Motorola 89FT5844 Users Manual

The camera in your i850 phone takes pictures. You can save these pict u res in your phone and view them through the media center.
You can se nd th e pic t ur es yo u t ak e i n Pr iv ate cal l s, assign them to Contacts entries, or set them as your phone’s wallpaper.
Accessing the Camera
From the main menu, select Camera. -or- From the idle screen, press c. -or- On your keypad, press the number assigned to
the Camera shortcut. -or- Access the camera from the media center. See
“Accessing the Camera” on page 90. -or- Acces s the camera during a Pr ivate call. See
“Starting a Call by Sending a Picture” on page
96. -or- If you s et the camera as a power up application
under Settings, then press p to power up you r phone.
Taking Pictures
1 Access the camera.
2 If you want to adjust the zoom, picture quality,
picture size, or a timer, set these options. See “Setting Picture Options”.
3 Aim the camera lens on the flip. Use the internal
disp la y as th e vi ew f inder.
4 When the image you want to capture is in view,
press c or press O or press A under Capture.
5 To save the picture, press c or press O or pre ss
A under Store. -or-
To discar d the pi ct ure wit hou t saving it , pre ss A under Discard. -or-
To choose another action, see “More Actions for Captur ed Pictu res” on page 83.
Setting P ic tur e Op tions
When you take a picture, you can set the zoom, picture quality, and pictur e size, and set a time r to delay ca pturing the picture.
To set any of these options:
1 Press m. 2 Select the option you want. 3 Select the value you want for that option.
Tip: You can also set zoom by scrolling up and
down and set pictur e size by scr olling le ft and right.
If you either discard the picture or save it by either pressing O or selecting Save from the context-sensitive menu, the only picture option that changes is the timer. The timer returns to its default: Off.
If you choose any other action, all picture options return to their de fau lt s.
The Zoom option le ts you choose a closer view. The values are:
1X — no change
2X — twice as large
4X — 4 time s as large
1X is the default.
Picture Quality
The Picture Quality option lets you ch oose the sharpness the picture will have aft er it is captured.
The values are:
Normal — no change
Fine — higher resolution
When you receive yo ur phone, Norm al is the default. You can choose a new default for this option. See “Customizing the Camera” on page 84.
Pictures taken with this option set to Fine use more memory space.
Picture Size
The Picture Size option lets you choose the size the pic ture will have after it is captured.
From smallest to largest, the values are: Small, Medium, Wallpaper, Larg e, and XLarge.
If you plan to use the image as wallpaper, it is best to select the Wallpaper size.
When you receive your phone, Medium is the default. You can choose a new default for this option. See “Customizing the Camera” on page 84.
Larger pictures use more memory space.
The Self-Timer option lets you delay capturing the picture for the number of seconds you c hoose.
If you use this option, the timer starts when you perfor m step 4 in “Taking Pi ctures” on page 81. The camera captures the picture after the amount of time you chose el apses.
To turn of f the timer before the picture is captured, press A under Cancel.
The values are: Of f, 10 secon ds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds.
More Actions for Captured Pictures
Off is the default.
More Actions for Captured Pictures
After you capture a picture as described in “Taking Pictures” on page 81, you can se nd it in a Pri vate call, assign it to a Contacts entry, or set it as your phone’ s wallpaper.
You can also access the media center to view and perfor m actions on the pictures ther e.
Choosin g any of t hese o pt ions au tomat i ca lly sa ve s the capt ured picture.
Sending in Privat e Calls
For information on sending captured pictures in Private calls, see “Starting a Call by Sending a Picture” on page 96.
Assigning to Con tacts
1 After you have captured a picture, press m. 2 Select Set As Caller ID. 3 To store th e n umber a s a ne w en try, sele ct [New
Contact]. -or-
To store the number to an existing entry, select the entry.
Only entries that include phone numbers are displayed. This icon g appears next to entries that have pictures assigned.
4 If you s elected an entry with a picture assigned,
press O or press A under Yes to overwrite the assign ed picture. -or-
Press A under No to return to the list of entries without overwriting the assigned picture.
Setting as Wallpaper
1 After you have captured a pi cture, press m. 2 Select Set As Wallpaper.
Note: If you later set your wall pap er to Auto
Cycle, the picture is included and will
appear on the idle screen. See “Wallpaper” on page 128.
Accessing the Media Center
You can access the media center from the camera at any time, except when you are or using the Camera Setup menu or viewing the memory screen.
