-Graphics Software for Customising Colour Displays
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Display Creator User Manual – MoTeC Ⓒ 2014 Published 1 July 2014www.motec.com
Display Creator is a unique application used to design and create custom display configurations for MoTeC's D
series displays and C series display loggers.
It has versatile and powerful graphical creation functions that allow the configuration of all display elements.
Many of the functions are self explanatory, and onscreen assistance is provided.
See the following three topics before starting a Display Creator project.
About CAN Signals and Channels
How to Create a Display Configuration. This topic includes automatic quick setup.
Functional Overview
Help and Samples
The purpose of this help system is to provide an understanding of Display Creator concepts, and the information
necessary to create a display configuration. However, it is not possible to cover the extensive flexibility built into
the system, or the many options available. Therefore, in conjunction with using this help, it is highlyrecommended to analyse the sample projects that ship with Display Creator, and watch the various webinars
provided by MoTeC.
This link is to all available webinars, including Display Creator — webinars.
To open a sample project:
1.Select File > New.
2.Select the device model for which the display is required.
3.Select a sample from the Template list.
4.Click OK.
To gain an understanding of how to create a display, read this help and then methodically deconstruct one of
the samples.
www.motec.comDisplay Creator User Manual – MoTeC Ⓒ 2014 Published 1 July 2014
6About CAN Signals and Channels
About CAN Signals and Channels
Messages, signals and channels can be manually created and set up, or automatically added by importing
the DBC file created in Dash Manager when a Dash/Logger configuration is saved. See Importing a DBC file
Not all signals need to be assigned to channels. Unassigned signals are not received.
See the following for a depiction of the functional process flow:
How to Create a Display Configuration
Functional Overview
Display Creator User Manual – MoTeC Ⓒ 2014 Published 1 July 2014www.motec.com
How to Create a Display Configuration7
How to Create a Display Configuration
To create a functioning display the following tasks are required.
The tasks, sequence and dependencies shown below are provided to indicate functional relationships. Pages,
elements, channels etc. can be created, deleted, modified at any time, and at will.
It is best to define the display device and default font before performing any of the tasks below, see Settings
Tab. Changing the device after creating a display configuration will automatically resize all elements so as to fit
on the device's screen.
TaskWhenReference Links
1Any time before 12Communications Tab
* Setup communications (messages and signals)
Importing a DBC file
2Any time before any of 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12Channels & Functions Tab
* Setup channels for use in the display elements
Importing a DBC file
3After 1 and 2Communications Tab
* Assign channels to signals
Importing a DBC file
4Create pages (each page covers the whole screen)Any timePages Tab
5Create page display elementsAny timePage Elements
6Assign channels to display elements on eachAfter 2
relevant page
7Define conditions on which pages are displayedAfter 2Pages Tab
8Create alarm displays (these are placed on pages)Any timeAbout Alarms
9Create/modify alarm display elementsAny time after 8
10After 2
** Assign channels to alarm display elements
11Define alarm conditionsAfter 2
12Validate and configure deviceValidate any time during creation to checkProject Validation
for issues. Configure device when ready, an
automatic validate step occurs first.
Configuration must be valid before the
system sends the display configuration to
the device.
Alarm Displays
Alarm Elements
Configure Device
Use this link to view a webinar showing the creation of a basic configuration using a DBC file, webinar_DBC.
* For C Series display/loggers, these tasks can be automatically performed by importing the DBC file that is
automatically generated by Dash Manager. If required, manual adjustments can still be made. See Importing a
DBC file. For D Series displays, importing a DBC file is not applicable. However, a quick display can be setup by
using one of the provided samples. See Introduction.
** For C Series display/loggers, if a DBC file is imported, all alarms are automatically set to display in the
Alarm Display element on the Overlay Page. See Overlay Page
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8Functional Overview
Functional Overview
The process flow and functions involved in creating a display are depicted in the following diagram. Details on
the use of each tab, and the elements associated with them, are provided in the relevant topic within this help
Display Creator User Manual – MoTeC Ⓒ 2014 Published 1 July 2014www.motec.com
About Element Selection9
About Element Selection
This topic applies to selection of elements on a page. As Display Creator does this in a unique way, it is
provided here as a preamble. Some of the operations used to select elements in Display Creator are unique.
