Motorola 89FT5838 Users manual

Digital Multi-service Data-capable Phone
i605 Phone User’s Guide
Getti ng Sta rted.... ... ......... ........................... 1
Locating Your SIM Card....................................2
Activating Service..............................................5
Powering On and Off.........................................6
Enabling Ove r- th e-A ir S ecuri ty... .... ...................6
Phone Programming .........................................7
Finding Your Phone Number and Private ID.....7
Phone Basics ....................................................7
SIM Card Security ...........................................12
For More Information.......................................16
Maki ng C a lls...... .. ... .................................. 17
Phone Calls.....................................................17
Private Calls ....................................................17
Receiving Calls................................................17
Choosing a Num ber to Call .............................18
Missed Phone Calls..... .... .... ... .........................1 9
Using Speakerphone.......................................19
Using Mute......................................................20
Making Emergency Phone Calls .....................20
Call Alerts..................................................21
Sending Call Alerts..........................................21
Receiving Call Alerts.......................................21
Using the Call Alert Queue..............................21
Recent Calls..............................................23
Calls and Call Alerts........................................23
My Info From Other Phones............................23
Contact Information From Other Phones ........24
Viewing the Recent Calls List..........................24
Storing Items to Contacts................................25
Deleting Items .................................................25
Making Calls From the Recent Calls List ........25
Contacts ....................................................27
Accessing Contacts.........................................28
Creating Entries ..............................................28
Storing Numbe rs From the Idle Scre e n.... .... ... 3 0
Editing Entries.................................................30
Viewing Entr ie s................................................31
Deleting Entries...............................................33
Checking Capacity ..........................................33
Creating Pauses and Waits.............................33
International Numbers.....................................34
Making Call s From Con ta cts ...........................34
Accessing Contacts with GSM Phones...........35
Call Forwarding........................................ 36
Forwardin g All Calls ............ ............................36
Turning Off Call Forwarding ............................36
Forwardin g Miss e d Call s........ .........................3 7
Viewing Call Forwarding Settings....................37
Advan c ed C al li n g Fe at u re s ..................... 38
Call Waiting.....................................................38
Switching Bet w een C all s........ .... .....................38
Putting a Call on Hold .. .... ................................3 9
Calling 2 People ..............................................39
Creating Pauses and Waits While Dialing.......40
Making International Calls...............................40
One Touch PTT...............................................40
Call Timers......................................................41
Using Your Phone as a Modem ......................42
Making TTY Calls............................................43
Group Calls and Selective
Dynamic Group Calls .. .. .. ............. .. .. ....46
Group Calls ............ .... .... ... ..............................46
Selective Dynamic Group (SDG) Calls ...........47
Memo .........................................................53
Ring Tones............. .............. ............. .. .. ....54
Setting Your Phone to Vibrate.........................54
Ring and Vibrate ........ .... ... ....................... .... ...55
Assigning Ring Tones to Contacts..................55
Viewing Rin g Tone As sign me nt s .......... ... .... ...55
Download in g Mor e Ring Tone s......... .... ... .......56
Managing Memory ..........................................56
Deleting Custom Ring Tones ..........................56
About DRM Items............................................56
Enter in g Te x t ............................................57
Using Word Mode ...........................................57
Special Function Keys.....................................58
Messages ................................................. 59
Message Notifications .....................................59
Message Center..............................................60
Voice M a il M e s sag e s.... .. ......................... 61
Receiving a Message......................................61
Accessing Voice Mail From
the Message Center ...................................61
Sending Unanswered Calls to
Voice Mail...................................................61
MOSMS Messages................. .. .. .............. 62
Setting Up........................................................6 2
Receiving a Message......................................62
Reading from the Message Center .................63
Creating and Sending Messages....................63
Sorting Messa ge s .... .... .... ................................6 6
Managing Memory...........................................66
