Moog G393-006, G393-020, G393-008, G393-012, G393-016 Operation Manual

MSD Servo Drive
Operation Manual
DC-AC Servo Drive
Multi-Axis System with sinusiodal regeneration
Id. no.: CA97554-001 05/2017
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
MSD Servo drive energy-efficient multi-axis syste
Comprising DC-powered DC-AC Servo Drives and coordinated Power Supply Units with sinusoidal regenerative power supply, the multi-axis system offers a high degree of solutions expertise and flexibilit . Reduction of the wiring and shortening of the installation times are just as easy to achieve as resource-saving, cost-conscious operation.
MSD Servo Drive Operation Manual
Multi-Axis System DC-AC Servo Drive
Date: 06/2017, Rev. 2.1
Applicable as from rmware version: V2.20-01
The German version is the original of this operation manual.
Subject to technical change without notice.
The content of our documentation was complied with the greatest care and attention, and is based on the latest information available to us.
We should nevertheless point out that this document cannot always be updated simultaneously with the ongoing technical development of our products.
Information and specifications may be subject to change at any time. Please obtain information on the latest version at
Table of contents
1 General ..........................................................................................7
1.1 Target group ...............................................................................................................7
1.2 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................7
1.3 Reference documents ..................................................................................................7
1.4 Order code .................................................................................................................. 8
1.5 Data on manufacture ..................................................................................................9
1.6 Scope of supply ...........................................................................................................9
1.7 Pic tog ra ms .................................................................................................................. 9
1.8 Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................9
1.9 Disposal .....................................................................................................................9
1.10 Helpline/Support & Service ........................................................................................10
2 Safety ........................................................................................... 11
2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Measures for your safety ........................................................................................... 11
2.3 General safety instructions and warnings .................................................................. 12
2.4 Intended use ............................................................................................................. 12
2.4.1 Repair ........................................................................................................13
2.5 Misuse ...................................................................................................................... 13
2.6 Responsibility ............................................................................................................ 13
2.7 Relevant laws, standards and directives applied ........................................................ 13
2.8 Declaration of conformity .........................................................................................14
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 1 to 7..........................
3 Mechanical installation.................................................................. 15
3.1 Notes for mechanical installation............................................................................... 15
3.2 Switch cabinet layout ................................................................................................ 16
3.2.1 Example: .................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Wall mounting (air cooling).........................................................................................18
3.4 Alignment and arrangement in the group ................................................................. 19
3.4.1 Alignment in the group .............................................................................. 19
3.4.2 Arrangement in the group ......................................................................... 20
3.5 Mounting DC-AC Servo Drive air cooling housing variant .......................................... 21
3.5.1 Dimensions and mounting clearances ........................................................22
3.6 Mounting DC-AC Servo Drive liquid cooling housing variant ..................................... 23
3.6.1 Dimensions and mounting clearances ........................................................23
3.7 Cooling circuit connection.........................................................................................26
4 Electrical installation ..................................................................... 27
4.1 Notes for installation ................................................................................................. 27
4.2 Effective EMC installation..........................................................................................28
4.2.1 Cable type ................................................................................................. 28
4.2.2 Routing of cables .......................................................................................28
4.2.3 Earthing measures ..................................................................................... 28
4.2.4 Shielding measures .................................................................................... 29
4.2.5 External components .................................................................................30
4.3 Overview of the connections .....................................................................................30
4.3.1 Layout, G393-004 (Size 1) to G393-032/G397-035 (Size 4) .......................30
4.3.2 Layout, G393-045/G397-053 (Size 5) to G393-170/G397-210 (Size 6A) .....32
4.3.3 Layout, G397-250 to G397-450 (Size 7) .....................................................34
4.4 Protective earth conductor connection......................................................................36
4.5 Electrical isolation concept ........................................................................................36
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MSD Multi-A xis System Operation Manual DC-AC Ser vo Drive
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4.6 Connection of control supply (+24VDC) ..................................................................38
4.6.1 G393-004 (Size 1) to G393-170/G397-210 (Size 6A) ..................................39
4.6.2 G397-250.1 to G397-450 (Size 7) ..............................................................39
4.7 Connection of DC power supply ...............................................................................40
4.8 Control connections ..................................................................................................42
4.8.1 Specification of the control connections ....................................................42
4.8.2 Brake driver ................................................................................................44
4.9 Specification, USB interface ....................................................................................... 45
4.10 Specification, Ethernet interface ................................................................................45
4.11 Option1 ...................................................................................................................45
4.12 Option2 ...................................................................................................................45
4.13 Encoder connection ..................................................................................................46
4.13.1 Encoder connection for synchonous motors ..............................................46
4.13.2 Allocation of motor/encoder cable to the DC-AC Servo Drive .....................46
