1R 2 FX
1R 2 FXP
1R 6 FX
1R 6 FXP
The MBR series include two models: the 12 channe ls
MBR12FX (8 mono + 2 stereo inputs) and the
16 channels MBR16FX (12 mono + 2 stereo inputs) .
The main features of both models are the really
compact size, that allows for mounting in a standard 19” rack, using the optional adapters, the
complete endowment of signal sends and returns
and the practical configuration of the controls, that
result in a simple and immediate utilization.
They are fitted with a dual Montarbo stereo effects
processor, based on a powerful, latest generation,
56 bit DSP, that provide 2 x 205 high quality
programs, with an uncompromised sound quality
(thanks to the dual 24 bit conversion) mated wit h
unusual ease of use.
The great flexibility of these mixing consoles allows
them to be used both in live applications (thank s to
the internal effect and to the two mon itor sends,
both with a 3-band equalizer) and in recording o r
broadcasting studios (thanks to the channel’s direct
outputs, the four effect sends, the co ntrol-room
out and the stereo return).
In both applications, a really useful feature will be
the possibility of plugging-in an analog recorde r
or of using the practical USB interface to conne ct a
personal computer, used as a digital recorder/player, and of monitoring the master output or the PFL
via the headphone output with adjustable volume.
Both models are also available in the powered versions MBR12FXP and MBR16FXP, that incorporate a
dual channel Class-D power amplifier rated at
750 + 750 W EIAJ. The switch-mode power supply
results in a minimal weight, and the very high
efficiency minimizes the emission of h eat, thus
increasing the system’s reliability and prolonging
it’s working life.

The mono channels are fitted with both
balanced microphone (XLR, with phantom power) and line
(jack) inputs, with adjustable gain, insert IN/OUT jack,
channel direct output, low-pass filter, 3-band equalizer with semi-parametric MF
control, 4 AUX sends (two of which may be switched pre-post fade) , PAN control,
MUTE and PFL switches, PEAK level indicator and volume fader
The stereo channels are fitted with one balanced microphone (XLR) and two line
(jack) inputs, with adjustable gain, 3-band equalizer, 4 AUX sends (two of which may
be switched pre-post fade) , BALANCE control, MUTE and PFL switches, PEAK level
indicator and volume fader.
The L/R master outputs are fitted with volume faders and 12-segment level indicatore.
The AUX outputs are fitted with a 3-band equalizer, the EFFECT send may be used as
monitor sends. The effect returns may be routed independently to the master and
monitor outputs.
Inputs (total) MBR12FX: 12, MBR16FX: 16
Mono-Inputs (Mic/Line) with Inserts MBR12FX: 8, MBR16FX: 12
Stereo-Line/Mono-Mic-Input Channels 2
Stereo-Returns (Line) 1
Stereo-Tape-Return (Line) 1
USB interface 1
Busses 6
Aux Pre/Post-Fader (Monitor) 2
Aux Post-Fader (Effects/Monitor) 2
Master L/R 2
Mono-PFL 1
Control Room 1
Aux Pre/Post-Fader (Monitor) 2 ¼ inch jack (unbalanced)
Aux Post-Fader (Effects/Monitor) 2 ¼ inch jack (unbalanced)
Master (with Inserts) 2 XLR (balanced)
Tape Send (Recording) 1 Stereo (Phono)
Direct Outputs (¼ inch Jack) MBR12FX: 8, MBR16FX: 12
Stereo-Headphones 1 ¼ inch stereo jack
Control Room 2 ¼ inch jack (unbalanced)
Size (mm) W 340 x D 400 x H 95 - MBR12FX
W 444 x D 400 x H 95 - MBR16FX
Power Consumption 25 W
Mains Voltage 90-264V, 50-60Hz
Additional Features 19“ rack mounting kit (optional)
Input Gain Mic Mono Channel Continuously variable from +3dB to + 50dB
Line Mono Channel Continuously variable from - 7dB to + 40dB
Line Stereo Channel Continuously variable from - 11dB to + 20dB
Mic Stereo Channel Continuously variable from +9 to + 40dB
All otherline level inputs Max +6dB
Maximum Input Level Mic + 19dBu
Line Level Inputs + 22dBu
Line Mono Channel + 39dBu
Line Stereo Channel + 42dBu
CMRR at 100Hz Mic
CMRR at 1kHz Mic
Line > 45dB
Frequency Response Mic to Mix
Noise (20 to 20kHz) Mic EIN ref. 150ohm
(gain + 60dB)
System Noise (20 to 20kHz)
Summing Noise - 86dBu
faders down)
Line to Mix Noise - 82dBu
pan centre)
Distortion at 1kHz Mic to Insert Typ 0.002%
+ 20dBu output)
Mic to Mix < 0.004%
+ 20dBu output)
Crosstalk at 1kHz Channel to Channel < - 80dB
Mix to Mix < - 80dB
Channel to Mix < - 80dB
Fader Attenuation > 100dB
Switch Rejection > 100dB
Output Impedance All Line Outputs 50ohm
Min. Load Impedance Headphones 32ohm
Maximum Output Level L/R Master + 25dBu
All other outputs + 22dBu
Headphones + 22dBu/600ohm
Nominal Signal Level Mic - 50dBu to 0dBu
Line 0dBu
Equaliser Mono Channel
High Pass Slope 12dB / Oct
High Pass Frequency 75Hz
Treble Gain Continuously variable
+15dB to -15dB,
Centre detent = 0dB,
Treble Frequency 10kHz
Mid Gain Continuously variable
+ 15dB to -15dB
Centre detent = 0dB
Mid Frequency Continuously variable
Centre from 160Hz to 4k5Hz
Lo Mid Bandwith 1 Oct. (Q = 1.4)
Bass Gain Continuously variable
+ 15dB to -15dB
Centre detent = 0dB
Bass Shelving Frequency 80Hz
Equaliser Stereo Channel
Treble Gain Continuously variable
+15 dB to -15dB
Centre detent = 0dB
Treble Frequency 10kHz
Mid Gain Continuously variable
+15dB to -15dB
Centre detent = 0dB
Mid Frequency 2k5Hz
Mid Bandwidth 1.4 Oct. (Q = 1)
Bass Gain Continuously variable
+15 dB to -15dB
Centre detent = 0dB
Bass Shelving Frequency 80Hz
Stereo Effects Processor 2 x 205 stereo effects
A/D and D/A converters 24 bit Delta/Sigma
internal DSP 56 bit
bandwidth 40Hz ÷ 15kHz
MBR12FXP / MBR16FXP powered versions
Power amplifiers 2 Class-D amplifiers, with SMPS.
Protections electronic, thermal, short circuit,
delayed power-up sequence.
Output power 2 X 750 W EIAJ @ 4 ohms
The contents of this publication are © by Elettronica Montarbo srl. Data, text and pictorial material may not be reproduced in any manner without prior written
permission of Elettronica Montarbo srl. All rights reserved. The information contained in this puplication has been carefully drawn up and checked, however no
responsibilities will be assumed for any inexactitude. Technical data, appearance and features written in this publication may not correspond to the final product
and they aresubject to change without prior notice. The trademark Neutrik Combo® is property of Neutrik. PRINTED IN ITALY: MARCH 2010
(gain + 40dB) Typ. 75dB
(gain + 40dB) > 85dB
(gain + 50dB) + 0dB to - 1dB (20 to 20kHz)
(all channels routed with
(all channels routed at 0dB,
(+ 30dB gain,
(+30dB < 0.004% gain,