Moore Industries IPT Installation Manual

April 2016
170-701-00 F
Current to Pressure
Current to Pressure
All product names are registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Table of Contents

Introduction 1
Description 1
Instrument Air and Filtration Information 3
Application Information 5
Calibration 7
Installation 11
Theory of Operation 12
Maintenance 14
Troubleshooting 16
Drawings 16
Page 1


This manual contains calibration and installation information for the Moore Industries' Current-to­Pressure Transmitter (IPT). Along with a description of the IPT, this manual contains information regarding instrument air, filtration, applications and recommendations. Related tables and illustrations are provided for reference purposes.
This manual contains notes and cautions that must be observed to prevent equipment damage or minor inconveniences during calibration or installation of the IPT. The following definitions describe these cap­tions:
shall contain technical or literary information of a helpful nature. This information is intended to aid the reader's understanding of the subject being discussed and/or minimize inconveniences while performing technical tasks.
serious nature that if ignored may cause equipment damage.
shall contain technical information of a


Individual IPTs consist of two parts: the transmitter section and an interlocking pneumatic mounting block, which snaps onto a rail. Units that are ordered without a mounting block will clip onto an RIR or SIR (rack or surface mounted header), which supplies air to each unit using only one pneumatic supply pipe. Both mounting blocks and supply headers contain self-sealing valves. Therefore, the IPT can be removed and replaced without disturbing the pneu­matic connections or causing accidental venting of the supply or output air.
Operation can be montiored or calibration performed by using the electrical input and optional pneumatic output test jacks. A red LED display, which indicates the presence of an electrical input signal, is also provided.
Table 1 contains the IPT equipment specifications, including inputs, outputs, power requirements, and performance characteristics.
Model Number. The IPT model number describes
the equipment type, functional characteristics, operat­ing parameters, any options ordered, and housing. If all other documentation is missing, this number is used to identify equipment characteristics. The model number for the IPT is located on a label on the side of the unit.
The IPT is a compact 2-wire current-to-pressure transmitter that converts a standard process current signal to a pneumatic output. In its compact alumi­num housing, the IPT snaps onto standard mounting rails or optionally onto a header (RIR or SIR). Be­cause of the extremely low dynamic mass of the transducer element, the unit can be mounted in any position and it is also very insensitive to shock and vibration.
Serial Number. Moore Industries maintains a
complete history on every unit it sells and services. This information is keyed to the serial number. When service information is required on the IPT, it is necessary to provide the factory with this number. The serial number is located near the model number.
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Characteristic Specification
Performance Accuracy: Less than 0.5% of span including the combined effects of
Table 1. IPT Equipment Specifications
Input Current: 4-20mA or 10-50mA Output Pressure: 0.2-1 BAR, 1-0.2 BAR, 3-15 psig, 3-27 psig,
15-3 psig, 20-100 kPa, or 100-20 kPa
Zero: Adjusts zero to ±3% of span Span: For 20mA input, adjusts 3-15 psig output to 15 psig ±1%
linearity, hysteresis and repeatability -- defined as independent linearity per SAMA standard PMC 20.1 - 1973. (For 3-27 psig or 10-50 mA, error not to exceed 1% of span).
Step Response: 0.3 seconds into 100 ml (6 cu. in.) at 90% of span Supply Pressure Effect: Maximum 0.3% / 1.4 psig (0.3% / 0.1 Bar) Mounting Position Effect: Negligible, unit can be mounted in any position
but should be calibrated in final orientation Shock and Vibration Effect: Less than 0.5% for acceleration up to 10 g's and frequency up to 80 Hz
RFI Effect: Negligible Air Capacity: 1.6 SCFM, minimum Air Supply: Instrument air only, filtered and regulated, 20 psig nominal,
30 psig without damage. For 3-27 psig output, 35 psig nominal, 40 psig without damage. Air Consumption: Dead ended 0.1 SCFM (0.18 kg/hr)
Front Panel LED: Red light emitting diode indicates presence of electrical input signal
Zero and Span: Multiturn potentiometers +T, -T: Electrical test jacks for calibration; accepts 2mm (0.080 in) dia. x 12.7mm
(0.50 in) long phone tip plugs (handles should be less than 8mm or 0.32 in. in diameter
Operating Range: Temperature Effect: Less than 0.055%/°F (0.1%/°C)
Weight 20 oz. (0.57 grams)
Note: See Installation Section for physical dimensions.
–40°C to +85°C (–40°F to +185°F).
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Instrument Air and Filtration Information

