Monoprice 606606 User Manual

1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 2
1.1 WELCOME ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 BOX CONTENTS .............................................................................................................. 2
2 FEATURES ....................................................................................................................... 2
3 ABOUT MIDI CONTROL .................................................................................................. 3
4 PANEL ............................................................................................................................... 3
4.1 FRONT PANEL .................................................................................................................. 3
4.2 REAR PANEL..................................................................................................................... 5
5 SETUP AND INSTALLATION ........................................................................................... 6
5.1 HARDWARE SETUP DIAGRAM .................................................................................... 6
5.2 WINDOWS PC SETUP ...................................................................................................... 6
5.3 MAC OS SETUP ................................................................................................................ 8
5.4 STANDALONE HARDWARE OPERATION .................................................................. 9
6 FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 9
6.1 KEYBOARD MULTI-FUNCTION MODE ....................................................................... 9
6.2 CONTROLLER ASSIGNMENTS ..................................................................................... 9
6.3 MIDI CHANNEL.............................................................................................................. 10
6.4 PROGRAM CHANGE ..................................................................................................... 11
6.5 BANK MSB & BANK LSB ............................................................................................. 12
6.6 KEYBOARD CURVE ...................................................................................................... 12
6.7 PEDAL CURVE ............................................................................................................... 13
6.8 RPN & NRPN ................................................................................................................... 14
6.9 DUAL................................................................................................................................ 16
6.10 SPLIT .............................................................................................................................. 16
6.11 SPLIT POINT ................................................................................................................. 17
6.12 MUTE ............................................................................................................................. 17
6.13 SNAP SHOT ................................................................................................................... 18
6.14 UPLOAD & DOWNLOAD ............................................................................................ 18
6.15 PEDAL POLARITY ....................................................................................................... 19
6.16 ALL NOTES OFF ........................................................................................................... 19
6.17 ALL SOUND OFF .......................................................................................................... 19
6.18 RESET ALL CONTROLLERS ...................................................................................... 20
6.19 GM ON ........................................................................................................................... 20
6.20 GM2 ON ......................................................................................................................... 20
6.21 GS ON ............................................................................................................................. 21
6.22 XG ON ............................................................................................................................ 21
7 OCTAVE AND TRANSPOSE .......................................................................................... 21
7.1 OCTAVE .......................................................................................................................... 21
7.2 TRANSPOSE .................................................................................................................... 22
8 APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................... 22
8.1 APPENDIX 1 ASSIGNABLE CONTROLLER LIST ...................................................... 22
8.2 APPENDIX 2 CONTROLLER LIST ............................................................................... 23
8.3 APPENDIX 3 LED STATUS LIST ................................................................................... 26
9 TECHNICAL SUPPORT ................................................................................................. 27
9.1 CUSTOMER SERVICE LIVE CHAT ............................................................................. 27
9.2 TECH SUPPORT LIVE CHAT ........................................................................................ 27
9.3 WARRANTY .................................................................................................................... 27
Congratulations on your purchase of the Monoprice 606606 keyboard, which provides
quick and easy control over your music creation software. The keyboard connects to
your computer via USB, which enables MIDI communication and provides power to the
keyboard. Since the 606606 is class-compliant, there is no need to download any drivers.
You can just plug your keyboard in, turn it on, and you’re ready to get started!
Monoprice 606606 49-Key Controller Keyboard
Monoprice 606606 Owners Manual
Monoprice Pro Audio Series - Software Bundle DVD
49 Keys to trigger your MIDI hardware & software
4 rotary encoder Knobs
1 Slider
Pitch-Bend & Modulation Wheels
MIDI Out Port for standalone use
Pedal Input
Driverless Plug-N-Play on PC & Mac
USB Bus-Power or 9-12 Volt DC Power Port
Includes DVD-ROM of audio software, so you can play music right away
MIDI is a communication standard that allows MIDI enabled devices to “talk” to each
other. (MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface.) The 606606 keyboard
doesn’t make sounds on its own, so it uses MIDI to tell an external sound source what to
play. You can connect the 606606 to a USB compatible computer in order to control
music creation software, or you can connect it to hardware sound modules and
synthesizers via MIDI cable.
(1) EDIT - Enters and exits the Keyboard Multi-Function mode where additional features
and capabilities of the keyboard may be accessed. The LED next to the Edit button
indicates whether or not Keyboard Multi-Function mode is active. Please see Section 6
for more details on using Keyboard Multi-Function mode.
/▼ Octave / Assignable Data Buttons - These buttons default to adjusting the
keyboard octave range, but they can be reassigned to other useful functions. When
assigned to MIDI controllers, the messages are sent out on the Global MIDI Channel.
press them. A single button press changes the value by one increment, while holding a
/▼ Octave / Assignable Data Buttons behave differently depending on how you
button down changes the values quickly. If you press both buttons at the same time, it will
reset the value back to 0. Pressing both buttons and EDIT at the same time will reset any
Transpose value back to 0. Please see Section 7.1 for more details on using the Octave
buttons, and Section 7.2 for more information on using the Transpose feature.
(3) SWITCH - This button allows you to alternate between two banks of Knob controller
assignments. This means that you can actually assign eight different controllers to the
knobs rather than just four, and they will all be readily available to you during
performance by toggling the SWITCH button. The LEDs above and below the button
indicate the currently selected controller group, either A1-A4 or B1-B4.
(4) A1-A4 and B1-B4 KNOBS - The Knobs have useful default assignments, but they
can be assigned to any MIDI CC (controller message) that you choose. You can even
assign an independent MIDI channel for each knob. This allows you to get more
expressive with your sounds during performance. For example, with a knob assigned to
a synthesizer’s filter, it’s possible to make the sound brighter or darker as you play. For
more details on KNOB assignments, see Section 6.2.
