Please read this entire manual before using this device, paying extra attention to these safety
warnings and guidelines. Please keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.
• Do not exceed the rated weight limit. Doing so can cause the mount to fail, resulting in
equipment damage and/or severe personal injury.
• Ensure that the structure to which this mount will be installed is capable of suppor ting at least
four times the total weight of the mount and any connected displays.
• Use the supplied mounting screws. Tighten screws using the appropriate tool, but take care
not to over-tighten them.
• This device is intended for indoor use only.
• This device contains small par ts that could pose a choking hazard to small children. Keep this
device and its spare parts out of reach of small children .
• Inspect the installation at least once every three months to ensure that it is secure and safe to
• Please take an inventory of the package contents to ensure you have all the items shown in
the Parts List. If any thing is missing or damaged, please contact Monoprice Customer Service
for a replacement.
The Monoprice Customer Service depar tment is dedicated to ensuring that your ordering, purchasing,
and deliver y experience is second to none. If you have any problem with your order, please give us an
opportunity to make it right. You can contact a Monoprice Customer Service representative through
the Live Chat link on our website www.monoprice.com during normal business hours
(Mon-Fri: 5am-7pm PT, Sat-Sun: 9am-6pm PT) or via email at support@monoprice.com
Read the e ntire instruct ion manual befor e you start ins tallation and as sembly. If you have an y questions reg arding any of the in structions or
warnings, please contact Monoprice customer support.
CAUTION: Use with produ cts heavier than t he rated weights in dicated may resul t in instabilit y causing poss ible injury.
• M ounts must be at tached as specif ied in assembl y instructio ns. Imprope r installation ma y result in damag e or serious per sonal injur y.
• U se proper tools a nd procedures fo r assembly and i nstallation . This product s hould only be i nstalled follow ing this manual .
• M ake sure that the sup porting sur face will safely s upport the com bined weight of th e equipment an d all attached ha rdware and compo nents.
• U se the mounting s crews provided an d DO NOT OVER TIGH TEN mounting scr ews.
• T his product con tains small items t hat could be a choki ng hazard if swall owed. Keep these i tems away from child ren.
• T his product is in tended for indo or use only. Using t his product ou tdoors could lea d to product fail ure and perso nal injury.
IM PORTA NT: Ensure th at you have received al l parts accordi ng to the componen t checklist pri or to installatio n. If any parts a re missing or fau lty,
contac t Monoprice cust omer suppor t for a replacemen t.
MAINTENANCE: Check that t he bracket is secur e and safe to use at reg ular intervals (at l east every thr ee months).
Product p ictures are for r eference only.
Specifications described herein are subject to change without prior notification.
All trade marks are the so le propert y of their respe ctive companie s.
Copyright © 2018 Monopr ice, Inc. All ri ghts reserve d.
Computer Case CPU Tower Holder, Adjustable Under
Desk Mount w/ Rotating and Sliding Mechanism
P/N 34542
Installation Manual