4.13.3 Ready made encoder cables .......................................................................46
4.13.4 Resolver connection ...................................................................................47
4.13.5 Connection for high-resolution encoders ...................................................48
4.14 Motor connection .....................................................................................................49
4.14.1 Motor connection for synchronous motors ................................................49
4.14.2 Switching in the motor cable .....................................................................52
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5 Commissioning ............................................................................. 53
5.1 Notes for commissioning ...........................................................................................53
5.2 Initial commissioning ................................................................................................. 53
5.2.1 Switching on control supply .......................................................................54
5.2.2 Connection between PC and DC-AC Servo Drive ....................................... 54
5.2.3 Configuring parameters .............................................................................54
5.2.4 Controlling drive using Moog Dr iveA Dmini strAtor5 ..................................... 55
5.3 Serial commissioning ................................................................................................. 56
MSD Multi-A xis System Operation Manual DC-AC Ser vo Drive
5.4 Integrated control unit ..............................................................................................57
5.4.1 Function of buttons T1 and T2 ...................................................................58
5.4.2 Display ....................................................................................................... 58
5.4.3 Parameter menu (PA) .................................................................................59
5.4.4 Ethernet IP address menu (IP) ..................................................................... 59
5.4.5 Field bus address menu (Fb) .......................................................................60
6 Diagnostics ................................................................................... 63
6.1 Status indication on the device .................................................................................. 63
6.1.1 Device states ..............................................................................................63
6.1.2 Error indication ..........................................................................................63
6.2 Status and error indication in MoogD rive ADmin istr Ator5 ...........................................64
7 Safe Torque Off (STO) ...................................................................67
8 Operation with AC-AC Servo Drive as supply .................................69
8.1 Arrangement of the devices and components ........................................................... 69
8.1.1 Device protection ....................................................................................... 69
8.2 Switch cabinet arrangement with AC-AC Servo Drive as supply .................................74
9 Planning ....................................................................................... 75
9.1 Overview and comparison of the multi-axis systems.................................................. 75
9.2 Application examples ................................................................................................75
9.3 Operation with a Power Supply Unit .........................................................................76
9.4 Operation with AC-AC Servo Drive as supply.............................................................77
9.5 Functional comparison .............................................................................................. 78
9.6 Cost-effectiveness calculation ...................................................................................78
9.7 Dimensioning ............................................................................................................79
9.7.1 Determining the drive power required per axis ..........................................79
9.7.2 Selection of suitable gearboxes and motors ...............................................80
9.7.3 Selection of suitable DC-AC Servo Drives ...................................................80
9.7.4 Selection of suitable Power Supply Unit ..................................................... 80
9.7.5 External components .................................................................................82
9.7.6 Selection of a suitable AC-AC Servo Drive as supply ...................................82
9.7.7 External components .................................................................................84
10 Application example .....................................................................85
10.1 Interlocking Power Supply Unit and DC-AC Servo Drives ........................................... 85
A Technical data ...............................................................................87
A.1 Current carrying capacity, MSD Servo Drives DC-AC .................................................87
A.1.1 G393-004 to G393-032 (air cooling, 400VAC) ........................................87
A.1.2 G393-004 to G393-032 (air cooling, 460VAC) ........................................88
A.1.3 G393-004 to G393-032 (air cooling, 480VAC) ........................................89
A.1.4 G393-004 to G393-032 (air cooling, 770VDC) ........................................90
A.1.5 G393-045 to G393-170 (air cooling) .......................................................... 91
A.1.6 G397-016 to G397-032 (liquid cooling, 400VAC) ....................................92
A.1.7 G397-016 to G397-032 (liquid cooling, 460VAC) ....................................93
A.1.8 G397-016 to G397-032 (liquid cooling, 480VAC) ....................................93
A.1.9 G397-016 to G397-032 (liquid cooling, 770VDC) ....................................94
A.1.10 G397-045 to G397-170 (liquid cooling) ......................................................94
A.1.11 G397-250 to G397-450 (liquid cooling) .....................................................95
A.2 Technical data, MSD Servo Drive DC-AC ....................................................................96
A.2.1 G393-004 to G393- 020 / G397-020 to G397-025 .....................................96
A.2.2 G393-024 to G393-072 / G397-026 to G397-084 ..................................... 96
A.2.3 G393-090 to G393-170 / G397-110 to G397-210 .......................................97
A.2.4 G397-250 to G397-450 .............................................................................97
A.3 Power connections ....................................................................................................98
A.4 Current required for the control supply .....................................................................99
A.5 Pre-assembled DC link connections .........................................................................100
A.5.1 DC coupling, Power Supply Unit and DC-AC Servo Drive ......................... 101
A.5.2 DC coupling, DC-AC Servo Drive and DC-AC Servo Drive ......................... 101
A.5.3 DC coupling, AC-AC Servo Drive and DC-AC Servo Drive ......................... 102
A.6 Ambient conditions .................................................................................................104
A.7 Hydrological data for the liquid cooling ................................................................... 105
A.8 Dynamic temperature monitoring ...........................................................................106
A.9 UL certification (Size 1 to Size 7) .............................................................................10 6
Glossary ............................................................................................. 107
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Table of contents
MSD Multi-A xis System Operation Manual DC-AC Ser vo Drive
Table of contents
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MSD Multi-A xis System Operation Manual DC-AC Ser vo Drive

