Monogram ZEU36WMR, ZEU365BWG, ZEU36KWK1WW, ZEU36KBK1BB, ZEU304 Owner's Manual

GE Monogram ®
Owner's Manual
Digital Radiant Cooktop
ZUZU_. _l_OTlO_rFa _l. €0_1_
Consumer Information
Your new Monogram ( ooktop makes an e]oquem statement of s@e, convenience and kitchen planning flexibility. Whed_er you chose i_for i_s pmi b' of design, assiduous a_endon _o derail-
or for bodl of these reasons-you'H find dial your Monogram ( ooklop's superior blend of form and _kmcdon will dehgh_ you fo; years to (ome.
Your Monogram cook_op was designed _o provide die flexibility _oblend in wid_ your kit( hen (_d)ineu-y. Its sleek design tan be bemnifi_lly imeg;_ted into d_e kit(hen.
The infom_adon on d_e following pages will help you operate and maintain your (ooktop properly.
Care and Cleaning
Control Panel ............................ 17
Gb_ss ( ooktop Cleaning ................ 15, ] 6
Consumer Services
Important Phone Numbe_ s ............... 20
Model m_d Serial Numbe; ............... 3, 22
Problem Solver ........................ 1S, 19
Produ( t Regimadon .................... 3, 21
Safety lnmu(dons ....................... 4-6
W;H:r_mt7 ............................. 23, 24
Using Your Cooktop
B_idge Sm f_ce Unit ....................... 1(_
l-)u_dSmtsce U nit .......................... 9
Features of Your Cooktop .................. 7
Error Codes .............................. 12
Locked Mode ............................. S
Touch Comro]s ........................ 8-12
W;Hn_er Smt,_( e U nit ..................... 11
Read dfis manual careflflly. It is intended to
help you operate and maimair_ your new ( ooktop properly.
Keep it handy for answers to your questions.
Kyou don't understand something or need more help, there is a list of tol14_ee (onsumer
service numbers included in the back se( tion of this manual.
Visit our Webshe at:
Write down the mode[ serial numbers
You'll find d_em on }_label under the cooktop. Fill out and _eturn the Consumer Produ( t
Registration Card that is packed with this
product, If'you cannot find it, })]ease sent] in the duplicate card printed in the back of
this manual,
Before sending in this card, please write these
numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Use these numbers in any (::orresponden( e or
service calls (:ont:ernh]g your (:ooktop,
ff you received
a damcq ed eookt@
Immediately contact the dealer (or buik]er) that sold you tl_e c(_(_ktop,
Save time
Before you request service, chet:k the Problem It lists causes of minor operating problems that Solver in the back of this manual, )ou (:an correct yourself,
To obtain service, see the Consumer Sel-vices page in the back ofthis manual.
We're proud of our service and want you to be pleased. If for some reason you are not happy
with the service you receive, here are two steps
For custome_ in the USA :
FIRST, contact d_e peop]e who serviced your apphance. Explain why you are not p]eased. In
most cases, this will soh-e the problem. NEXT, ffyou are still not pleased, write all d_e
details-including your phone number-to:
Manager, Customer Relations
Appliance Park
Fro-customers in Canada:
FIRST, contact die people who serviced your appliance, Explain why you are not pleased, In most (ases, dfis will solve the problem.
NEXT, ffyou are still not pleased, write all the details-including your phone number-to:
Manager, Consumer Relations Cam co In c.
l Factory !_ane, Suite 310
Moncton, N.t_,.El C 9M3
When ush_g ele( tricM applbmces, basic safety
1)5ecautior_s should be followed, including
Read all instructions before using your
Have the installer show you the location of the circuit breaker or fuse. Mm'k it fbr easy
°Use this appliance only for its intended use
as des(fibed in this mamml.
°Be sure your appliance is properly installed
and grounded by a qualified te{ hnician in accordance with the provided iustallafion
iu strl](d (51-1s.
Do not attempt to repair or replace arty part of your cooktop unless it is specifically
recommended in this manual. All other servicing should be re_i_rred to a qualified
"Before performing any service,
°Do not leave children alone-chik]ren shouk] not
be left alone 05 unattended in an mea where an appliance is iu use. They should never be
allowed to sit or stand on any part of the appliance.
To prevent surface units from accidentally being turned on, especially by chikben or pets, lock the cooktop when it is not iu use and before cleaning.
°Do not allow anyone to climb, stand or hang
on the cooktop.
°When using an electrical appliance near
the cooktop, be sure that the (:or(] of the appliance does not come into contact
with the stufface area.
