M oTe C Lap Beacon Manual
Introduction ..............................................................1
Overview ...................................................................2
Operation ............................................................................................................2
ID Number ..........................................................................................................3
Lap Beacon Use .................................................................................................4
Split Beacon Use ................................................................................................4
Verifying Operation ............................................................................................. 5
Beacon Transmitter ...................................................7
Position ...............................................................................................................7
Spacing between Transmitters............................................................................ 7
Mounting .............................................................................................................7
Aiming / Range ...................................................................................................7
ID Number Adjustment........................................................................................ 8
LED..................................................................................................................... 8
Power.................................................................................................................. 9
Specifications...................................................................................................... 9
Beacon Receiver ......................................................11
Mounting ........................................................................................................... 11
Range / Aiming .................................................................................................11
Glass................................................................................................................. 11
Sun Light........................................................................................................... 11
ID Number ........................................................................................................11
LED................................................................................................................... 12
Wiring................................................................................................................ 13
Output Signal .................................................................................................... 13
ECU / Dash Setup.............................................................................................13
Specifications.................................................................................................... 14
Trouble Shooting .....................................................15
Check List : Basic Operation............................................................................. 15
Check List: Operational Problems..................................................................... 16

Copyright - Electronic Performance Systems Pty Ltd - 1998
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
No responsibility will be taken for the consequences of any inaccuracies occurring in this manual.
19 February, 2003

M oTe C Introduction 1
This manual covers the operation of the MoTeC Lap Beacon.

2 Overview
The MoTeC Lap Beacon consists of a Beacon Transmitter and a Beacon
The Beacon Transmitter is mounted beside the track and the Beacon
Receiver is mounted in the vehicle and connected to a Display or Data
Logging system or to an Engine Management System.
The Lap Beacon system is used to mark the start of a Lap. This can be used
by a display system to show the driver lap times and lap number and can be
used by a data logging system for lap time and start of lap information. The
Lap Beacon may also be used to generate split times by placing multiple
transmitters around the race circuit.
The Beacon transmitter emits a narrow infrared beam, which is encoded with
a number that will only be detected by a receiver with the same number.
When the receiver detects a transmitter with a matching number a signal is
sent to the connected device in the vehicle, typically a MoTeC ADL
Dash/Logger or a MoTeC ECU.

M oTe C Overview 3
The transmitter and receiver must be oriented as shown below:
( Mounted Track Side )
Black lens this side
Infrared Beam
20 to 25m Maximum
Direction of Travel
( Mounted in Vehicle )
The MoTeC Lap Beacon has a range of up to 25m (80ft). The range depends
on the alignment of the transmitter and receiver.
For operation up to 25m (80ft) both the transmitter and receiver must be
aligned within 2° of optimum.
For operation up to 20m (65ft) both the transmitter and receiver must be
aligned within 5° of optimum.
• Note: Do not place the receiver behind window glass as this can reduce
the range substantially.
ID Number
The MoTeC Lap Beacon has 1000 different ID numbers. The ID number
allows the beacon receiver to ignore all transmitters other than one with the
same ID number.
The ID number is selected by setting the Mode, Tens & Units switches in the
transmitter and receiver to the same numbers.

4 Overview
• Note that the power to the Beacon Receiver and Beacon Transmitter must
be cycled before a number change will take effect.
• To avoid damage to the units and to ensure that the power is cycled,
disconnect the power from the units before changing the number.
Recommended ID Number Settings
The following ID numbers are recommended for normal operation:
Mode Switch Set to suit race category (MoTeC will advise)
Tens & Units Switches
The mode switch is used to avoid two teams in different race categories from
using the same beacon ID.
• Beacon ID 999 is reserved for a master beacon that can be setup for the
use of anyone at a race meeting.
Set to vehicle number ( Don’t use 00 )
Two Vehicle Teams
Set the Tens and Units of both vehicle receivers to the lowest number of the
two vehicles so that only one beacon transmitter is required.
Lap Beacon Use
Normally the MoTeC Lap Beacon is used as a standard Lap beacon, ie. one
beacon transmitter placed at the start of the lap.
The beacon ID should be set as recommended above to ensure that no two
teams use the same number.
Split Beacon Use
The MoTeC Lap Beacon may also be used to generate split times by placing
multiple transmitters around the race circuit. All beacon transmitters must
have the same Mode setting, but different Tens and Units settings. The
beacon receiver must have the same Mode setting as the transmitter,
however both the Tens and Units must be set to zero. Setting the Tens and
Units to zero instructs the receiver to recognise all transmitters with the same
Mode. The Tens and Units value of each transmitter will be reported to the

M oTe C Overview 5
connected device, typically a MoTeC ADL or MoTeC ECU. The value is
encoded in the pulse width sent to the connected device.
Split beacons are generally only suitable for private practice, however beacon
mode 9 has been allocated specifically for split beacon use. It is important to
ensure that only the beacons for split usage are operating on mode 9
otherwise unexpected beacon signals may be received. Beacon number 999
has been reserved as a master beacon, therefore this ID should generally be
used as the lap beacon. The software for the connected device will normally
need to know the number of the transmitter that marks the start of the lap.
The use of the master beacon ID should ease the setup of a split beacon
Verifying Operation
To test if the lap beacon is working correctly, aim the transmitter at the
receiver, the Red LED on the receiver should glow brightly. If the LED glows
very dimly then the receiver and transmitter numbers probably do not match.
Note that the LED brightness is effected by the ambient lighting conditions
and full brightness will appear very dim in bright sunlight.
To test that the connected device is working correctly, wave the transmitter
past the receiver and check for correct operation of the device (eg. Lap Time
• Note that it is important to ensure that the lap time reset condition is not
met, otherwise a lap time will not be displayed even if the beacon is
operating correctly. This may require that the engine is running depending
on the setup of the connected device.
• Note that for correct Lap Time display the transmitter will need to be
waved passed the receiver twice and at least 5 seconds is required
between each pass (possibly more depending on the software setup)