Monop rice Adj ustable Tilti ng Desk Moun t Bracket
Model : LCD-500 (P ID#5400)
VESA Compliant up to 100 x10 0
Max Weig ht: 3 3lb s
Installation Instruction
En glish
! Carefully open the carton, remov e co ntent s an d la y ou t on cardboa rd o r ot her
protective s urface to avoid damage.
! Check pa ckage content s aga inst the Supp lied Parts Li st in the nex t page to ass ure
that all c omponents were recei ved u ndama ged. Do not use dama ged or defective
! Carefully re ad all in structions befo re attempting ins talla tion.
Install and operate this device with ca re. P lease re ad this instruct ion be fore
beginning the installatio n, an d car efull y fol low a ll in structions contained herein. Use
proper safet y equip ment during insta llation.
!Please call a qual ified instal latio n contr actor for help if yo u don't understand these
directions o r have an y doubts about the sa fety of the install ation .
Do not use this produc t for any p urpos e or in any configuration not expli citly specified
in this in struction. We hereby discla ims any and all liabi lity for inju ry or da mage
arising from i ncorr ect assembly, incorre ct moun ting, or incorrec t use of this product.

Su pp li ed Par ts List
(1) Desk Bracket Assembl ed-a
(4)M4x12 Bolt-c (4)M4x30 Bolt-d (8)M4 Washer-e
(4)M4 Space-f
(1)Safety Knob-g
(1)Mornitor Bracket-b
Tools Required
Phillips Screwdriver
This TV Desk mount must be securely attached to
the horizontal desk. If the mount is not properly
installed it may fall, resulting in possible injury
and/or damage.