Medi a Ce n te r ............ ................................ 67
Viewing the Media Center ...............................67
Forward Locked Items.....................................68
DRM Items ......................................................69
Pictures ...........................................................69
Audio Recordings............................................70
Renaming Items ..............................................71
Locking Items..................................................71
Deleting Items .................................................71
Managing Memory ..........................................72
Using S e nd v ia PTT..... .. ... ........................73
Receiving a Picture .........................................73
Sending My Info and Contact
My Info...... .................................................76
Viewing My Info...............................................76
Editing My Info ................................................76
Setting Sending Options .................................77
Voice R ec o r d s . .........................................78
Viewing Voice Rec ord s ...................................78
Creating Voice Records ..................................78
Playing Voice Records....................................79
Labeling Voice Records ..................................79
Locking Voice Records ...................................79
Deleting Voice Records...................................80
Managing Memory ..........................................80
Java Applications......................... .. .. ....... 81
Installing Applications......................................81
Running Applications.......................................81
Suspending Applications.................................81
Resuming Applications....................................82
Ending Applica ti ons. .... ........................... .........82
Download in g Appli ca tio n s ...............................82
Deleting Applications.......................................82
Managing Memory...........................................83
Shortcuts on the Ma in Menu .............. .... .........8 3
Java Applications and GPS Enabled...............84
Bluetooth® ..... .......... .......... ....... .......... ..... 87
Understanding Bluetooth® Access
Setting Your Phone for Bluetooth®..................87
Accessing Bl uetooth® ......... ....... ........ ........ .....8 8
Making a Bluetooth® Connection ....................89
Setting Devic e Detai ls . .... .... ............................91
Sending Contacts, Datebook Events and
Receiving Items...............................................93
GPS En abled. ... .........................................95
IMPORTANT: Things to Keep in Mind ............95
Making an Emergency Call .............................96
Viewing Your App roxim a te Lo ca tio n ............ ... 9 7
Enhancing GPS Performance.........................98
Updating Satellite Almanac Data ..................100
Setting Privacy Options.................................101
Using GPS with Map Software......................102
Viewing Dat eb ook .........................................10 4
Creating Events.............................................105
Editing Events ...............................................107
Deleting Events.............................................107
Receiving Reminders....................................108
Making Call s From Datebook........................108
Customizing Datebook Setup........................109
Customizing Your Phone.......................110
Setting the Volume........................................110
Setting Your Phone to Vibrate.......................110
Changing the Loo k of Your Pho ne ................110
Temporarily Turning Off Calls .......................113
Using Settings...............................................113
Understanding Status Messages..........126
Profiles ................................................... 118
Viewing Prof il es.............................................11 8
Switching Prof ile s ........ .... .... ..........................118
How Changing Set tin gs Affec ts Pr ofile s. .... ... 11 8
Temporary Profiles........................................119
Creating Profiles............................................120
Editing Profiles ..............................................120
Deleting Profiles ............................................120
Setting Call Fil teri ng .... ..................................121
Shortcuts................................................ 123
Creating a Shortcut .......................................123
Using a Shortcut............................................123
Editing a Shortcut..........................................124
Deleting Shortcuts.........................................124
Using a He a dse t..................................... 125
Using a Bluetooth Headset............................125
Attaching a Headset......................................125
Using a Remote PTT Button .........................125
Safety and General Information ............129
RF Operational Characteristics.....................129
Portable Radio Product Operation and
EME Exposure..........................................129
Electr omagnetic Interf erence/
Medical Devices ............................................132
Operational Warnings ...................................133
Operational Cautions ....................................134
Accessory Saf et y Inform at io n ........... .... ........135
Limited Warranty
Motorola Communicatio n Products
Patent and Trademark Information.......145
Index ........................................................146


