Built-In Dishwashers

Consumer Information
Introduction Your new Honogram dishwasher makes an eloquent statement of stgle, convenience and kitchen
planning flexibilitg. Whether gou chose it for its puritg of design, practical features or assiduous
attention to detail-or for all of these reasons-gou'll find that gour Honogram dishwasher's superior
blend of form and function will delight gou for gears to come.
The information on the following pages will help gou operate and maintain gour dishwasher properlg.
If gou have ang other questions, visit our Website at: monogram.cam
Appliance Registration ........................ ]
Care and Cleaning .......................... 17
Consumer Services ....................... ], 22
Hodel and Serial Number Location ............ ]
Operating Instructions .................... 6-16
Control Panel and Operation ............. 6-8
Lighting Features .......................... 9
Water Temperature ........................ 9
Rinse Agent ............................... 9
Dish Preparation Prior to Loading ......... 10
Detergents ............................... 10
Bulk Dispense Detergent Dispenser .... 1!-!2
Dishwasher Racks .................... 1]-16
Problem Solver .......................... 18-21
Safetg Instructions ......................... 4, 5
U.S.A.Warrantg ............................. 2]
Canada Warrantg ........................... 2/4

Consumer Information
down the
model &
If gou received
a damaged
Readthis manual carefullg. It is intended to help
gou operate and maintain gour new dishwasher
Keep it handg for answers to gour questions.
You can locate gour model and serial numbers
on the tub wall just inside the door.
Immediatelg contact the dealer (or builder) that
sold gou the dishwasher.
If gou don't understand something or need more
help, there is a list of toll-free consumer service
numbers included on the Consumer Services
page in the back section of this manual.
Visit our Website at: monogram.cam
Before sending in the card, please write these
numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Usethese numbers in ang correspondence or
service calls concerning gour dishwasher.
Save time
& moneg
If gou
need service
Before gou request service, check the Problem
Solver in the back of this manual.
To obtain service, see the Consumer Services
page in the back of this manual.
We're proud of our service and want gou to be
pleased. If for some reason gou are not happg
with the service gou receive, here are steps to
follow for further help.
For customers in the USA:
FIRST,contact the people who serviced gour
appliance. Explain whg gou are not pleased.
In most cases, this will solve the problem.
NEXT,if gou are still not pleased, contact us on
our website, write all the details-including gour
phone number-or write to:
Manager, Customer Relations
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY/40225
It lists causes of minor operating problems that
gou can correct gourself.
For customers in Canada:
FIRST,contact the people who serviced gour
appliance. Explain whg gou are not pleased.
In most cases, this will solve the problem.
NEXT,if gou are still not pleased, write all the
details-including gour phone number-to:
Manager, Consumer Relations
Mabe Canada Inc.
! Factorg Lane,Suite 510
moncton, N.B.E1C9M]

