Motorola 89FC5825B Users manual

User / Operational Manual
Operational or User’s Manual
The manual should include instruction, installation, operator, or technical manuals with required ‘information to the users’. This manual should include a statement that cautions the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. The manual shall include RF Hazard warning statements, if applicable.
Draft copy of some of the manual information has been assembled and has been included as part of this filing package.
Upon request, published and/or printed manuals will be sent to the commission and/or telecommunication certification body (TCB). All of the descriptions, block diagrams, and schematics that are included in this filing package are current as of the package submittal date.
D1-1 Manual Front Matter (Draft) D1-2 Specifications (Draft) D1-3 Field Replaceable Units and Orderable Parts (Draft) D1-4 Tune-Up Procedure D1-5 Racking Configurations D1-6 Functional Description / Operation of Modules (Draft)
User / Operational Manual
Manual Front Matter
A copy of the multi-lingual lingual document, “General Safety Precautions and Installation Standards and Guidelines”, is included with each base radio shipped. This document gives general safety precautions pertaining to installation and RF exposure. The English and French sections are included, below, as part of this filing package.
General Safety Precautions and Installation Standard s and Guideli ne s
WARNING: For safe installation, operation, service and repair of this equipment, follow the safety precautions and instructions described below, as well as any additional safety information in Motorola’s product service and installation manuals and the Motorola R56 Standards and Guidelines for Communications Sites manual (6881089E50). To obtain copies of these materials, please contact Motorola as directed at the end of this document. After installation, these instructions should be retained and readily available for any person operating or servicing this base station or working near it.
Failure to follow these safety precautions and instructions could result in serious injury or property damage. The installation process requires preparation and knowledge of the site before installation begins. Review installation procedures and
precautions in the Motorola R56 manual before performing any site or component installation. Personnel must use safe work practices and good judgment, and always follow applicable safety procedures, such as requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Electrical Code (NEC), and local codes.
The following are additional general safety precautions that must be observed:
To continue compliance with any applicable regulations and maintain the safety of this equipment, do not install substitute parts
or perform any unauthorized modifications.
All equipment must be serviced by Motorola trained personnel.
If troubleshooting the equipment while the power is on, be aware of the live circuits which could contain hazardous voltage.
Do not operate the radio transmitters unless all RF connectors are secure and all connectors are properly terminated.
All equipment must be properly grounded in accordance with the Motorola R56 and specified installation instructions for safe
Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation. Do not block or cover openings that protect the devices from
Some equipment components can become extremely hot during operation. Turn off all power to the equipment and wait until
sufficiently cool before touching.
Maintain emergency first aid kits at the site.
Never store combustible materials in or near equipment racks. The combination of combustible material, heat and electrical
energy increases the risk of a fire hazard.
Equipment shall be installed in site that meets the requirements of a “restricted access location”, per (UL60950-1 & EN60950-1),
which is defined as follows: “Access can only be gained by service persons or by users who have been instructed about the reasons for the restrictions applied to the location and about any precautions that shall be taken; and access is through the use of a tool or lock and key, or other means of security, and is controlled by the authority responsible for the location.”
Burn hazard. The metal housing of the product may become extremely hot. Use caution when working around the equipment.
RF energy burn hazard. Disconnect power in the cabinet to prevent injury while disconnecting and connecting antennas.
Shock hazard. The outer shields of all TX and RX cables must be grounded per Motorola R56 manual.
Shock hazard. DC input voltage shall be no higher than 60VDC. This maximum voltag
charging “float voltage” associated with the intended supply system, regardless of the marked power rating of the equipment.
All TX and RX RF cables shall be connected to a surge protection device according to Motorola R56 manual. Do not connect TX
and RX RF cables directly to an outside antenna.
Compliance with National and International standards and guidelines for human exposure to Electromagnetic Energy (EME) at
Transmitter Antenna sites generally requires that persons having access to a site shall be aware of the potential for exposure to EME and can exercise control of exposure by appropriate means, such as adhering to warning sign instructions. See this installation manual and Appendix A of Motorola R56.
