Monoprice 6582 User Manual

Instruction Manual for
Motorized Projection Screen
Monoprice, Inc.
11701 6th Street, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, USA
ISO9001:2000 International Certification
Thank you for purchasing a Motorized Projection Screen.
Before use, please read instructions carefully. After installation, store instructions for future reference.
Metal Casin g
End Cap
Scree n Fabric
5 ( 1p c )Al l en K ey
C1 Moun tin g Bra ck et fo r scr een si z es u p t o 15 0" ( 2pc s )
10 x 30 m m scr ew a nd an cho r ( 4p cs )
Elegant Motorized Screen Power Specifications
Voltag e( )V Frequ ency( )Hz
230V/1 20V/10 0V 50Hz/ 6 0Hz 90W/8 0 W
230V/1 20V/10 0V 50Hz/60Hz 160W/1 56W
Watts( )W
In s tr uct ion M an ual ( 1 pc )
C2 M o un tin g Bra ck et fo r s cr een s ize s la r ge r t ha n 1 50" ( 2pc s )
5 40mm Tapping screw & cap ( 8sets )
Appl i catio n
Appl i es up to 15 0" Eleg ant seri es
Appl i es to 180 " a nd up Ele gant ser ies
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