For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire
or explosion, electric shock, and to prevent property damage, personal injury, or death.
Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be
produced in a water heater that has not been
used for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS
Ifthe hot water has not been usedfor two weeks or
more, prevent the possibility of damage or injury by
turning on all hot water faucets and allow them to
run for several minutes. Do this before using any
electrical appliance which isconnected to the hot
water system.This simple procedure will allow any
built-up hydrogen gas to escape.Sincethe gas is
flammable, do not smoke or usean open flame or
appliance during this process.
This dishwasher must be properl_l installed and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used. If _lou did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet with
_tour dishwasher, _lOUcan receive one b_l visiting our website at monogram.com.
• Connectto a grounded metal,permanent wiring
system; or run an equipment-grounding conductor
with the circuit conductors and connect to the
equipment-grounding terminal or lead of the
• Improper connection ofthe equipment-grounding
conductor can result in a risk of electric shock.
Checkwith a qualified electrician or service
representative if you are in doubt whether the
appliance is properly grounded.
• Disposeof discardedappliancesand shipping
or packing material properly.
• Do not attempt to repair or replace any part
of your dishwasher unlessit isspecifically
recommended in this manual. All other servicing
should be referred to a qualified technician.
To minimize the possibility of electric shock,
disconnect this appliance from the power supply
before attempting any maintenance.
NOTE:Turningthe dishwasher off doesnot
disconnectthe appliance from the power supply.
Werecommend having a qualified technician
serviceyour appliance.
To prevent minor injurg or propertg damage
Contents washed in Anti-bacterial mode, if
available, may be hot to the touch. Use care
before handling.
• Using a detergent that is
not specifically designed
for dishwashers will
cause the dishwasher
to fill with suds.
• If your dishwasher is connected to a F-----_
wall switch, ensure that the switch is
on prior to use.
On dishwashers with electronic controls,
if you choose to turn the wall switch off
between wash cycles, allow 5-10
secondsafter turning the switch on
before touching START/RESETto allow
the control to initialize.
• Non-DishwareItems: Donot wash items such
as electronic air cleaner filters,furnace filters and
paint brushes in your dishwasher. Damage to
dishwasher and discoloration or staining of
dishwasher may result.
Closesupervision is necessary ifthis appliance
isused by or near children.
Load light, plastic items so they will not
become dislodged and drop to the bottom
of the dishwasher-they might come into
contact with the heating element and be

Junked or abandoned dishwashers are
dangerous...even if they will sit for "just a
few daus." If you are getting rid of uour old
dishwasher, please follow the instructions below
to help prevent accidents.
Before You Throw Away Your Old Dishwasher:
• Take off the door of the washing compartment
or remove the door latch keeper (as shown).
• Usethis appliance only for its intended purpose
as described in this Owner's Manual.
• Useonlu powder,tabs, liquid detergents or rinse
agents recommended for use in a dishwasher and
keepthem out of the reach of children.Cascade®,
Cascade®Complete and Electrasol®Automatic
Dishwashing Detergents,and Jet-Dry ®and
Cascade Crystal Cleare rinse agents have been
approved for useinallGEdishwashers.
• Locatesharp items so that theg are not likelg
to damage the door seal.
• Loadsharp kniveswith the handles up to reduce
the riskof cut-tgpe injuries.
Donot wash plastic items unlessmarked
dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic
items not somarked, checkthe manufacturer's
• Donot touch the heating element during or
immediately after use.
When using your dishwasher, follow basic precautions,
including the following:
• Donot operate gour dishwasher unlessall
enclosure panels are properlg in place.
Donot tamper with controls.
Donot abuse, sit on or stand on the door or dish
rack of the dishwasher.
• Donot allow children to plau around dishwasher
when opening or closing door due to the possibilitu
of small fingers being pinched in door.
• Donot discard a dishwasher without first removing
the door or the door latch keeperof the washing
Donot store or usecombustible materials, gasoline
or other flammable vapors and liquidsinthe vicinitu
of this or any other appliance.
Donot allow children to play with, on or insidethis
appliance or any discarded appliance.

