)
Less Battery:6.30" x 2.34" x 1.49"
(16.0cm x 5.9cm x 3.8cm)
With High Cap. Battery: 6.30" x 2.34" x 1.49"
(16.0cm x 5.9cm x 3.8cm)
With Ultra-High Cap. Battery: 6.30" x 2.34" x 1.54"
(16.0cm x 5.9cm x 3.9cm)
Weight: (w/Helical Antenna)
Less Battery:12.1oz. (343gm)
With High Cap. Battery:20.2oz. (573gm)
With Ultra-High Cap. Battery:21.3oz. (604gm)
Frequency Range:935–941MHz
Quieting Sensitivity (20dBQ):0.5µV Max.
Usable Sensitivity
(12dB SINAD):0.35µV Max.
(12.5kHz Adjacent Channel):–60dB
Spurious Rejection:–60dB
Freq. Stability
(–30+60˚C; 25˚C reference):± .00015%
Rated Audio:500mW
Distortion (At Rated Audio):3% Typical
Channel Spacing:12.5kHz
Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
RF Power:2.4 Watts (Typ.)
2.9 Watts (Max.)
Frequency Range:896–902MHz
Freq. Stability
(–30 to +60˚C; 25˚C ref.):± .00015%
Emission (Conducted and Radiated): –46dBw
FM Hum and Noise
(Companion Receiver /
HEAR CLEAR):–45dB Typical
Distortion:3% Typical
Modulation Limiting:±2.5kHz
Recommended Battery:
High Capacity:NTN7143
Ultra-High Capacity:NTN7144
A/DAnalog to Digital converter; converts an instantaneous dc voltage level to a
corresponding digital value.
ALCAutomatic Level Control; a circuit in the transmit RF path that controls RF
power amplifier output, provides leveling over frequency and voltage, and
protects against high VSWR.
CMOSComplementary metal-oxide semiconductor.
ChannelDefines conventional transmit and receive frequencies and muting conditions.
Closed ArchitectureA controller configuration that utilizes a microcontroller with no external
memory (non-FLASHport operation).
CBI(Customer Board Initialization) When the controller board is received, it will
need a serial from the defect unit. The serial is manually entered via the RSS
prior to proceeding any further with the replacement process.
D/ADigital to Analog converter; converts a digital value to a corresponding dc
voltage value.
DTMFDual Tone Multi-Frequency.
DPLDigital Private-Line.
FirmwareSoftware or a software/hardware combination of computer programs and data,
with a fixed logic configuration stored in a read-only memory; information can
not be altered or reprogrammed.
FGUFrequency Generation Unit.
FlashcodeA Motorola term (model option definition code) that determines what
FLASHport options are in a radio.
FLASHportA Motorola term that describes the ability of a radio to change memory. Every
FLASHport radio contains a FLASHport EEPROM memory chip that can be
software written and rewritten to, again and again.
ICIntegrated Circuit.
ISWInbound Signalling Word; data transmitted on the control channel from the
subscriber unit to the central controller.
LTRLogic Trunked Radio; a registered trademark of E.F. Johnson Company.
MCUMicroControl Unit.
MDCMotorola Digital Code.
OMPACOver-Molded Pad-Array Carrier; a Motorola custom IC package, distinguished by
the presence of solder balls on the bottom pads.
Open ArchitectureA controller configuration that utilizes a microprocessor with extended ROM,
RAM, and EEPROM, (FLASHport capable).
OSWOutbound Signalling Word; data transmitted on the control channel from the
central controller to the subscriber unit.
PC BoardPrinted Circuit board.
PLPrivate-Line® tone squelch; a continuous sub-audible tone that is transmitted
along with the carrier.
PLLPhase-Locked Loop; a circuit in which an oscillator is kept in phase with a
reference, usually after passing through a frequency divider.
PTTPush-To-Talk; the switch located on the left side of the radio which, when
pressed, causes the radio to transmit.
RegistersShort-term data-storage circuits within the microcontrol unit or programmable
logic IC.
RESETReset line; an input to the microcontroller that restarts execution.
RF PARadio Frequency Power Amplifier.
RSSRadio Service Software.
RSSIReceived signal strength indicator; a dc voltage proportional to the received rf
signal strength.
RX DATARecovered digital data line.
SLICSupport-Logic IC; a custom gate array used to provide I/O and memory
expansion for the microcontroller.
SmartRibUse in conjunction with the RSS to read the Flashcode and Model Number, and
to flash upgrade radios.
SoftpotSoftware potentiometer; a computer-adjustable electronic attenuator.
SoftwareComputer programs, procedures, rules, documentation, and data pertaining to
the operation of a system.
SquelchMuting of audio circuits when received signal levels fall below a pre-determined
SRAMStatic-RAM chip used for volatile, program/data memory.
Standby ModeAn operating mode whereby the radio is muted but still continues to monitor
OTTime-Out Timer; a timer that limits the length of a transmission.
PLTone Private-Line; Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS), industry
SOPThin Small-Outline Package.
µCMicrocontrol unit (see MCU).
VCOVoltage-Controlled Oscillator; an oscillator whereby the frequency of oscillation
can be varied by changing a control voltage.