Refer to product specific manuals for detailed safety and installation instructions. Manuals can be obtained with product orders, downloaded from, or purchased through the Motorola Aftermarket & Accessory Department.
e shall include consideration of the battery
User / Operational Manual
Manual Front Matter
Français Canadien:
Consignes générales de sécurité et d’installation
AVERTISSEMENT : pour une installation, un fonctionnement, un entretien et des reparations de cet équipement sans risque,
respectez les mesures de sécurité et instructions décrites ci-dessous ainsi que les consignes de sécurité supplémentaires présentées dans les guides d’entretien et d’installation des produits Motorola et dans le manuel de Motorola intitulé Standards and Guidelines for Communications Sites, R56 (6881089E50). Pour obtenir des copies de ces documents, adressez-vous à Motorola selon la procédure indiquée à la fin de ce document. Après l’installation, conservez ces instructions pour que toute personne utilisant ou réparant cette station de base ou travaillant à proximité puisse s’y référer facilement.
Ne pas suivre ces mesures de sécurité et ces instructions peut entraîner des blessures graves ou des dommages matériels. Le processus d’installation exige une préparation et une connaissance préalable du site. Passez en revue les procédures d’installation et
les consignes de sécurité en consultant le manuel Motorola R56 avant de procéder à toute installation sur le site ou à toute installation d’un composant. Le personnel doit adopter des pratiques professionnelles sécuritaires et faire preuve de bon sens et toujours respecter les procédures de sécurité applicables, telles que les exigences des norms Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), celles du Code national de l’électricité ou de tout autre code en vigueur dans votre région.
Les consignes de sécurité générales supplémentaires suivantes doivent également être respectées:
Pour continuer à respecter toute réglementation applicable et assurer la sécurité de cet équipement, n’installez aucune pièce de
rechange et ne modifiez aucune pièce de l’équipement sans autorisation.
Tout équipement doit être entretenu par le personnel formé de Motorola.
Si vous tentez une procédure de dépannage de l’équipement alors qu’il est sous tension, portez attention aux circuits alimentés qui
pourraient présenter un danger électrique.
N’utilisez pas d’émetteurs-récepteurs radio à moins que tous les connecteurs RF soient solidement branchés et que tous les
connecteurs soient adéquatement protégés d’un embout.
Tout équipement doit comporter un dispositif de mise à la terre adéquat, conformément au manuel Motorola R56 et aux
instructions détaillées d’installation assurant une utilisation sans risque.
Les fentes et les ouvertures du caisson servent à l’aération. Évitez d’obstruer ou de recouvrir ces ouvertures qui empêchent les
appareils de surchauffer.
Certains composants peuvent devenir très chauds durant l’utilisation. Mettez l’équipement hors tension et attendez qu’il
refroidisse suffisamment avant de le toucher.
Veillez à ce que le site dispose d’une trousse d’urgence et de premiers soins en tout temps.
Ne rangez jamais des matières combustibles sur ou près des étagères destinées à l’équipement. La combinaison matières
combustibles- chaleur-énergie électrique augmente le risque d’incendie.
Tout équipement doit être installé sur les sites conformément aux exigences relatives aux « emplacements à accès restreint » (voir
UL60950-1 et EN60950-1) qui se définissent comme suit : « L’accès est uniquement donné au personnel d’entretien ou à toute autre personne informée des raisons justifiant les restrictions touchant l’accès au lieu et de toutes les précautions à prendre
cès est restreint à l’aide d’outils, de cadenas, d’une clé ou de tout autre dispositif de sécurité et est contrôlé par l’autorité
l’ac responsable du site. »
Risques de brûlure. Le boîtier métallique du produit peut devenir extrêmement chaud. Faites attention lorsque vous travaillez près
de l’équipement.
Risques de brûlure causée par l’énergie de radiofréquence. Coupez le courant du caisson pour éviter les blessures lors du
débranchement et du branchement des antennes.
