Motec LTC, LTCD, LTCD-NTK, LTC-NTK User Manual

MoTeC LTC User Manual
Introduction .............................................................................. 2
Installation ................................................................................ 4
LTC Install ation ..................................................................................4
Lambda Sensor Installation ................................................................4
LTC Manager Software Installation ....................................................6
CAN Bus Interface ................................................................... 7
Configuration ........................................................................... 9
Introduction ........................................................................................9
Setup .................................................................................................9
Calibration ....................................................................................... 16
Firmware ......................................................................................... 19
Operation ................................................................................ 20
Monitori ng LTCs .............................................................................. 20
MoTeC Data Loggers ....................................................................... 24
MoTeC M1 ECUs ............................................................................. 25
MoTeC 'Hundred Ser ies' ECUs ........................................................ 26
Lambda and Air Fuel Rati o............................................................... 28
LTC Operating Tips.......................................................................... 30
Appendices ............................................................................ 31
Appendix A – Specifications ............................................................. 31
Appendix B – Pinout ........................................................................ 32
Appendix C – Dimensions ................................................................ 34
Appendix D – Wiring Det ails ............................................................. 37
Appendix E – LTC CAN Messages ................................................... 39
Appendix F – Lambda t o Air Fuel Ratio Table .................................. 42
Copyright  2016 – MoTeC Pty Ltd
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
cons equenc es of an y in accur aci es or omis s i ons in t his m an u al.
V1.7 24 February 2017
2 Introduction
MoTeC LTCs (Lambda to CAN) monitor and control Wideband Lambda sensors and transmit Lambda readings and diagnostics on a CAN bus. There are single channel LTC and Dual channel LTCD avail able to suit either Bosch LSU4.9 or NTK sensors:
#61300 – Single Channel Bosch LSU 4.9 Sensor
#61301 – Dual Channel B osch LSU 4.9 Sensors
#61304 – Single Channel NTK Sensor
#61305 – Dual Channel NTK Sensors
Up to 32 Lambda sensors can be configured on a single CAN bus using LTCs, allowing an E CU or Data Logger to simultaneously monitor multiple Lambda sensors.
Throughout t his manual the LTC, LTCD, LTC-NTK and LTCD-NTK will be refer r ed to as LTC except where details specific t o a particular model are discussed.
Accurate Lambda m easurement even when the exhaust gas temperature is changing rapidly (heating or cooli ng)
Ability to perform free air sensor calibration or use the initial sensor factory calibration. LTC-NTK has the ability to be calibrated against a test gas.
Pre-configured to work in a single LTC or LTCD installation, without requiring configuration with a PC
LTC Manager software to:
o configure and calibrate all LTCs on the CAN bus o display readings and diagnostics o configure the CAN transmission address of each LTC o control free air calibration o update LTC firmware
MoTeC ‘Hundred Series’ ECUs: M400, M600, M800 and M880
MoTeC M1 Series ECUs
MoTeC Data Loggers: ACL, SDL, S DL3, ADL, ADL2, ADL3, CDL3 and all
C Series colour Display Loggers (C187 etc .)
MoTeC Introduction 3
#57006 Bosch LSU 4.9 Lambda Sensor
#57007 NTK Lam bda Sensor
#61059 MoTeC UTC - USB to CAN, used to comm unicate to the PC
(optional) Note: LT C is not compati ble with MoTeC's CAN cable (part number
4 Introduction
LTC Installation
The LTC can be mounted t o a flat surface using the two mounting holes. The LTC should be mounted as far as possible from the exhaust to avoid
excessive heat. Note: LT C maximum ambient temperature is 100 °C. Use Connector A to connect the single LTC to the Lambda sensor. Use
connectors A and B t o connect the LTCD to two Lambda sensors. Use the Power/CAN Connector to power the LTC and connect to the CAN bus.
Appendices for more details.
Lambda Sensor Installation
Warning: The Bosch LSU 4.9 Lambda sensors are fitted from the factory with
a calibrat ed trim m ing resistor embedded in the sensor connec tor. If the factory sensor connector is cut off and replaced with another type, t he LTC will not operate correc tly.
Note: Unlike the Bosch LSU 4.9 the NTK sensors standard connect or can be
removed and r eplac ed by a non-standard connector without affecting the performance of the sensor or the LTC-NTK. However, the initial factory calibration method will not work as the calibration resistor is built into the origi nal c onnec tor. In this case Free Air cali br ation is required. It is recommended that no wiring modification is made to the NTK sensor or LTC­NTK unless completely necessary.