(5) SLIDER - By default, the SLIDER is set to control Volume (MIDI CC #7), which is
used to make your sound louder or softer. However, it can be assigned to any MIDI
controller message that you choose, transmitting on the Global MIDI Channel. For more
details on SLIDER assignment, see Section 6.2.
(6) PITCH BEND - The Pitch Bend Wheel sends MIDI pitch bend messages by default,
which are used to add pitch expressions to your sound (think of a guitar player making
the notes swoop higher or lower). However, it can be reassigned to any MIDI CC you
choose, transmitting on the keyboard’s Global MIDI Channel. For more details on PITCH
BEND wheel assignment, see Section 6.2.
(7) MODULATION - The Modulation Wheel transmits a Modulation message (MIDI CC
#1) by default, which is normally used to add vibrato to a sound (think of a violinist
wiggling the pitch of a note). However, it can be reassigned to any MIDI CC you choose,
transmitting on the keyboard’s Global MIDI Channel. For more details on MODULATION
wheel assignment, see Section 6.2.
(8) KEYBOARD AND MULTI-FUNCTION SELECTION - The keyboard allows you to
play MIDI notes, which are sent via USB to your music creation software in order to
make sound. However, in Keyboard Multi-Function mode, the keyboard is also used to
select various features and parameter values available in the 606606. Please see
Section 6 for more details on using Keyboard Multi-Function mode.
(9) LED D I S P L AY - The display shows information about the current status of the
keyboard. When the keyboard is at rest, it shows the currently selected MIDI Program
number. If you use the KNOBS or SLIDER, the display shows the controller values being
the MAGIX registration web page. Upon completing registration, MAGIX will send you an
individual activation code that you can use to fully unlock your software. (The trial version
expires in 7 days, at which point you need to register if you want to continue using
Now you’re ready to use MAGIX Samplitude Pro X Silver! If you need further help, please
refer to the manual included with the Samplitude software, or contact the friendly experts
at MAGIX customer support.
Samplitude is a registered trademark of MAGIX AG.
Sound Magic BlueStone Piano - The BlueStone Piano is a Virtual Instrument or VI,
which is a software sound source that can be controlled via MIDI. You can run it as a
standalone application or as a VST® plug-in within a compatible DAW such as
Before installation, be sure to first fully review this section in the manual, and any
installation documentation included on the DVD. To install the standalone software, copy
the Sound Magic folder to your hard drive. Double click on the “BlueStone Piano.exe” file
in order to run the application. To install the VST plug-in version, copy the entire Sound
Magic folder into the VST plug-in directory preferred by your VST compatible applications.
For more information on the VST plug-in folder, consult the manual of your VST hosting
When you open the BlueStone Piano, you will see a small text box above the virtual
keyboard that says, “Enter Your KeyCode Here”. Open the text file named “BlueStone
KeyCode” that is provided for you on the disc and copy the code to your clipboard. Click in
the KeyCode entry box and make sure all the text in the box is highlighted, then paste in
the KeyCode you copied. To activate the code, click on the virtual keyboard, or anywhere
on the application outside of the KeyCode box. The text in the box will then change to read,
“Authorised to Sound Magic Customer”.
Now you’re ready to use the BlueStone Piano! If you need further help, please refer to the
manual included with your Sound Magic software.
VST is a registered trademark of Steinberg® Media Technologies GMBH.
Platonic World VSTs - oKo virtual instrument and Bi-Polar effect - The oKo plug-in is
a virtual version of an analog synthesizer while Bi-Polar is a distortion effect. To install
these plug-ins, simply copy their .dll files to the VST Plug-In folder on your computer. Then
they will be available to all your VST compatible applications.
Platonic World War Drumz – War Drumz is a modern drum sample library with loops
and individual drum hits in .wav format. They can be used in any application that is
compatible with this common file format.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft.
Connect the keyboard to your Mac® using a USB cable and turn the keyboard’s power
switch to On. The keyboard will appear as a new USB Audio Device “MidiKeyboard”,
available for use in your MIDI compatible applications.
Monoprice wants you to be able to start playing right away, so we’ve included free music
creation software on the disc that came with your keyboard.
Sound Magic BlueStone Piano - The BlueStone Piano is a Virtual Instrument or VI,
which is a software sound source that can be controlled via MIDI. You can run it as an
Audio Unit plug-in within a compatible DAW such as Logic®.
Before installation, be sure to first fully review this section in the manual, and any
installation documentation included on the DVD.
To install the BlueStone Piano AU plug-in, first double-click the SPRuntime.pkg file and
follow the onscreen prompts to install the Maize sample engine, then copy the AU
component file into the Mac HD\Library\Components directory on your Mac hard drive. For
more information on the AU Component plug-in folder, consult the manual of your AU
hosting software.
When you open the BlueStone Piano, you will see a small text box above the virtual
keyboard that says, “Enter Your KeyCode Here”. Open the text file named “BlueStone
KeyCode AU” that is provided for you on the disc and copy the code to your clipboard.
Click in the KeyCode entry box and make sure all the text in the box is highlighted, then
paste in the KeyCode you copied. To activate the code, click “OK”. The text in the box will
then change to read, “Authorised to Sound Magic Customer”.
Now you’re ready to use the BlueStone Piano! If you need further help, please refer to the
manual included with your Sound Magic software.
Platonic World War Drumz – War Drumz is a modern drum sample library with loops
and individual drum hits in .wav format. They can be used in any application that is
compatible with this common file format. For example, GarageBand® can import .wav
files for use in song creation.
Logic and GarageBand are registered trademarks of Apple®.
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