Current output can drive 8 ohm speaker with a
The voice content is stored up to 3.5 seconds
(5100h) and can be separated to 8 sections.
Five trigger input pins are provided. Each trigger
pin can access a sentence instead of a simple
section. A sentence is composed of one or more
sections, or table entries.
Duration of sections with appended memory-less
mute is up to 22 seconds (20000h).
Higher key priority is provided.
Last key priority is provided.
Up to 192 table entries for all sentences.
Auto ramp up / ramp down & sleep functions are
built in.
Playnext OKY is provided optionally chipwise.
Continuous S.W.A.I. OKY is provided optionall
Home S.W.A.I. OKY is provided optionally chipwise.
Off LED when Playing audio is provided optionally
3/6/12 Hz Ring LED when playing audio is provided
optionally entrywise.
Dynamic flash LED when playing audio is provided
optionally entrywise.
3Hz fix flash LED when playing audio is provided
optionally entrywise.
6Hz fix flash LED when playing audio is provided
optionally entrywise.
On LED when playing audio is provided optionall
High busy when playing audio is provided optionally
Low busy when playing audio is povided optionally
DC high (when playing audio and lasting to next trigger)
is provided optionally entrywise.
DC low(when playing audio and lasting to next trigger) is
provided optionally entrywise.
Low Stop after playing audio is provided optionally
High Stop after playing audio is provided optionally
OKY's sentences could be different from those from
8 loudness levels are provided entrywise.
8 different pitches are provided entrywise.
Edge trigger is provided optionally triggerwise.
Level trigger is provided optionally triggerwise.
Holdable output by TG is provided optionally triggerwise.
Retriggerrable TG by itself is provided optionall
High trigger is provided optionally triggerwise.
Low trigger is provided optionally trigger wise.
PID239 05/96
The MSS0306 is a monolithic CMOS VLSI ASIC that can memorize voice up to 3.5 seconds (at 6KHz
S.R.) using MOSEL qualified coding method (MPCM-4) in 8 sections. Both the volume and pitch can be
different for each entry each sentence. 3 versatile outputs are available through programmable logic array.
Most of the necessary circuit are built in like oscillator, ROM, DAC and interface logic. Customer voice
data will be edited and built in by mask programming during the device fabrication.
Mask Option
Either LED function or STATUS function for OUT X pin.
Either LED function or STATUS function for OUT Y pin.
Either LED function or STATUS function for OUT Z pin.
Either initial low or inital high for OUT X pin.
Either initial low or inital high for OUT Y pin.
Either initial low or inital high for OUT Z pin.
Among (0) on LED (1) 3Hz Ring (2) dynamic flash (3) 6Hz Ring (4) 12Hz Ring (5) 3Hz fix flash (6) 6Hz fix flash
(7) off LED for LED selection when playing audio for every entry.
Among (0) high busy (1) low busy (2) DC high (3) reserved (4) reserved (5) DC low (6) low stop (7) high stop
for STATUS selection for every entry.
Either TG5 or OKY for TG5/OKY pin.
Either Continuous S.W.A.I. or Home S.W.A.I. for PLAYNEXT selection. S.W.A.I. means sequence when after
interrupt occured.
Either small loop or large loop for OKY cycle.
8 loudness levels 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 for each sentence each entry.
8 different pitches 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 for each sentence each entry.
Either Edge or Level trigger type for TG1 pin.
Either Edge or Level trigger type for TG2 pin.
Either Edge or Level trigger type for TG3 pin.
Either Edge or Level trigger type for TG4 pin.
Either Edge or Level trigger type for TG5/OKY pin.
Either active high or active low for TG1 pin.
Either active high or active low for TG2 pin.
Either active high or active low for TG3 pin.
Either active high or active low for TG4 pin.
Either active high or active low for TG5/OKY pin.
Among (a) Holdable & Irretrigger & No stop (b) Unhold & Irretrigger (c) Unhold & Retrigger for TG1 pin.
Among (a) Holdable & Irretrigger & No stop (b) Unhold & Irretrigger (c) Unhold & Retrigger for TG2 pin.
Among (a) Holdable & Irretrigger & No stop (b) Unhold & Irretrigger (c) Unhold & Retrigger for TG3 pin.
Among (a) Holdable & Irretrigger & No stop (b) Unhold & Irretrigger (c) Unhold & Retrigger for TG4 pin.
Among (a) Holdable & Irretrigger & No stop (b) Unhold & Irretrigger (c) Unhold & Retrigger for TG5/OKY pin.
PID239 05/96
Block Diagram
Pad Description
Pad No.
Signal NameFunction
Positive power supply
Status ( STOP/BUSY) or LED output
Audio signal current output (for speaker)
Status ( STOP/BUSY) or LED output
Status ( STOP/BUSY) or LED output
Negative power supply
Oscillator resistor input
No connection
Tirgger 5 or One-key input, high active or low active, mask optional
Trigger 4 input, high active or low active, mask optional
Trigger 3 input, high active or low active, mask optional
Trigger 2 input, high active or low active, mask optional
Trigger 1 input, high active or low active, mask optional
Cout is tristate during standby.