1 Press m. 2 Select Media Center.
Customizing the Camera
The Camera Setup menu lets you customize the camera:
•Ask for Name — If you set this option to On, you are prompted to enter a name for each picture before you save it. Otherwise, pictures are automatically saved with the date and a number as their names.
• Shutter Sound — sets the sound the came ra makes as it captures a picture.
Note: The volume of the shutter sound is
controlled by yo ur phone’s speaker volume. T o set your phone’s speaker volume, see “Setting the Volume” on page
•Default Size — sets the default value for the Picture Size option.
• Default Quality — sets the default value for the Picture Quality option.
To acces s the Camera Setup menu :
1 Access the camera. 2 Press m. 3 Select Camera Setup.
Tip: This option is available from many
contex t-sensit ive menus when you are using t he camera.
Managing Memory
While y ou are taking pictures, the percentage of free memory appears on the screen.
To view your used memory, free memory, and memory capacity:
1 Access the camera. 2 Press m. 3 Select Memory Usage.
Tip: This option is available from many
contex t-sensit ive menus when you are using t he camera.
To free memory, delete items from the media center. See “Media Center” on page 85 .
Media Center
The media center lets you access pictures and audio recordings.
All pictu r e s sa ve d in your phon e ca n be acc es s ed through the media center.
The following audio recordings can be accessed through the media center:
Voi ce reco r ds cre ate d w hen yo ur phon e was not in a call
Musical ring tones in the list of ring tones
Audio recordings you downloaded to your phone
Pictures and audio recordings in the media center can be sen t in Private calls using Send via PTT. See “Using Send via PTT” on page 95.
Note: Y o u ca n tr an sfer p ic tur es fro m yo ur p ho ne
to your computer using a data cable and software you can download. Go to for more information.
Viewing the Media Center
To acces s the media ce nter:
From the main menu, select Media Center. -or- From the camera, press m. Select Media
Scroll t o view the items in the media cent er.
Choosin g Thumbnai l View or Li s t View
You can s et the media center to show a thumbnail of each picture as you view the list of items or show the list of items without thumbnails.
To change views:
1 Access the media ce nter. 2 Press m. 3 Select Set View. 4 Select Plain List View or Thumbnail List View.
Filte ring by Me dia Type
You can s et the media center to show all items, only pi ctu r e s or onl y audio recor d in gs .
Setting Filtering 1 Access the media ce nter.
Media Center
2 Press m. 3 Select Filter. 4 Select All, Pictures, or Audio.
Tip: You can also scr oll through these options
while viewing the list of items by either scrolling left or right or pressing * or #.
Keeping the Last Filter Setting
You can set the medi a center to show all items every time you access it or to keep the filtering setting you had when you last viewed it.
1 Acces s the media ce nter. 2 Press m. 3 Select Setup. 4 Select Remember Filter to keep the filtering
setting you had when you last viewed the media center.
When you receive your phone, the media cen ter is set to show all items every time you access it.
Accessing Items Listed
To acces s a picture or audio recording, select it from the list of item s in the me di a center.
With an item selected, scroll up or down to access the items that appeared before and after it in the list.
Sorting by Tim e or N am e
You can s et the media center to sort items by the time the item was created or by the name of the item.
1 Access the media ce nter. 2 Press m. 3 Select Setup. 4 Select Sort. 5 Select By Time or By Name.
When you receive your phone, the me dia center is set to sort items by time.
Forward Locked Items
Some items saved t o the medi a center from P rivat e calls or by downloading may be forward locked. Forward locked items are usually copyright protec t e d, an d you cannot share the m w ith anyone, such as in Private calls, or by uploading them from your phon e.
You cannot remove forward l ocking from an item.
DRM Items
When you view items in the media center, one of these i c ons appear s next to each forward locked item:
Forward locked.
Forward lock and locked.
When an item is locked, it cannot be deleted from the media ce nt er. Se e “Lo cki ng Item s” on page 89. Locking an item has n o effect on its forwa rd locking.
DRM Items
Except for Java applications, which download to Java Apps, the default location for any DRM items that you download is the medi a center .
Depending on how a given third-party vendor has set rights for an item, the item may include the following status icons.
c The item is a DRM item.
The DRM ite m has exp ir e d.
All DRM items are forward lo cked. As with other items in media center, you can lock DRM items. See “Locking Items” on page 89.
For mor e in for m a tion about DR M ite ms , see “Digital Rights Management” on page 91.
Note: While your phone supports gifting and
Tell-A-Friend services for DRM items, these services may not be offered by your service provider. Please contact your service provider for more information.
