MoTeC Interpreter User Manual

M oTe C Interpreter User’s Manual
Introduction ........................................................................ 1
Additional Documentation ................................................................................... 1
Overview ............................................................................. 3
System Logging Options and Accessories.......................................................... 3
Software Summary............................................................. 6
Software Navigation............................................................................................ 6
Preferences ........................................................................................................7
Printing................................................................................................................ 7
Acquiring Data.................................................................... 8
Dash/Logger .......................................................................................................8
Engine Management System M800/M880 ..........................................................8
Engine Management System M4/48/M8 ............................................................. 9
Logging Modes ...................................................................................................9
File Format........................................................................................................ 10
Vehicle Details ..................................................................................................10
Channel Setup ..................................................................................................10
Analysis Tools.................................................................. 13
Graphical Analysis ............................................................................................13
Track Map.........................................................................................................17
Mixture Map ......................................................................................................22
Mathematics .....................................................................................................23
Histogram .........................................................................................................27
Statistics ...........................................................................................................29
Virtual Dash ......................................................................................................30
XY Graph .......................................................................................................... 31
Appendix 1 Graph Hot Keys ........................................... 33
Cursor ............................................................................................................... 33
Components .....................................................................................................33
Zoom................................................................................................................. 34
General ............................................................................................................. 35
Copyright – Motec Pty Ltd – 1998-2002
While every effort is taken to ensure correctness, no responsibility will be taken for the consequences of any
inaccuracies or omissions in this manual.
26 August, 2002
MoTeC Introduction 1
Thank you for purchasing a MoTeC Data Acquisition and Analysis System.
MoTeC provides a range of powerful and flexible Engine Management
Systems and Dash/Loggers, all of which incorporate data acquisition facilities.
This manual provides an introduction to data acquisition using these systems and documents the features of the MoTeC Interpret program, which is used for data analysis and display.
Throughout this manual look for this icon to find interesting tips and information.
Additional Documentation
Additional documentation is available in the form of User Manuals, Drawings and Tech Notes. MoTeC can supply the latest Indexes to these documents and any of these items as required.
User Manuals cover the individual MoTeC products such as:
Engine Management Systems Dash/Data Acquisition Systems Lap Beacons Professional Lambda Meter
Drawings cover the following categories:
Accessories ECUs Looms Ignition Modules Combined Module & Trigger Systems Trigger Systems Valves Sensors Miscellaneous
Tech Notes cover topics such as:
Traction Control Boost Control
2 Introduction
Idle Speed Control Drive By Wire Wide Band Lambda Sensor
MoTeC Overview 3
MoTeC Interpreter is an advanced analysis tool to assist in unloading of logged data from MoTeC products and for quick, efficient data analysis and display. Data may also be retrieved from alternate file formats and converted to MoTeC log data, for users migrating from alternate data acquisition systems (contact MoTeC for details).
The information contained within the log files may be viewed in a variety of formats, from a short summary of the session for a quick systems check through to many formats of graphical and text display including:
Graphing against time or distance Track mapping Rainbow charts Engine Histogram XY Scatter Plot Air/Fuel mixture map Statistics Etc.
Mathematical data analysis is also included to smooth data, calculate handling traits (such as understeer/oversteer) and other powerful analysis tools. The capabilities of MoTeC Interpreter are controlled by the options enabled in the MoTeC ECU or ADL Dash/Logger.
System Logging Options and Accessories
Basic Logging
The MoTeC Dash/Logger has 384kB as standard, this can be upgraded with several options as listed below. Basic logging is optional on the MoTeC M800 or M4/48 Engine Management Systems. There is 1Mb of memory available with the M800, 4Mb with the M880 and 512kB with the M4/48.
The ADL allows user defined logging rates of 1 – 1000 samples/second, and 1 – 200 samples/second on an M800/880. Several analysis techniques are provided with basic logging, including Graphical Analysis, Mixture Maps and Statistics. However the more advanced functions are available only with the Pro-Logging option.
4 Overview
ADL Logging Options
1MB Upgrade
Upgrades the MoTeC Dash/Loggers logging memory from 384kB to 1MB.
2MB Upgrade
Upgrades the MoTeC Dash/Loggers logging memory from 1MB to 2MB.