°Never wear loose-flttlng or hanging garments
while using the appliance. Be careflJ when reachiug for items stored in cabiuets over the cooktop. Flaummble material couk] be ignited if brought in contact with a ]lot smface unit an(] umy cause severe burns.
"Use care when touching the cooktop. The
glass surface of the cooktop will retain heat aher the couwols ]lave been msued off.
For your safety, never use your appliance for warming or heating the room.
° Use only dry pot holders-moist or damp pot
holders on ]lot surfaces umy resuh in burns fiom steam. Do not letpot holders touch a
]lot surf_ce unit. Do not use a towel or other bulky (:lodl in pla(e of a pot holder, Such
cloths (:an catch the on a ]lot surf_ce uuit,
Do not store flammable materials near the cooktop.
"Keep the hood and grease filters clean to
maintain good venting and to avoid ga'ease fires.
°Do not let cooking grease or other flammable
materials accumulate on the cooktop.
Do not use water on grease fires. Never pick up a flaming pan. Turn thecontrols off. Smother a flaming pan on a sur/ace unit by covering tile pan completely widl a weiI- fittiug lid, cookie sheet or flat tray. Use a multi-purpose dry chemical or foam-upe fire
Flamiug grease outside a pan can be put out by covering it wid_ baking soda or, if
available, by using a umld-purpose dry chemical or foam-type fire extinguisher.
Clean the cooktop with caution. If a wet
sponge or clodl is used to wipe spills on a hot smfh(e uni< be ( >_refiJ to _void stemn burns.
Some cleansers can produce noxious fhmes if applied to a hot surf_ce.
NOTE: We recommend that you avoid wiping any surf_ce mlit areas undl alley have cooled
and the indicator ligb has gone off. Sugar spills are die excel)don to dlis. Please see die (;lass Cooktop Cleaning secdon.
When die cooktop is cool, use only the recommended cleaning cream to (;lean die cooktop.
Do not operate the surface units if the glass is broken. Spillovers 05 cleaning soludon umy
penetrate a broken cooktop and create a risk of electrical shock. Contact a qualified
technhJan if your glass cooktop breaks.
Do not touch the surface units. These surf_ces may be hot enough to bmn even
though alley are dark in color. During and afier use, do not touch, or let clodling or
odler flammable materials comac< die surf_ce mJts or areas nearby surfi_ce mlits; allow sufficient dine for cooling first
Potentially hot su(ti_ces include tile cooktop and areas fi_cing the cooktop.
°Never leave the surface units unattended at
high heat settings. Boilovers cause smoking and greasy spillovers that may catch on tire.
°Use proper pan slze-select cookware having
flat bottoms large enough to (;over die sm__ce unh's headng area. The use ofundersized
cookware will expose a pordon of the smf_ce unit to direct contact and may result in ignidon of clodling. Proper relationship of cookware to sm__ce mlh will also improve efficiency. See die Cookware Tips secdon of
dlis manual.
. Cook meat and poultry thoroughly--meat
to at least an INTERNAL temperature of
160°F. and poultry to at least an INTERNAL
temperature of 180°F. Cooking to these temperatures usually protects against
foodborne illness.
Only certain types of glass, glass-ceramlc,
earthenware or other glazed containers are suitable for cooktop cooking; others may break because of the sudden change in temperature.
"To minimize the possibility of burns, ignidon
of flammable materials an d spillage, ttle handle of a container should be turned
toward tile center of tile cooktop widlom extending over nearby smf_ce units.
°Always keep combustible wall coverings,
curtains or drapes a safe distance aw_y from your cooktop.
Always keep dish towels, dish cloths, pot holders and other linens a safe distance away
Do not leave paper products, cooking utensils or food on the cooktop when not in use.
Avoid scratching the glass cooktop. The cooktop (;an be s(ratched widl items such as
sharp instruments, rings or odler jeweky and
°Never use the glass cooktop surface as a
cutting board.
°Do not place or store items on top of the glass
cooktop surface when it is not in use.
°Be careful when placing spoons or other
stirring utensils on glass cooktop surf]_ce when it is in use. They may become hot and
could cause burns.
°Avoid heating an empty pan. l)oing so may
damage die cooktop and die pan.
°Do not allow water, other liquids or grease
to remain on die cooktop or comrol panel.
°Always heat fat slowly, and watch as it heats.
Clean only parts listed in this manual.
Keep cooktop clean and free of accumulation of grease or spillovers which may ignite.