Such as:
•Select an element from the element tree list, see Page Elements.
•Click repeatedly on an element at one location on the page. This will sequentially select (drill down) each
element whose boundaries encompass the cursor location. When the selection reaches the lowest element
in the hierarchy, the selection loops back to the first element. It does not necessarily drill down through
every element on the page. A more precise method of selecting a specific element is to select it in the
hierarchical element tree.
See Selecting Elements on a Page for more information.
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10About Alarms
About Origin Points
This topic applies to alignment of elements on a page. As Display Creator does this in a unique way, it is
provided here as a preamble. See Page Elements for more information.
Element Origin Points
All elements that can be included in a display have an origin point, this point is used for the alignment of
elements. By default, text based elements have an origin point at the top left corner of the element (this can be
changed via the element's properties, as an example, see Static Text). All other elements have an origin point in
the centre of the element, this cannot be changed, however, the alignment of these elements is internally
calculated so that alignment is based on the element's border.
The distinction is that text elements will align using the location of the origin point.
For example:
Take these two selected elements, the origin point for the Text element is at the bottom left.
Aligning the elements to top has the following effect, the top of the rectangle is aligned with
the origin point of the Text element.
About Alarms
Managing alarms in Display Creator can be summarised as follows:
•Required alarms, and the conditions which make them active, are defined on the Alarms tab. See Alarms
•Any number of alarms are then assigned to any number of Alarm Display elements, see Alarm Displays.
•An Alarm Display element is a parent element that can contain Alarm Icon, Alarm Message and/or Alarm
Channel Value elements. See Alarm Elements.
When an alarm becomes active, the appropriate Alarm Display and its child elements display the alarm
•Multiple Alarm Displays can be placed on the Overlay Page and on any other page(s). See Overlay Page
and Pages Tab.
Display Creator User Manual – MoTeC Ⓒ 2014 Published 1 July 2014www.motec.com
Display Creator Tabs11
Display Creator Tabs
Display Creator contains six tabs required to create a display configuration. That is,
•Channels & Functions
Settings Tab
Defines the display or logger device for which the display configuration is being created. Changing the device
will automatically resize all elements so as to fit on the device's screen.
The default font used for the configuration is also specified on this tab. The display configuration is not valid and
cannot be sent to the device if a default font is not specified.
A green tick in the font iconindicates that it is a Windows system font. As such, there
is certainty that these fonts will be available if the project is moved to another PC.
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12Display Creator Tabs
Channels & Functions Tab
This tab allows manual creation of channels. These are subsequently assigned to signals.
Messages, signals and channels can be automatically created for use in Display Creator by importing the
DBC file created in Dash Manager when a Dash/Logger configuration is saved. See Importing a DBC file.
The properties displayed for this tab vary depending on the element selected.
Channel Properties
Channel "name"
NameName given to the channel. As this will be assigned to a signal, it is recommended to use a name that corresponds
to the signal.
Data TypeUsed to specify the expected format of the received value or an enumeration.
QuantityUsed to specify the class of data expected for the channel.
UnitUnit chosen for the applicable type of channel (signal).
Enumeration Properties
Enumeration Value
NameName given to the enumeration.
ValueValue of the enumeration.
Display Creator User Manual – MoTeC Ⓒ 2014 Published 1 July 2014www.motec.com
Display Creator Tabs13
Communications Tab
This tab allows manual setup of CAN messages and signals, and the assignment of channels.
Messages, signals and channels can be automatically created for use in Display Creator by importing the
DBC file created in Dash Manager when a Dash/Logger configuration is saved. See Importing a DBC file.
The properties displayed for this tab vary depending on whether the Message or Signal element is selected, as
shown in the Message Element and Signal Element examples.
Message Element
These are the properties with a message element selected.
