Motion Pro Stepless Hose Clamps User Manual

Installing Stepless® Hose Clamps
Stepless clamps are extremely simple to install, and they are more secure and compact than standard screw type hose clamps. Installing them is very straightforward, but there are a few tips and tricks that will make installing them even easier. Motion Pro makes kits for both cooling and fuel systems. The images in this instruction illustrate installation on a radiator hose, but installation of stepless clamps is the same no matter what type of hose it is.
The first step is to measure the installed diameter of the hose when it is mounted on it’s spigot or hose barb. If the installed hose diameter is 28mm, then you would use the 26.9-30.1mm clamp.
The clamps are one piece, so you have to remove the hose from the spigot to slide the clamp over the hose, and then push the hose back onto the spigot.
Stepless clamps use a special crimping tool on the clamp ear to tighten them on the hose. The crimping tool can be used in two orientations, depending on how much room you have around the installation.
Crimping straight on towards the clamp.
Crimping from the side.
The pinching surfaces of the tool are placed on each side of the ear on the clamp, and the jaws are com pressed until the hose is securely clamped to the spigot. The ear should be between 50-80% closed when properly crimped. Do not attempt to try to completely close it, as the slightly open ear will accomodate expan sion and contraction of the hoses and fittings as the system heats and cools.
Crimping tool in position. Crimping the clamp on the hose.
To remove a previously installed stepless clamp, use a side-cutting pliers to cut through the center of the ear that is crimped when the clamp was installed. Stepless clamps are single use, so never attempt to remove and reuse them. Cutting through the ear is the fastest way to remove it, you lower the risk of damaging the hose, and it ensures that the clamp will not be reused by mistake.
Cutting through the ear of the
Ready to remove, and not reusable.
Final crimp appearance.
stepless clamp to remove it