The Lambda sensor should be fitted to the exhaust system with the sensor tip protrudi ng into the exhaust gas flow. The following c onsi der ations should be taken into acc ount when fitting the sensor:
Place the sensor on an angle between 10 and 90 degrees to the vertical with the tip of t he sensor pointing down to prevent condensati on build up between the sensor case and the sensor cer amic.
Do not place the sensor in a vertical position; excess heat soak will prevent pr oper oper ation.
Place the sensor at least 1 metre from the exhaust ports to av oid excessive heat (recommended).
Place the sensor at l east 1 metre from the open end of the exhaust system to avoid incor r ect r eadings due to outside oxygen (recommended)
MoTeC Installation 5
o Where necessary for short er ex haust systems the sensor could be
placed closer to the engine.
Place the sensor away fr om the fl am e front comi ng out of the cylinder head and away fr om areas where one cylinder may have more effect than another.
If possible, do not place the sensor near exhaust slip joints; some designs allow air to enter resulting in inc orrect readings. If the sensor has to be plac ed near a sli p joint, reverse the slip joint s to reduce the i nfluence of introduced ai r.
Exhaust slip joint design
Exhaust flow
Introduced air No air introduced
Incorrect sensor
Correct sensor plac ement
6 Introduction
LTC Manager Software Installation
The LTC Manager software is required for confi gur ation and calibration of LTC units. The software must be install ed on Windows XP SP3 or later. The same software package i s used f or the LTC, LTCD, LTC-NTK and LTCD-NTK.
Note: The LTC Manager software is not required if usi ng a singl e LTC or LTCD unit preconfigured by MoTeC.
Install LTC Manager Software
Go to the MoTeC website at and navigate to downloads > software > latest releases > LTC Manager
Save the LTC Manager installation file in your pref er r ed loc ation (for example desktop)
Double cli c k the saved file to run the installer
Follow the installation instruc tions on the Install Wizard
To start the program aft er installation,
double click the LTC Manager icon on the desktop
Click Start > All Pr ogr am s > MoTeC > LTC > LTC Manager
Updating Software
Software updates are available free of char ge, giving access to the latest features for the life of the device. Download the latest software versions from the website and f ollow the software installation instructions to update to the new version.
To update the associated firmware in the device see
MoTeC Installation 7
CAN Bus Interface
Gateway Devices
LTC Manager comm unic ates with the LTC devices on the CAN bus via a MoTeC gateway devi c e.
Supported gateway dev ices include:
MoTeC UTC (USB To CAN) connected to the PC via USB.
MoTeC M1 ECU (all models) connected to the PC via Ethernet.
MoTeC Display Loggers (all C Series Display Loggers, e.g. C185, plus
ACL, ADL3, SDL3, CDL3) connected to the PC via Ethernet.
The gateway devic e m ust be sel ec ted in LTC Manager as shown below. For gateway devi c es that have multiple CAN interf ac es (e.g. Display Loggers), the appropriate CAN bus must also be select ed.
The selected gateway and CAN bus are saved and will be used by default the next time LTC Manager is run.
CAN Bitrate Settings
All devices on a CAN bus must be confi gur ed to the same CAN bitrate. The CAN bitrate setting in LTC Manager (Tools > Options) must be set t o
match the bitrate of the connected CAN bus.
8 Introduction CAN Bitrate Conversion Tool
All LTC dev ic es are initially confi gur ed with a 1Mbps CAN bitrate. For applic ations that require a different CAN bitrate, each LTC on the bus must
be individually convert ed to operate at the new bitrate. Supported bi trates are 1Mbps (default) , 500Kbps, 250K bps and 125Kbps. The bitrat e c onv er si on tool (Tools > Options) allows an LTC t o be converted to
any of the four supported bitrates (1Mbps, 500Kbps, 250Kbps and 125Kbps). Note: During t he bitrate conversion, all devices must be removed from the
CAN bus except for one LTC device and the MoTeC gateway device. This is required as the LTC and gateway device change bitrate during the
conversi on pr oc ess. If any other CAN devic es are present then CAN bus would be in error, preventing all devices fr om communic ating.
MoTeC Installation 9
LTC Manager is used to individually configure and cali brate the connected LTC units. Configuration using LTC Manager is only necessary if installing multiple LTC units or if changes to the default settings are required.
All LTC configur ation and calibrati on oper ations are performed di r ectly on an LTC and configur ations are not stored on disk.
Note: LT C units come pre-configured to suit a single LTC or LTCD unit installation using the initial factory sensor calibration.
The default CA N addr ess f or the LT C is hex 460. The default CA N addr esses for LTCD is hex 460 for Lambda sensor 1 and hex 461 for Lambda sensor 2.