4MB Upgrade
Upgrades the MoTeC Dash/Loggers logging memory from 2MB to 4MB. Also includes Fastest Lap and Burst Logging Modes.
8MB Upgrade
Upgrades the MoTeC Dash/Loggers logging memory from 4MB to 8MB. Note that this is only available with the ADL-8.
Pro Logging
Pro Logging is optional on both the MoTeC M800 Engine Management System and MoTeC Dash/Logger. Pro Logging adds sophisticated functionality to the capabilities offered in Basic Logging. These extra functions include Multiple Graph Overlays, extra Mathematics, Virtual Dash and others.
Backlit Display
Available at time of order, the ADL can be specified with an electro­luminescent backlit display.
Extended Inputs and Outputs
Increases the number of Input and Output pins available for MoTeC Dash Loggers. See the appropriate User manual or brochure for further details.
Wideband Lambda Inputs
Two wideband, temperature compensated Lambda (exhaust gas mixture strength) inputs are optional on both the MoTeC M800 Engine Management System and MoTeC Dash/Logger. The M4/48 has the option for a single wideband Lambda input.
MoTeC Overview 5
Gives ‘in the pits’ viewing of real time data of a vehicle in action. Supports both continuous and ‘end of lap’ data transmission. The user can define a multiple page setup to view the data as text, warning alarms, numerics, bar charts, gauges, scrolling charts and moving track maps.
Lap Beacon Transmitter/Receiver
The MoTeC infrared beacon system provides 990 unique channels for lap timing. A lap beacon is essential for logging lap times, generating track maps and overlaying data. See the beacon user manual for further details.
6 Software Summary
Software Summary
MoTeC Interpreter is designed for the Windows95/98/ME/XP® and Windows NT/2000® operating system.
Note: The log data unload feature is only available when operating in Windows®.
MoTeC Interpreter requires a Pentium® (or equivalent) processor with 16Mb of RAM (recommended 32Mb).
6Mbytes of hard drive space is required for installation, however it is recommended that at least 30Mbytes of hard drive space is free at all times for new log data storage and general system reliability.
Software Navigation
Moving around within MoTeC Interpreter, as in any Windows® program, can be achieved via either the Keyboard or a Pointing Device (Mouse, Trackball, etc). Keyboard ‘Hot Keys’, ‘pop up’ and ‘pull down’ menus are all provided to allow the user to navigate using their preferred technique.
The use of a combination of keyboard ‘Hot Keys’ keys and the pointing device is usually the fastest way to control a program, especially when using the sometimes difficult pointing device supplied with most notebook computers.
The Alt key will activate the pull down menus of the application currently running, while the arrow keys allow navigation through the menu, and the Enter key activates the menu item currently highlighted. A number of more frequently used functions may have ‘Hot Keys’ to enable direct access without using the menus. These ‘Hot Keys’ will be shown against the pull down menu items, memorize the ones that may be useful to you.
The screen cursor moves in response to movement of the Mouse (Pointing Device). Using the left mouse button when the cursor is on top of a menu item or command button will activate that function. Double clicking an object will usually select the object, while a right click will generally display the relevant menu items for an object in a ‘Popup Menu’. This is usually a more convenient way of accessing the menu functions. A description of specific shortcut keys is included in later sections of this manual.
MoTeC Software Summary 7
MoTeC Interpreter has a variety of options for the analysis and display of
logged data. The user can control the appearance and functionality of the software by adjusting the preferences. These are accessible from the File Menu of the main Interpreter screen and from the main menu of each analysis function.
MoTeC Interpreter has the capability to print all analysis screens on a wide range of printers. A standard Windows™ print dialog is provided for customization of the printing options such as print quality, orientation, etc.
8 Acquiring Data
Acquiring Data
Data for analysis may be downloaded from a number of MoTeC products if the data logging option has been enabled. The data does not have to be unloaded by the computer that is used for data analysis, however log files can be up to several megabytes in size therefore a simple computer network would be the preferred way to transfer logged data files between computers.