Per FCC CFR 47 Part 2 Section 2.1077(a)
Responsible Party Name: Motorola, Inc. Address: 8000 West Sunrise Boule v ard
Plantation, FL 33322 USA Phone Number: 1 (800) 453-0920
Hereby d eclares that the pr oduct: Product Name: i605 Model Number: H58XAN6RR4AN Conforms to the following regulations: FCC Part 15, subpart B, section 15.107(a),
15.107(d) and section 15.109(a) Class B Digital Device As a personal computer peripheral , this devi ce
complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cau se ha rmf ul int er fer e nce, an d (2 ) this device must accept any interference received, includ ing interference that may ca use undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and
found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rul es. These limits are design ed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a resid ential inst allation. This equipment gener ates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particul ar ins tal la ti o n.
If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reo rie nt or rel oc ate the receiv ing
Incr e as e th e separatio n be t we en the equipme nt and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult t he dealer or an experience d radio/TV technician for help.

Getting Started

volume controls
Push-To-Talk (PTT) button
accessory connector
retractab antenna
audio jac
p Power button.
Navigation key — press the arrows to scroll through menus and lists.
O OK key — selects highlighted item;
answers calls.
m Menu key — accesses c ontext-sensitive
A Option key — select s the option
appea rin g above it on th e dis p lay .
s Send key — p laces phone calls. e End key — ends phone calls; returns to
idle screen.
Getting Started
t Turns Private/group / SD G ca ll sp ea k er on
and off; used with voice na mes and voice records.
. Accesses recent calls; sends incoming
calls to voice mail.
To start using your i605 phone:
Make sure your SIM card is in place.
Charge th e batter y.
Activate your service.
Enable over-the-air security if you are prompted

Locating Your SIM Card

Your SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card is a small piece of plastic located in the SIM card holder in the back of your phone, underneath the battery.
SIM card
SIM card
If your SIM card is not in the SIM card holder, it may be in the box your phone came in, attached to a piece of plastic about the size of a credit car d. If this is the case, carefully detach your SIM card from the surrounding plastic and insert it as described in “Inserting Your SIM Card ” on page 14.
If there is no SIM card in your phone or the box, contac t your service provider.



Removing the Battery Door

1 Make sure the phone is power ed off. 2 Slide t h e re le as e b ut ton ba ck un ti l i t r ele as es t he
battery door.
release button
3 Allow the ba tt e ry do or to po p up , sli de it forw ar d,
and remove it from the back of your phone.

Inserting the Battery

1 Remove the battery door. 2 Insert the top of the battery into the battery area.
Press the bottom of the battery to secure it.
3 Replac e t he batt e ry do or and pr e ss it ge nt ly unti l
you hear a cl ic k.

Charging the Battery

Your phone comes with a batter y charger.
1 Plug the charger into an electrical outlet.
Getting Started
2 Open the connector cover.
connector cover
3 Plug the other end of the charger into the
access ory connector.
Charger Attached or Device Attached appears on the display.
Tip: To remove the charger from the accessory
connector: Press the buttons on the sides of the plug. Pull the plug straight out.
4 When charging the battery for the first time,
charge for 30 minutes longer than the time shown in “Charging Times”.

Charging Times

Check your battery and charger type against the grid below to determine appropriate char ging times.
Battery Charger
Rapid Standard
High Performance
Maximum Capacity
For best resu lts , charg e the batt eri es withi n the tempe rature rang e of 50 °F to 10 4° F (10 °C to 40°C).
Prolonged charging is not recommended.
2 hours 4 hours
3.5 ho urs 7.5 hours

Activating Servic e

Removing the Battery

1 With your phone po were d off, rem ove the
battery door.
2 Remove the battery by pushing it toward the
antenna and lifting it out.

Battery Use and Maintenance

The Motorola iDEN Approved Lithium Ion
chargers provide optimum performance. Other chargers may not fully charge the iDEN Lithium Ion battery or may yield a reduced number of lifetime charge cycles.
Extreme temperatures degrade battery performance. Do not store the battery where temperatures exceed 140°F (60°C) or fall below 4°F (-20°C).
Lithium Ion bat teries have a self discharge rate and without use, lose about 1% of their charge per day.
The battery capacity is degraded if the battery is stored for long periods while fully charged. If long term storage is required, store at half capacity.

Sleep Mode

Your phone uses Sleep mode to conser ve battery power . With Sleep mode, after yo ur phone has been idle for a specified interval, the display on your phone will turn off.
You can s et your phone to enter Sleep mode after 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minute s or 15 minutes of inacti vity. See “D ispl ay/In fo Fe atur es” on pa ge 11 3.
Sleep mode turns off when you either press a key or receive a call alert or phone call.
When you pl ac e yo ur i605 ph one i n t he hol ste r that ships with your phone, your phone will go into Sleep mo de.
Activating Service
The first time you power your phone on, you mus t be in your local calling area. This activates your service.
Getting Started
A screen t he n a pp ears pr om ptin g y ou to sel ec t Ok to update your browser information. This screen will only appear during initial activation. See “Enabling Over-the-Air Security” on page 6.

