NOTE: Read entire instruction sheet before you start installtion and assembly.
• Do not begin to installation of the product on you have read and understand the
instructions and warnings contained in this Installation Sheet. If you have any question
regarding any of the instruction or warning, Please contact your local distributor.
• Make sure that the supporting surface will safely support the combined load of the
equipment and all attached hardware and components.
• Never exceed the Maximum Load Capacity.
Component Checklist
IMPORTANT: Ens ure y ou h ave r ece iv ed al l par ts a gai nst t he c omp one nt c hec kli st p rio r to in st all ing . If a ny pa rts
are m is sin g or fa ul ty, te lep hon e th e spe cia l fr anc his er f or a pl ace me nt.
Speak er S tand Ba se A(x1)
Pilla r
Mount in g P a 1
l te (x1) Mount in g 2
Plate (x 1) Plast ic C over E(x1)
• Always use an assistant or mechanical lifting equipment to safely lift and position
• Tighten screws firmly, but do not over tighten. Over tightening can damage the items,
greatly reducing their holding power.
• This products intended for indoor use only. Use of this product outdoors could lead to
product failure and personal injury.
Package M
(x4) Steel I so latio n Spike ( x4 )
Rubbe r Fo otpad ( x4)
M6 Nut (x 4)
Tools required
Phillips Head Screw driver(200mm length exclude the handle)
M6 Socket and Wrench
Self Adh es ive Pad ( x4)