The media center lets you view pictures, send them in Private calls, assign them to Contacts entries, or set them as your phone’s wallpaper.
To view a picture, select it from the list of items in the media center.
If your phone is set to show thumbnails, a thumbnail of each picture appears next to the picture in the list of items. If your phone is not set to show thumbnails, this icon g appears next to the picture.
To see a larger or small er view of t he picture you are viewing:
1 Press m. 2 Select Zoom. 3 Select the zoom option you want.
Media Center
If the picture does not fit in the display, scroll left and righ t an d up an d d own t o vie w d iff er e nt p ar ts o f the picture.
Sending in Privat e Calls
For information on sending stored pictures in Private calls, see “Starting a Call by Sending a Picture” on page 96.
Assigning to Contacts
1 Scroll to or select the picture you want to assign
to a Contacts entry.
2 Press m. 3 Select Set As Caller ID. 4 To store th e n umber a s a ne w en try, sele ct [New
Contact]. -or-
To store the number to an existing entry, select the entry.
Only ent rie s t h at in clude phone numbers ar e displayed. This icon g appears next to entri es that have pictures assigned.
5 If you s elected an entry with a picture assigned,
press O or press A under Yes to overwrite the assign ed picture. -or-
Press A unde r No to return to the list of entries without overwriting the assigned picture.
Setting as Wallpaper
1 Scroll to or select the picture you want to set as
2 Press m. 3 Select Set As Wallpaper.
Note: If you later set your wall pap er to Auto
Cycle, the picture is included and will
appear on the idle screen. See “Wallpaper” on page 128.
Audio Recordings
The media center lets you play audio recordings and assign them to Contacts e ntries.
To play an audio r ecording, select it from the l ist of items in the media ce nter.
This icon a appear s next to each audio recording in the list of item s.
Tip: When viewing the list of items in the media
center, you can scroll left or right, or pres s * or #, to change th e type of me di a tha t i s displa yed in the list.
Renaming Items
To stop the audio recordin g before it has finished playing:
Press O. -or- Scroll left.
To restart the audio recording, scroll right. When you play an audio recording, an animated
image appears on the displ ay.
Assigning to Contacts
To assig n an audio r ecording in the media cente r as the ring tone for a Contacts entry:
1 Scroll to or select the audio recording you want
to assign.
2 Press m. 3 Select Assign As Ringer. 4 Select the Contacts entry you want to assign the
ring tone to. Note: You cannot assig n a voice record as the
ring tone for a Contacts entry.
Renaming Items
1 Acces s the media ce nter. 2 Scroll to or select the item you want to rename. 3 Press A unde r Rename.
4 Delete the item’s name and enter a new name. 5 Press O.
Locking Items
When you lock an item in the media center, it cannot be deleted until you unlock it.
1 Access the media ce nter. 2 Scroll to or select the item you want to lock or
3 Press m. 4 Select Lock to lock the item. -or-
Select Unlock to unlock the item.
When you view items in the media center, one of these i cons appear s next to each locked item:
Forward lock and locked.
Deleting Items
Deleting items from the media center deletes them from all parts of your phone, includ ing the li s t of ring tones, the list of voice records, and Co ntacts.
Media Center
Under certain conditions, some DRM vendors will not charge you if you download an item multipl e times with in a gi ve n time fra me . Ple as e co ntac t the DRM vendor to learn more abou t their dow nload regulations.
Deleting an Item
1 Scroll to or select the item you want to delete. 2 Press m. 3 Select Delete. 4 Press O or A under Yes to confirm.
Deleting All Items
You can delete all unlocked items currently in view, depend ing on how media ce nter fil terin g is set. See “Filtering by Media Type” on page 85. If filtering is set to show all types of media center items, all unlocke d items are deleted.
1 Acces s the media ce nter. 2 Press m. 3 Select Delete All. 4 Press O or A under Yes to confirm.
Accessing the Camera
You can access th e camera from the media cent er at any time, except w hen you are viewing a list of audio recordings, play ing an audio recording, or using t he Setup me nu.
Select [Camera] from the list of items. -or- Press c. -or- Press A under Camera.
Managing Memory
To view your used memory, free memory, and memory capacity:
1 Access the media ce nter. -or-
Scroll to or select any item in the media center.
2 Press m. 3 Select Mem o r y U sa ge.
To free memory, delete items in the media center.
Note: Items in the medi a center are stored in
your phone using the same memory space used to store messages, Java application data, and voice records created when your phone is in a call. Deleting some of these other items frees memory for media.
