Motion Computing CL900 Getting Started Guide

Getting Started with the Motion® CL900
Model FWS-001
Log on
1. Press the power button.
2. Tap to display the on-screen keyboard then tap your user name and password.
The rst time you start the tablet, Windows Setup appears.
Follow the instructions to set up your user account.
Tip: Press the Security button
whenever you want to lock or unlock your tablet; it’s just like using Ctrl + Alt + Delete.
Use touch and pen (sold separately)
With the CL900 touch-screen display, you can use your nger or a pen (sold separately) to select and enter text. Just as you click and double-click a mouse, you tap and
double-tap your nger or pen. To right-click, you tap and
hold or press the pen’s function button.
Pen tip
function (right-click) button
Adjust settings with Motion Dashboard
CL900 comes with Motion Dashboard which puts many common tablet-related settings in one convenient place.
To open the Motion Dashboard either
Motion Computing > Motion Dashboard
From the notication area, tap the Motion icon
Motion Dashboard
Enter text with the Input Panel
Without a keyboard, you enter text using an on-screen
keyboard or writing pad. If you have a pen (which is sold
separately), the writing pad comes in handy to ll out forms
or jot down notes. You use the Tablet PC Input Panel to
enter text with either the keyboard or writing pad. Here’s
the Input Panel open to the writing pad.
writing pad icon
To open the Input Panel either
Tap where you want to enter text, such
as in a text box, and the Input Panel icon
appears. Tap the icon to begin to write or type.
Tap the tab on the left edge of the display to expand
the Input Panel.
The Input Panel opens to whatever tool you used last, the keyboard or the writing pad.
To switch between the writing pad and keyboard
• Tap the appropriate icon.
keyboard icon
Tablet PC Input Panel
Among the tasks you can do from the Motion Dashboard:
Tap... To...
Display Rotate the screen
Change the screen resolution
Dim the display after a period of time
Set up an external display
Pen & Tablet Set input mode to touch, pen or both
Adjust touch for left-handedness
Adjust sensitivity of icks and gestures
Enable swiping, dragging, and two-nger pinching
Personalize your handwriting so that it can be recognized more accurately
Audio Adjust speaker and microphone volume
Suppress background noise
Wireless Enable and disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth® and
Mobile Broadband (if installed)
Choose to have wireless enabled or disabled when the system starts up
Power Dim the display to save power
Change power switch behavior to sleep, hibernate, or shut down
Change the power plan to Power Saver
Motion Computing and Motion are registered trademarks of Motion Computing, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners. Copyright © 2011 Motion Computing, Inc. All rights reserved. PN 024-02-0253 Rev. A01
Set up wireless
One of the rst things you’ll want to do is set up for wireless communication. The CL900 supports:
• Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n)
• Bluetooth
• Mobile Broadband (WWAN) with GPS (if installed)
Step 1. Enable wireless from Motion Dashboard
1. From Windows Start menu, select Motion Computing > Motion Dashboard.
2. Select Wireless.
3. Select the check boxes next to the wireless networks you intend to use:
Enable Bluetooth Internal Wireless
Enable 802.11 Internal Wireless
Enable Mobile Broadband with GPS (if installed)
Step 2. Set up 802.11 WiFi
1. From the notication area, select the wireless icon.
2. Select the desired wireless network from the list of available networks.
Step 3. Set up Mobile Broadband with GPS (optional)
If you purchased your CL900 with the optional Mobile Broad­band module (WWAN), you can connect to high-speed 3G cellular networks worldwide. With the Mobile Broadband module and a data plan from one of several cellular network providers, you full mobile Internet access.
NoTe: Before you can connect to a mobile broadband network,
you must have an active account with a cellular network carrier.
Set up mobile broadband as follows:
1. Download and install Motion Connection Manager according to the mobile broadband instructions from our corporate website.
2. Follow the steps on the web page to set up mobile broad­band using Motion Connection Manager. The procedure
walks you through setting up a network prole for your
mobile broadband account.
3. Connect to your network using Connection Manager.
See the Connection Manager help for more information on mobile broadband, including using GPS.
Step 4. Set up Bluetooth
The CL900 has a built-in Bluetooth adapter which provides short-range wireless connectivity with other Bluetooth enabled devices.
To add a Bluetooth device
1. From the notication area, tap the Bluetooth icon and select Add a Device.
2. Make sure the device is discoverable according to Bluetooth device manufacturer’s instructions. When a device is discoverable, it is visible to other Bluetooth devices within range (up to 33 feet or 10 meters).
3. Select the desired Bluetooth device from the list of available devices.
4. Follow the on screen instructions to complete the procedure.
Tip: Use the Motion Dashboard Wireless page to disable
all wireless services conveniently.
Using the cameras
Your CL900 comes equipped with two built-in cameras: a front­facing web camera and rear-facing documentation camera. Several vendors offer web cam and image capture software which you can use with the CL900 cameras. The CL900 comes with Photo
Paint, which is an ExTOUCH user interface app that supports
both web and documentation cameras.
General tips
• Consider placing the taskbar on the left edge of the touch-
screen. Press and hold the Start menu, select
Properties, then select the Taskbar tab. In Taskbar location on screen, select Left. Make sure Lock the taskbar
is checked.
To use the web or doc camera, rst congure which camera to
use from All Programs>Microsoft Silverlight.
• You can rest your hand on the display, but don’t place heavy
objects on top of the tablet.
• Store the pen in the pen drawer when not in use.
• When attaching the pen tether, loop one end of the tether
through the pen, then loop the other end through tether at­tach point on the tablet.
Clean ngerprints and marks from the display surface with a
soft cloth. Don’t spray liquids directly on the display.
• Avoid using tissues or paper towels on the display surface—
they contain wood bers that can scratch the display.
• If you need to use a cleaning solution, we maintain a list of
tested products on our web site.
• Wipe up spills immediately.
Avoid exposing the tablet to direct sunlight or
extreme temperatures for long periods of time.
• Turn off or place the tablet in hibernation mode for airplane
takeoff and landing.
Battery tips
Check the remaining charge while on battery power. Press
the battery button on the left side of the tablet to
display up to ve battery gauge lights on the front. Five
lights indicate a full charge; one light indicates about 20 percent of battery charge is remaining.
• Stop unnecessary background applications and
• When not in use, turn off wireless adapters from the Motion
Dashboard Wireless page.
• From Motion Dashboard Display tab, set the screen bright-
ness of the display to automatically dim after so many min­utes of inactivity.
Set the power button to Sleep or Hibernate from
Motion Dashboard Power page.
For maximum conservation, use the Power saver power plan
from Motion Dashboard Power page.
• When using mobile broadband, reduce how often the CL900
updates email and other Internet applications to, perhaps, once every half-hour.
• Disable mobile broadband where you know a signal
is unavailable.
For more power tips, see
Motion Computing Tips and Tricks.
Learn more
For detailed information about using your tablet:
From Windows Start menu, select
All Programs > Motion Computing > Motion User’s Guide
• From the list of user guides on our web site
• When using Motion Dashboard or Motion Connection Man-
ager applications, tap the help ic