1 General

1.3 Reference documents

The product DVD from Moog contains the complete documentation for the related product series. The documentation for a product series includes the Operation Manual (hardware description), Device Help (software description) as well as further
User Manuals (e.g. field bus description) and Specifications. They are available in the formats PDF, HTML or chm.

1.1 Target group

Dear user,
the documentation forms part of the device and contains important information on operation and service. It is aimed at all persons who undertake mounting, installation, commissioning and servicing work on the product.

1.2 Prerequisites

Prerequisites for the usage of devices from Moog GmbH:
The documentation on the devices is to be stored so it legible, accessible at all times and for the entire life of the product.
Read and ensure you understand the documentation on your device.
Qualification: to p event injury or damage, personnel may only work on the
device if they have electrical engineering qualifications
Knowledge required:
− National health and safety regulations (e.g. VSize 4 in Germany)
− Mounting, installation, commissioning and operation of the device
Work in other areas, for example transport, storage and disposal is only allowed to be undertaken by trained personnel.
This operation manual only applies to the DC-AC Servo Drive for the MSD Multi-Axis System (referred to in the following as the DC-AC Servo Drive).
Document Contents
MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact­Operation Manual MSD Servo Drive AC-AC Servo Drive Single-Axis System ­Operation Manual
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Servo Drive Multi-Axis System­Operation Manual
MSD Power Supply Unit Multi-Axis System­Operation Manual
MSD Servo Drive Sercos II ­User Manual
MSD Servo Drive Sercos III ­User Manual
MSD Servo Drive Field bus systems CANopen/EtherCAT ­User Manual MSD Servo Drive Field bus systems Probus/Pronet User Manual
Modular Multi-Axis Servo Drive System - MSD ­Ordering Catalog
MSD Servo Drive - Device Help
Program help
DriveADminsitrAtor 5
Moog PC user software
Safety, mechanical installation, electrical installation, commissioning, diagnostics, specications, certication and applicable standards, technical data
Safety, mechanical installation, electrical installation, commissioning, diagnostics, specications, certication and applicable standards, technical data
Safety, mechanical installation, electrical installation, commissioning, diagnostics, STO, operation with AC-AC Servo Drive as supply, planning, application example, specications, certication and applicable standards, technical data
Safety, mechanical installation, electrical installation, commissioning, diagnostics, specication, certication and applicable standards, technical data
Safety, commissioning, communication phases, parameter interface, error, warning and status messages, operation modes, weighting, referencing, touchprobe, parameter lists
Safety, installation and connection, commissioning and conguration, parameterisation, data transmission, scaling and weighting, functionality, error message and diagnostics, parameter lists
Safety, commissioning, data transmission, operation modes, referencing, parameters, technical data
Description and conguration of the parameters for the MSD Servo Drive on the PROFIBUS/PROFINET eld bus system
Information, notes on ordering, specications and technical data on: MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact, MSD Single-Axis System, MSD Multi-Axis System, safety technology, communication, technology, function packages, accessories and motors Description of the software functionality MSD Servo Drive, rmware versions:
- MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact from V1.30-xx
- MSD Single-Axis System from V3.25-xx
- MSD Multi-Axis System from V3.25-xx Context-sensitive help for Moog DriveADministrAtor version 5.x graphic PC user software for initial commissioning and serial commissioning, operation, diagnostics and project management
ID no.
CDL 29950-en
PDF and
Id. no.: CA97554-001 05/2017
1 General
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
1 General
Id. no.: CA97554-001 05/2017

1.4 Order code

The MSDMulti-Axis System has the article designation G393-xxx-xxxxxxx and G397-xxx-xxxxxxx. This provides information on the related variant of the
MSDServoDrive supplied. The signicance of the individual characters of the article
designation is given in the following order code.
G393 - - -
Rated current
Option 1 (Communication)
Option 2 (Technology)
Option 3 (Safety)
Option 4 (Function package)
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
G397 - - -
Rated current
Option 1 (Communication)
Option 2 (Technology)
Option 3 (Safety)
Option 4 (Function package)
Figure 1.2 Order code MSD Servo Drive DC-AC (liquid-cooled)
Figure 1.1 Order code MSD Servo Drive DC-AC (air-cooled)

1.5 Data on manufacture

1.7 Pictograms

On rating plates for the servo drives you will find the serial number, from which you can identify the date of manufacture based on the following key. For the location of the rating plate on the MSDServoDrive refer to the layouts in chapter4.3, page30 sizes Size 1 to 7.
D-71034 Böblingen www Made in Germany
Model:: G393-030-000-002
S/N:D116605 Rev. A
In: 230 V AC 3ph, 50/60 Hz
4,0 A
0-230 V AC 3ph, 0-400 Hz
3,0 A
Year of production
Week of production
for the related
ID : JJWWxxxxx
Figure 1.3 DC-AC Servo Drive hardware rating plate

1.6 Scope of supply

The scope of supply includes:
MSDServoDrive DC-AC
Terminal kit for control and power terminals
(depending on device power and variant)
Set of grommets (on devices with liquid cooling)
Pre-assembled DC link connections
Product DVD with booklet
The pictograms used in this operation manual signify the following for the user:
Useful information or reference to other documents.
You will find the pictograms used in this operation manual for "safety instructions and warnings" in chapter 2 Safety.
Processing step undertaken by the user or the system.

1.8 Disclaimer

Following the documentation on the devices from Moog is a prerequisite:
For safe operation.
To achieve stated performance features and product characteristics.
Moog does not accept any liability for injuries, damage or financial losses that esult from the failure to follow the documentation.

1.9 Disposal

Follow the applicable national regulations! If necessary, dispose of individual parts, depending on their characteristics and existing national regulations, e.g. as:
Electrical waste
Or engage a certified disposal organisation with scrappin
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1 General
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
1 General
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1.10 Helpline/Support & Service

Our Helpline will help you with fast, specific assistance if you have any technical queries relating to project planning or commissioning your device.
Address: Moog GmbH
Hanns-Klemm Straße 28 D-71034 Böblingen
Phone: +497031622-0 Fax: +497031622-100 E-mail:
If you need service assistance, the Moog specialists will be pleased to be of assistance.
Service - Please contact us:
Phone: +497031622-0 E-mail:
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive

2 Safety

2.1 Overview

Our devices are state-of-the-art and comply with recognised safety regulations, nevertheless hazards can arise. In this chapter:
We provide information on residual risks and hazards that can emanate from our devices on usage as intended.
We warn about the foreseeable misuse of our devices.
We refer to the necessary care and measures to be taken to prevent risks.

2.2 Measures for your safety

Only install and place in operation your device taking into account the documentation for the related device family!
Our devices are quick and safe to operate. For your own safety and for the safe functioning of your device, please be sure to observe the following points:
Protection against magnetic and/or electromagnetic fields during installation and operation.
Persons tted with heart pacemakers, metallic implants and hearing aids etc. must not be allowed access to the following areas:
• Areas in the immediate vicinity of electrical equipment!
• Areas in which electronics components and servo drives are installed, repaired and operated!
• Areas where motors are installed, repaired and operated!
Motors with permanent magnets pose particular hazards.
During installation observe the following:
• Comply with connection conditions and technical data as per the documentation and the rating plate!
• Comply with standards and directives on electrical installation, such as cable cross-section, shielding, etc.!
• Do not touch electronic components and contacts! Electrostatic discharge can harm people and destroy components!
• Take protection measures and use protective devices as per the applicable regulations (e.g. IEC/EN60204 or IEC/EN61800-5-1)!
• Take "device earthing" protection measure!
Ambient conditions
Follow the instructions on the transport, storage and correct operation of the devices stated in the Operation Manual in "A Appendix".
Follow safety instructions for the devices: Follow all safety instructions and warnings in the entire documentation related to the device series.
Electric drives are dangerous:
• Due to electrical voltages up to 480V AC and up to 800V DC
• Even 10min. after switching off the mains supply, dangerously high voltages of ≥50V may
still be present (capacitor charge). So check that electrical power is not present! See also the warning label on the front panel on the device.
• Rotating parts
• Automatically starting drives.
• Hot components and surfaces
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2 Safety
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
2 Safety
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2.3 General safety instructions and warnings

