Morphy Richards ECOLECTRIC 40652, ECOLECTRIC TURBO STEAM IRON Instructions Manual

TTuurrbboo SStteeaamm IIrroonn
Please read and keep these instructions
The iron that not only does a good job...
Our ecolectric iron has a ceramic coated soleplate for smoother gliding, powerful steam for better results and a 400ml water tank for longer ironing between refills. helps you do your bit to save the planet
It switches off after it’s not been used for three minutes - to prevent wasting energy. Little things like that really make a difference.
Meet the family
Every product in the ecolectric family is packaged in materials that are both recycled and 100% recyclable. Naturally, that makes them better for the environment.
RN40652 MUK Rev 1
For replacement parts, help with using your Morphy Richards product, problems and lots more, contact us by phone or through our website.
UUKK HHeellpplliinnee:: 00884444 887711 00995533 RReeppllaacceemmeenntt PPaarrttss:: 00884444 887733 00771199 IIrreellaanndd HHeellpplliinnee:: 11880000 440099 111199
Energy conscious iron with no compromise on performance
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Safety first: Caution must be used when handling this appliance as it does get very hot. Always switch off the unit and allow to cool before cleaning or storing.
Jet cleaning: Your iron will give the best ironing results and will last longer if you apply jet cleaning after each period of ironing.
Useful tip: If clothes are wrinkled, hang them around the bathroom while you take a hot shower, When you’re done, the steam will have worked wonders on the wrinkles and you’ll use far less energy ironing them.
• Do not use outdoors.
• The iron must be used and rested on a stable surface.
• Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used near children.
• Children do not understand the dangers associated with operating electrical appliances.
• Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with this appliance.
Personal safety
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: TToo pprrootteecctt aaggaaiinnsstt tthhee rriisskk ooff eelleeccttrriicc sshhoocckk,, ddoo nnoott ppuutt tthhee aapppplliiaannccee iinn wwaatteerr oorr iinn aannyy ootthheerr lliiqquuiidd..
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: BBuurrnnss ccaann ooccccuurr ffrroomm ttoouucchhiinngg hhoott mmeettaall ppaarrttss,, hhoott wwaatteerr oorr sstteeaamm.. UUssee ccaauuttiioonn wwhheenn yyoouu ttuurrnn aa sstteeaamm iirroonn uuppssiiddee ddoowwnn,, tthheerree mmaayy bbee hhoott wwaatteerr iinn tthhee wwaatteerr ttaannkk..
• Do not use the vertical steam feature on clothes that are being worn.
• Do not leave the iron unattended whilst plugged in or on an ironing board. Never allow the mains lead to over hang the work surface.
• The socket should always be off before plugging or unplugging from the socket. Never yank the cord to disconnect from the socket, instead, grasp plug and pull to disconnect.
• Do not allow the cord to touch hot surfaces. Let the iron cool completely before putting away. Loop cord loosely around the iron before storing.
• This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience or knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
Other safety considerations
• Use the iron only for it’s intended use.
• Always disconnect the iron from the electrical socket when filling with water or emptying, and when not in use.
• When placing the iron on it’s heel, ensure that the surface on which the heel is placed is stable.
• Do not operate the iron with a damaged cord or if the iron has been dropped or if there are visible signs of damage, or if it is leaking. To avoid the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble the iron, but telephone Morphy Richards for advice. Incorrect reassembly can cause a risk of electric shock when the iron is used.
Special instructions
• If your iron does not work, check the following points:
Has the temperature control been set to the required temperature? Is the plug in it’s socket? Is the plug itself or the socket faulty? (Check by plugging in another appliance).
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: WWhheenn nnoott iinn uussee,, yyoouurr iirroonn sshhoouulldd nneevveerr bbee ppllaacceedd ffllaatt aanndd lleefftt oonn aann iirroonniinngg bbooaarrdd..
• To prevent damage to the textile being ironed, follow the temperature guide carefully. (Test the inside of the hem of the garment).
• When ironing is complete, remove the plug from the socket, empty any remaining water from the tank, and allow to cool before storage.
• If you drop or severely knock your iron, this could cause internal damage even if the outside appears alright. Have it checked by a qualified electrician.
• It is recommended that you use up one beaker of water by operating your iron’s steam and shot of steam functions before ironing any clothes, as some dripping may occur while your iron’s steam system is activated.
UUKK HHeellpplliinnee 00884444 887711 00995533 RReeppllaacceemmeenntt PPaarrttss 00884444 887733 00771199 IIrreellaanndd HHeellpplliinnee 11880000 440099 111199
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Heat setting markings on the adjustable control dial of all Morphy Richards irons match those of the International Textile Care Labelling Code.
Check that the voltage on the rating plate of your appliance corresponds with your house electricity supply which must be A.C. (Alternating Current).
If the socket outlets in your home are not suitable for the plug supplied with this appliance, the plug should be removed and the appropriate one fitted.
WWAARRNNIINNGG :: TThhee pplluugg rreemmoovveedd ffrroomm tthhee mmaaiinnss lleeaadd,, iiff sseevveerreedd,, mmuusstt bbee ddeessttrrooyyeedd,, aass aa pplluugg wwiitthh aa bbaarreedd fflleexxiibbllee ccoorrdd iiss hhaazzaarrddoouuss iiff eennggaaggeedd iinnttoo aa lliivvee ssoocckkeett oouuttlleett..
Should the fuse in the 13 amp plug require changing, a 13 amp BS1362 fuse must be fitted.
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: TThhiiss aapppplliiaannccee mmuusstt bbee eeaarrtthheedd..
(120°C Max) Cool
(160°C Max) Warm
(210°C Max) Hot
Control knob positions
Do not iron at all
Nylon, Acetates e.g. Acrilan Courtelle, Orlon Triacetates, e.g. Tricel/Polyester
Wool, Polyester mixtures e.g. Polyester/Cotton
Cotton, Linen Rayon, Rayon mixtures, e.g. Rayon/Linen
Iron on wrong side if moisture required use damp cloth (Not Acetate)
Fabrics requiring this setting usually require steam pressing for heavy cotton, denim etc.
With water in tank Dry and spray
Steam/spray/shot of steam
Without water in tank Dry ironing
Temperature guide
Jet clean
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