Powering On and Off

The first time you power your phone on, a screen may appear asking you to update your br owser information. This means you must enable security.
To power your phone on, press p. To power your phone off, press and hold p .

When You Power On For the First Time

If the Enter SIM PIN Code screen appears, enter your SIM PIN. See “Entering the PIN” on page 12. Press A under Ok.
When you receive your phone, the SIM PI N is
0000. Change your PIN to prevent fraudulent use of the SIM card (see “Changi ng the PIN” on page
12). As your phone connects to the network, you will
see a welcome message and a connecting message. When the idle scr een appears, the phone is ready to use.

Enabling Over-the-Air Security

If you are set up to receive over-the -air programming from your service provider, you must enable s ecurity the first time you power on your phone or within 10 days of first activation of your phone:
1 When you power on your phone for the first time,
after the idle screen appears, you will be prompted to select Ok to update your browser information.

Phone Programming

Note: If yo u pr e ss A under Later, you will be
prompted to enable security each time you power on your phone until you press
A under Ok.
2 Press A under Ok. 3 You are prompted to en ab le sec ur i ty. Press A
under Yes. A series of screens appears. If you subsc rib e t o yo ur servic e pro vider’s pla n, your home page appears.
4 Press e to return to the idle screen.
Phone Pr og ra mmi ng
Within 24 hours of enabling security, you may receive an alert notification containing your Private ID and Tal k group lists for Private calls.
To accept programming:
1 When you receive an alert notification saying
New Browser Message - Receive Programming Info, press O or pre ss A under Goto.
2 You are prompted to accept changes to your
lists. Press O or press A under Ok.
3 If you are pr om pt ed again to ac c ep t cha ng es t o
your lists, press O or press A under Ok.
4 A confirmation screen disp lays. Press O or
press A unde r Ok.
5 Press e to return to the idle screen.

Findi ng Your Phone Nu mb e r and Private ID

My Info lets you view your phone number, Private ID, and other phone informatio n:
1 Press m to access the main menu. 2 Scroll to My Info. 3 Press O. 4 Scroll to see your information.
Line 1 and Line 2 are your phon e nu mbers. Private is your Private ID, the number that others
use to co ntact you using Private se rvice. These numbers appear when you receive your alert notification after enabling security on your phone.
See “My Info” on page 76 for more information about this feature.

Phone Basics


Any time your phone is powered on, the display provides you with information and options.
Getting Started
The screen shown is the idle screen. The text that appears on your idle screen depends on your service provider. The idle screen appears when your phone is on, but not engaged in any activity.

Text Area

This area displa ys menus, messages, names, phone nu mbers, and other information.
status icons
text area
menu icon

display options

Display Options
Two display options appear at the bot tom of most screens. You select a displa y option by pressi ng the option key below it.

Menus and Lists

Your phone’s features are arrang ed in menus, submenus, and lists.
To acces s the items in a menu or list, scroll using the navigation key at the top of your keypad. This key lets you scroll up, down, left, or right. Holding down the appropriate part of the navigation key speeds up scrolling.
In this guide, this symbol > tells you to sele ct a menu or list item. For example, Settings >
Security means: 1 Scroll to Settings on the ma in menu.
2 Press O to see the Settings screen. 3 Scroll to Security. 4 Press O to see the Security screen.