Hazards may emanate from our devices. For this reason it is imperative you follow the safety instructions and warnings in this document.
DANGER! Risk of injury due to electrical power!
Carelessness will result in serious injuries or death.
Follow safety instructions and warnings in this document and on the device.
WARNING! Risk of injury due to electrical power!
Carelessness may result in serious injuries or death.
Follow safety instructions and warnings in this document and on the device.
CAUTION! Risk of injury or damage to the device due to incorrect operation!
Carelessness may result in minor injuries or damage.
Follow safety instructions and warnings in this document and on the device.
WARNING! Risk of injury due to hot surfaces and components!
Carelessness may result in serious burns.
Electronic components may become hot during operation! Follow safety instructions and warnings in this document and on the device!
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
Pay attention to special safety instructions and warnings that are given here in the document before a specic action and that warn the user about a specic hazard!
The pictograms may also be used on their own with the signal word, e.g. in the connection diagrams, however they have the same function as in the complete warning.

2.4 Intended use

Our devices are components intended for stationary electrical systems and machines in the industrial and commercial sector.
The devices in the product range MSD Multi-Axis System conform to the
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (Size 1 to Size 6A) Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU (Size 7)
Tested and certied according to applicable standards (see declaration of conformity in chapter 2.8).
Caution! Damage due to electrostatic discharge!
Electrostatic discharge can destroy components.
Do not touch electronic components and contacts! Follow safety instructions and warnings in this document and on the device!
DANGER! Risk of injury due to rotating parts on the motor!
Carelessness will result in serious injuries or death.
Follow safety instructions and warnings in this document.
When installed in machines it is prohibited to start-up intended operation until it has been ascertained that the completed machine fully complies with the provisions of the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC); compliance with IEC/EN60204 is mandatory.
Starting up intended operation is only permitted on compliance with the EMC Directive
The devices fulfil the demands of the harmonised p oduct standard
You will find information on the installation of your device in chapter “3 Mechanical installation”.
IEC/EN 61800-5-1.

2.4.1 Repair

Only have repairs undertaken by authorised repair shops. Unauthorised opening and incorrect intervention could lead to death, physical injury or material damage. The warranty provided by Moog will be rendered void.

2.5 Misuse

Our devices are:
Not intended for installation in vehicles. Deployment of the device in mobile equipment is classed as non-standard ambient conditions, and is permissible only by special agreement.
Not intended for installation in environments with harmful oils, acids, gases, vapours, dusts, radiation etc.
Not approved for usage in special applications (e.g. in potentially explosive
atmospheres or areas in which there is a risk of fire).
Not approved for usage outside a switch cabinet
Not approved for the generation of high-frequency onboard networks for which
the device is not designed

2.6 Responsibility

Pay attention to the topic of “Electrical equipment of machines” in EN60204-1:2006 “Safety of machinery”. The safety requirements on electrical machines defined the e are
intended to protect personnel and machinery or systems.
The emergency stop function (as per IEC/EN60204) shuts down the supply of power to a machine, which results in the drives coasting down in an uncontrolled manner. To avert hazards, check whether it is appropriate:
− To keep individual drives in operation
− To initiate specific safety p ocedures
− To incorporate a Safe Torque Off function (Safe Torque Off: movement stop by "switching off the electrical supply" - STO)

2.7 Relevant laws, standards and directives applied

For information on the laws, standards and directives applied by Moog, refer to the declaration of conformity.
Depending on the specific application for the devices, other laws, standa ds and directives with provisions on "Safety" may apply. If necessary, contact the machine or system manufacturer.
Electronic devices are not fail-safe. The installer and/or operator of a complete machine or system is responsible for ensuring:
That the drive is rendered safe if the device fails
The safety of personnel and machinery
The complete machine is in correct working order
For the risk assessment on the complete machine or system according to EN ISO 12100 (formerly EN ISO 14121) and EN ISO 13849-1 (formerly
DIN EN 954-1)
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2 Safety
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
2 Safety
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2.8 Declaration of conformity

2.8.1 MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 1 to 7
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive

3 Mechanical installation

The device is designed only for installation in a stationary switch cabinet. The switch cabinet must as a minimum provide IP4x protection. According to ENISO13849-2 the switch cabinet must have IP54 protection or higher when using the safety function STO (Safe Torque Off).