Risques de décharge électrique. Le blindage de tous les câbles d’émission et de réception doit comporter un dispositif de mise à la
terre conforme aux exigences décrites dans le manuel Motorola R56.
Risques de décharge électrique. La tension d’entrée de courant continu ne doit pas dépasser 60 V c.c. Cette tension maximale doit
tenir compte de la « tension d’annonciation » du chargement de la batterie associée au système d’alimentation voulu, peu importe le type de puissance de l’équipement indiqué.
Le blindage de tous les câbles RF d’émission et de réception doit comporter un dispositif de protection contre les surtensions
conformément au manuel Motorola R56. Ne branchez pas les câbles RF d’émission et de réception directement sur l’antenne extérieure.
Les normes et directives nationales et internationales en matière d’exposition à l’énergie électromagnétique à proximité des
antennes émettrices exigent, en général, que les personnes ayant accès à de tels sites soient conscientes du risque d’être exposées à l’énergie électromagnétique et de la possibilité de contrôler ces risques d’exposition en respectant strictement les instructions figurant sur les panneaux d’avertissement. Référez-vous à ce manuel d’installation et à l’annexe A du manuel Motorola R56.
Consultez les manuels spécifiques au produit pour des instructions détaillant les mesures de sécurité et la procédure d’installation. Ces manuels peuvent accompagner le produit commandé, être téléchargés du site ou être achetés auprès du service Accessoires et pieces de rechange de Motorola.
User / Operational Manual
Manual Front Matter (Draft)
The Motorola products described in this document may include copyrighted Motorola computer programs. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs. Accordingly, any copyrighted Motorola computer programs contained in the Motorola products described in this document may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Motorola.
© 2013 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or
computer language, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of Motorola Solutions, Inc. Furthermore, the purchase of Motorola products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Motorola, except for the normal nonexclusive, royalty-free license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product.
Please note that certain features, facilities, and capabilities described in this document may not be applicable to or licensed for use on a particular system, or may be dependent upon the characteristics of a particular mobile subscriber unit or configuration of certain parameters. Please refer to y our Mot or ola contact for fu rther information.
MOTOROLA, MOTO, MO TOROLA SOLUTIONS, and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC and are used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
European Union (EU) Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive
The European Union's WEEE directive requires that products sold into EU countries must have the crossed out trash
bin label on the product (or the package in some cases). As defined by the WEEE directive, this cross-out trashbin label means that customers and end-users in EU countries
should not dispose of electronic and electrical equipment or accessories in household waste. Customers or end-users in EU countries should contact their local equipment supplier representative or service centre for
information about the waste collection system in their country.
FCC Requirements
Radio frequency (RF) transmitters installed at sites within the US must be in compliance with the following FCC regulations:
The station licensee shall be responsible for the proper operation of the station at all times and is expected to
provide observations, servicing, and maintenance as often as may be necessary to ensure proper operation.
The transmitter ERP shall not exceed the maximum power specified on the current station authorization.
The frequency of the transmitter must be checked during initial installation of the transmitter, when replacing
modules, or when making adjustments that affect the carrier frequency or modulation characteristics.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, according to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference to radio communications when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed properly and used in accordance with the instruction manuals, the equipment may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of some compliant equipment in a residential area may cause harmful interference to radio communications, in which case the user is required to correct the interference.
User / Operational Manual
Manual Front Matter (Draft, Continued)
About GTR 8000 Base Radio - What Is Covered In This Manual?
This manual contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1 GTR 8000 Base Radio Description provides a high-level description of the GTR 8000 Base Radio and
the function it serves on your system.
Chapter 2 GTR 8000 Base Radio Theory of Operation explains how the GTR 8000 Base Radio works in the
context of your system.