Installing Items
Digital Rights Management
When you download multimedia content available onlin e, such as audi o, im ag es , or Ja va applications, these items may be s ubject to DRM restri ctions. DR M , or digital rights manage ment, is a system that defines how copyrighted multimed ia content can be distributed and used .
DRM sets items to time-based or count-based usage settings. Time-based settings let you use the giv en item for a specified interval. Exampl es of time-based settings include bein g able to use an item for a specified number of days from the date of purchase, a specified number of days from the date that the item is first used, or a s pecified numb er of mi nu t es . C ou nt-base d se tt i ng s le t you use an item for a specified number of times after you download it or f or unlimited use.
Installing Items
Except for DRM Java applications, DRM items will automatically install on ce they have finished downloading.
To install DRM Java applications, see “Installing Applications” on page 109.
To send the DRM installation to the background, press e.
Understanding DRM Status Icons
Depending on how a gi ven third-party vendor has set rights for an item, the item may include the following status icons:
c The item is a DRM item.
The DRM item has expired.
As with other items in media center, you can lock DRM item s. See “Locking Items” on page 89.
Note: All DRM items are forward l ocked. See
“Forward Locked Items” on page 86.
Sharing Items
Note: These features may not be offered by
your service provider.
You can gi ft a D RM i te m t o a f rie nd ’s ph on e. G ift in g is when you purchase a copy of a DRM item and send it to someone. If you do no t w ant to gift an item, you can send a message to a friend’s phone
Digital Rights Management
that contains th e link for purchasing the item. The friend can then purchase the item qui c kly and easily. Sending this type of message is called Tell-A-Friend.
To check if a DRM item is giftable: 1 Go to the location on your phone that contains
the item you want.
2 Highlight the DRM item you want to gift. 3 Press m. If Gift is an option, the item is giftable.
To gift a DRM item: 1 Go to the location on your phone that contains
the item you want.
2 Highlight the DRM item you want to gift. 3 Press m. 4 Select Gift. 5 Select the contact you want to send the item to.
If the person you want to send the item to is not in contacts, select [New Number]. Enter the number.
6 Press O. 7 Follow the vendor’s instructions for purchasing
an additional license.
1 Go to the location on your phone that contains
the item yo u w ant.
2 Highlight the DRM item you want to tell your
friend about.
3 Press m. 4 Select Tell-A-Friend.
The Create Message screen opens.
5 Complet e and s en d t he me ssa ge . Se e “C re at i ng
and Sendi ng Mes s ages” on page 77 .
Managing DRM Items
Note: Depending on how the third-party vendor
has set rights for the given DRM item, you may be un able to perform some of the following tasks.
Viewing License Information
You can c heck a DRM item’s license to view the following informat ion:
For time-based items, either the date and time the item is sc he du le d t o ex pir e, or th e nu mber of days left
For coun t - ba se d items, th e num b er of credits (uses) left or an unlim ite d us e notice
Managing DRM Items
The name of the item’s vendor To view th e license of a DRM item: 1 Go to the location on your phone that contains
the item you want.
2 Highli gh t the DRM item yo u w ant t o vi ew li ce ns e
info rmation for.
3 Press m. 4 Select License Info.
Renewing DRM Licenses
Note: You can only renew DRM licenses if the
licens e co nta i n s a lin k to the page where you purc ha sed the item .
1 Go to the location on your phone that contains
the item you want.
2 Highlight the DRM item you want to renew. 3 Press A unde r Renew or press m. Selec t
4 Select the li nk t o the pa ge whe re yo u pu r chase d
the item.
5 Follow the vendor’s instructions for purchasing
an additional license.
Deleting Items
If you delete a DRM i tem that you purchased from your service provider from your phone, you will have to p urchase it again to download it.
Under certain conditions, third-party vendors will let you downl oad an i tem mul t ip le ti mes wit hi n a gi ven time frame, even if you deleted the item. Please contact the third-party vendor of an item to learn more about the vendor’s download regulations.
To delete an item: 1 Go to the location on your phone that contains
the item yo u w ant.
2 Highlight th e DRM item you want to delete. 3 Press m. 4 Select Delete. 5 If prompted, press A under Yes.
About Expire d I t ems
If you are using an item when it expires, once you finish yo ur s ess ion w i th t he ite m, you wil l be un ab le to use the item.
Digital Rights Management
When ring tones and w allpapers expire, they are automatically removed from their respective lists. For expired items that continue to display in their respective lists, you can either choose to renew the license for the item or else manually delete the item.
Note: You cannot delete locked items.
