V55C2128164V(T/B) Rev. 1.2 August 2002
The V55C2128164V(T/B ) is a four bank Synchronous DRAM organ ized as 4 banks x 2Mbit x 16. The
V55C2128164V(T/B) achieves high speed data transfer rates up to 166 MHz by employing a chip architecture
that prefetches multiple bits and then synchronizes the output data to a system clock
All of the control, address, data input and output circuits are synchronized with the positive edge of an externally supplied clock.
Operating the four memory ba nks in an interleaved fashion allows rand om access operation to oc cur at
higher rate than is possible with standard DRA Ms. A seque ntial and gapless dat a rate of up to 166 MHz is
possible depending on burst length, CAS
latency and speed grade of the device.
Signal Pi n D escription
Pin Type Signal Polarity Function
CLK Input Pulse Positive
The system clock input. All of the SDRAM inputs are sampled on the rising edge of the
CKE Input Level Active Hi gh Activates the CLK signal when high and deacti vates the CLK signal when low, thereby
initiates either the Power Down mode or the Self Refresh mode.
Input Pulse Active Low CS enables the command decoder when low and disables the command decoder when
high. Wh en the co mma nd de co der i s d is ab led, ne w com man ds ar e ign or e d but pr ev ious
operations continue.
, CAS WEInput Pulse Active Low When sampled at the positive rising edge of the clock, CAS, RAS, and WE define the
command to be executed by the SDRAM.
A0 - A11 Input Level — During a B ank Activa te command cycle, A0-A11 defines the row addres s (RA0-RA11)
when sampled at the rising clock edge.
During a Read or Wr ite command cycle, A0- An defines the column address (CA0-CAn)
when sampled at the rising clock edge.CAn depends from the SDRAM organization:
• 8M x 16 SDRAM CA0–CA8.
In addition to the column address, A10(=AP) is used to invoke autoprec harge operation
at the end of the bu rst read or write cycle. If A 10 is high, autoprecharge is selected and
BA0, BA1 define s the bank to be precharged. If A10 is lo w, autoprecharge is disabled.
During a Pr ec har ge comman d c ycl e , A1 0( =AP ) i s us ed in conj un ct io n wi th B A0 a nd BA1
to control which bank(s) to precharge. If A10 is high, all four banks will BA0 and BA1 are
used to define which bank to precharge.
Input Level — Selects which b ank is to be active.
DQx Input
Level — Data Input/O utput pins operate in the s ame manner as on conventional DRAMs.
Input Pulse Active High The Data Input/Output mask places the DQ buffers in a high impedance state when sam-
pled high . In Re ad mode, DQ M has a lat en cy of t wo cl oc k cyc le s an d co ntr ols the out put
buffer s li ke an ou tput e na ble. I n Wr i te mo de , DQ M ha s a lat en cy of zer o and o pe rat es as
a word mask by allowing input data to be written i f it is low but blocks the writ e operation
if DQM is high.
VCC, VSS Supp ly Power an d ground for the inp ut bu ffe r s and the core logic .
Supply — — Isolated power supply and ground for the output buffers to provide improved noise