Chapter 3 GTR 8000 Base Radio Installation details installation procedures relating to the GTR 8000 Base
Chapter 4 GTR 8000 Base Radio Configuration details configuration procedures relating to the GTR 8000 Base
Chapter 5 GTR 8000 Base Radio Optimization contains optimization procedures and recommended settings
relating to the GTR 8000 Base Radio.
Chapter 6 GTR 8000 Base Radio Maintenance describes periodic maintenance procedures relating to the GTR
8000 Base Radio.
Chapter 7 GTR 8000 Base Radio Operation details tasks that you will perform once the GTR 8000 Base Radio
is installed and operational on your system.
Chapter 8 GTR 8000 Base Radio Troubleshooting provides fault management and troubleshooting information
relating to the GTR 8000 Base Radio.
Chapter 9 GTR 8000 Base Radio FRU Procedures lists the Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) and Field
Replaceable Entities (FREs) and includes replacement procedures applicable to the GTR 8000 Base Radio.
Chapter 10 GTR 8000 Base Radio Reference contains supplemental reference information relating to the GTR
8000 Base Radio indicator LEDs.
Chapter 11 GTR 8000 Base Radio Disaster Recovery provides references and information that enables you to
recover a GTR 8000 Base Radio in the event of failure.
Useful Background Information
Motorola offers various courses designed to assist in learning about the system. For information, go to to view the current course offerings and technology paths.
Related Information
In addition to the information in the table below, see the Related Information Guide.
User / Operational Manual
Manual Front Matter (Draft, Continued)
General Safety Precautions
Compliance with FCC guidelines for human exposu re to
potential for exposure to EME and can exercise control of exposure by appropriate means, such as adhering to warning sign instructions, using standard operating procedures (work practices), wearing personal protective equipment, or limiting the duration of exposure. For more details and specific guidelines, see Appendix A of the Motorola Standards and Guidelines for Communications Sites manual.
Observe the following general safety precautions during all phases of operation, service, and repair of the equipment described in this manual. Follow the safety precautions listed and all other warnings and cautions necessary for the safe operation of all equipment. Refer to the appropriate section of the product service manual for additional pertinent safety information. Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modifications of equipment.
Communications Sites manual before performing any site or component installation.
Electromagnetic Energy (EME) at Transmitter Antenna sites generally requires that Personnel working at a site shall be aware of the
The installation process requires preparation and knowledge of the site before installation begins. Review installation procedures and precautions in the Motorola Standards and Guidelines for
Always follow all applicable safety procedures, such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements, National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements, local code requirements, safe working practices. Also, good judgment must be made by personnel. General safety precautions include the following:
Read and follow all warning notices and instructions marked on the product or included in this manual before
installing, servicing, or operating the equipment. Retain these safety instructions for future reference.
If troubleshooting the equipment while power is on, be aware of the live circuits. Do not operate the radio transmitters unless all RF connectors are secure and all connectors are properly
All equipment must be properly grounded in accordance with the Motorola Standards an d Guidelines for
Communications Sites manual and specified installation instructions for safe operation.
Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation. Do not block or cover openings that protect the
devices from overheating.
Only a qualified technician familiar with similar electronic equipment should service equipment. Some equipment components can become extremely hot during operation. Turn off all power to the equipment
and wait until sufficiently cool before touching.
Maintain emergency first aid kits at the site. Have personnel call in with their travel routes to help ensure their safety while traveling between remote sites. Institute a communications routine during certain higher risk procedures where the on-site technician continually
updates management or safety personnel of the progress so that help can be dispatched if needed.
Never store combustible materials in or near equipment racks. The combination of combustible material, heat,
and electrical energy increases the risk of a fire safety hazard.
Equipment shall be installed in site meeting the requirements of a "restricted access location," per UL60950-1,
which is defined as follows: "Access can only be gained by service persons or by user who has been warned about the possible burn hazard on equipment metal housing. Access to the equipment is through the use of a tool or lock and key, or other means of security, and is controlled by the authority responsible for the location."
Burn hazard. The metal housing of the product may become extremely hot. Use caution when working around the equipment.
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