OK Key

Pressing O:
Selects the hi ghlighted menu it em or list item
Sets options
Phone Basics
Confirms actions
Places and answer calls

Menu Key

Many features provide context-sensitive menus that let you access related features and actions. This icon menu is availabl e. Press m to access the menu.
S appears any time a context-sensiti ve

Main Menu

All your phone’s features can be accessed through the main menu. You can set the main menu to appear as a list or as large icons.
Browser Browse the Web.
Java Apps Java applications on your
Settings Custo m iz e yo ur phone.
Ring Tones Assign ring tones and turn
m Media Center Access stored pictures
phone. See page 81.
See page 110.
ringer off. See page 54.
and au dio recordings. See page 67.
VoiceRecord Record and play audio
My Info Acces s pe r so n al ph on e
GPS Find your approximate
Contacts View, s tore, edit contacts.
Messages Access messages. See
Call Forward Set call forwarding
Datebook Schedule appointments.
Memo Store a number to access
Call Timers Phone us ag e in f orm a tion.
Recent Calls Lists recen t calls. See
messages. See page 78.
information, including phone num be r an d Pr i vat e ID. See page 76.
geograp hica l loca tion. See page 95.
See page 27.
page 59.
optio ns. See page 36.
See page 104.
later. See page 53.
See page 41.
page 23.
Getting Started
Shortcuts Create short cu t s to
Profiles Groups of setting s you
Call Alert Lists call alerts. See
Bluetooth Connect to a device with
screens. See page 123.
apply together. See page 118.
page 21.
Blueto oth. See pag e 87.

Quick Access to Main Menu Items

Each arrow in the navigation key and O can be used to access a main menu item from the idle screen. Each of these keys is assigned to a main menu item when you receive your phone. To assign d iffere nt mai n men u items, see “P ersona lize Features” on pa ge 115.

Status Ico ns

Status i co ns appea r at t he t op of t he di spl a y. Some appear at all times. Others appear only when your phone is engaged in certain activities or when you have activated certain features.
abcd efgd
o p q r s
S SDG Call In Use— Your phone is
1 2
Battery Strength — A fuller battery indicates a greater charge.
Signal Strength — More bars next to the antenna indicate a stronger signal.
Phone In Use — Your phone is active on a phone call.
Private In Use — Your phone is active on a Private call.
Talkg rou p In Use — Y our phon e is active on a group call.
active on a SDG call. Active Phone Line — 1 indicates
phone line 1 is ready to make calls; 2 indica tes phone line 2 is ready to make calls.
Phone Basics
w xT
yz DE
Call Forwa rd — Your phone is s et to forw ard calls. See page 36.
Ringer Off — Your ph on e is s et no t to ring. See page 54.
Speaker Off — Sounds a sso ci ate d with Pr iv a t e ca ll s and group calls are set to come through the earpiece rather than through the speaker.
Messages — You have one or more mess ages. See page 59.
Internet — You are re ad y to browse the internet.
Voice Record — You have one or more voice records stored. See page 78.
Airplane Mo de — Your phone i s set to airplane m ode. See page 113.
Packet D ata — You are ready to transfer packet data or are transferring packet data. See page 42.
TTY — You are re ad y to us e yo ur phone to make calls using a teletypewriter device. See page 43.
Roaming — You are using your phone outside your carrier's network.

Entering Numbers From the Keypad

To enter numbers at the idle screen or any screen that requires you to enter numbers, press the numbers on the keyp ad.
If you make a mistake:
To clear a digit, press A under Delete.
To clear all digits, press and hold A under Delete.
To insert or delete a digit anywhere in the string
of digits you have entered, scroll left or right.
To cancel, press e.
Getting Started

SIM Card Security

Your SIM card stores all your Contacts and protects your personal information. Since this information is stored on your SIM card, not in your phone, you can remove the information by removing your SIM card.
Note: Except for making emergency calls, your
phone will not fu nctio n w ith out the SIM card.
To preve nt unauth orized use of yo ur ph on e, your SIM card may be protected by a PIN that you enter each tim e the ph on e i s po wer e d on . Y ou can change t he PIN or t urn off the requirement that it be entered.

Entering the PIN

You may be required to enter a SIM PIN when you first use your phone.
When you receive your phone, the SIM PI N is
0000. Change your PIN to prevent fraudulent use of the SI M card.
Important: If you enter your PIN incorrectly 3
1 When the Enter SIM PIN Code screen ap pe ar s,
enter you r SI M PIN . A n as te r is k ap pe ars for each character entered.
2 Press A under Ok.
times, your SIM card is blocked. To unblock your SIM card, you must contact your service provider. See “Unblocking the PIN” on page 13.