Data is downloaded from an ADL Dash/Logger via a MoTeC CAN cable attached to the parallel port of a Laptop/Desktop computer. Downloading can be initiated from either MoTeC Dash Manager or MoTeC Interpreter by selecting the "Unload Dash" function. The CAN cable can be disconnected from the vehicle when the scrolling status bar has disappeared and while the downloaded data is being converted into log file format. Should it be necessary to disconnect the CAN cable prior to the download being completed the data downloaded to that point will be available for analysis. This file will contain the most recent data as the Dash/Logger downloads the newest data first.
The PC can download a 4Mbyte data set from a MoTeC ADL in approximately one minute.
Engine Management System M800/M880
Data is downloaded with a MoTeC CAN cable. The download is initiated from Interpreter by clicking on the “Unload M800/M880ECU” icon in the toolbar, or from the ‘Connect’ menu. Note that Interpreter cannot unload the log data if the EMP tuning software is still running.
Data from ECU’s with software version 1.1 and above are downloaded via a MoTeC CAN cable attached to the parallel port of a Laptop/Desktop computer. This can be initiated by clicking on the “Unload M800/880 ECU” icon on the toolbar, or by selecting the appropriate item from the ‘Connect’ menu.
The PC can download a 4Mbyte data set from a MoTeC M880 in approximately one minute.
MoTeC Acquiring Data 9
Engine Management System M4/48/M8
Data is downloaded from the ECU via a MoTeC PC Interface cable attached to the serial port of a Laptop/Desktop computer. Care must be taken to ensure that the correct (labeled) end is attached to the ECU as both ends of the cable use the same style of connector. The download is initiated from within the DOS MoTeC Interpreter program by choosing the “Get Log Data” then “Unload ECU” menu items. For the Windows MoTeC Interpreter program click on the “Unload ECU” Icon in the toolbar or use the same function from the Pull Down or Pop Up menus.
Note: For M4 ECU’s with a serial number of greater than 3000 running version 6 or above software, a PCI cable is no longer needed to interface with a PC. A standard serial comms cable can be used instead.
The PC can download a full 512kB data set from a MoTeC ECU in approximately two minutes.
Logging Modes
The MoTeC ADL data logging system provides a range of techniques for recording information about the performance of an engine and chassis. These logging modes are Normal Logging, Fastest Lap logging and Burst Logging. MoTeC ECU’s have only ‘Normal Logging’ and log whenever the engine is running.
Normal Logging
Normal logging mode is the most common method for recording data, and will satisfy the needs of the majority of users. Normal logging begins recording data once the Start Logging condition is TRUE and continues logging until the Stop Logging condition becomes TRUE. The Channels to be recorded are defined in the configuration of the ADL or ECU. The number of samples per second, for each channel, is defined in the device configuration.
Fastest Lap Logging (4MB and 8MB Logging Option Only)
Fastest Lap Logging is similar to Normal Logging, where the channels to be recorded and the number of samples per second is defined individually for each channel. Data is recorded for the time between two lap beacons, and stored if the lap time was faster then the previously recorded fastest lap.
10 Acquiring Data
Fastest Lap Logging is useful for fast recording of chassis channels, such as suspension position and force without quickly consuming the logging memory of the device.
Fastest lap logging uses a portion of the main logging memory, check the logging time display to see how much normal logging is available
Burst Logging (4MB and 8MB Logging Option Only)
Burst Logging allows a fast, short duration, event to be recorded at a high sampling rate. The channels to be recorded are selected as normal, however all channels are logged at the same rate. A burst logging buffer is recorded when the Burst logging condition is TRUE, however the trigger point in the buffer can be set between 0 and 100%, to allow data to be recorded
before the trigger event happened.
Burst logging uses a portion of the main logging memory, check the logging time display to see how much normal logging is available
File Format
Logged data unloaded from a MoTeC device is stored in the MoTeC data logging format. The file structure was designed as a fast, flexible and extendable means to store logged data and vehicle details for analysis and display.
Vehicle Details
The MoTeC file format also has the ability to store a wide range of vehicle details to provide a record of the vehicle settings for the session in which the data was logged. It is important that this information is updated each time data is downloaded, both for keeping accurate records, and some Interpreter math calculations.
Channel Setup
There are a wide range of sensors that can be used to record information about the performance of a driver, vehicle drivetrain and chassis. The following sensors are an example of the most common channels of information used in chassis analysis, and the important considerations
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