Montarbo PALCO PLUS User Manual

italiano | english
manuale utente | user’s manual
1.1 - What makes a lot of stacked speakers boxes a Line-Array ........42
1.2 - Reproduction of low frequencies .................................................43
2 - SYSTEM COMPONENTS ....................................................................44 - 47
2.1 - RA16 - loudspeaker .......................................................................44
2.2 - BUMPER - model B1 .......................................................................45
2.3 - BUMPER LIGHT - model B2 ............................................................45
2.4 - RAB1815 - cardioid sub-bass .........................................................46
2.5 - LM24 - digital controller ................................................................47
2.6 - PLM6800 - 'powered controller' 4-channel power amplifier
with digital loudspeaker management ...............................................47
2.7 - EASE FOCUS - Aiming Software ...................................................47
3 - RIGGING THE SYSTEM ......................................................................48 - 49
3.1 - Safety standards and regulations ................................................ 49
3.2 - Safety checks and inspections ......................................................49
4 - SETTING-UP AND ASSEMBLING THE ARRAY ...................................50 - 55
5 - SYSTEM WIRING ................................................................................56 - 68
6 - POWER AMPLIFIERS SELECTION .......................................................69 - 70
6.1 - PLM6800 - 4-channel power amplifier with digital loudspeaker
management .........................................................................................70
7 - EASE FOCUS AIMING SOFTWARE ....................................................71 - 72
7.1 - Notes about operating system .....................................................71
7.2 - Installation .....................................................................................71
7.3 - Program's overview ......................................................................71
8 - PALCOPLUS SYSTEM TECHNICAL DATA ...........................................73 - 74
APPENDIX ......................................................................................................76
Safety and compliance certification of system's components
english english
This document describes the operating principles of the PALCOPLUS line-array system, as well as its main applications and features. While not intended to be a complete technical essay about line-array systems, this chapter will provide a brief summary of the basic theory of operation and of the benefits of line array systems. The following chapters will offer a description of the PALCOPLUS system and its applications, including wiring and flying information. Understanding the physical principals that determinate the behavior of these systems will allow the user to optimize its application in mobile or fixed installations.
The desired result from any sound reinforcement system is high sound pressure and uniform coverage over the audience area. This objective has often been addressed by using more powerful speakers, or a larger number of them. The problems encountered using this strategy are well known. Line array systems use a different approach to solve these problems.
The simplest definition of a "line array" is: a number of special independent units (loudspeakers), vertically stacked and aligned, that operate as a single sound source and which provide coherent summing, if some conditions are met. The vertical stacking achieves a sound field that has a narrow vertical coverage, with higher directivity and sound pressure than conventional systems. The sound waves emitted are referred as "cylindrical waves" (figure 1), and they attenuate only 3 dB for every doubling of the distance from the source, as opposed to the "spherical waves" (figure 2) emitted by conventional loudspeakers, which attenuate 6 dB for every doubling of distance. This is true up to a distance from the source which is dependent upon its frequency and the height of the array, thus the longer the array is made (building it with more loudspeakers) the longer the throw of the system. Cylindrical waves only expand in the horizontal plane, not in the vertical plane. The area doubles every time the radius (distance from the source) is doubled, which is equivalent to a loss of pressure of only 3 dB.
Figure 2. Spherical wave
Figure 1. Cylindrical wave
The loudspeakers ("elements") that make up a "line-array" must meet a certain set of conditions for the effects to be coherent and acceptable over a wide frequency range: 1 - The distance between the acoustic centers of the various elements must be equal to or lower than half the wavelength corresponding to the maximum frequency to be reproduced. This means that an array made with small cabinets fitted with small loudspeakers may be effective to a higher frequency (it is for this reason that the PALCOPLUS RA16 loudspeaker is fitted with 8" woofers). This is true for frequencies that are higher than a critical one, that is a function of the array length. This means that, in order to correctly generate low­frequency cylindrical waves, the array must be very long. 2 - The separation between the high frequency radiators (wave-guides) must be minimal: the wave-guides must be tightly spaced. This is the reason that the array is assembled by tightly coupling the front of the loudspeakers. The wave-guides must be of special design, because the sound waves emitted must be time-coherent: they must generate plane waves. In this way there is no disruptive interference (figure 3 - A) between radiation from the separate wave-guides: they generate plane waves that sum coherently (figure 3 - B).
The theoretical line array should be a straight line, but in many cases this cannot be done, especially when the array must be flown. A flown, straight array will not give adequate coverage throughout the audience area and, in practice, it may be necessary to curve the array in order to achieve sufficient coverage of the nearest areas. This result in a J-shaped array, where the upper speakers (in a straight line) are used for the long-throw coverage and the lower speakers, in a curved line, are used for the short-throw coverage (figure 4).