Changing the PIN

1 From the main menu, select Settings >
Security > Change Password > SIM PIN.
2 At the Enter Old SIM PIN screen, enter the
current SIM PIN.
3 Press A under Ok. 4 At the Enter New SIM PIN screen, enter the
new 4- to 8-digit SIM PIN.
5 Press A under Ok. 6 At the Re-enter New SIM PIN screen, re-enter
the new SIM PIN to confirm.
7 Press A under Ok.
SIM Card Security

Turning the PIN Requirement On and Off

When the SIM PIN requirement is on, you are prompted to enter your PIN each time you turn on your phone.
Note: If a SI M PIN is requ ir e d, yo ur ph on e w ill
not function until the SIM PIN is entered, except for making emergency calls.
When the PIN requirement is off, your pho ne can be used without entering a PIN.
Important: When the SIM PIN requirement is off,
the personal data on your SIM card is not protected. Anyone can use your phone and access your personal data.
1 From the main menu, select Settings >
Security > SIM PIN. 2 Select On or Off. 3 Enter the current SIM PIN. 4 Press A under Ok.

Unbl ocking the PIN

If you enter your PIN incorrectly 3 tim es, your SIM card is blocked. T o unblock your SIM card, you must contact your service provider to get a PIN Unblock Code (PUK).
Important: If you unsuccessfully enter the PUK
code 10 times, your SIM card is permanently blocked and must be replaced. If this happens, all data is lost. You will get a message to contact your service provider. Except for making emergency calls, your phone will not function with a blocked SIM card.
To unblock the PIN:
1 Press * # m 1. 2 At your service provider representative’s
request, provide the information needed to give you a PUK cod e.
3 Select Unblock PIN. 4 Enter the PUK code. 5 Enter a new 4- to 8-digit SIM PIN. 6 Re-en ter yo ur S IM PI N .
If you entered the codes properly, SIM Unlocked appears on the display.

Inserting and Removing Your SIM Card

Important: Do not touch the gold-colored areas of
your SIM card.
Getting Started
Switching SIM Cards
Moving your SIM card from one phone to another moves all your Contacts information, but erases other in f orma ti on. If you r e mov e y our S IM c ar d and use it wit h an othe r pho ne, or use anoth er SIM card with your phone, the following information is erased:
The recent calls list
Call forwarding settings
Net alerts
MOSMS drafts, outbox messages, and
custom ized quick notes
Options set using the MMS Setup menu
Pictures and au dio recordings in the media
center, except those that are forward locked
Voice records
Voice names
Datebook events
Options set using the Personalize menu
Informat io n st ore d in Mem o
3 most recent GPS Enabled locations
Note: In some cases, Contacts may not be
access ible if you move your SIM card to another phone. Contacts entries created with your i605 phone are not readable by an older iDEN SIM-based phone.
Inserting Your SIM Card 1 With your phone po were d off, rem o ve the
battery door and battery.
2 Hold your SIM car d as shown. Do not touch the
gold-colored area.
cut corner


3 Carefully slide your SIM card into your phone,
until it lies flat in the SIM card holder.
SIM card holder
Removing Your SIM Card
Important: To avoid loss or damage, do not
1 With your phone po were d off, rem ove the
battery door and battery.
remove your SIM card from your phone unless absolutely necessary.
2 While hol di ng the tab down, slide your SIM card
out of the SIM card holder.
SIM card holder
Note: Protect your SIM card as you would any
delicate object. Store it carefully.
The retractable antenna on your i605 phone is design ed to be extended during calls.
To extend the antenna, pull gently on the rounded tip until the antenna is fully extended and clicks into position.
When finished with a call, retract the antenna by pushing gently on the rounded tip until the antenna clicks into place.
To optimize your phone’s performance, extend the antenna when you make or receive a call, and avoid t ouching the antenna with any body part.
Getting Started
Important: Failure to fully extend or retract the
antenna until the antenna clicks into place causes severely degraded performance, which may result in missed calls, dropped calls, or garbled audio.


To order accessories, log on to our Web site at or contact your Motorola Authorized Retailer.
Note: When you place your i605 phone into the
holst er, your phone goes into Sl eep mode.

