10 T008 Safety and Regulatory Guide
• ETSI EN301-489-7 -EMC standard for Radio Spectrum
Matters (ERM) for radio equipment and services part 7;
specific conditions for mobile and portable radio and
ancillary equipment of digital cellular radio
telecommunications systems {GSM and DCS}.
• ETSI EN301-489-24 – EMC standard for Radio Spectrum
Matters (ERM) for radio equipment and services part 24;
specific conditions for IMT-2000 CDMA Direct Spread
(UTRA) for mobile and portable (UE) radio and ancillary
Radio Frequency exposure statement
If your Tablet PC is configured with a 3G mobile broadband
(WWAN) module, your Tablet PC was tested for Specific
Absorption Rate (SAR) in a body-worn or portable
configuration. All users of this product will not be exposed
to harmful radio frequencies. Motion has ensured user
safety by limiting the screen rotation usage to maintain a
minimal separation distance of 20 cm between the
radiating antenna and the human body.
Wideband Transmission System radio
Wideband Transmission Systems operating in frequency
bands of 5150–5350 MHz in all EU Member States,
including candidate countries, respectively, are restricted
to indoor use only.
The Wideband transmission system radio in your Tablet PC
contains a custom antenna that complies with the
following directives:
English Hereby, Motion Computing, Incorporated declares
that the T008 is in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
German Hiermit, Motion Computing, Incorporated erklärt,
dass die T008 in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden
Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen
Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet.
French Par la présente, Motion Computing, Incorporated
déclare que la T008 est en conformité avec les exigences
essentielles et autres dispositions pertinentes de la
directive européenne 1999/5/CE.
Czech Tímto, Motion Computing, Incorporated prohlašuje,
_e T008 je ve shode se základními po_adavky a dalšími
príslušnými ustanoveními smernice 1999/5/ES.
Danish Hermed, Motion Computing, Incorporated
erklærer, at T008 er i overensstemmelse med de væsentlige
krav og øvrige relevante bestemmelser i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Estonian Käesolevaga, Motion Computing, Incorporated
deklareerib, et T008 vastavust põhinõuetele ja teistele
asjakohastele direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ sätteid.
Spanish Por la presente, Motion Computing, Incorporated
declara que el T008 cumple con los requisitos esenciales y
otras disposiciones pertinentes de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Greek МЕ ФЗН РБСПХУБ Motion Computing
Italian Con la presente, Motion Computing, Incorporated
dichiara che il T008 è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle
altre disposizioni pertinenti della direttiva 1999/5/CE. Per
uso riservato, un'autorizzazione generale è richiesta se
WAS/RLAN sono usati fuori dei propri locali. Per uso
pubblico, un'autorizzazione generale è richiesta.
Latvian Ar šo, Motion Computing, Incorporated pazino, ka
T008 ir saskana ar pamatprasibam un citiem attiecigiem
Direktivas 1999/5/EK.
Lithuanian Nusprendzia, Motion Computing,
Incorporated pareiškia, kad T008 atitinka esminius
reikalavimus ir kitas atitinkamas nuostatas del Direktyvoje
Netherlands Hierbij Motion Computing, Incorporated
verklaart dat het T008 in overeenstemming is met de
essentiële eisen en andere relevante bepalingen van
richtlijn 1999/5/EG.
Maltese Hawnhekk, Motion Computing, Incorporated
jiddikjara li l-T008 hija f'konformità mar-rekwiziti essenzjali
u dispozizzjonijiet rilevanti ohra tad-Direttiva 1999/5/KE.
Hungarian Ezúton, Motion Computing, Incorporated
kijelenti, hogy a T008 megfelel az alapveto
követelményeknek és más vonatkozó 1999/5/EK irányelv
Polish Niniejszym Motion Computing, Incorporated
oswiadcza, ze T008 jest zgodny z zasadniczymi
wymaganiami oraz pozostalymi stosownymi
postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/WE.
Portuguese Nisto, Motion Computing, Incorporated
declara que o T008 está em conformidade com os
requisitos essenciais e outras disposições relevantes da
Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Slovenian S tem, Motion Computing, Incorporated
izjavlja, da T008 skladen z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi
relevantnimi dolocili direktive 1999/5/ES.
Slovak Týmto, Motion Computing, Incorporated
vyhlasuje, ze T008 je v zhode so základnými poziadavkami
a dalšími príslušnými ustanoveniami smernice 1999/5/ES.
Finnish Täten, Motion Computing, Incorporated
vakuuttaa, että T008 on noudattaa olennaisten
vaatimusten ja muiden direktiivin 1999/5/EY.
Swedish Härmed Motion Computing, Incorporated
förklarar att T008 står i överensstämmelse med de
väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta
bestämmelser i direktiv 1999/5/EG.
Icelandic Hér með, Motion Computing, Incorporated segir
að T008 er í samræmi við nauðsynleg skilyrði og önnur
ákvæði tilskipunar 1999/5/EB.
Herved Motion Computing, Incorporated
erklærer at T008 er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav
og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Wireless notices
In some environments, the use of wireless devices (both
internal and external) may be restricted. Such restrictions
may apply aboard airplanes, in hospitals, near explosives,
in hazardous locations, etc. If you are uncertain of the
policy that applies to the use of this device, please ask for
authorization to use it prior to turning it on. For
instructions for disabling internal wireless devices, see
“Disabling internal wireless operations” on page 8.