MorethanIP Stratix II GX User Guide

Stratix II GX Embedded Gigabit Ethernet MAC / PHY
User's Guide
Version 1.0 - October 2005
Stratix II GX Embedded Gigabit
Ethernet MAC / PHY
Stratix II GX Embedded Gigabit Ethernet MAC / PHY
User's Guide
Version 1.0 - October 2005
1 DESIGN KIT INSTALLATION.........................................................................................................3
1.1 PLATFORM SPECIFIC JAVA RUNTIME INSTALLATION ......................................................................3
1.2 DESIGN KIT INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................3
2 DESIGN FLOW................................................................................................................................4
3 GENERATING THE MAC/PHY CORE............................................................................................5
3.1 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................5
3.2 CORE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ..................................................................................................6
3.3 DESIGN KIT DATABASE .................................................................................................................7
3.4 SIMULATION ENVIRONMENT ..........................................................................................................7
3.5 RUNNING SIMULATION USING MODELSIM SE.................................................................................8
Testbuilder Options..........................................................................................................................9
3.6 RUNNING SIMULATION USING MODELSIM PE OR MODELSIM AE....................................................13
Simulation Options.........................................................................................................................13
3.7 DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION WITH QUARTUS II ................................................................................16
3.8 VQM NETLIST GENERATION .......................................................................................................16
3.9 FULL TIMING GATE LEVEL SIMULATION........................................................................................17
4 CONTACT .....................................................................................................................................18
List of Figures
Figure 1: Design Flow Overview.............................................................................................................5
Figure 2: MAC Core Configuration Panel ...............................................................................................6
Figure 3: Testbench Setup Overview......................................................................................................8
Figure 4: Running Testbuilder Overview.................................................................................................9
Figure 5: Testbuilder Panel...................................................................................................................10
Figure 6: VQM Netlist Generation.........................................................................................................17
List of Tables
Table 1: Core Configuration Options ......................................................................................................7
Table 2: Design Kit Directory Structure...................................................................................................7
Table 3: Simulation Options..................................................................................................................10
Table 4: MAC Configuration Options....................................................................................................12
Table 5: Testbuilder Simulation Control................................................................................................13
Table 6: Simulation Options..................................................................................................................13
Table 7: MAC Configuration Options....................................................................................................15
Stratix II GX Embedded Gigabit Ethernet MAC / PHY
User's Guide
Version 1.0 - October 2005
1 Design Kit Installation

1.1 Platform Specific JAVA Runtime Installation

To be able to run the MAC Design Kit delivery and configuration tool, a Java runtime must be present on the system. The design kit needs the Java Runtime Environment Version 1.2.x (JRE1.2) or later.
To determine if and which Java version is installed on your system, open a Shell and type "java
-version". If you get errors then the runtime is not installed. If the version is lower than 1.3.x a newer package must be installed.
A platform specific package (The runtime standard edition 1.3, JRE 1.3, is sufficient) can be downloaded from the Sum Microsystems WEB site:
To install the runtime environment, follow the instructions included in the download package:
Windows platform: Execute the self-extracting archive.
Solaris/Linux: Extract the package in a directory and add the bin directory to the PATH
environment variable.

1.2 Design Kit Installation

A single executable Java delivery and configuration utility, common to all platforms, is provided, ethpack.jar. The utility generates all the required design files as well as the required scri pts for simulation and implementation.
After unzipping the distribution in any directory
Windows users:
1. Double-click on the ethpack.jar file found in the distribution top directory
UNIX (Solaris/Linux) users:
1. Goto the installation directory: $> cd <installation directory>
2. Execute the Java application: $> java -jar ethpack.jar
, the Java application can be started immediately:
Use the extract feature of your unzip tool. Avoid using drag&drop as it does not preserve the directory structure.
Stratix II GX Embedded Gigabit Ethernet MAC / PHY
User's Guide
Version 1.0 - October 2005

2 Design Flow

The different steps of the Embedded Gigabit Ethernet MAC-PHY Design are:
Core generation
RTL Simulation
Implementation using Quartus II
Gate-Level Simulation – Not available with Evaluation License
The design kit provides scripts for ease of use, fast design and verification / implementation turn­around.
The tools primarily supported are:
Simulation: Modelsim Version 5.7a or higher
Synthesis: Altera Quartus II V5.1 or higher
Implementation: Altera Quartus II V5.1 or higher
Stratix II GX Embedded Gigabit Ethernet MAC / PHY
User's Guide
Version 1.0 - October 2005

3 Generating the MAC/PHY Core

3.1 Overview

After the Core configuration utility is installed, start the utility and when the panel is available:
1. Select the Core options on the panel
2. Press the "Generate HDL" button.
3. A new window appears prompting you for a key. Type LbNH-sC79 and press “Enter”.
4. A new window appears which can be used to navigate through the file system to select an existing directory or create a new working directory. After pressing the "open" button finally creates the database.
MorethanIP TestBuilder
User Constraints
Design FILES
Figure 1: Design Flow Overview
Stratix II GX Embedded Gigabit Ethernet MAC / PHY
User's Guide
Version 1.0 - October 2005

3.2 Core Configuration Options

The Core is fully configurable and a user friendly GUI is provided to simplify configuration. To optimize the core for the intended application environment, several options are available which can be modified before the actual database is generated as described before.
Figure 2: MAC Core Configuration Panel
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