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USPS 2 Ton Delivery Vehicle 2016 - 2018 Models
~ Control Panel Selector Switch is def ective
CORRECTIVE ACTION ~ With the ignition turned to Acc essory, unplug each of the connectors fr om the Plenum servo
motors and test according to the inform ation in the Electrical Connection To Plenum Servo Motors Diagram. If the
test fails to find agreement with the Diag ram there is a good possibility that the M ode Selection Switch at the control
panel is defective. Replace the Mode Sel ection Switch.
Air temperature cannot be controlled
~ Water valve not operating
not be receiving a signal from control
panel, or valve is defective. Disconnect the electrical connector from the
valve. With the ignition switch turned
to Accessory, check for the presence
of 12 volts between the red wire (+12
V) and the white wire (ground) as noted in the Water Valve Electrical Dia-
gram. The yellow/red signal wire will
provide +12 V (full cold position) dropping to zero volts (full hot position) as
the temperature control knob is rotated
clockwise. If the condition at the connector is in agreement with the Dia-
gram, proceed as follows:
Step 1 Disconnect the water valve
from the 5/8” heater hoses,
Step 2 Carefully inspect the four
small terminal pins on the motor, mak e
sure that they are not damaged,
Step 2 Reconnect the valve to the
electrical connector,
Step 3 Rotate the Temperature Control Knob and watch for any response
from the valve,
Step 4 If no valve rotation is observed, replace the valve.
~ Water valve not electrically connected
CORRECTIVE ACTION ~ Disconnect the electrical connec tor from the valve. With the ignition s witch turned to Acces-
sory, check for the presence of 12 volts bet ween the red wire (+12 V) and the white wire (ground) as noted in the W ater
Valve Electrical Diagram. The yellow/red s ignal wire will provide +12 V (full cold pos ition) dropping to zero volts (full hot
position) as the temperature control knob is rotated clockwise. If none of these conditions exist, r efer to the Wiring Dia-
gram and examine the system’s wire har ness for any loss of continuity. Repair a s required.
, A/C system not providing cool air
~ Loss of refrigerant
CORRECTIVE ACTION ~ Verify the presence of 1.75 poun ds of refrigerant R134a. If the AC system is either partially
low, or completely empty, a search wil l be required for leakage. Replace and re pair as required.
~ Compressor not engaged
CORRECTIVE ACTION ~ Confirm that the system is fully char ged. With the ignition switch turned to Accessory, the
blower switch turned to the highest speed a nd the AC (blue) rocker switch engaged, pr oceed as follows:
Step 1: Check for the presence of 12 volts at the com pressor. If yes, make certain that the compressor clutch is fully
grounded. If the ground circuit is intact, th e compressor clutch has, most likely, failed and requires replacement.
Step 2: If no voltage is present at the compres sor clutch, refer to the Wiring Diagram and check for voltage at each of
the system pressure switches.[Note: The low pres sure switch is located on the suction hose n ear the firewall and opens
on a pressure drop to 8 psi. The binar y (high/low) pressure switch is located on t he liquid hose near the receiver/drier
and opens on a pressure rise to approxim ately 400 psi and a pressure drop to 28 ps i.] With the system fully charged,
there should be continuity through both s witches. Replace as required.
Step 3: If no voltage is present at the pressure s witches, check for voltage at the ther mostat (located externally on the
HVAC housing). Assuming that the evap orator coil is fully warmed to ambient conditions, the thermostat should be a
closed circuit. [Note: The thermostat circuit opens when the evaporator coil surf ace temperature drops below 32 de-
circuit, replacement is required. Therm ostat replacement requires the complete removal and disassembly of the HVAC
housing. When replacing thermostat, tak e special care to not kink the capillary tube. Also, install the new capillar y tube
in the same location as the original.
~ Perceived lack of cooling due to extrem e conditions
CORRECTIVE ACTION ~ Note that extremely high hum idity can reduce the effectiveness of the evaporator. The Ambient Temperature vs. Relative Humidit y Chart (below) illustrates how very hig h humidity can raise the louver tem-
peratures. This test is best performed with the doors and windows open, the blower tur ned to the highest speed and the
AC system fully engaged. Run the engine at 1500 rpm and allow time for the system to stabilize. Measure the discharge air temperature at one of the dash lo uvers and compare to the Chart.