MOOER Micro ABY User Manual

Channel Switch Pedal
Pow er Su ppl y
Please connect the designated AC adapter to an AC outlet of the correct voltage. Please be sure to use only an AC adapter which supplies 9V (±10%) DC, center minus. The ma xim um wo rki ng vo lta ge sh all n ot ex cee d 12V, otherwise may be dangerous equipment damage, fire or other problems. Unplug the AC power adapter when not using or during electrical storms.
Con nec tions
Always turn off th e pow er of t his a nd al l oth er eq uip men t bef ore c onn ect ing o r disconnecting, this will help prevent malfunction and / or damage to other devices. Also make sure to disconnect all connection cables and the power cord before moving this unit.
Cle aning
Int erf erence with othe r electrical devices
Radios and televisions placed nearby may experience reception inte rfe ren ce. Ope rate this unit at a suitable distance from radios and televisions.
Loc ati on
To avoid deformation, discoloration, or other serious damage, do not expose this unit to the following conditions:
Direct sunlight Magnetic fields Exc essive dusty or dirty location Str ong vibrations or shocks
FCC c ertification
Thi s device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to th e fol lowing two conditions: T his d evi ce ma y not c aus e har mfu l int erf ere nce . This devi ce must accept any int erfere nce receiv ed, includ ing interf erence tha t may c aus e undesired operation.
Heat sources Ext reme temperature or humidity High humidity or moisture
Main Features
Micro ABY can be used in two ways, the signal path can flow from A/B to Y, or from Y to A/B
Can work without power supply (LED will not be lit up)
Full metal shell
Very small and compact design True bypass switch
DC 9V adapter power supply
Basic Using
Micro ABY can be used in two ways, Here are two application examples: Example YA/B Y(Instrument)Effects chain A/Effects chain B Example A/BY Effects chain A/Effects chain BY(Amplifier)
1. Channel Select Footswitch:
Push down the footswitch to
Channel A: Red Channel B: Green
6. Y Jack: 1/4mono audio jack, for connecting instruments.
A/B/Y Jack: 1/4monaural jack
Power R equir ement s: AC a dapte r 9V DC (ce nter mi nus p lug), c an
work wi thout p ower (L ED do esn’t w ork). R ecomm end ed to use M ooer Micro P ower
Dimensions: 93.5mm (D) × 42mm (W) × 52mm (H) Weight: 160g Accessories: Owner’s Manual
* Disclaimer: Any specification’s update won't be amended in this manual.
switch between channel A and
channel B.
2. A/B LED: Instructs channel A or channel
B of Micro ABY, channel A corresponding to the red LED and channel B corresponding to the green LED, LED won’t be lit up without power supply.
3. DC IN Power Jack:
For power supply, use a 9-volt DC regulated AC adapter (plug polarity is positive on the barrel and negative in the center).
4. A Jack:
1/4mono audio jack, for
connecting instruments.
5. B Jack:
1/4mono audio jack, for
connecting instruments.