3.1 Notes for mechanical installation

WARNING! Risk of injury due to hot surfaces on the device (heat sink)!
Carelessness may result in serious burns.
The device and especially the heat sink heat up signicantly during operation and can reach temperatures of up to +100°C (+212°F). Prior to starting work, make sure the device has cooled down. On touching there is a risk of burns to the skin. For this reason provide protection against touching. During mounting maintain an appropriate distance to neighbouring assemblies.
CAUTION! Damage to the device due to incorrect installation conditions!
The device may suffer irreparable damage.
For this reason
• Moisture must not be allowed to enter the device
• There must not be any aggressive or conductive substances in the ambient air
• Foreign bodies such as drilling chips, screws, washers etc. must not be allowed to fall into
the device
• The ventilation openings must not covered
It is imperative the operation manuals for the DC-AC Servo Drive and the Power Supply Unit or the supplying AC-AC Servo Drive are followed during
installation of a MSDMulti-Axis System.
The following basic guidelines apply to the arrangement and installation of the Power Supply Unit or the DC-AC Servo Drive:
The backing plate must be well grounded.
To attain the best result for effective EMC installation you should use a
chromated or galvanised backing plate. If backing plates are varnished, remove the coating from the contact area! The devices Size 1 to Size 4 and Size 7 have a rear wall made of aluminium. The devices Size 5 and Size 6A have a rear wall made of aluminised/galvanised sheet steel.
Maximum degree pollution degree 2 according to IEC/EN 60664-1. You will find further information on ambient conditions in Table A.29 in the appendix.
Cooling air must be able to flow th ough the device without restriction.
On installation in switch cabinets with convection, i.e. heat loss is dissipated to the outside via the switch cabinet walls, always fit an inte nal air circulation fan.
If you require further detailed information on installation, please contact the MoogHelpline (see chapter1.10, page10).
The DC-AC Servo Drives must not be installed in areas where they would be permanently exposed to vibration.
You will find further information in Table A.27 in the appendix.
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3 Mechanical installation
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
3 Mechanical installation
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3.2 Switch cabinet layout

The positioning of the components in the switch cabinet has a significant e fect on the trouble-free system and machine function. You should take into account the following points in your planning:
Evaluate the assemblies used in relation to EMC.
Divide the switch cabinet into zones with different power and interference levels.
For devices susceptible to interference, maintain a distance of at least 200mm (7.87 in) from the following components:
− DC-AC Servo Drive
− Input and output chokes, transformers
− Mains, motor, DC power supply and braking resistor cables (even if shielded)
− Relay and contactors (even if interference-suppressed)
For small distances use separators for shielding; fasten the separators directly and conductively to the backing plate.
If a motor contactor or motor choke is used, the component should be directly positioned directly at the DC-AC Servo Drive.
Do not use fluo escent lamps in switch cabinets, as they emit high-frequency interference.
Fit contactors, relays, solenoid valves, switched inductors and capacitors with suppressors.
The mains filter must be mounted on the backing plate as close as possible to the feed point and with large surface area contact. The backing plate must be connected to the central earthing point with a low-impedance connection. No unfilte ed cables are allowed to be laid on the mains input side of the filter so that no interference can be coupled into the cables.
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive

3.2.1 Example:

< 200 mm
< 20
12 9
1) Mains cable
2) Main switch
3) Fuses
4) Mains lter 1)
5) Circuit breaker
6) Mains contactor
7) Input choke with capacitor connected
8) Step-up choke
Power COM Data Status
RS 232
9) MSD Power Supply Unit
10) MSD Servo Drive DC-AC
11) DC power supply via DC link cable
12) Braking resistor
13) Motor cables
14) Controller 2)
1) Cables without interference suppression must be laid at a distance of at least 200 mm (7.87 in) from the mains input side of the lter so that no interference can be coupled into the cables.
2) Arrange the controller separated from the power area to prevent EMC coupling mechanisms. Control cables, signal cables and cable shields have been omitted for clarity
Figure 3.1 Example: arrangement in the switch cabinet
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3 Mechanical installation
3 Mechanical installation
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3.3 Wall mounting (air cooling)

Use bare metal backing plates.
The rear of the DC-AC Servo Drive must have good contact to the switch cabinet ground. The contact area must be bare metal to establish a good ground connection to the switch cabinet ground. There must not be an air gap between the rear wall of the DC-AC Servo Drive and the rear wall of the switch cabinet.
The bases of the chokes must have good contact to the switch cabinet ground. The contact area must be bare metal to establish a good ground connection to the switch cabinet ground.
= 0 mm
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
> 0 mm
1) Paint
2) Air gap
Figure 3.3 INCORRECT mounting of DC-AC Servo Drive
1) Bare metal backing plate
2) Large area contact
Figure 3.2 CORRECT mounting of DC-AC Servo Drive
18.5 mm (0.73 in)

3.4 Alignment and arrangement in the group

Devices with different housing variants, such as air cooling and liquid cooling, can be mounted side-by-side in any combination.
Devices with the liquid cooling housing variant have a spacer on the rear in place of the heat sink. As a consequence it is possible to connect devices with the air cooling housing variant using pre-assembled DC link cables without additional compensation measures in relation to the device depth.
The distance between the devices in a row is defined by the pre-assembled
connection cables supplied and is 2mm (0.08in).
Devices of Size 6A in the air cooling housing variant are an exception. The mounting distance between two air-cooled devices of Size 6A is 40mm
(1.57in) (see Figure 3.5).
Only use the DC link connections supplied for the electrical coupling of the devices. If extending the DC link coupling is unavoidable, it is imperative you pay attention to the requirements in chapterA.5, page103. On the usage of connection cables that do not meet the requirements, Moog does not provide any guarantee for stable, safe operation.
The DC-AC Servo Drives are allowed to be arranged to the left and/or right of a Power Supply Unit. On side by side mounting devices with different drive powers you should arrange the devices in descending order by power rating (e.g., viewed from the left, Size 4-Size3-Size2-Size1). This arrangement will minimise the thermal interaction. The Power Supply Unit must always be fitted beside the DC-AC Servo Drive with the highest power. On side by side mounting other devices to the multi-axis system, attention is to be paid to ensuring there is no thermal interaction between the devices.
Align the devices along the top edge (dotted line) to ensure trouble-free wiring.
Between the upper fastening screws for devices of Size 1 to Size 5 there is a vertical offset of 18.5mm (0.73in) compared to devices of Size 6A (see Figure 3.5).