For Mo re I nf o rmat i on

If you have questi ons about your i605 phone, contac t your sales representative or your service provider.

Making Calls

Your i605 phone makes two types of calls: digital cellular phone calls and Private calls. With Private calls, you use your phone as a long-ra nge, digital walkie-talkie.

Phone Calls

1 Enter the number you want to call. 2 To place the c all:
Press s. -or-
If you enter e d th e num ber from th e idle scr een,
press O.
3 To end the call, press e.

Private Calls

1 Enter the Private ID you want to call. 2 Press and hold th e PTT button on the side of
your phon e. Beg in talk ing af ter you r phon e emits
a chirpin g sound.
3 Release the PTT button to listen. 4 To end the call, press e. -or-
Press A under Exit. A Private call ends automatically if there is no
activity on the call for a few seconds.
Tip: To let someone know you want to talk to
him or her on a Privat e call, send a call alert. See “Cal l Alerts” on page 21.

Receiving Calls

Phone Calls

When you receive a phone cal l, your phone rings, vibrates, or lights up its backlight.
Press s. -or- Press O. -or- Press A under Yes. -or- Press any number key.
Sending to Voice Mail
Press e. -or- Press A under No.
Press e.

Private Calls

When you receive a Private call, your phone emits a chirping sound or vibrates.
Making Calls
Answering 1 Wait for the caller to finish speaking.
2 Press and hold th e PTT button on the side of
your phon e. Beg in talk ing af ter you r phon e emits
a chirping sound.
3 Release the PTT button to listen. Ending
Press e. -or-
Press A under Exit. A Private call ends automatically if there is no
activity on the call for a few seconds.

Choosing a Number to Call

You can choose the number you want to call in many ways:
Enter the number on the keypad. See “Entering
Numbers From the Keypad” on page 11.
Say a voi ce n ame in to yo ur pho ne. See “Usi ng a
Voice Na me”.
Use Speed Dial or Turbo Dial
call. See “Using Speed Dial and Turbo Dial®” on
page 19.
Redial the last phone number call ed. See
“Redialing the Last Number” on page 19.
to make a ph one
Select the number from the recent calls list. See “Making Calls From the Recent Calls List” on page 25.
Select the number from Contacts. See “Making Calls From Contacts” on page 34.
Select a number stored in Datebook. See “Making Calls From Datebook” on page 108.
Use One Touch PTT to make a Private call. See “One Touch PTT” on page 40.
Use the number in Memo. See “Memo” on page
Select the number in a text message you have received. See “Receiving a Message” on page

Using a Voice Name

If you have created a voice name in Contacts for the number you want to call, say the voice name into your phone to enter the number. See page 28 for information on voice names.
You can us e a voice name to enter a number with the flip open or closed.
1 Press and hold t unt il a prompt appears
telling you to say the voice name.
2 Speaking into the microphone, say the voice
name assigned to the number you want to call.

Missed Phone Calls

Your phone plays the name back to you. If you are making a phone cal l, the call is placed
Tip: To stop a phone call fro m be in g complet e d,
press . if the flip is closed or press e.
If you are making a Private call, press and hold the PTT button to place the call.
Using Speed Dial and Turbo Dial
Each phone number stored in Contacts is assigned a Speed D i al n umb er w hic h you c an us e t o ca ll t ha t number.
Speed Dial 1 From the idle screen, use the keypad to enter
the Speed Dial number assign ed to the phone number you want to call.
2 Press #. 3 Press s.
Turbo Dial
From the idle scr een, press and hold the Speed Dial n umb er ( 1 thr o ug h 9) as si gned to t he p ho ne number you want to call.

Redialing the Last Number

Press and hold s to place a call to the last phone number you called.
Missed Phone Calls
When you mi ss a ca ll , t hi s ic on V and the number
of phone calls you have missed appear briefly.
If you want to dismiss the missed call message, press A under Back. -or-
If you want to view the missed call on the recent calls lis t , pr es s A under View.