VSWRVoltage Standing Wave Ratio.
This manual includes safety information, model charts, specifications,
fundamental disassembly/reassembly procedures; schematic diagrams,
printed circuit board details, flex circuit diagrams, and several parts
lists to completely cover the HT 1000, JT 1000, MT 2000, MTS 2000,
and MTX series radios. Hereafter, the text will refer collectively to these
radios as “this family of radios.” For maintenance/troubleshooting,
theory, accessories, and operation of the radio, refer to the applicable
manuals available separately. To help you with your selection, a list is
provided in this manual, titled “Related Publications Available
Special notices are incorporated into the text, alerting you to safety
hazards and suggesting procedures. These notices are divided and
labeled according to the information they contain so that you can
become immediately aware of the type of information being
presented. The three classifications are: WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and
This is an operational procedure, practice, or
C a u t i o n
NOTE:This is an operational procedure, practice, or
condition, etc., which may result in injury or
death if not carefully observed.
This is an operational procedure, practice, or
condition, etc., which may result in damage to
the equipment if not carefully observed.
condition, etc., which is essential to
Test Equipment,
Service Aids, and Tools2
Recommended Test
The list of equipment contained in Table 1 includes all of the standard
test equipment required for servicing two-way portable radios, as well
as several unique items designed specifically for servicing this family
of radios. Battery-operated test equipment is recommended when
available. The “Characteristics” column is included so that equivalent
equipment may be substituted; however, when no information is
provided in this column, the specific Motorola model listed is either a
unique item or no substitution is recommended.
Table 1 Recommended Test Equipment
R2600 Series
R2670 (for trunking)
*R1097ADigital Multimeter4,000 counts
*R1150ECode SynthesizerInjection of audio and digital
*R1527APortable Test Receiver Counter; CTCSS, DCS, and
System AnalyzerThis monitor will substitute
for items with an asterisk (*)
True RMS Metering
0.3% basic accuracy
DTMF decoder
Frequency/deviation meter and
signal generator for wide-range
troubleshooting and alignment
Digital voltmeter recommended
for ac/dc voltage and current
signalling codes
Portable Radio Monitor
*ST1213B (VHF)
*ST1223B (UHF)
R1065Load Resistor10-watt BroadbandFor use with Wattmeter
S1339ARF Millivolt Meter100µV to 3V rf
*R1013B or
S1347D or
S1348D (programmable)
Watt Meter
Plug-in Element
RF Dummy Load
SINAD Meter V/RMSRMS Audio Voltmeter
DC Power Supply0-20Vdc, 0-5 Amps
20MHz bandwidth (some
system analyzers, R2000
series, are 15MHz bandwidth)
5mV to 5V/division
50-ohm, ±5% accuracy
10 Watts, maximum
0-1000MHz, 300W
10kHz to 1.2GHz
current limited
Waveform measurements
Transmitter power output
RF level measurements
Receiver sensitivity
Bench supply for 7.5Vdc
Service Aids and
Recommended Tools
Refer to the “Service Aids” in Table 2 and “Recommended Service
Tools” list in Table 3 for a listing and description of the service aids and
tools designed specifically for servicing this family of radios, as well as
the more common tools required to disassemble and properly
maintain the radio. These kits and/or parts are available from the
United States and Canada Radio Products Services Division listed in the
“Replacement Parts Ordering” section at the back of this manual.
Field ProgrammingThis family of radios can be aligned and programmed in the field. This
requires specific equipment and special instructions. Refer to the
applicable “Radio Service Software User's Manual” for complete field
programming information.
The following table lists service aids recommended for working on this
family of radios. These items are available from Radio Products Services
Table 2 Service Aids
Servicers Video TapeVideo TapeIncludes Radio Introduction.
RKN-4035DRIB/Radio/test set cableConnects radio to RTX-4005B Test Box and RIB.
RLN-1014ABattery EliminatorInterconnects radio to power supply.
RLN-1018ATest FixtureProvides for troubleshooting of the radio when the
housing is removed.
RTX-4005B or both
RTX-4005A / RPX-4665A
RLN-4460APortable/Mobile Test SetProvides more convenient testing of mobiles and
RLN-4008BRadio Interface Box (RIB)Enables communications between the radio and the
RKN-4036DCloning CableAllows a radio to be duplicated from a master radio
RVN-4097LRadio Service SoftwareSoftware on 3-1/2 in. and 5-1/4 in. floppy disks.
RVN-4098GRadio Service Software
Portable Test Set
Field Modification Kit
Smart RIB
Power Supply
Computer Interface Cable
Wall-mounted Power Supply
Wall-mounted Power Supply
Computer Interface CableUse B72 for the IBM PC AT (7-pin). All other IBM
(HT/JT 1000/VISAR Models
Allows switching for radio testing.
computer’s serial communications adapter.
Used to read Flashcode.
Used to supply power to the Smart RIB.
Connects computer serial adapter to Smart RIB.
Used to supply power to the RIB (120 VAC).