3.4.1 Alignment in the group

Power Supply Unit
Size 5
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 1
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 4
Figure 3.4 Alignment of DC-AC Servo Drives in relation to Power Supply Unit Size 5 (example)
MSD Power Supply Unit
Size 6A
Wall mounting
Figure 3.5 Alignment of DC-AC Servo Drives in relation to Power Supply Unit Size 6A (example)
MSD Servo Drive DC -AC
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 3
Size 6A
Wall mounting
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 2
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 5
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 4
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 2
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 3
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 1
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3 Mechanical installation
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 1
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 2
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 3
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 4
MSD Servo Drive DC-AC Size 5
18.5 mm (0.73 in)
MSD Servo Drive DC -AC
Size 6A
with liquid cooling
MSD Power Supply Unit
Size 6A
with liquid cooling
3 Mechanical installation
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Figure 3.6 Alignment of DC-AC Servo Drives in relation to Power Supply Unit Size 7 (example)
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive

3.4.2 Arrangement in the group

Permissible arrangements
Figure 3.7 Example permissible arrangement: side by side mounting DC-AC Servo Drive
of the same size on one side of the Power Supply Unit
Figure 3.8 Example permissible arrangement: side by side mounting DC-AC Servo Drive
of the same size or reducing size on both sides of the Power Supply Unit
Impermissible arrangements

3.5 Mounting DC-AC Servo Drive air cooling housing variant

Arrange the devices starting from the Power Supply Unit to the right or/and left sorted in descending order by power rating to minimise the thermal effects. Align all devices in a line along the top edge of the devices so that the DC link coupling can be made using the pre-assembled cables. Between the upper fastening screws for devices of Size 1 to Size 5 there is a vertical offset of 18.5mm (0.73in) compared to devices of Size 6A (see Figure 3.5). For information on the mounting clearances see Table 3.1.
Mark out the position of the tapped holes on the backing plate. Drill holes in the backing plate and cut a thread for each xing screw in the backing plate. Pay attention to the bending radius of the connection cables! For hole spacing and dimensional drawings see Table 3.1, Figure 3.11 and Figure 3.12.
Figure 3.9 Example of an impermissible arrangement: side by side mounting DC-AC Servo Drive
of increasing size
Figure 3.10 Example of an impermissible arrangement: side by side mounting DC-AC Servo Drive
of increasing and reducing sizes
Mount the DC-AC Servo Drives vertically and side by side mounted in a row on the backing plate. The contact area must be bare metal. Use the pre-assembled DC link cables supplied for the DC power supply. Continue with the electrical installation in chapter4, page27.
The minimum distance specified in the table applies for devices of the same power. On side by side mounting devices with differ should arrange the devices in descending order by power rating (e.g., viewed from the left, Size 4-Size 3-Size 2-Size 1). This arrangement will minimise the thermal interaction. The Power Supply Unit must always be fitted beside the
DC-ACServo Drive with the highest power. On side by side mounting other devices to the multi-axis system, attention is to be paid to ensuring there is no thermal interaction between the devices.
ent drive powers you
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3 Mechanical installation
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3 Mechanical installation
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3.5.1 Dimensions and mounting clearances

Size Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Size 4 Size 5 Size 6A
Weight kg (lb) 3.4 (7.5) 4.9 (10.8) 6.5 (14.3) 7.5 (16.5) 13 (28.7) 32 (70.6)
B (width) 58.5 (2.30) 90 (3.54) 130 (5.12)
H (height)
D (depth)
A 29.25 (1.15) 50 (1.97) 80 (3.15)
C 382 (15.04) 406.5 (16) 581 (22.87)
C1 5 (0.2) 6 (0.24) 10 (0.39)
D (Ø) 4.8 (0.19) 5.6 (0.22) 9.5 (0.37)
E Direct side by side mounting, maximum 2 (0.08) 40 (1.57)
≥100 (3.94) ≥150 (5.91) ≥180 (7.09)
190 (7.48) 280 (11.02)
295 (11.61) 345 (13.58) 540 (21.26)
224 (8.82) 240 (9.45) 322 (12.68)
150 (5.91) 200 (7.87)
≥270 (10.63) ≥300 (11.81) ≥500 (19.69)
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
Size 1
C1 C1
Figure 3.11 Dimensional drawing, air cooling housing variant
Size 2 ... Size 6
H1 392 (15.43) 418.5 (16.48) 600 (23.62)
H2 38.5 (1.52) 15 (0.59) 20 (0.79)
Screws 2 x M4 4 x M4 4 x M5 4 x M8
1) Without terminals/connectors 3) The bend radius of the connection cables must be taken into account
2) Mounting distance Size 6A to other Size 6A All dimensions in mm (in)
Table 3.1 Dimensions and mounting clearances, air cooling housing variant
Figure 3.12 Mounting distances, air cooling housing variant
3.6 Mounting DC-AC Servo Drive