For optimum performance, the selection and
use of a good quality air filtration system is
essential. Most users find that it is much less
expensive and troublesome to design a system
that includes good air filtration than deal with
downtime and repairs later.
To assure the maximum service life of an IPT, two things are important: a clean, dry air supply and a closed-loop application. Good air quality involves removing solids, oil and water from the air after compression. The cleaner the air, the longer the time before servicing is needed.
Oversizing elements avoids performance abberations and reduces maintenance time. Redundancy should be used where possible to avoid shutdown during maintenance.
Solids: Random solid dirt, such as pipe scale and
rust, is rarely a problem in compressed air instrument systems. A good filter removes these solids. How­ever, if there is a desiccant dryer in the line, a high­efficiency sub-micron filter is recommended to remove the highly abrasive sub-micron particles produced by the dryer. A high-efficiency filter is desirable in any system, and is often a feature of coalescing-type filters.
Liquid Oil: Liquid oil is the most common problem in
compressed air instrument systems. A coalescing filter removes sub-micron liquid droplets from the air, and is usually supplied with an automatic drain.
A coalescing filter works by trapping oil and water droplets in a bed of microfibers. The droplets run together at fiber cross-over points, form large liquid drops, and are forced by air flow to a drain. A filter system consisting of a general purpose first-stage filter (about 5 micron) and a high-efficiency coalesc­ing final filter is recommended to obtain contaminant­free air.
The exact location of the first-stage filter is not important; it can be located just ahead of each final filter, or a single first-stage filter can be located on a main line to protect a number of final filters on branch lines. Each final filter (coalescing) should be located just ahead of each pressure regulator. In a new plant installation, an oilless compressor may be used to eliminate this problem.
Water: The amount of water in an air system de-
pends on temperature, pressure and the relative humidity of the air. Therefore, this amount varies widely with geographical location and weather.
Sufficient water must be removed to lower the dew point of the air to a temperature below ambient. The dew point (at line pressure) is expressed as the temperature at which any moisture in the system begins to condense.
Water may be removed using a number of tech­niques, including coalescing filters, refrigeration dryers and desiccant dryers. In addition, a variety of combinations and modular systems may be used for special circumstances.
Care must be taken in the selection and location of the filter, because cooling downstream of the filter can cause more condensation of water. A coalescing filter should be installed immediately upstream of the pressure regulator. This type of filter removes most of the water before the air enters the regulator. Air leaving the regulator continues to dry due to the expansion of the air.
For systems subjected to freezing temperatures, the portion of the system that runs outdoors should have a dryer installed. The dryer reduces the dew point below the lowest expected outdoor temperature. A desiccant dryer is used with a coalescing filter up­stream to keep the desiccant dryer from being damaged by oil or being overloaded with excessive condensed water. Another high-efficiency coalescing filter is recommended downstream of the dryer, to remove the desiccant fines.
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ISA Specifications: The Instrument Society of
America standard ISA-S73, 1975 (ANSI MC11.1-
1975) covers the air quality requirements for instru­ment grade air for use in pneumatic installations.
The dew point in outdoor installations must be at least
7.8°C (18°F) below the minimum local ambient temperature. For indoor installations, the dew point must be at least 7.8°C (18°F) below the minimum interior temperature or 2°C (35°F), whichever is greater. Although the ISA standard calls for a 35°F dew point, this is often unnecessary indoors, and may be unsatisfactory outdoors under freezing conditions.
Table 2. Recommended Filters for the IPT Air Supply
Max. No. MII Part No. Port Size Max. Flow of IPTs Female NPT @ 100 PSIG
Filters that exceed the ISA specification provide very inexpensive protection. Although the ISA specifica­tion calls for particle size not to exceed 3 microns and oil content not to exceed 1ppm, most filter manufacturers supply a line of coalescing filters that remove particles down to sub-micron sizes (often
0.01 micron) while also removing oil to below ISA 1ppm specification (often to 0.01ppm).
2 800-802-42** 1/4 18 7 800-803-42 3/8 50 17 800-804-42 1/2 50 30 800-805-42 1/2 150
2 800-806-42** 1/4 4 7 800-807-42 3/8 15 17 800-808-42 1/2 35 30 800-809-42 1/2 60 62 800-810-42 1 125
* All filters are based on maximum (full) air flow from the IPT. ** These filters do not have sight glasses on the bowls.
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Application Information

The IPT properly. In a closed loop, it is possible to measure the controlled variable, to determine if a deviation from the desired value exists, and to automatically provide feedback for actuator loading pressure.
The IPT cannot operate in an open loop. An open loop has inherent limitations that are not consistent with precise control, such as: long term drift of the loop dynamics, load fluctuations that require constant adjustments of the actuator loading pressure, and quality variations because of inconsistencies between operating personnel. A controlled variable cannot be directly measured in an open loop; this prevents compensating adjustments to the system input. If an IPT is installed in an open loop, it appears to drift due to the lack of corrective feedback.


Any approach to providing good instrument air quality should evaluate the worst case air flow and ambient temperature of the location. This is required to determine sizing of the air system elements. A knowledge of yearly humidity cycles is also important for this evaluation.
must be
installed in a closed loop to operate
The IPT requires periodic maintenance. The fre­quency of the service depends on the environment in which the unit operates and the quality of the instru­ment air supplied. Service in the field is limited to visual inspection and cleaning of the input nozzle filter screen on the IPT and servicing of the compressed instrument air filtration system. The unit may be returned to the factory for complete disassembly, cleaning, and servicing on a periodic basis.
The use of coalescing filters with retention of 0.01 micron particles and droplets is recommended; they remove all undesirable traces of oil and water drop­lets. Proper placement with respect to the regulator(s) may eliminate the need for dryers, except when coalescing filters are exposed to freezing (keeping in mind that the dew point of the purified air must be kept below worst case ambient).
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate typical non-redundant systems with multiple branch lines. They both work in any environment above freezing and differ only in the placement of the general purpose first-stage filter. Gages, valves, and differential pressure indicators (for filter service monitoring) are not shown. It is recommended that filters with integral service life indicators or differential pressure indicators be used to help ensure proper servicing, as well as redun­dancy to avoid shutdown during servicing.
Before placing IPTs in service, all pneu-
matic lines and mounting blocks or headers
(SIRs or RIRs) should be "blown down" to
purge contamination and condensation
deposited during piping and installation.
Also blow down lines to loads, since all
output air vents back through the IPT, and
there are never filters installed to trap these
contaminants (normally only present at start-up). It is recommend this be done for at least an hour, longer if there is evidence
of water or oil coming through.
Figures 1 and 2 differ in the method used to remove water. The use of a desiccant type dryer (figure 2) requires upstream filtration to prevent oil contamina­tion of the dessicant, as well as downstream filtration, to prevent desiccant fines from introducing new contamination.
The service life of an IPT is directly proportional to the cleanliness and dryness of its air supply. The small additional cost of providing high-qulaity air ensures a longer, more trouble-free service life for the unit.
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