MOOER Graphic B User Manual

Very small and compact design True bypass switch
5-Band Bass Equalizer Pedal
Pow er S up ply
Pleas e co nnect t he d esign at ed AC adap te r to an AC out le t of the co rr ec t vol ta ge . Pleas e be s ure to us e on ly an AC ada pt er whic h su pplie s 9V ( ±10%) D C, c en ter minus . The max im um work in g volta ge s hall no t ex ceed 12 V, oth er wi se ma y be dange ro us equi pm ent dam ag e, fire o r ot her pro bl ems. Unplu g th e AC power a da pter wh en n ot usin g or d uring e le ct ric al s to rms .
Con ne ct ions
Alway s tu rn off th e power o f th is and al l ot her equ ip ment be fo re conn ec ti ng or disco nn ectin g, t his wil l he lp prev en t malfu nc tion an d / or d am age t o ot he r dev ic es . Also ma ke s ure to di sc onnec t al l conne ct ion cab le s and the p ow er c ord b ef or e movin g th is unit .
Cle an in g
Clean o nl y with a so ft , dry clo th . If nece ss ary, sli ghtly m oi sten th e cl oth. Do not us e ab rasiv e cl eanse r, cl eanin g al cohol , pa in t thi nn er s, wa x, s ol ven ts , clean in g fluid s, o r chemi ca l-imp re gnate d wi ping cl ot hs .
Int er fe rence w it h other e le ctric al d evice s
Radio s an d telev is ions pl ac ed near by m ay expe ri ence re ce pt ion i nt er fer en ce . Ope ra te t his uni t at a s uitab le d istan ce f rom rad io s and tel ev ision s.
Loc at io n
To avoid de fo rmati on , disco lo ratio n, o r other s er ious da ma ge , do no t ex po se thi s un it t o the fol lo wing co nd ition s:
Direc t su nligh t Magne ti c field s Exc es si ve dust y or d irty lo ca tion Str on g vi brati on s or shoc ks
FCC c er ti ficat io n
Thi s de vi ce comp li es with P ar t 15 of the F CC R ules. O pe ratio n is s ubjec t to th e fo ll owing t wo c ondit io ns: T his d ev ic e may n ot c au se ha rm fu l inter fe rence .
This devi ce must accep t any interferenc e receive d, including inte rfere nce tha t ma y ca use und es ired op er ation .
Heat so ur ces Ext re me t emper at ure or hu mi dity High hu mi dity or m oi sture
Main Features
Smallest Bass graphic equalizer pedal in the world 5-Band Graphic EQ with master level control ±18dB adjustable gain range per band Full metal shell
1. TRUE BYPASS Footswitch:
Push down the footswitch to toggle between on and bypass status.
2. DC IN Power Jack:
For power supply, use a 9-volt DC regulated AC adapter (plug
polarity is positive on the barrel and negative in the center).
3. INPUT Jack:
1/4mono audio jack, for connecting bass.
4. OUTPUT Jack:
1/4mono audio jack, outputs
the signal.
5. LEVEL Knob and ON/OFF LED:
Adjusts the level of output, and instructs effects or bypass status of Graphic B, when the LED is lit up, the effects is on.
6. 5-band Slider:
Adjusts the level of each frequency band (-18dB~+18dB).
Frequency Centers: 62.5Hz, 125Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 4kHz Input: 1/4 monaural jack (impedance: 470k Ohms) Output: 1/4 monaural jack (impedance: 1k Ohms) Power Requirements: AC adapter 9V DC (center minus plug),
recommended to use Mooer Micro Power
Current Draw: mA Dimensions: 93.5mm (D) × 42mm (W) × 52mm (H) Weight: 160g Accessories: Owner’s Manual
* Disclaimer: Any specification’s update won't be amended in this manual.