3.6.1 Dimensions and mounting clearances

liquid cooling housing variant
Arrange the devices starting from the Power Supply Unit to the right and/or left sorted in descending order by power rating to minimise the thermal effects. Align all devices in a line along the top edge of the devices so that the DC link coupling can be made using the pre-assembled cables. Between the upper fastening screws for devices of Size 1 to Size 5 there is a vertical offset of 18.5mm (0.73in) compared to devices of size Size 6A (see Figure 3.5). For information on the mounting clearances see Table 3.2.
Mark out the position of the tapped holes and the pipe ttings on the backing plate. Drill holes and cut a thread for each xing screw in the backing plate. Pay attention to the bending radius of the connection cables! For hole spacing and dimensional drawings see Table 3.2, Figure 3.13 and Figure 3.14.
Mount the DC-AC Servo Drives vertically and side by side mounted in a row on the backing plate. The contact area must be bare metal. Use the pre-assembled DC link cables supplied for the DC power supply.
On screwing the hose connections (not included in the scope of supply) into the pipe ttings, lock the pipe ttings using a 22mm (0.87in)open-ended wrench to prevent damage due to the application of torque to the device. Pay attention to a perfectly sealed connection without leaks (e.g. using Teon sealing tape). Continue with the electrical installation in chapter4, page27.
Size Size 3 Size 4 Size 5 Size 6A Size 7
Weight kg (lb) 6.5 (14.3) 7.5 (16.5) 13 (28.7) 32 (70.6) 100 (220.5)
B (width) 130 (5.12) 171 (6.73) 190 (7.48) 280 (11.02) 380 (14.96)
H (height)
D (depth)
A 80 (3.15) 120 (4.72) 150 (5.91) 200 (7.87) 150 (5.91)
A1 10 (0.39) 25 (0.98) 40 (1.57) 65 (2.56) 29 (1.14)
A2 60 (2.36) 70 (2.76)
C 382 (15.04) 406.5 (16) 581 (22.87) 952 (37.48)
C1 5 (0.2) 6 (0.24) 10 (0.39) 12 (0.47)
D (Ø) 4.8 (0.19) 6.5 (0.26) 9.5 (0.37) 12 (0.47)
D1 48 (1.89) (Ø hole for pipe socket)
E Direct side by side mounting, maximum 2 (0.08)
H1 392 (15.43) 418.5 (16.48) 600 (23.62) 971 (38.23)
H2 38.5 (1.52) 15 (0.59) 20 (0.79) 60 (2.36)
H3 70 (2.76) 70 (2.76) 54 (2.13) 56.5 (2.22) 124 (4.88)
All dimensions in mm (in)
1) Without terminals/connections
2) Also pay attention to the bending radius of the connection cables
295 (11.61) 346.5 (13.64) 540 (21.26) 952 (37.48)
224 (8.82) 238.5 (9.39) 285 (11.22) 286.5 (11.28)
≥150 (5.91) ≥180 (7.09)
≥300 (11.81) ≥500 (19.69)
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3 Mechanical installation
Table 3.2 Dimensions and mounting clearances, liquid cooling housing variant
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
3 Mechanical installation
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Size Size 3 Size 4 Size 5 Size 6A Size 7
S [inch] 3/8 (female thread)
Screws 4 x M4 4 x M6 4 x M8 6 x M10
T1 73.5 (2.89)
All dimensions in mm (in)
1) Without terminals/connections
2) Also pay attention to the bending radius of the connection cables
Table 3.2 Dimensions and mounting clearances, liquid cooling housing variant
The minimum distance specified in the table applies for devices of the same power. On side by side mounting devices with different drive powers you should arrange the devices in descending order by power rating (e.g., viewed from the left, Size 4-Size 3-Size 2-Size 1). This arrangement will minimise the thermal interaction. The Power Supply Unit must always be fitted beside the DC-AC Servo Drive with the highest power. On side by side mounting other devices to the multi-axis system, attention is to be paid to ensuring there is no thermal interaction between the devices.
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
Figure 3.13 Dimensional drawing, liquid cooling housing variant, based on Size 5 as an example
H1 C
Figure 3.14 Dimensional drawing, liquid cooling housing variant, based on Size 7 as an example
Figure 3.15 Mounting distance, liquid cooling housing variant, based on Size 5 as an example
Figure 3.16 Mounting distance, liquid cooling housing variant, based on Size 7 as an example
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3 Mechanical installation
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3.7 Cooling circuit connection

WARNING! Risk of injury due to hot coolant!
Carelessness may result in serious burns.
In operation the coolant reaches high temperatures. Prior to starting work, make sure the coolant has cooled down.
The devices with liquid cooling have a capacity of up to 0.5l of coolant depending on
the size. After the disconnection of the connections, liquid may be left in the device and escape if the device is tipped. We recommend the usage of a self-sealing liquid coupling (not included in the scope of supply) to prevent the coolant escaping and to make it possible to disconnect and connect in the filled state
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
1) Liquid connection with 3/8inch female thread
2) Self-sealing quick-release connection with 3/8inch male thread
3) Self-sealing liquid coupling
4) Adapter for hose connection
5) PUR (polyurethane) hose with clip
Figure 3.17 Cooling circuit connection, based on Size 6A as an example
Items2 to 5 are not included in the scope of supply and are to be ordered separately.

4 Electrical installation

4.1 Notes for installation

It is imperative you pay attention to the following warnings and safety instructions prior to and during installation.
DANGER! Risk of injury due to electrical power!
Carelessness will result in serious injuries or death.
Never wire or disconnect electrical connections while they are live! Before making any change the device is to be disconnected from the mains. Even 10min. (Size 1 to 4) / 30min. (Size 5 to 7) after mains off, dangerously high voltages of ≥50V may still be present (capacitor charge). So check that electrical power is not present! Work on the device must only be carried out after the DC link voltage has dropped below a residual voltage of 50V (on Size 1 to 6A to be measured on the terminals X11/L+ and L-, on Size 7 on the terminals X11/ ZK- and X11/ZK+). Dangerous voltage may be present at the device, even if the device is not emitting any visual or audible signals/indications (e.g. with mains voltage applied to terminal X11 and missing control supply +24V DC on X9/X10 or X44)!
WARNING! Risk of injury due to hot surfaces on the device (heat sink)!
Carelessness may result in serious burns.
The device and especially the heat sink heat up signicantly during operation and can reach temperatures of up to +100 °C (+212 °F). Prior to starting work, make sure the device has cooled down. On touching there is a risk of burns to the skin. For this reason provide protection against touching. During mounting maintain an appropriate distance to neighbouring assemblies.
Along with this operation manual, it is imperative the manuals for the Power Supply Unit or the supplying AC-AC Servo Drive are read on installing the complete MSD Multi-Axis System.
WARNING! Risk of injury due to hot coolant!
Carelessness may result in serious burns.
In operation the coolant reaches high temperatures. Prior to starting work, make sure the coolant has cooled down.
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4 Electrical installation
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4 Electrical installation
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4.2 Effective EMC installation

4.2.1 Cable type

Use only shielded mains, motor and signal cables as shown in Figure 4.1. For all
shielded connections use cables with double copper braiding with 60 to 70%
If it is necessary to lay very large cable cross-sections, instead of shielded cables it is also possible to use separate individually shielded wires.
Only use the DC link connections supplied for the electrical coupling of the devices. If extending the DC link coupling is unavoidable, it is imperative you pay attention to the requirements in chapterA.5, page103. On the usage of connection cables that do not meet the requirements, Moog does not provide any guarantee for stable, safe operation.