Each speaker that makes up the line array must incorporate a rigging system that allows aiming in the vertical plane. The rigging system, usually an integral part of the units, allows for hinging at the front of the box so that the separation between the speakers stays the same, while the rear plates allow for adjusting the angle between speakers ("splay" angle). A software program is used to determine the correct angle between the various speakers of the array. Starting from the geometry of the venue, the desired coverage and the number of speakers available, this program will give the correct splay angle between the speakers and the correct rigging point. For the PALCOPLUS system we supply the custom EASE FOCUS software.
For the reasons explained above, a line-array's low frequency reproduction is limited by the array's length (and by it's components). Special low frequency units are thus used. To extend the response to the lowest octaves, the PALCOPLUS system utilizes a specially designed sub-bass unit, model RAB1815. It's two low frequency woofers, an 18" and a 15", are acoustically loaded in different ways, while the geometry of the system and the frequency and phase correction supplied by the LM24 digital controller or by the digital controller integrated into the PLM6800 'powered controller' transform it into a directive low-frequency source, with a cardioid directivity pattern. The RAB1815, due to it's size and weigh, is not intended to be flown.
Figure 3. Plane waves: coherent radiation of multiple wave-guides
Figure 4. Radiation of a curved array
english english
Figure 6. Integral rigging system
Figure 5. RA16
Figure 7. Vertical angle adjustment bars and quick release pins
Figure 8. RA16 Rear panel
The PALCOPLUS line array is a system, made up of different components that must be used together for maximum results:
- RA16 - enclosure
- BUMPER (model B1 or B2)
- RAB1815 - cardioid sub-bass unit
- LM24 - digital controller (with RACon PC software) or, as an alternative,
- PLM6800 'powered controller' 4-channel power amplifier
- LD2.4 - USB interface
- EASE Focus - Aiming Software
2.1 - RA16 - enclosure (figure 5)
Two-way speaker system, equipped with 2 woofers in a dipole configuration (8" with 2.5" moving coil, neodymium magnet) and an HF driver with a 3" titanium diaphragm, neodymium magnet, loaded by a plane wave guide with 1.4" throat. The cabinet is built from tough 15 mm Finnish birch with a special coating providing very high resistance to abrasion; it weights just 18 kg, including the special steel suspension fittings (figure 6). For each speaker an external power amplifier is specified, with at least 800 W / 8 ohms for the woofers and 200 W / 16 ohms for the driver. A two channel amplifier (1600 W / 4 ohm per channel) is suitable for driving two units. The frequency range is 70 Hz ÷ 20 kHz, the crossover is at 800 Hz, 24 dB/octave.
Each enclosure is supplied with:
- 2 rear steel plates that allow the assembly of the enclosures in the array and for adjusting the vertical splay angle between units (figure 7 - A).
- 6 highly resistant quick release pins (figure 7 - B) with ball safety lock (3/8" x 1/2").
Connection to power amplifiers is by a 4-pole
n e u t r i k s p e a k o n
socket. A second socket allows parallel connection of a second speaker (figure 8). Refer to chapter 5 for wiring details.
2.2 - BUMPER - model B1 (figure 9)
Suspension frame (grid) made of high-resistance steel, certified for flying up to 16 RA16 units and that doubles as lower base for stacked installations of up to 6 RA16 units on stage surface or on an RAB1815 unit. If the BUMPER is stacked on an RAB1815, then the user must install suitable anti-slip feet (not supplied), screwed into the M16 inserts incorporated in the BUMPER. If the BUMPER is lpositioned on the ground or stage surface, the use of the anti-slip feet is suggested, but not mandatory. The BUMPER has several hoisting points, that will give different aiming angles ("tilt" angles) when the system is flown. The BUMPER is fitted with 4 fixing plates for 100 mm casters (not supplied). It is supplied complete with 6 (3/8" x 1") quick release pins.
CAUTION: to fix the BUMPER, use the quick release pins supplied with it exclusively. DO NOT use the pins supplied with the RA16 enclosures !!!
2.3 - BUMPER LIGHT - model B2 (figure 10)
Similar to model B1, but lighter. It is certified for flying up to 8 RA16 units and doubles as a lower base for stacking on the ground or stage surface a maximum of 4 RA16 units (after the mandatory installation of suitable anti-slip feet, not supplied). It is supplied complete with 6 (3/8" x 1") quick release pins.