Using Send via PTT
Send via PTT lets you exchange pictures, My Info, and contact information with other phones that have this capability. You do this through Private calls.
Send via PTT cannot be used during group calls.
Sending a Picture
Note: This feature may not be offered by your
servic e provider.
When you s end a picture using Send via PTT, the picture you sent appears on the displa y of the phone you are en ga ge d in the Pri vat e call wit h an d is save d to th at ph one’s media center .
Sending a Pict ure During a Call
You can se nd a p ic tur e a t an y t im e d uri ng a Pr i vate call, whether you made or received the call*.
* Additional charges may apply.
You cannot talk or listen on a Private call while a picture is being transmitted. Other activities, such as taki ng or searching for a picture, do not pr event you from talking or listening.
Taking a Picture to Send
Note: For mor e information on taking pict ures,
see “Taking Pictures” on page 78.
1 While in a Private call, press c or pres s A under
2 When the picture you want to capture is in view,
press c or press O or press A under Capture.
3 To save the picture so you can send it, press c
or press O or press m and select Save [OK].
To discard the picture without sending it, pr ess A under Discard. Repeat step 2 until you captu re a picture you want to send.
4 Press the PTT bu tton to send the picture. 5 Wait while the picture is transmitted. The Private
call is temporar ily interrupted while a picture is transmitted.
6 When prompted, press the PTT button to
resume th e Pr iv a te ca ll.
Sending a Stored Picture 1 While in a P r iv ate cal l: Press m. Select Brow se
A list of pi ctur e s th at ca n be i nc lu de d i n a P ri vat e call appears.
2 Select the pictur e you want to send.
Using Send via PTT
3 Press the PTT button to send the picture. 4 Wait while the picture is transmitted. The Private
call is temporar ily interrupted while a picture is transmitted.
5 When prompted, press the PTT button to
resume th e Pr iv a te ca ll.
Starting a Call by Sending a Picture
You can start a Priv at e ca ll after you ca pture a picture with the camera or by choosing a stored picture from the media center.
To do this, you must have the Private ID an d IP address of the person you want to send to stored in your Contacts.
1 Captur e a pic ture with the camera. See “ Taking
Pictures ” on pag e 78 . -or- From the media center, scroll to or sel ect the
pictu re you want to send in a Private call.
2 Press m and select Send Picture via PTT . -or-
Press A unde r Send. A list of names from Contacts appears. These
names have Private IDs and IP addresses stored.
3 Select the name of the person you want to send
the picture to.
4 Press the PTT bu tton to send the picture. 5 Wait while the picture is transmitted. The Private
call is temporar ily interrupted while a picture is transmitted.
6 When prompted, press the PTT button to
resume th e Pr iv a te ca ll.
Receiving a Picture
When someone sends you a picture using Send via PTT, your phone emits tone or vibrates and a mess ag e ap pe ar s on the display ask ing you if you want to accept the picture.
When you receive a picture, it appears every time you are in a Private call with the person who sent it unless you delete the picture from th e media center. This occurs for the last 20 people who sent you pictures.
Accepting a Picture
1 When you see the mess age asking you if you
want to accept the picture, press A under Yes.
2 Wait while the picture is transmitted. The Private
call is temporar ily interrupted while a picture is transmitted.
3 When prompted, press the PTT button to
resume th e Pr iv a te ca ll.
Sending My Info and Contact Information
Tip: If you w ant to st op the transmi ssio n befor e it
is finished, press A under Cancel.
Declining a Picture
When you see the message asking you if you want to accept the picture, press A under No.
The picture is not transmitted.
Setting Picture Capability
To turn your phone’s ability to send and receive pictures in Private calls on or off:
1 From the main menu, select Setting s > 2-Wa y
Radio > PTT Picture.
2 Select On or Off.
This setting does not affect your phone’s ability to send an d rec ei ve My Info or co nt ac t inf o rm ation.
Sending My Info and Contact Information
When yo u se nd My Info or c o ntact infor m ation using Send via PTT, the infor m ation you sent appears on the display of the phone yo u are engage d in the Private call with. After the call, the information appears on the recent call list of that phone.
Sending My Info
You can control what port ion of the information in My Info is sent and whether it is sent automatically in every Private call or only when you choose to send it. See “Setting Send ing Options” on page
101. Tip: When yo u send My Inf o, cer tai n
information, su ch as yo ur em a il ad dr e ss or fax number, cannot be in cluded. To send complete contact information, cr eate an entry f or yourse lf in Con t ac ts an d se nd it .
Sending Information During a Call 1 While in a Private call, press m.