4.2.2 Routing of cables

You should take into account the following points on laying the cables:
Route mains, motor and signal cables separated from one another. Maintain a
distance of at least 200mm (7.87in).
For smaller distances use separators for shielding; fasten the separators directly and conductively to the backing plate.
Route the cables close to ground potential. On the usage of cable ducts made of plastic, the cable ducts must be fastened directly to the backing plates or the frame. Open space must not be spanned, as otherwise the cables could act like antennae.
Route motor cables without interruptions (e.g. not via terminals) and lay them by the shortest route out of the switch cabinet.
If a motor contactor or a motor choke is used, the component should be positioned directly at the DC-AC Servo Drive and the shielding on the motor cable should not be stripped back too far.
Avoid unnecessary cable lengths and "loops of spare cable".
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
Route long cables in places not be susceptible to interference. Otherwise coupling points may be created.
Twist wires for the same electrical circuit.
Ideally, route the signal cables separated from encoder cables.
All signal cables should be combined and routed away upward.
Avoid extending cables via terminals.

4.2.3 Earthing measures

All earthed points and components must be routed directly to the central earthing point (e.g. PE rail, main earth) with as low an impedance as possible and with good conductivity. In this way an earthing system is produced that connects all connections to the earthing point in a star topology. This central earthing point is to be clearly defined. This earthing point can be extended to the entire backing plate with an effective EMC connection.
You should take into account the following points for the earthing:
Earthed surfaces act as shielding measures and reduce electromagnetic fields in the surrounding area. For this reason metal surfaces should be connected to ground with low-impedance HF connections. In terms of EMC it is not the cross-section of the cable that is definitive, but the surface over which high frequency currents caused by the skin effect can flow awa .
Connect the protective earth conductors for the components in the switch cabinet using a star topology.
Avoid the use of connectors.
Also connect the walls and doors of the switch cabinet to ground.
Larger openings in the switch cabinet (window, fan, display) degrade the shielding effect of the cabinet and must be protected with additional shielding measures for the HF range.
Earth unused cores at one end as a minimum so that there is no electrostatic charging.
Free contact areas of paint and corrosion and make large area connections.
The usage of tinned, galvanised, aluminised or cadmium-plated elements is to be preferred over painted components; it will then not be necessary to remove the paint. Connectors are to be avoided, or several contacts are to be used for the shield connection in the connector.
For further information on the cross-section of the protective earth conductor see chapter4.4, page36.

4.2.4 Shielding measures

You should take into account the following points for the shielding measures:
Use only shielded mains, motor and signal cables as shown in Figure 4.1,
page29. For all shielded connections use cables with double copper braiding with 60 to 70% coverage.
Connect the shield at both ends using a large area connection. Extending the shield to the earthing point using a wire (pigtail) reduces the shielding effect by
up to 90%.
Figure 4.1 CORRECT shield connection
Figure 4.3 Shield connection
Do not strip back too far the shield.
Shields are not allowed to be used to carry power, e.g. as a substitute for the N or PE conductor.
The shielding effect can be improved by laying in metal ducts/tubes.
If it is necessary to lay very large cable cross-sections, instead of shielded cables it is also possible to lay separate individually shielded wires.
Shields must be connected at one end as a minimum. Connection at multiple points is recommended, otherwise potential equalisation currents may flow in physically extensive installations. If the e is interference with long ground connections, these can be connected using coupling capacitors. These capacitors will provides a high-frequency connection for suppressing interference without transmitting the 50-Hz components.
Figure 4.2 INCORRECT shield connection - do not extend to the earthing point (pigtail)
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4 Electrical installation
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive
(Size 3 + 4)
(Size 1+2) SW
4 Electrical installation
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4.2.5 External components

Place larger loads near the supply.
Contactors, relays, solenoid valves (switched inductances) must be wired with suppressors. The wiring must be directly connected to the respective coil.
Any switched inductance should be at least 200mm (7.87in) away from the process controlled assemblies.
If you require further detailed information on installation, please contact the Moog Helpline.

4.3 Overview of the connections

Determine the terminal assignment that applies to your device. For G393-004 (Size 1) to G393-032/G397-035 (Size 4) in chapter4.3.1, page30 For G393-045/G397-053 (Size 5) to G393-170/G397-210 (Size 6A) in chapter4.3.2, page32 For G397-250 to G397-450 (Size 7) in chapter4.3.3, page34
Connect all necessary input and output units to the control connections (chapter4.6, page38), the optional interfaces (chapter4.11, page45) and/or (chapter4.12, page45) and the DC link if necessary.
Connect encoder (chapter4.13, page46) and motor (chapter4.14, page49).
MSD Multi-Axis System Operation Manual DC-AC Servo Drive

4.3.1 Layout, G393-004 (Size 1) to G393-032/G397-035 (Size 4)

In the following you will find the layout with the corresponding positions of the connectors and terminals. For improved clarity we have added an abbreviation to the designation for the connectors and terminals.
X9, X10
D1, D2
T1, T2
With the aid of the pre-assembled connection cables (DC-L), connect the protective earth conductor (chapter4.4, page36) and the supply voltages (chapter4.7, page40).
Continue with commissioning in chapter5, page53.
Option 1
HW: Hardware rating plate SW: Software rating plate
Figure 4.4 Layout, G393-004 (Size 1) to G393-032/G397-035 (Size 4)
(based on G393-004 Size 1 as an example)
+ 82 hidden pages