Operating Instructions
Stainless Steel IG(/}'igerator
7Dnperatu re
7"ke temp('rature _wntro£ a_z"pr_<set i_ thejacto O, at 37°Fjhr the
./>,t,!/,.d (..I O°F/i,,' Allo ,,
24 hou_:L/hr the temperature to stabilize to the proset re,winmend_,d
Tke temD_,ratur_, (wntro£ can di.spk O, both tke SET temp_,ratur_,
a.s wall a.s the actual temperatu_*" in the,f!'_<*h,!i,odand,/i,,ez_,r
com/mrtme_ts. Tke actual temp_'rature may va O, .sl{g'ktly j}'om the
SET tem/_erature based on usag'_, and o/wrating environment.
Setting" either or both co,tooLs to OFF .st@s cooli_g" in both the,!i'(,('zer
and,f!'osh ji,od compartmena_; but do_<__ot .*hut qff d_'ctrical pow_'r
to th_ rq/}°iff_,rato'_:
N07_: The r@ifferator is .ship/n,d with p_otective,f!lm _ww,ring the
tem/_erature controL*. (!'this film was not _'moved during installation,
17"1770g)( _ it I? Og_).
To change the temperature, press and release
the O ,- (,olde 0 The SEX
light will come on and the display will show the
set temperature. To change the temperature,
tap either the O (warmer) or _) (colder)
pad tmtil the desired temperature is displayed.
Fresh tood temperatures can be a(!justed
between 34°F and 44°F and the Deezer
teml)eratures can be a@usted between
-6°F and +6%2
Once the desired temperature has been set,
the temi)erature display will return to the
actual fl'esh fl)od and fl'eezer tenq)eratures
after 5 seconds. Several a(!jUStlnents ill}iV be
required. Each tilne vou a@lst controls,
allow 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach
the temperature you have set.
To turn the cooling system off, tap the
O (warlner) pad ti)r either the fl'esh food
conq)artn/ei_t or the fl'eezer tmtil the display
shows OFF. To turn the refit back on, press the
(_ (colder) pad ti)r either the fl'esh tood
comparm_ent or ti'eezer. The SET light will
illmninate on the side you selected. Then press
the (_ (colder) pad again (on the side where
the SET light is illmninated) and it will go to
the preset points of 0°F for the fl'eezer and
37°F for the fl'esh food compartment.
l_erf oY17_lance
Air Flow
The Perfiwnmnce Ai>Flow System is designed
to maximize temperature control in the fresh
tood and fl'eezer compartments. This tmique
special feature consists of the Air Tower along
the top and back walls of the fresh ti)od
compartment and the Air Tunnel on the
bottom l)ortion of the fl'eezer rear wall.
Placing fl)od in fl'ont of the louvers on these
conq)oi_ents will not affect i)erfornmnce,
Although the Air Tower and the Air Tunnel
can be removed, doing so will affect
teml)erature l)erti)rlnance. (For relnowd
ii_structions, on-line, 94 hours a day, contact
us at ge.coln or call 800.444.1845. In Canada,
call us at 1.888.880.3030.)