Before removing pots and pans, be sure to turn the surface unlt(s) off.
°To minimize the possibility of bums, always
be certah_ that the (ontrols for all surface units are at the OFF position, that the
( ooktop is locked and that the endre glass smf_ce is cool before attempting to (:lean the (ooktop.
"Always keep wooden and plastic utensils
and canned food a safe distan(e away from your t ooktop. They mW bet tree hot and
could cause bmns.
"Never heat unopened food containers.
Pressure buildup may make container burst and cause injury.
Teach children not to play with controls or any other part of the cooktop.
"Always rum the surface unit controls off
before removing the cookware,
"Carefully watch for spillovers or overheating
of foods when frying at high or medium high temperatures.
When flaming foods under the hood, turn the fan on.
Foods for frying should be as dry as possible. Frost on frozen foods or moisture on flesh
foods can cause hot fat to bubble up and over the sides of the pan.
Never try to move a pan of hot fat, especially a deep fi_t flyer. Wait umil the fat is cool.
Use little fat for effective shallow or deep fat frying. Filling the pan too ti_ll of fi_t (:an cause spillovers when food is added.
°If a combination of oils or fats will be used
in frying, stir together before beating, or as L_ts melt slowly.
Use a deep fat thermometer whenever possible to p_evem overbearing fat beyond the smoking point.
°Never leave jars or cans of fat drippings on or
near your cooktop.
To avoid possible damage to the cooking surface, (to uot apply the (:leaning cream to
the glass surfi_ce when it is hot,
After cleaning, use a dry cloth or paper towel to remove all the cleaning cream residue.
°Read and follow all instructions and wamlngs
on the cleaning cream labels.
Features of Your Cooktop
Digital Radiant Cookgop
Feature Index (]_?atu_vs and appearances may vau.) Page
1 Warmer Surlace Unit 11
2 Sim,-le Surtace Unit 8, 9
3 Single/Bridge Surtitce Unit(s) 9, 10
4 Model and Serial Numbers ((m a labd undo' the _vohtop) 2
5 Warmer Surti_ce Unit Control 11
6 Sinole Surtace Unit Control 8
7 Single/Bridge Surtitce Unit Controls 8, 9
8 LOCKpad 8
9 l)ual Surtace Unit Controls 8, 10
10 l)ual Surtace Unit 8, 10
11 Hot Surface Indicator Lights (o)_efineach su{J(,ceuniO 8, 11 7
Touch Controls
Digital Radia_t Cookto/_
A coofing fan will start and run as soon as any
surface unit is turned on. This is to insure safe and reliable operation of the cooktop. This fan
constantly cools the critical components of the cooktop. Under certain extreme periods of usage, this fan may continue to run after you complete cooking and you turn the cooktop off. It will continue to cool the cooktop and the
controls until an acceptable temperature is reached. The fan will then turn itself off.
The touch controls give you precise control of the smlace units. You can quickly switch back and forth between a steady low heat and fifll power or an}nvhere in between.
1. To mrn a surt/ice unit on, touch the ON/OFF pad and touch the INCREASE and/or DECREASE [_] pads to choose the
desired heat setting. The control will beep each time a pad is touched. The display
shows your heat setting.
2. To mrn a surtace unit off, touch the ON/OFF pad again.
Be sure to set the correct control for the smlace unit you wish to use.
The cooktop will not turn on if two or more touch control pads are touched at
the same time.
Single unit
Single unit
unit control
Indicator Lights--I,ights will come on under the ON _), Dual _/Single _, LO(K D or the Bridge _/Single _ pads when
touched, to indicate the smtace unit or feature is turned on. The indicator light will go off
when the surface unit or ligature is turned off.
Hot Surface Indicator Lights--Each surface
unit has a light that will cr)me rm and stay rm as
hmg as the surfilce unit is too hr)t tr) touch.
IMPORTANT: As a safe_y feature, you can lock _he entire cooku)p a_ any time.
To lock the cooktop, press and hoM the LOCK pad for 2 seconds. A signal will som_d and _he lock pad will ligh_ indicadng d_e cook_op is locked. To unlock, press and hokt d_e LOCK pad again _hr 2 seconds. A signal will sound and _he ligh_ will go out, indicating _he
Pressand hold for two seconds to lock and unlock,
Locking the cooktop v,ill prevent surfhce milts flom accidemally being turned on by children or pe_s.
Always lock d_e cook_op when i_ is no_ in use and be_hre cleaning.
If _he cooku_p is locked while smface units are in use they will amomafically shut o_t.
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