CAUTION: to fix the BUMPER, use the quick release pins supplied with it exclusively. DO NOT use the pins supplied with the RA16 enclosures !!!
CAUTION: in case of use of the BUMPER (mod. B1 or mod. B2) laid on the ground or stage surface, the position of the center of mass must be verified by means of the EASE Focus program.
Both B1 and B2 BUMPERS are supplied with front suspension plates, for connecting them to the first speaker of the array. These plates are retained in their transport position (protected) by two quick release pins. These pins must be removed to rotate the plates into their operating position (see chapter 4).
The EASE FOCUS software will suggest the optimal rigging point for the desired result. For the correct use of the BUMPERS, especially regarding maximum load and rigging point, refer to chapters 3 and 4.
Figure 10. BUMPER LIGHT ­model B2
Figure 9. BUMPER - model B1
Figure 11. An array of 8 RA16 speakers flown from the BUMPER
english english
2.4 - RAB1815 - cardioid sub-bass unit (figure 12)
Cardioid sub-bass, designed to extend the low frequency range of the PALCOPLUS system to 30 Hz. It employs two low-frequency drivers: an 18-inch (bass-reflex-loaded) and a 15-inch (horn-loaded), both featuring a 4-inch, long-excursion voice coil, a dual-spider and a super-ventilated neodymium magnet. The synergy between the drivers results in a "fast" and accurate bass response. The drivers' different acoustic loads compensate their frequency response and extend and correct the system’s response in the very low range, thus increasing its throw and directivity. The polar response is "cardioid" within a large band. A conventional woofer has a response that is practically omni-directional. Instead RAB1815 has a "directive" response, meaning that the acoustic energy is directed only where it is needed. The reduced emission from the enclosure's rear helps attenuate the low frequency acoustic feedback on stage. For each module a two channel power amplifier (2 x 1600 W / 4 ohm) is specified; this amplifier is driven by the dedicated LM24 controller.
Connection to power amplifiers is by an 8-pole
n e u t r i k s p e a k o n
(figure 13). For wiring details, refer to chapter 5.
One RAB1815 sub-bass unit may be used as a base for a ground or stage level stacked array of RA16 speakers, installed on top of BUMPER model B1 (figure 14).
Figure 14. An array of 4 RA16
speakers stacked on a model
B1 BUMPER and an RAB1815
Figure 12. RAB1815
Figure 13. RAB1815 rear panel
Figure 15. LM24
2.5 - LM24 - digital controller (figure 15)
Thanks to it’s "state-of-the-art" DSP and A/D and D/A converters, this unit will drive the system’s power amplifiers; operating simultaneously as a cross-over, equalizer and limiter to optimize the system's response. It may be used in a free-standing mode, utilizing the front panel's LCD display and keyboard to operate on factory pre-sets with adjustable parameters; or it may be controlled by a personal computer that, thanks to the RACon control software and the LD2.4 USB interface (figure 16), allows adjustment and configuration of a network of up to 8 LM24 controllers. For wiring instruction, refer to chapter 5. For detailed instructions about the LM24 and the RACon PC software, refer to the LM24 user's manual.
2.6 - PLM6800 'powered controller' 4-channel power amplifier with digital loudspeaker management (figure 15 b)
Model PLM6800 is a "powered loudspeaker controller" designed to be used with the PalcoPlus line-array system. It incorporates a digital controller (functionally equivalent to the model LM24) and four power amplifiers, each one capable of delivering up to 1700 W @ 4 ohms. A single PLM6800 may effortless drive one PALCOPLUS system composed by two RA16 speakers and one RAB1815 woofer. The system's wiring is made easy thanks to an 'intelligent' control of the power amps output wiring, offering a real protection of the system's drivers against wiring errors. The PLM6800 may be used in free-standing mode by means of the front panel's LCD display and keyboard, operating on factory pre-sets with adjustable parameters, or it may be controlled by a personal computer
that, thanks to the RACON control software and the LD2.4 USB interface,
allows adjustment and configuration of a network of up to eight PLM6800.
2.7 - EASE Focus - Aiming Software (figure 17)
Dedicated acoustical simulation software: starting from a geometric model of the actual venue space (geometry of the place, audience position, number of speakers to be used), it will compute, in an interactive mode, the array's geometry, calculating the splay angles to be assigned to the array modules during the array assembly. It will also indicate the exact position of the hoisting point on the BUMPER, so that the array will have the correct tilt angle once flown. For instructions about the software’s installation, refer to chapter 9. The program includes a complete and detailed on-line help, and we suggest that the user refer to it for more details.