Usin g Spea ke r phon e

Turning on speake rphone makes incoming sound come out of the phon e’s speaker instead of the earpiece . Spea ker phone is avai labl e whene ver you are on an active phone call.
To turn speakerphone on or off:
Press A under Spkr. -or- Press t.
Making Calls

Using Mute

Muting calls lets you listen to incoming sound without transmitting sound. Mute is available whenever you are on an active call.
To turn mute o n:
Press A under Mute.
While mu te is on, Unmute appears as a display option.
To turn mute off:
Press A under Unmute.

Making Emergency Phone Calls

Your phone supports emergency calling. Emergency phone calls can be made even when your SIM card is blocked or not in your phone.
Dial 911 to be connected to an emergency response center. If you are o n an active call, you must end it before calling 911.
When you make an emergency call, your phone’s GPS Enabled feature can help emergency service personnel find you, if you are in a location where your phon e' s GP S ant en na ha s est a blis he d a cl e ar view of t he open sky and your lo cal emergency
response center has the equi pment to process location information. See “GPS Enabled” on page 95, and particularly “IMPORTANT: Things to Keep in Mind” on page 95 and “Making an Emergency Call” on page 96, for more information on the limitations of this feature. Because of the limitations of this feature, alway s provide your best knowledge of your location to the emergency response center w hen you make an emerge ncy call.
Important: Emergency calls cannot be placed while
Important: If you have not registered on the
the keypad is locked.
network, emergency calls cann ot be placed while your SIM card is in your phone.

Call Alerts

Sendin g a call alert let s the rec ipient kn ow yo u want to talk to him or her on a Private call.
When you s end a call alert, the recipient’s phone emits a series of beeps, or vibrates, and displays your name or Private ID.
The recipient can:
Answer — begin a Private call with the sender
Queue — store the call alert to the call alert
queue, which is a list of call alerts
Clear — dismiss and delete the cal l alert

Sending Call Alerts

1 Enter the Private ID you want to send to, as you
would when making a Private call.
2 Press A under Alert. Ready to Alert appears
on the display.
3 Press the PTT button until Alert Successful
appears on the display. Note: If the alert is not successful, this may
mean the person you are trying to reach is on a call or has the phone turned off.

Receiving Call Alerts

When you receive a call alert, you must answer, queue, or clear it. You cannot receive phone calls or Private calls until you do.
To answer a call alert:
Press the PTT button to make a Private call to the sender.
To queue a call alert:
Press A under Queue.
To clear a call alert:
Press O. -or- Press A under Clear. -or- Note: The recent calls list also stores c all alerts
you have received. They appear as Private calls. Call alerts remain in your recent calls list until you delete them or until they reach the end of the list.

Using the Call Alert Queue

When you queue a call alert, it remains in the call alert queue until you make a Private call to the sender or delete it.
Call Alerts

Viewing Call Alerts

1 From the main menu, select Call Alert. 2 Scroll through the list.

Viewing Date and Time

To view the date and time a call alert was received:
1 From the main menu, select Call Alert. 2 Select the call alert you want inf ormatio n on.

Responding to Call Alerts in the Queue

After you queue a call alert, you can respond to it by making a Private call to the se nder or sending a call alert to the sender.
Making a Private Call to the Sender 1 From the main menu, select Call Alert.
2 Scroll to the call alert you want to respond to. 3 Press the PTT button to begin the call.
This removes the call alert from the queue.
Sending a Call Alert to the Sender 1 From the main menu, select Call Alert.
2 Scroll to the call alert you want to respond to. 3 Press A under Alert. Ready to Alert appears
on the display.
4 Press the PTT button until Aler t Successful
appears on the display.

Deleting Call Alerts

To delete a call alert from the queue: 1 From the call alert queue, scroll to the call alert
you want to delete.
2 Press m. 3 Select Delete. 4 Press O or press A under Yes to confirm.
To delete all call alerts from the queue:
1 From the call alert queue, press m. 2 From the call alert menu, select Delete All. 3 Press O or press A under Yes to confirm.

Sor t ing Call Aler ts

Tip: You must have at least one call alert in the
queue t o access this feature.
To sort call alerts by the or der they were rec eived:
1 From the main menu, select Call Alert. 2 Press m. 3 Select Sort By. 4 Select First on Top or Last on Top.
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