2 With Send My Info via PTT highlighted, press
3 When Ready to Send appears on the dis pl ay,
press the PTT button to send the in form a tio n.
Starting a Call by Sending Information 1 From the main menu, select My Info.
2 Press m. 3 With Send My Info via PTT highlighted, press
4 Use the keypad to enter the Private ID you want
to send the information to. -or-
Using Send via PTT
Press A unde r Browse. Select Contacts, Recent Calls, or Memo. Select the number you
want to enter.
5 When Ready to Send appears on the display,
press the PTT bu t to n to send the inf orm a t io n.
Sending Contact Information
You can s end contact information by selecting a Contacts entry or an item from the rec ent calls l ist.
Contact s entries that contain only addresses cannot be sent. When Contacts entries are received, they do not i nclude r ing tone s or pictures.
These items from the recent calls list can be sent:
Contact informat io n se nt fr o m oth er ph on es
Calls t o or f rom nu mbe rs st o red in yo ur C o nta ct s
Sending Information During a Call 1 While in a Private call, press m.
2 Select Contacts or Recent Calls. 3 Scroll to the Contacts entry or item in the recent
calls list you want to send.
4 Press m. 5 Select Send Cont a ct vi a PTT or Send SDG via
6 Press the PTT button to send the information.
Starting a Call by Sending Information 1 From Contacts or the recent calls list, scroll to or
select the entry you want to send.
2 Press m. 3 Select Send Contact via PTT. 4 Use the keypad to enter the Private ID you want
to send. -or- Press A under Browse. Select Contacts,
Recent Calls, or Memo. Select the number you want to enter.
5 When Ready to Send appears on the dis pl ay,
press the PTT button to send the in form a tio n.
Receiving My Info or Contact Information
When you rec eive My Info or cont ac t infor m at io n from another phone, an icon appears on the display:
My Info.
Contact information.
To view th e inform ation while still in the Private call:
1 Press m.
2 Select View Contact.
You can also view My Info from other phones on the recen t ca lls li st . See “Rece nt Cal ls ” on pa ge 3 2.
Sending My Info and Contact Information
My Info
My Info lets you view information about your phone. Dependi ng on your se rvice prov ider, y ou may also be able to send this information to other phones.
Viewing My Info
1 From the main menu, select My Info. 2 Scroll to see the entire screen.
The My Info screen contains:
•My Name — You can enter your name here.
• Line 1 and Line 2 — your ph one number s for
phone lines 1 and 2. Each numbe r appears when you receive your first call on that line.
•Private — Your Private ID is the number that others us e to co nta ct you using Pr iv a te calls. This number appears when you receive your first Privat e call .
• Group ID — the number of the Talkgroup you have joined.
• Carrier IP — the IP address assigned to your service provider. This number appears when you register for packet data ser v ices.
• IP1 Address and IP2 Address — the IP addres ses you use to ac c e s s the Int e rn e t w ith your phone.
• Circuit Data — the number you use if you want to use your phone to transfer circuit data. See “Using Your Phone as a Modem” on page 55. You receive this number from your service provider.
Note: If you req ue st equipment-relate d
transa ctio ns on you r ac count, your servi ce provid er ma y require yo u to provide specific information about your phone. By pressing m anytime while in My Info, a submenu will app ear that includes your phone's service status, unit information, and phon e ide ntificat i on num be r s includ in g IM E I, S IM ID, and Serial Number ( SN ). Ple as e be pr epa r ed to supply the representative with this information when requesting these types of tran sactions.
Editing My Info
To edit My Info to enter or change the text that appears in My Name:
1 From the main menu, select My Info. 2 Press A under Edit. 3 Select Name.
Setting Sending Options
4 Enter the name you want to appear. See
“Entering Text” on page 70. When you are finished, press O.
You can also edit the information in Line 1, Line 2, and Circuit Data, but your changes are o nly temporary. The ne xt time your phone registers on the network, your actual phone numbers and circuit data number appear again in My Info.
Setting Sending Options
Note: This feature may not be offered by your
servic e provider .
Your phone can send information in My Info to other phones that have this capability.
You can control what portion of the information in My Info is sent and whether it is sent automatically in every Private call or only when you choose to send it.
Informat io n S ent
The infor m atio n yo ur p ho ne s en ds alw a ys inc lu de s
My Name and Private. Line 1, Line 2, Carrier IP, and Circuit Data may
also be sent , de pend in g on th e opt i on s p rovi d ed by your service provider and how you set your sendin g options.
