2016 Pirelli World Challenge
Series Spec Logger (SSL)
Document: PWC_SSL_Handbook
Prepared by:
v1.1 - Initial Release
December 17, 2015
Christopher Brown

PWC SSL Handbook
This document outlines the implementation of the new Series Spec Logger as it pertains to the 2016
Pirelli World Challenge Series. All GT classes will require a MoTeC logger. This logger must be setup
via the guidelines set forth by PWC as outlined in this document. The Series Spec Logger will be open
for teams to use and configure themselves. Display settings, additional channels and sensors and
logging are all open for the teams to use as they see fit. Most other series around the world have very
controlled loggers, adding cost with no added value to the teams. We hope this program continues to
be open and encourage teams to use the data for driver coaching, system and engine checks and
doing their own compliance checking. This handbook will change and be updated as needed
throughout the year.
Please refer to the Pirelli World Challenge Technical Regulations for a complete list of rules.
Teams are allowed to purchase their MoTeC logger from any North American MoTeC dealer. It is
highly recommended to purchase from a dealer whom you wish to be supported by. Your MoTeC
dealer will be your first contact for all support needs. Installation, setup and training are all things you
should consider in detail when deciding who to purchase from.
All MoTeC loggers will require a setup check before competing in the PWC series. This will help
ensure proper configuration and compliance within the guidelines set forth by PWC and listed in this
document. That check will be done by Christopher Brown of CB-Racing. He will be the main MoTeC
support dealer for the PWC series. If you have any questions regarding the PWC SSL please contact
him through email at: cb@cb-racing.com
Any L1xx or C1xx will be eligible for 2016 and beyond. Model numbers include: L120, L180, C125,
C185, C127 or C187. The last digit is the display screen size in inches. The CDL3, SDL3, ADL3 & ACL
are also eligible for 2016, and may or may not be eligible after 2016 due to software or hardware
limitations of future additions to the PWC SSL requirements. The older MoTeC loggers such as the
ADL, SDL and ADL2 are not eligible.
Essentially the newest range of MoTeC loggers will have all of the features required for PWC in the
foreseeable future. The older MoTeC dashes can not be upgraded with regards to certain functionality.
Hence some are eligibility for 2016 but not guaranteed beyond 2016.

PWC SSL Handbook
4. Prices
Prices outlined below are current retail pricing as of December 2015. These prices are subject to
change without notice. These are the base starting prices with logging. Additional items of cost will
include logger options, wiring harness, required GPS and sensors. These are explained further down.
Model Display Starting Price Memory Analog Sensor Inputs*
with logging starts at base / with I/O option
L120 non display $ 2195 120MB 0 / 8
C125 5" color $ 2710 120MB 0 / 8
C127 7" color $ 3210 120MB 0 / 8
L180 non display $ 4040 250MB 10 / 28
C185 5" color $ 5390 250MB 10 / 28
C187 7" color $ 5990 250MB 10 / 28
Front L120 / L180 Back of L120 Back of L180
*required for boost cars
Front C125 / C185 Back of C125 Back of C185
Front of C127 / C187

Option List for Loggers:
These options may be enabled at any time, and never expire on the logger purchased for.
I/O Options: Activates additional sensor input pins on the back of the dash. On the 12x series
loggers this option is required for measuring boost pressure, but may not be required for normally
aspirated cars where all the required data is being streamed through the CAN bus. On the 18x series
loggers a number of inputs are already included. See table above for Analog Sensor Inputs.
Pro Logging: All data files created on MoTeC loggers can be opened in i2 Standard analysis
software. This software is free to download from the MoTeC web site. The Pro Logging option enables
data files created by the logger to be opened using i2 Pro analysis
software. The Pro software is also free to download and adds advanced
functions like shock histograms, advanced math equations, unlimited
graphs and worksheets, setup sheets, etc. i2 Pro only opens pro files, i2
Standard will open both Pro and Standard data files.
Memory / USB: This option doubles the onboard logging memory
and on newer dashes it also enables the external USB logging. Beginning
in 2016, all MoTeC L1xx and C1xx loggers will have the ability to utilize a
USB memory stick. Older models won't have USB but will have the
additional memory increased when buying this option.
L120 C125,C127
17 I/O $ 400 $ 400 enables sensor inputs and outputs
Pro Logging $ 800 $ 800 enables pro analysis software
250MB / USB $ 525 $ 530 enables additional 120MB logging memory & USB stick
T2 telemetry $ 2250 $ 2250 activates the T2 telemetry data stream *radios extra
L180 C185,C187
44 I/O $ 1120 $ 1300 enables sensor inputs and output
Pro Logging $ 1120 $ 1300 enables pro analysis software
500MB / USB $ 890 $ 1040 enables additional 250MB logging memory & USB stick
Adv Functions $ 890 $ 1040 enables advanced math, timers, tables
T2 telemetry $ 2510 $ 2925 activates the T2 telemetry data stream *radios extra
PWC SSL Handbook
The MoTeC SLM features bright multi-color LEDs which are ideally suited for a multitude of functions
such as shift lights, warning lights, yellow flag lights or brake lockup lights. This is the perfect way to
increase the functionality of your MoTeC logger to help the driver. It is easily adapted to any MoTeC
logger with or without a display. For many installations the steering wheel blocks the built in light array.
An external light module is easily mounted further up on top of the dashboard where it can be in the
peripheral view of the driver. Cost is $585.