Place your TV face down on a soft blanket or towel and attach the two
TV Suspension Brackets (B) to the back of the TV, as shown below.
For TVs with a flat back design.
VESA Range = 30 ~ 625
VESA Range = 75 ~ 400
Loosen the Safety Bolts on the two TV Suspension Brackets. With the help of an assistant, lift the TV and hook the top of the Suspension
Brackets to the top of the TV Suspension Plate. Ensure the securely hangs in place. Tighten the Safety Bolts to secure the TV in place.

Thank you for purchasing the Monoprice 10906 TV Stand! Please take an inventory of the package contents to ensure you have all the items
listed below. If anything is missing or damaged, please contact Monoprice Customer Service for a replacement.
For best results, assemble the TV stand on a soft blanket or towel to protect the finish while it is being assembled.
Slide the other Lower Shelf (B) over the two Threaded Rods (I) and
the exposed Double Threaded Stud (A), as shown above. Make sure
that the dull side is up, so that the finished side is on top when the
final assembly is inverted for use.
With the help of an assistant, lift the assembled TV Stand off the
floor, invert it, and set it back down on its feet.
Screw the two Feet (H) onto the outer Threaded Rods (I). Screw
the Foot (F) onto exposed Double Threaded Stud (A). Twist to
tighten, but do not overtighten.
Screw the remaining Double Threaded Stud (A) into the top of
Spacer (D) as shown above. Next, screw the TV Riser (C) onto the
exposed Double Threaded Stud (A) Hold Spacer (E) and twist TV
Riser (C) to tighten. Do no overtighten.
Place the Top Shelf (J) upside down on top of a soft blanket or towel.
Screw the two Threaded Rods (I) into the sockets on the bottom of the
top shelf, as shown above. Twist to tighten, but do not overtighten.
Slide a Lower Shelf (K) over the two Threaded Rods (I) and over the
exposed Double Threaded Stud (A), as shown above. Make sure that
the dull side is up, so that the finished side is on top when the final
assembly is inverted for use.
Slide the two Spacers (G) over the two Threaded Rods (I). Set the
Spacer (D) over the hole in the center-rear of the shelf. Screw one of
the Double Threaded Studs (A) into the Spacer (D), as shown above.
Slide the two Spacers (G) over the two Threaded Rods (I). Screw the
Spacer (E) onto the exposed Double Threaded Stud (A). You will
need to hold Spacer (D) while twisting Spacer (E) to tighten the two
together. Screw another Double Threaded Stud (A) into Spacer (E).
Using the included Allen wrench (A6) loosen the bolt holding the
TV Mounting Plate to the TV Riser (C) and adjust the plate so that
the face is parallel to the front and back of the shelves. Tighten
the bolt, but do not overtighten.
Using the hardware shown above, attach the Suspension Plate (A) to
the TV Mount Plate. The screws (A2) are inserted from the front.
Follow the order shown above: Screw (A2), Silver Washer (A5),
Black Washer (A4), Suspension Plate (A), TV Mount Bracket on TV
Riser (C), Silver Washer (A5), and Nut (A3). Use a Phillips or slotted
screwdriver and a wrench to tighten the assembly together.
Check your TV’s owner’s manual to determine the correct size screws used
to attach to the VESA mounting holes. If you cannot find the information in
the manual, try the included screws to find the ones that fit best.