Used to supply power to the RIB (220 VAC).
models use B71.Connects the computer’s serial
communications adapter to the RIB (25-pin).
by transferring programmed data from one radio to
another (HT 1000/MT 2000 Models Only).
Software on 3-1/2 in. and 5-1/4 in. floppy disks.
RVN-4138BRadio Service Software
MTX•LS Model
5880348B33SMA to BNC AdaptorAdapts radio’s antenna port to BNC cabling of test
RLN-4201BBattery TesterTests battery charge.
RLN-4048ABattery Tester AdapterAdapts HT 1000, JT 1000, MT 2000, MTS 2000, and
RTL-4208ARF Probe50-ohm, high-frequency probe.
Test Probe (black)
Test Probe (red)
Software on 3-1/2 in. and 5-1/4 in. floppy disks.
MTX Series radio batteries to the RLN-4201 Battery
Needle-fine test probes for high-density circuitry.
Service ToolsThe following table lists the tools recommended for working on this
family of radios; these tools are also available from Motorola. The
R-1319A solder/desolder workstation requires the use of some reflow
nozzles which are included with the workstation.
Table 3 Recommended Service Tools
R1319AChip Master Surface Mount
Device (SMD) Rework Station
0180356B79Solder/Desolder StationFor soldering and desoldering thru-hole
0180372E51Illuminated Magnifying
0180386A82Anti-static Grounding KitUsed during all radio assembly and disassembly
1010041A86Solder (RMA type), 63/37,
0.020" diameter, 1 lb. spool
0180303E45SMD Tool KitKit includes chemicals and hand tools required to
6680334E07Chassis/Front Cover
Separation Tool
6680334E08Flex Connector Opening ToolUsed to raise the sliding portion of the flex
Temperature-controlled, self-contained soldering/
desoldering repair station for installation and
removal of surface-mounted devices. Removes RF
do many SMD rework procedures.
Used to pry the chassis away from the front cover
during disassembly.
Performance Testing3
GeneralThe HT 1000, JT 1000, MT 2000, MTS 2000, and MTX series radios
have been prepared to meet published specifications through their
manufacturing process, with the use of laboratory-quality test
equipment of highest accuracy. The recommended field service
equipment approaches the accuracy of the manufacturing equipment
with a few exceptions. Accuracy of the equipment must be maintained
in compliance with the manufacturer’s recommended calibration
SetupSupply voltage can be connected from the battery eliminator. The
equipment required for alignment procedures is connected as shown
in the Radio Alignment Test Setup diagram.
Initial equipment control settings should be as indicated in the
following table, and should hold for all alignment procedures except
as noted in Table 4.
Test Mode
Table 4 Equipment Initial Control Settings
Monitor Mode: Pwr Mon
RF Attn: –70
O'scope Source: Mod
O'scope Horiz: 10mSec/Div
O'scope Vert: 2.5kHz/Div
O'scope Trig: Auto
Monitor Image: Hi
Monitor BW: Nar
Monitor Squelch: mid CW
Monitor Vol: 1/4 CW
* When testing TX deviation, where the modulation is greater than
1kHz, set the Service Monitor low pass filter (LPF) to 15kHz.
** The Test Set MT/PL switch controls internal/external audio
Spkr set: A
Voltage: 7.5Vdc
DC on/standby:
Volt Range: 10
Current: 2.5
RF Test Mode,
HT 1000/JT 1000 Radios
NOTE:This note applies to software version R02.09
and earlier. If the radio is placed in TEST MODE
with Option•Mate interface plug enabled
through the HT 1000 RSS, TX and RX audio
will be muted. Do not test Analog Voice
Security (AVS) installed radios in the TEST
When the HT 1000/JT 1000 radio is operating in its normal
environment, the radio's microcontroller controls the RF channel
selection, transmitter key-up, and receiver muting. However, when the
unit is on the bench for testing, alignment, or repair, it is removed
from its normal environment. It cannot receive commands from its
system and, therefore, the internal microcontroller will not key the
transmitter nor unmute the receiver. This prevents the use of normal
tune-up procedures. To solve this problem a special routine, called
TEST MODE or “air test,” has been incorporated in the radio.
To enter test mode:
1. Turn the radio on.
2. Within ten seconds after the self test is complete, press the
monitor button (side button 3, SB3) five times in succession. After
the fifth press:
a. (HT 1000 radios), a tone is emitted to indicate that the rf test
mode has been entered.
b. (JT 1000 radios), the display will show the firmware version of
the microprocessor for two seconds, emit a tone, then display
3. Each additional press of SB3 will advance to the next test channel.
(refer to Table 6), and a corresponding set of tones will indicate the
4. Pressing SB2 will scroll through and access test environments as
shown in Table 5.
NOTE:Transmit into a load when keying a radio
under test.
To exit test mode, turn the radio off then back on.
Table 5 Test Environments, HT 1000/JT 1000 Radios
1Carrier SquelchRX: if carrier detected
3Tone Private-LineRX: unsquelch if carrier and tone
TX: mic audio
(192.8Hz) detected
TX: mic audio + tone (192.8Hz)
RX: unsquelch if carrier and digital code
(131) detected
TX: mic audio + digital code (131)
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