Message "name"
NameName given to the message. The name could identify the type of data transmitted in this message, or some other
aspect that is relevant.
Address TypeTwo formats of message ID exist. Standard, which uses 11 bit and has values between 0 and 2047. Extended has
29 bit and has values between 0 and 536870911.
AddressThe Address value tells all other devices what to associate the incoming data with based on their internal databases
All addresses should be shown as hexadecimal numbers.
Packet Format For signals containing more than 8 bits (1 byte) of data, the byte order can be either most significant data in the
lower byte offset or most significant data in the higher byte. Lower byte is specified by selecting Big Endian, higher
byte by selecting Little Endian.
Receive RateDefault is 50 Hz and can be user configured.
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14Display Creator Tabs
Optionally, a message may contain further addressing of the signals by extending the address into the data section of the message.
The location of the compound address is specified, and signals associated with this message must match the Address and the
Compound ID.
Compound Checkbox — Check to identify use of extended addressing.
Compound IDA compound address value for associated channels.
TypeUsed to set the format of the received value. Unsigned integer values are absolute, containing values from 0 to max
for the bit length of the signal. Integer values use the two's complement format giving negative and positive values
in equal proportions.
OffsetThe Offset and Length settings tell the device where the compound ID is within the message.
Signal Element
Messages, signals and channels can be manually created and set up, or automatically added by importing
the DBC file created in Dash Manager when a Dash/Logger configuration is saved. See Importing a DBC file
Not all signals need to be assigned to channels. Unassigned signals are not received.
These are the properties with a Signal element selected.
A signal can be a single bit, or number of bits of the data transmitted in the data section of a CAN message.
The data section contains up to 8 bytes, or 64 bits of data. A signal can comprise between 1 and 32 bits of the
entire 64 bits of data.
NameUser defined name given to the signal.
ChannelThe Display Creator channel associated with this signal. The selection list is populated from the channels created in
the Channel & Functions tab.
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Display Creator Tabs15
TypeUsed to set the format of the received value. Unsigned integer values are absolute, containing values from 0 to max
for the bit length of the signal. Integer values use the two's complement format giving negative and positive values
in equal proportions.
OffsetTo identify the unique signal, the Offset and Length settings tell the device where to find this signal within the
Once the signal has been received, the raw numeric value can be determined. This value can then be scaled using the Multiplier and
added to using the Offset to convert the raw value into the final channel value in a real unit of measurement specified by the quantity
and unit.
For example:
Sending engine temperature as an integer, where 0 == 0 degrees, and 1000 == 100 degrees.
A multiplier of 0.1 is required to convert this to a floating point signal containing 0.0 to 100.0 degrees.
Conversions are applied to signal values in two steps:
1.Scaled Value = (Signal Value * Multiplier + Offset).
2.Final Value = Scaled Value converted to the specified Quantity.
message, based on the order in which the data is received.
For example:
A signal with a multiplier of 0.1, offset of 50 and a Quantity & Unit of speed and miles/hour respectively are converted as follows:
Scaled Value = Signal Value * 0.1 + 50.
Final Value = Scaled Value * 0.44704 metres/second.
MultiplierA scaling factor applied to the raw CAN value.
OffsetAmount added to resulting value after the multiplier.
QuantityUsed to specify the class of data on which to apply the conversion.
For example, temperature.
UnitThe unit to convert to for the quantity selected.
For example, K (Kelvin).
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16Display Creator Tabs
Alarms Tab
The Alarms tab is used to create any number of alarms.
Although an alarm is created and its condition may become true, it will not display unless it has been
assigned to an Alarm Display element, see Alarm Displays. By default, all alarms created on the Alarm tab
are automatically selected to display in Alarm Display elements on the Overlay Page. Therefore, at the
simplest level, all that is required to display an alarm is to create it.
Any number of Alarm Display elements may be added to the Overlay Page or any other page. See Overlay
Page and Pages Tab
When a single Alarm Display element has a number of alarms assigned to it, and more than one of these
alarms become active at the same time, the alarm that is higher on the Alarms tab list will display. If in the
meantime another alarm becomes active that is higher on the list, that alarm will immediately replace the
currently displayed alarm.