To change which fields are sent:
1 From the main menu, select My Info. 2 Press m. 3 Select Send My Info Setup > Info to Send. 4 A checkmark appears next to the fields that will
be sent. To add or remove the checkmark, select the field.
5 When you are finished, press A under Done.
Automatic Sending
To contro l w he th er yo ur inf orm a t io n is sen t automatically:
1 From the main menu, select My Info. 2 Press m. 3 Select Send My Info Setup > Auto Send. 4 To set your information to be sent automatically,
set this option to On. -or- To set y ou r inf or mat io n t o be se nt o nly wh en you
choose to send it, set this option to Off.
Datebook stores up to 250 ev ents. You can store event s ov er a 13 mon t h pe rio d — 12 mo nth s af ter and 1 month before the current date.
A Datebook event contains:
A subject — A name you assign to the event. You can also enter a phone number, Private ID, or Talkgroup number here. After the event is stored, you can call this number from Dateboo k or when yo u ge t a rem i nd er of thi s ev en t .
A location — The location of the event. You can also enter a phone number, Private ID, or Talkgroup number here. After the event is stored, you can call this number from Dateboo k or when yo u ge t a rem i nd er of thi s ev en t .
A start time — The start time automatically assigned to an event is the beginning of the day. Y o u ca n ch ange t he st art t ime, or ass ig n no st art time, before storing the event.
A duration — The le ngth of t ime the event lasts.
A date — The date automatically assigned to an
event is the date that was highlighted or select ed when you began cre ating th e event. You can change this date before storing the event.
A repeat — lets you store th e event as a recurring event.
A reminder — If an event has a start time, you can set Datebook to remind you that the event is going to sta r t.
a ring tone for the reminder
a profile th at your phone is switched to while the
event is occur ring
a Java application that starts when the event starts
Only the subject and date are required.
Viewing Datebook
To access Datebook:
From the main menu, select Datebook.
You can view Datebook by the day, by the week, or by the month. You can also view the details of any event.
In day view, brief information about each event for that day appears .
In week view, events appear as markers corres ponding to t he ir t im e s.
In month view, days with events appear with a marker in the corner.
Creating Events
To view an event:
1 Select the day the event occurs. 2 Select the event.
To change the current view:
1 While viewing Da tebook, press m. 2 Select the view you want.
Navigating Datebook
To scroll through Datebook:
Scroll left and right using the navigation key. -or- In week view and month view, press * or #.
To see mo re in da y vi ew :
Scroll up and down using the navigation key.
To highlight a da y in mo nt h view:
Enter the date using the keypad.
To go to today’s date:
1 While viewing Da tebook, press m. 2 Select Go To Today.
To go to any date in Dateb oo k :
1 While viewing Da tebook, press m. 2 Select Go To Date. 3 Select the date you want.
Creating Events
Every Datebook event must have a subject and be stored to a date. O ther informatio n is optional.
You may enter the information in any order by scrol lin g th r ou gh the event details.
After you have ente red the information you want, you can press A under Done to store the event to Datebook.
If you decide you do not want to store the event:
Press A under Cancel.
To create a Datebo ok event:
1 While viewing Da tebook, p ress A under New.
-or­In day view, select [New Event].
2 To assign a subject to the event:
Select Subject. Enter the name. -or- Press A under Browse to choose from common
event na me s . -or- Enter a phone number, Private ID, or Talkgroup
number. After the event is stor ed, you can call this number.
When you are finished, press O.
3 If you want to assign a location to the event:
Select Location. Enter the locatio n. -or- Enter a phone number, Private ID, or Talkgroup
number. After the event is stor ed, you ca n call this number.
When you are finished, press O.
4 The start time automatically assigned to an
event is the beginning of the day. If you want to change the start time or assign no start time:
Select Start. Enter the start time you want. -or- Press A unde r No Time to assign no start time.
5 If you want to assign a duration to the event:
Select Duration. Select the duration you want. -or- Select Custom to enter a duration.
6 The date automatically assigned to an event i s
the date that was highlighted or selected when you bega n creatin g the eve nt .
To change the dat e of the event: Select Date.
Enter the date you want.
7 If you want to make the event a recurring event:
Select Repeat. Select the repeat cycle you want. If the event occurs more than once a we ek:
Select Multiple Day. Select the d ays you want. Press A under Done. Select End. Select the date you want this event
to stop recurring.
8 If you want to create a reminder for this event:
Select Reminder. Select the remind er time you want. -or- Select Custom to enter a reminder time. Note: If an event has no start time, you canno t
create a reminder for it.
