Tuner P ed al
Pow er Su pply
Please c onne ct the d esi gnat ed AC adapte r to an AC ou tlet of the c orre ct vol tag e.
Please b e sure t o use only an AC a dapt er which su ppli es 9V (±10% ) DC, ce nter
minus. The max imum w orking vo ltag e shall not e xcee d 12V, ot herw ise may be
danger ous eq uipment d amag e, fire or ot her pr oble ms.
Unplug t he AC pow er adapte r when n ot using or d urin g electri cal st orms.
Con nec tion s
Always t urn of f the po wer of this a nd all o ther equi pmen t befo re co nnec ting o r
discon nect ing, this w ill he lp preven t malf unction a nd / or da mage to oth er dev ices.
Also mak e sure t o disc onn ect al l conn ect ion ca bles and th e powe r cord befo re
moving t his un it.
Cle ani ng
Clean on ly wit h a soft, dry c loth . If nec ess ary, sl ight ly moi ste n the cl oth.
Do not use a bras ive clean ser, cl eaning al coho l, paint th inne rs, wax, so lven ts,
cleani ng flu ids, or che mica l-impre gnat ed wiping c loth s.
Int erf eren ce wit h oth er ele ctri cal d evic es
Radios a nd tel evision s plac ed nearby m ay exp erience r ecep tion inte rfer ence.
Ope rat e this u nit at a s uit able d ista nce f rom ra dios a nd te levi sion s.
Loc ati on
To avoid def orma tion, dis colo ration, o r othe r seri ous d amag e, do no t exp ose
this uni t to the f ollo win g cond itions:
Direct s unli ght
Magnet ic fie lds
Exc ess ive du sty or d irt y loca tion
Str ong v ibra tions or sh ocks
FCC c ert ific atio n
Thi s dev ice co mplies wi th Par t 15 of th e FCC R ules . Oper ati on is su bjec t
to th e fol lowi ng two c ond itio ns:
T his de vice m ay no t caus e harm ful i nter fere nce .
This devi ce must acc ept any interfe rence receiv ed, includi ng interfer ence
tha t may c ause u ndes ire d oper atio n.
Heat sou rces
Ext rem e temp erat ure o r humi dity
High hum idit y or moistu re
Main Features
A high precision tu nin g mic ro pe dals, can be accura te to ± 1 poi nts
Wor ks wi th mo st El ectric or Electro -Ac ous tic i nstruments incl udi ng
seven strin g gui tar o r fiv e str ing bass
Display Uses 108 high brightness LED’s and is visible even in strong light/sun
Very small and comp act d esi gn
Tru e byp ass switch
DC 9V adapter powe r sup ply
1. TRUE BYPASS Footswitch:
Push down the footswitch to toggle
between on and true bypass status.
2. DC IN Power Jack:
For power supply, use a 9-volt
DC regulated AC adapter (plug
polarity is positive on the barrel
and negative in the center).
3. INPUT Jack:
1/4” mono audio jack, for connecting
4. OUTPUT Jack:
1/4” mono audio jack, outputs the signal.
5. NOTE Display:
Displays the note read with sharps in
upper right.
6. FINE TUNING Display:
The blue indicator light and the auxiliary
lights on both sides will show together
once tuning is correct.
Operating instructions
Press the Bab y Tune r ON/ OFF s wit ch to activate t he tu ner, t he pa nel
light is lit up a t thi s tim e, fo r the m ute state
While tuning, "- -" wi ll sh ow on w hen there is no signa l inp ut, b ut th e
musical alphab et no te in dic ator and fine-tun ing i ndi cat or will shine
together on ce th ere i s sig nal i nput
When correctly t une d, th e blu e middle indicato r lig ht an d the r ed lights
on both sides will s how o n tog eth er
Note: When not tuning status, the signal is true bypass, screen doesn’t display
Detection r ang e: 12 Hz ~ 41 86H z (C8)
Input: 1/4” m ona ura l jac k
Output: 1/4 ” mon aur al ja ck
Power Requi rem ent s: AC a dap ter 9V DC (cente r min us pl ug) ,
recommended to u se Mo oer M icr o Power
Current Dra w: 90 m A
Dimension s: 93 .5m m (D) × 4 2mm ( W) × 52mm (H)
Wei ght : 140 g
Accessories: O wne r’s M anu al
* Dis claim er: Any s pecif icati on’s up date wo n't be am ended i n this ma nual.