Figura 15b: PLM6800
Figura 16. USB LD2.4 interface
Figure 17. EASE Focus screen shot
english english
This chapter contains important information about flying a PALCOPLUS line array system, as well as a description of the elements and safety precautions. Our goal is to allow the user to become familiar with the procedures to be followed while flying the acoustic system, as well as the safety measures to be taken during set-up and disassembly. Before performing any operations related to flying the system, read the present chapter first, and heed the warnings and advice given.
Only experienced persons with the required knowledge of the equipment and local safety regulations should fly speaker systems.
It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the systems to be flown (including flying accessories such as structures, hoists, chains and cables) comply with applicable government and local regulations.
The working load limits stated in this manual have been certified by independent laboratories.
It is the user’s responsibility to comply with loads limits, safety factors, resistance values, periodical checks and all the warnings given in this manual.
The suspension accessories supplied by Montarbo are suitable for rigging:
• up to 8 RA16 speakers with a B2 BUMPER
• up to 8 RA16 speakers with a B1 BUMPER, when using a single suspension
• up to 16 RA16 speakers with a B1 BUMPER, when using two suspension
The loading capacity of the suspension accessories supplied by Montarbo have been certified by an external structural design consultant. A partial copy of the certification document is enclosed in the appendix. The compete document, in it's original form, is available at the Montarbo main offices.
To this date and to our knowledge, there is no accepted standard or regulation regarding the flying of acoustic systems. However, it is common engineering practice to apply 5:1 safety factors for enclosures and static elements. For slings and elements exposed to material fatigue due to friction and load variation, the following ratios must be met: 5:1 for steel cable slings, 4:1 for steel chain slings and 7:1 polyester slings (not allowed in some countries) Thus, an element such a steel chain, with a breaking load limit of 1000 Kg may be statically loaded with 250 Kg (4:1 safety factor).
When flying a system, the working load must be lower than the resistance of each individual flying point in the array, as well as on each enclosure.
Hanging hardware should be regularly inspected and suspect units replaced if there is any doubt. This is important to avoid injury and damage, and absolutely no risks should be taken in this respect.
We strongly recommend that an inspection and maintenance program on flying elements be implemented. This should be done in a written form and include reports filled out by the personnel that will carry out the inspections. In case of accident, local regulations may require you to present evidence of inspection reports and corrective actions taken after defects were found.
Regulation on hoist and chain maintenance in some countries require a programmed inspection and maintenance program to be performed by a Certified Body or by a competent professional.
No risks should be taken with regards to public safety. Absolutely!
When flying enclosures from ceiling support structures, extreme care should be taken to assure, by calculation and in some cases by actual measurement, that the load-bearing capabilities of the structures are not exceeded, so that the installation is absolutely safe.
Do not fly enclosures from unsafe structures. Consult a certified professional if needed.
All ying accessories that are NOT supplied by Montarbo are the user’s
responsibility. Use at your own risk.
english english
The mechanical set-up of the array is carried out in two phases:
a) assembly of the RA16 speakers and the BUMPER, using the rear rigging plates (that allow joining the speakers composing the array and adjusting the splay angle between adjacent speakers) and the quick-release pins, featuring a ball safety lock (QuickLock). b) "flying" the system or positioning it on the ground or stage floor.
To simplify the operation, the two phases may be carried out simultaneously.
The suspension accessories supplied by Montarbo are suitable for rigging:
• up to 8 RA16 speakers with a B2 BUMPER
• up to 8 RA16 speakers with a B1 BUMPER, when using a single suspension
• up to 16 RA16 speakers with a B1 BUMPER, when using two suspension
Before beginning the assembly work, the array geometry (the splay angles between the different RA16 enclosures) must be determined using the EASE Focus software program, then the following operations must be carried out:
Figure 18.1
Figure 18.2
1) Align on the floor or on a horizontal plane (e.g. a wooden board of suitable size and strength) all the RA16 speakers and the BUMPER (figure 18.1). Make sure that their orientation is correct (top-bottom).
2) Make sure that the BUMPER is placed under the support structure's rigging point (figure 18.2).
Figure 18.3
Figure 18.4
Figure 18.5
3) Join all the speakers, using only the front plate holes, using two pins per speaker (figure 18.3).
4) Remove the two pins that retain the front plates of the BUMPER in the transport position. Rotate the plates into the working position (horizontal) and fasten them with the two pins removed before (figure 18.4).
5) Join the front plate of the first speaker and the front side of the BUMPER, using the front plates of the BUMPER and two pins (figure 18.5).
CAUTION: to fix the BUMPER, use the quick release pins supplied with it exclusively. DO NOT use the pins supplied with the RA16 enclosures !!!
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