9 If you have entered all the information you want
for this event, press A under Done. -or- If you want to assign a ring tone, a profile, or a
Java application to the ev ent, see “Assigning More Options” on page 105.
Editing Events
Assigning More Optio ns
To assign more options before storing an event: 1 If you have cr ea ted a r emi nd er f or th e ev ent and
want to set the ring tone for th at remin de r: Select Ring Tone. Select the ring tone you want from the ring tones
stored in your phone.
2 If you want to assign a profile that your phone is
switched to while the event is occur ring: Select Profile. Select the profi le you want from the pr ofiles
stored in your phone. Your phone switches to this profile when the
event starts and switches back to the previous profile when the event ends.
3 If you want to assign a Java application to start
when the event starts : Select App. Select the application you want from the Java
applic ations stored in yo ur phone. If you cre at ed a reminde r f or t hi s ev en t, yo ur
phone prompts you to start the Java application when you get the remi nd er .
Editing Events
To change the details of an event:
1 Select the day the even t oc cu rs . 2 Select the event. 3 Press A under Edit. 4 Follow the applicable instructions in “Creating
Events” on page 103 to edit the vari ou s fie ld s .
To copy an event to an other da te:
1 Select the day the even t oc cu rs . 2 Select the event. 3 Press m. 4 Select Copy. 5 Press A under Yes to confirm. 6 Enter the date you want. 7 Press O. 8 If you want to change more information, follow
the ap plicable instructions in “Creating Events” on page 103 to edit the various fields.
Deleting Events
1 Select the day the even t oc cu rs . 2 Select the event. 3 Press m. 4 Select Delete.
5 If the event is no t a recurri ng event, press O or
press A under Yes to confirm. -or- If the event is a r ecurring event: Select This Ev en t Only to delete only the event
selected in step 2. Select Repeat Event to delete all occurrences
of the event.
Receiving Reminders
If you created a remi nder for a Datebook event, when the rem inde r tim e occurs , your ph one no tif ies you with text on the display and a reminder tone.
To view more details about the event:
Open the flip. -or- Press A unde r View.
To dismiss the reminder:
.. -or-
If the flip is closed, press If the flip is open, press O, press A unde r
Dismiss, or close the flip.
For Events with Java Applications
If you as si gn ed a J ava app li ca tion t o s t art wh en the event sta r ts, y ou can st a rt t he ap pl i cat ion wh en yo u get the reminder.
1 Press m. 2 Select Launch.
Makin g C al l s Fr om D at ebo ok and Datebook Reminders
If you stored a phone number, Private ID, or T alkgroup number in the Subject or Location fiel d of a Date book event, you can call or send a call alert to that number from Datebook or from the reminder of that event.
If you store number s in both the Subject and Location fields, you can call or send a call alert to the number stored in Subject and the number stored i n Location as long as t he numbe r stor ed in Subject is a Private or Talkgroup number and the number stored in Location is a phon e nu mb er.
If both are the same type of number, the number in Subject is ca ll ed o r sent a ca ll a le rt. To ca ll or sen d a call al ert to the number stor ed in Location, you must delete the number stored in Subject.
Customizing Datebook Setup
Making Calls from Datebook
To make a ph one call: 1 Highlight or select the event containing the
number you want to call.
2 Press s. -or-
Press m. Select Call # in Event. To make a Private ca ll or Talkgroup cal l: 1 Highlight or select the event containing the
number you want to call. 2 Press and hold the PTT button on the side of
your phone. -or-
If you did not include a # before the Talkgroup
you want to call: Press m. Select Talkgroup.
Press the PTT button. To send a call alert: 1 Highlight or select the event containing the
number you want to call or send a call alert to. 2 Press m. Select Alert # in E v ent. P re s s th e PTT
Making Calls from Datebook Reminders
To make a p hone call:
Press s. -or-
Press m. Select Ca ll # in Event.
To make a Private ca ll or Talkgroup call:
Press the PTT but ton. -or- If you did not include a # before the Talkgroup
you want to call: Press m. Select Talkgroup. Press the PTT button.
To send a call alert:
Press m. Select Alert # in Even t. Pr es s th e P TT button.
Customizing Datebook Setup
To access Datebook set up options:
1 From the main menu, select Datebook. 2 Press m. 3 Select Setup.
You can view or change these options:
•Start View — se t s Da t ebo ok to st a rt in day vi ew, week view, or month view when you access Datebook.
•Daily Begin — sets the beginning of your day. This is th e ea rli e st time o f da y disp la ye d in w ee k view, if you have a 12-hour day view.
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