Cout has zero current output when sound data is zero. Cout has full current output when sound data is the
highest. Cout has half of full current output when sound is silence at middle data value. Cout has half of full
current output when playing sound at appended memory-less mute.
The bypass Cout Resistor is used to bypass the audio output current from Cout. This bypassing extra current to
ground gives a way to prevent the saturation of audio waveform amplified by transistor. This Resistance is 470
ohm typically. It always is not very small. Or user can let it open if the transistor has a fair beta value.
A transistor with beta value 150 is sufficient for typical applications. Larger beta value get larger sound but may
have the amplified waveform saturated.
PID239 05/96
8 ohm speaker is recommended. The speaker characeristics and housing impacts the loudness very much.
When user is using variable loudness, user must carefully calculate the bypass resistance and transistor's
beta value due to that the current from Cout may vary
very much due to user's specified loudness variance.
Retriggerable TG
Retriggerable TGm means the sentence addressed by
TGm could be retriggerred by other TGs.
See Timing diagrams. Of course, it can be retriggered
by itself. See Timing diagrams II.
Hold and Retrigger
This combination allows user controlling both the output
and the input. Its output is holdable and the input
could retrigger the former. This is an exquisite feature,
to ensure your application is fit to this feature or not
before being manufactured is recommended strongly.
Or the user may overshoot the mark and end up with a
To contact MVI sales representatives is the best
solution for this feature.
Small Loop & Large Loop
This is a function belongs to OKY. OKY plays many
sentences, up to 32. User can play 1st sentence
through 32nd sentence if user selects "large loop". At
this time the sentence lst, 2nd, 3rd and 4th may be
triggerred by TGs.
User will play 16 sentences, from 17th through 32nd
sentence, when user selects "small loop".
User may have less sentences triggered by OKY at this
selection. But user definitely can prevent those OKY's
sentences triggerred by TGs.
Cycle Loop
This is a count number ranges 1 through 32 which
defines the sentence range OKY will play. This number
is determined automatically by the sentences user filled,
user defined.
Continuous OKY & Home OKY
This is a function belongs to OKY and determines the
play sequence when the first OKY comes after any
other trigger addressing. The "continuous" preserves
the sequence while the "home"rewinds to the very
beginning. This very beginning means either 17th
sentence or 1st sentence which is determined by Loop
Size - small or large.
You will see a term S.W.A.I. in this data sheet, it means
sequence when after interrupt by other trigge
Ring 3 Hz LED
Ring 3 Hz LED had better to mask 3 LED sink pins
together. But if user insists, two LED pins or one LED pin
could be used to perform this ring function.
LEDX and LEDY must be adopted to perform "Ring" if user
specifies 2 LEDs. Adopting LEDX and LEDZ is not
guaranteed the performance. Of course adopting LEDY
and LEDZ is not guaranteed, either.
LEDX must be adopted to perform "Ring" if user specifies
one LED. Neither adopting LEDY nor LEDZ can perform
guaranteed function.
Each LED turns on for 333 ms (1/3 second) and turns off
for 667 ms (2/3 second). LEDX turns on first. LEDY
turns on immediately after LEDX turns off. LEDZ turns on
immediately after LEDY turns off. LEDX turns on again
immediately after LEDZ turns off.
This 3Hz is sample rate dependent.
Ring 6 Hz LED
It performs what "Ring 3 Hz LED" works except the turn on
and off frequency. Each LED turns on for 1/6 second and
turns off for 2/6 seconds.
Ring 12 Hz LED
It performs what "Ring 3 Hz LED" works except the turn on
and off frequency. Each LED turns on for 1/12 second
and turns off for 2/12 seconds.
Fix flash LED
Fix 3 Hz flash means this pin turns LED lamp on for 166ms
and then turns it off for 166ms alternately. Fix 6 Hz flash
means quicker, it turns on 83 ms and then turns off 83 ms.
There are up to 3 LED sink pins could be manufactured as
user's mask specified. LEDX is synchronous with LEDZ.
LEDY shifts 180 degrees phase with LEDX. User can find
their timing relationships on timing diagram VI.
These 3Hz as well as 6Hz are sample rate dependent.
Dynamic Flash LED
The LED turns on whenever the sound amplitude is over a
certain threshold potential. Three LEDs (X, Y and Z) have
different threshold. LEDX is the easiest to turn on. LEDY's
threshold is the highest. LEDX's is 4/8 of full scale output
current. LEDY's is 7/8 while LEDZ's is 6/8.
For example, A point (a sample pixel) of sound in volume
level 90% of full scale output current, it will turn on all three
LEDs. A point in 80% current will turn on LEDX as well
as LEDZ. A point in 70% current will turn on LEDX only.
A point in 49% current or less turns no LED on.
Initial high & Initial low
This is a function belongs to OUTs. It defines the state only
from power on to the first audio activated. It is effective
both for LED and Status.
"Initial low" means user want this OUT pin is put to low
PID239 05/96
whenever this chip is power on. "Initial high" means
vice versa.