If Alarm Display elements are included on pages other than the Overlay Page, the alarm will only become visible
if that page is also the one that is currently displayed. However, that same alarm will nevertheless display on
the Overlay Page and be visible (unless it has been deselected). Therefore, the possibility exists that the same
alarm could be displayed twice.
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Display Creator Tabs17
Alarm Properties
Critical Checkbox — Check this to ensure the alarm displays when active. Non critical alarms may not display in some situations.
NameDescriptive name given to the alarm.
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18Display Creator Tabs
Contains the statements that specify the conditions under which the alarm becomes active.
AddUse to add a condition expression. The Add Condition dialogue box displays as shown in the image above.
A sequence of condition expressions can be inserted and connected by And or Or statements.
Add Condition Dialogue Box
ChannelFor selecting a display channel defined on the Channels & Functions tab.
IsTo insert the required operator (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=)
Channel orFor selecting a display channel or value that the operator is applied to.
Inverse Result — Check this to make the condition true when the defined condition expression evaluates to false.
RemoveRemoves the selected expression.
EditUse to edit an existing condition. The Edit Condition dialogue box displays, which is identical to Add Condition
dialogue box.
Moves a selected expression up or down.
Remove AllRemoves all condition expressions.
Display Message
Show Message Checkbox — Check this to enter a message that is to display when the alarm becomes active. The Alarm Display
element used for the alarm must have an Alarm Message element associated with it in order to display the message.
Show Icon Checkbox — Check this to select an icon to display when the alarm becomes active. The Alarm Display element used
for the alarm must have an Alarm Icon element associated with it in order to display the icon.
ChangeChange the selected icon.
Display Channel Value
Used to specify a channel value to display when the alarm becomes active. The Alarm Display element used for the alarm must
have an Alarm Channel Value element associated with it in order to display the value.
ChannelUsed to select the display channel to use.
FormatFormat of the value (either numeric or time format). Formats offered are those that are applicable to the selected
display channel.
DPSThe number of decimal points to which the value should extend.
Used to define the flash behaviour for the alarm message when the alarm becomes active.
When alarm is Used to choose the circumstances under which the alarm message should flash.
On TimeThe amount of time the alarm message will display between flashes.
Off TimeThe amount of time the alarm message will not display between flashes.
ConditionContains the statements that specify the conditions under which the alarm message should flash. For this to have
an effect Flash if condition is true option must be selected in the When alarm is active field.
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Display Creator Tabs19
Pages Tab
The pages defined on this tab comprise the displays available for the current project.
The Properties pane at the right side of the Display Creator window will change depending on what is
selected. For information on management and properties of a page, see Page Management and Properties. For
information on the properties of individual elements see the Page Elements topics.
All pages are initially created by the user, except for the Overlay Page, which always overlays the currently
displayed page. A project can contain any number of pages but only one Overlay Page.
Default page
The Default Page is the first page listed in the Navigation (Pages) pane that does not have any display
conditions assigned to it in the Switched Element section of the Properties pane.
Page display (switching) criteria
A device that uses a Display Creator project will display pages according to the following criteria:
•The page displayed is the page whose display conditions are true, however:
○If more than one page has conditions that evaluate as true, then the page highest on the list displays.
○If there are no pages whose conditions evaluate as true, then the Default Page displays.
○If a Default Page does not exist, and there are no pages whose display conditions are true, then only
the Overlay Page displays.
Although a condition expression can use any channel to switch pages automatically, a convenient method to
manually switch pages is to use channels assigned to push buttons.
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20Display Creator Tabs
The example below is similar to one of the sample configurations that ships with Display Creator. For more
detailed information of what is possible, see the individual element help provided in the Page Elements topics.
Also, take time to study the construction of the sample configurations available.
Display Creator User Manual – MoTeC Ⓒ 2014 Published 1 July 2014www.motec.com
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