Start LTC Configuration
Connect the unit to the PC (see Appendix D – Wiring Details)
Ensure the unit is powered
Start LTC Manager
o Click the LTC Manager icon on the desktop
o Click Start > All Programs > MoTeC > LTC > LTC Manager.
Select the c or r ect gateway and CAN bus (see
CAN Bus Interf ac e)
The main LTC Manager window displays the live configurati on and status of all LTC units present on the connec ted CAN bus.
CAN Address
The CAN setup determi nes which CAN addr es s (speci fied in hex) the LTC uses to transmit readings and diagnostic information. The format of the CAN messages is described in.
Appendix E – LTC CAN Messages
Each LTC on a CAN bus must be confi gur ed with a unique CAN address. See
Operation for information on confi guri ng a M oTeC Data Logger or ECU to
receive LTC CAN m essages.
10 Introduction LTC 4.9 Unit Setup
To open the LTC Setup window, double click the row in the table
containing the LTC or click the row and click Setup.
Select the Reco mmend ed Address c hec k box and enter one of the
addresses in the dr op down box to communicate wit h MoTeC product s such as Data Loggers or 'Hundred Series' ECUs. The recommended addr ess range for LTC messages is hex 460 to hex 47F.
Select the Custo m Address chec k box and enter an address (in hex) for interfacing with third party equi pm ent.
Select Disabled to prevent an LTC from transmi tti ng CAN messages. While disabled an LTC will not heat the sensor or perf orm Lambda measurements.
Note: Lambda sensors should not be left in t he ex haust system of a running engi ne if they are not being controll ed. A disabled sensor in a running engi ne c an be dam aged.
In the Name area the def ault name will appear. The default nam e matc hes
the selected CA N A ddr ess (LTC1 et c .). If required the user can specify a custom name ( e.g. Left Bank or Cylinder 4) .
Click OK. The configuration updates will be sent to the LTC, this may take
several seconds
MoTeC Installation 11 LTC-NTK Unit Setup
To open the LTC Setup window, double click the row in the t able
containing the LTC or click the row and click Setup.
Select the Recommended Address check box and enter one of the
addresses in the dr op down box to communicate with MoTeC products such as Data Loggers or 'Hundred Series' ECUs. The recommended addr ess range for LTC messages is hex 460 to hex 47F.
Select the Custo m Address chec k box and enter an address (in hex) for interfacing with third party equi pm ent.
Select Disabled to prevent an LTC from transmi tti ng CAN messages. While disabled an LTC will not heat the sensor or perf orm Lambda measurements.
Note: Lambda sensors should not be left in t he ex haust system of a running engi ne if they are not being controll ed. A disabled sensor in a running engi ne c an be dam aged.
12 Introduction
In the Name area the def ault name will appear. The default nam e matc hes
the selected CA N A ddr ess (LTC1 et c .). If required, the user can specif y a custom name ( e.g. Left Bank or Cyli nder 4) .
Select a Standard Sensor type f r om the dr op down menu
OR Select a Custom Sensor Note: Custom sensor setups are for advanced users and it is not
recomm ended for general use.
Select a Standard Output Tab le, generally Lambda to three decimal places
Use a Cust om Ta ble for another ty pe of f uel, e. g. Diesel.
Click OK. The configurati on updates will be sent to the LTC, this may take
several seconds
LTC-NTK Output Table
The standard output table for the LTC-NTK is for Lambda to three dec im al places. It is possible f or the user to m ak e a custom t able to suit the Air/Fuel ratio of any fuel.
When the Edit button is clicked under Output Table a table of Normalized Current appears. The standard Lam bda v alues appear in the Output column, these num ber s can be modified to reflect Air/Fuel ratio of a specific fuel. See
Appendix F for details of common
Custom tables can be sav ed usi ng the Save As button.
MoTeC Installation 13 Richer than Standard Lambda Readings
The Lambda reading r ange of t he LTC-NTK c an be ex tended by adding extra sites to the Standard Table. If the Standar d Table is selected (Lambda 3dp), the user can select Custom Table, then Edit, which will expose the curr ent Lambda Calibration Table.
At the lower end of the table, users can enter their own values for richer mixtures. The table will be reordered when Enter is pressed.
The Save As option is recommended in order to save the modified t able with a diff er ent name.
NOTE: MoTeC only recommends rich Lambda values down to 0.63La for the NTK sensor. W hile it is possible to enter current values and their subsequent Lambda values to t he table, this must be based on the user’s own t esting.
The following table is a suggested starting point for richer Lambda r eadings.
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