Initial high is good for LED because that high will
forbid the LED to be turned on, user want not keep the
LED light even user don't use very long time since
user power on the chip. So, we suggest user to
define "initial high" whenever LED is chosen for that
OUT pin. But it is not absolutely right. User may on
purpose turn it on once user likes it.
Initial low is good for STATUS because that low will
have every Status starts from zero on whole time line.
So, user are suggested to define "initial low"
whenever Status is chosen for that OUT pin. But it is
not absolutely right. User may on purpose have a
high to do whatever user want, to turn a motor running
this way or tell a situation since power on, etc.
DC 0 & DC 1
This is a function belongs to OUTs. User may be confused it with Busy. It is similar to Busy signal but it is
not only valid during audio is being played, like Busy,
but also valid after the audio has been played. Its response lasts until next audio entry is activated.
DC0 means zero potential (Vss) while the DC1 means
the Vdd.
Sample Rate
There are some parameters depend on sample rate.
They are debounce time, LED Ring frequency, LED fix
flash frequency and Stop pulse width. The numbers
mentioned in this data sheet are based on 6 KHz
sample rate if not specified. Higher SR has LED
flashes quicker. Higher SR makes Stop pulse shorter.
Higher SR let the debounce time shorter.
This chip provides multi-SR function. What it means
is that user can digitize two different sounds in
different SR but plays them by a common Rosc. For
example, user has rocket sound digitized in 9.5 KHz
but have rooster digitized at 6KHz. While
manufactured, user just specify different pitch
numbers on request form - 4 for rocket and 1 for
rooster. The chip could be played those two sounds
at a Rosc fit for 6 KHz SR. Because that "pitch 4" at 6
KHz Rosc means 6 KHz playback while "pitch 1" at 6
KHz Rosc meas playback in 1.6 times 6 KHz.
The 1.2 M ohm Rosc playback 6 KHz sample rate
typically, but just typical. Smaller Rosc playbacks
quicker - Higher pixel rate. MVI provides voice chip
with very flat response for playback vs working
voltage. Higher working voltage get slower playback
but insignificantly.
This Stop pulse is not guaranteed when user defines the
trigger behavior as Holdable. Stop pulse width is determined on the sample rate as well as the pitch of that playing entry when stop pulse occurs.
Higher Key Priority
What's the result when multi triggers are activated simultaneously? Which trigger is acknowledged among these
five? Among these four? Among these three? Between
these two?
The higher key priority means the trigger with higher index
has the priority to be acknowledged and responsed when
there are several triggers activated simultaneously.
For example: Three triggers are activated simultaneously,
TG1,2,3. The TG3 has the priority, sentence 3 will be responsed.
For another example: Five triggers are activated simultaneously, TG1,2,3,4,5. The TG5 has the priority, sentence 5
will be responsed.
First Key Priority
This feature is not provided on this MSS0306 chip. But it
still worth to explain.
This defines the relationship on time line for two or more
triggers. While user activating a trigger, for example
TG1, and its sound plays, user is unable to activate the
other trigger once the TG1 is kept activated regardless
TG1's sound is finished or not.
It means first TGn prohibits the acknowledge of latter
TGms when TGn is kept true.
Last Key Priority
This defines the relationship on time line for two or more
triggers. What will it result when a trigger is activated
while a trigger is true ahead and kept true ?
While user already activates a trigger, for example TG1,
and keeps this TG1 true, the latter trigger is still able to
come in and acknowledged by chip. It means the last
trigger is not prohibited by formers.
See timing diagram VII for reference.
User may be confused it with "retrigger". They are
Stop Pulse
Stop pulse is one of Status definition. There never is
this pulse o/p if user defines this o/p pins as LEDs.
PID239 05/96
Loudness Levels ReferencePitches Reference
111 7 100% x Ico Loudest
110 6 87% x Ico
101 5 75% x Ico
100 4 62% x Ico
011 3 50% x Ico
010 2 37% x Ico
001 1 25% x Ico
000 0 12% x Ico Least Loud
The precision is +/- 10%The precision is +/- 10%
IndexI output Loudness
Mask Index Playback PlaybackPitc
111 7 73% x Fosc Fosc / 1.37 Slowest
110 6 80% x Fosc Fosc / 1.25
101 5 88% x Fosc Fosc / 1.13
100 4 100% x Fosc Standard
011 3 115% x Fosc
010 2 133% x Fosc
001 1 158% x Fosc
000 0 198% x Fosc Fastest
Absolute Maximum Rating
V ~ V
T (Operating)
T (Storage)
-0.5 ~ +7.0
V -0.3 < V < V +0.3
V <V < V
-10 ~ +60
-55 ~ +125
DC Characteristics at 4.5 Vdd (S0306T)
I sb
I op
I ih4
I iL4
I ih5
I iL5
I ohr
I oLr
I co
V co
R osc
R osc
R cds
d F/F
d F/F
Standardby I
Operation I
input high I
input low I
input high I
input low I
output high I
output low I
current output
Current o/p V
Oscillation R
Oscillaion R
cds R
Frq. stability
Frq. variation