Morphy Richards IB71061, IB71060, IB71062 Instructions Manual

PerformAir Cyclonic vacuum cleaner
Please read and keep these instructions
GGeettttiinngg tthhee bbeesstt ffrroomm yyoouurr nneeww cclleeaanneerr......
If your cleaner is not picking up as well as it should, please check
Check the nozzle, tubes and hose for blockages.
AAlllleerrggyy ssuuffffeerreerrss
See page 7 for allergy details.
TTuurrbboo nnoozzzzllee
((cceerrttaaiinn mmooddeellss oonnllyy))
Remove hair and dirt caught around the brush bar regularly.
SSaaffeettyy ccuutt oouutt
If the product switches itself off during use refer to page 7 for instructions.
VC71060 MUK Rev 5 05/06
For replacement parts, help with using your Morphy Richards, problems and lots more, contact us by phone or through our website.
UUKK HHeellpplliinnee:: 00887700 006600 22660044 RReeppllaacceemmeenntt ppaarrttss:: 00887700 116677 66663355 IIrreellaanndd 11880000 440099111199
71060 Rev5 17/5/06 12:52 Page 1
The use of any electrical appliance requires the following common sense safety rules.
Primarily there is danger of injury or death and secondly the danger of damage to the appliance.
Please read before using the appliance
Do not use or keep this product outside in the rain.
Do not store the appliance near hot surfaces eg ovens or heating appliances.
Mains lead
Do not allow the mains lead to become strained or run this appliance over it.
If the electrical cable becomes damaged the cable assembly must be replaced. Do not attempt this task yourself, contact the helpline number that is found at the bottom of the page.
Personal safety
The plug must be removed from the wall socket before cleaning or maintaining the appliance.
Never modify the cleaner in any way.
Never use in the presence of explosive liquids or vapours.
Never pick up inflammable or poisonous liquids such as petrol, copier toner or other volatile substances. Never pick up acids, asbestos or asbestos dust.
Repairs to electrical appliances are only to be undertaken by trained personnel.
Unprofessional repairs can be dangerous for users.
Use only genuine Morphy Richards spare parts and accessories.
The appliance must never be left running when unsupervised.
This vacuum cleaner is intended for domestic use only. Misuse or use for commercial or any other purpose will render the guarantee invalid.
Product safety
Never use the appliance without the filters being installed.
Never use the appliance to vacuum hot ashes, broken glass, sharp objects or liquids.
Children do not understand the dangers associated with operating electrical appliances. Never allow children to use this appliance.
Check that the voltage on the rating plate of your appliance corresponds with your house electricity supply which must be A.C. (Alternating current).
If the socket outlets in your home are not suitable for the plug supplied with this appliance the plug should be removed and the appropriate one fitted.
If you cut off the plug and let go of the cable it will rewind into the machine therefore you must pull out a length of cable and secure it before cutting the plug off and re-fitting a new one.
WARNING: The plug removed from the mains lead, if severed, must be destroyed as a plug with a bared flexible cord is hazardous if engaged into a live socket outlet.
Should the fuse in the 13 amp plug require changing a 13 amp BS1362 fuse must be fitted.
UK Helpline 0870 060 2604 Replacement Parts 0870 167 6635 Ireland Helpline 1800 409119
71060 Rev5 17/5/06 12:52 Page 2
Hose inlet
¤ Dust canister
Dust canister release button
Carrying handle
On/off power switch
Variable power switch
Parking slot
· Tool storage drawer
Plug recess
Cable rewind switch
Exhaust filter grille
 Exhaust filter
Ê Dust canister lid
Á Pleated, washable dust canister
Ë Mesh filter cover
È Standard hose
Í Hose handle with airflow
Î Telescopic tube (length
Ï Combination floor nozzle
Ì Hard floor nozzle (certain
models only)
Ó Large turbo nozzle (certain
models only)
Ô Small turbo nozzle (certain
models only)
Upholstery nozzle
Ò Clip on brush (attached to  )
Ú Crevice tool
Note: ,Ò,Ú are stored in the tool storage drawer ·.
Û Stretch stair hose
Ù Filter cleaning brush
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