Control Panel
You can !ocate
your model
number on the
tub wal! just
inside the door.
Throughout this
features and
mabl varbl from
your model.
[ --" .) ,,o
® DRYING (_:R h
% D
.c0oRwARE.R.NSEONL,...| nE.Y__o0A_;T_O .'SANIT'ZEDcLEAN4;;;h
•ANTI-°AC,ERIAL.CRINO,co.,ALrDE.,__;D_ sT,M _;_o _'°_°"'°'_' "
% DDDD% % r_
( ° ' ;1® @@ @
Fq F_ F_ F_ F_F_ N r_
(onsome models)
(onsome models}
Use thearrow pads v to scroll through the wash cycles.The light above or next to the
selected pad will be ON to indicate which WASHCYCLEhas been selected.
NOTE:Thisdishwasher isequipped with an ExtraClean,MSensorwith automatic temperature
control; therefore, cycle time and total water consumption may vary depending on soil (heavy,
medium, light) and temperature conditions.
Heavy 9.1gallons, 95 minutes
Medium 7.8gallons,95 minutes
Light 6.5gallons, 90 minutes
This cycle raisesthe water temperature in the final rinseto sanitize your dishware.
The cycle length will varUdepending on the temperature of your inlet water.
NOTE:TheAnti-Bacterial cycle ismonitored for sanitization requirements. If the cycle is interrupted
during orafter the main wash portion or if the incoming water temperature is so low that adequate
water heating cannot be achieved, the sanitizingconditions maU not be met. Inthese cases,the
sanitizedlight will not illuminate at the end of the cycle.
Meets NSF Standard 184 Sanitization and Cleaning
performance of household spray-type dishwashers.
NOTE:NSFcertifiedresidentialdishwashersarenotintendedfor licensedfood establishments.
Thiscgcleismeantfor heavilgsoileddishesorcookwarewith dried-onorbaked-onsoils.
ThiscgclemaUnotremoveburned-onfoods.Evergdagdishesaresafeto beusedinthiscgcle.
the SCOURWASHcgcleischosenandcannotbede-selected.
Light7.8gallons,80 minutes
Thiscgcleismeantfor heavilgsoileddishesorcookwarewith dried-onorbaked-onsoils.Thiscgcle
magnot removeburned-onfoods.Evergdagdishesaresafeto be usedinthiscgcle.

Control Panel/Operation
Thiscgcleisfor medium/heavilgsoileddishesandglassware.
Cgcle time and water usage are approximate values. Results will depend on
several factors, including but not limited to inlet temperature, household water
pressure and amount of soil in the wash water.
SPEEDCYCLE 7.8gallons, 37 minutes
(onsome models) Thiscgcle isfor evergdag dishes and glassware.
CHINA 7.8 gallons, 50 minutes
CRYSTAL This cgcle is for lightlg soiled china and crgstal.
GLASSES 7.8 gallons, 50 minutes
(onsome models) This cgcle is specificallg designed for glasses.
(onsome models)
Heavg 7.8 gallons, 70 minutes
Medium 6.5 gallons, 60 minutes
Light 5.2 gallons, 55 minutes
This cgcle is specificallg designed to reduce the risk of melting plastic items and
improve plastic drging for dishwasher safe plastic items.
2.6 gallons, 10 minutes
For rinsing partial loads that will be washed later. Do not use detergent with
this cgcle.
This option will allow gou to delag the start time of ang wash cgcle for
up to 8 or 2/4 hours (depending on model).
• Select the delag start time gou want bg pressing the DELAYHOURSpad.
Hultiple or continuous pressing will increment the delag hours. Select the
number of hours gou want to delag the start of the cgcle. Then press
• After closing the door, the machine will count down and automaticallg start
at the correct time.
NOTE:To cancel the DELAYHOURSselection before the cgcle begins, press the
DELAYHOURSpod until the displag is blank. Pressing START/RESETwill not
cancel delag hours.
When selected, the cgcle will run with a heating element on longer and mag
increase cgcle time to improve both wash and drg performance.
NOTE: Cannot be selected with RINSE ONLY cgcle.
(onsome models)
For use with heavilg soiled and/or dried-on, baked-on soils. This option
HUSTbe selected PRIORto starting the cgcle. The PRE-WASHoption adds
15 minutes and the STEAH PRE-WASHoption adds 26 minutes to the cgcle time.
NOTE: Cannot be selected with RINSE ONLY cgcle.
When selected, HEATEDDRYturns the heater on for fast drging. This will extend
the total cgcle time between 8 and ]8 minutes depending on the cgcle selected.
A fan will run up to 2 hours after the CLEANlight is illuminated to assist the
drging process. If HEATEDDRYis not selected, dishes will air drg. A fan will run
up to 4 hours after the CLEANlight illuminates. If desired, pressing ang kegpad
will turn off the fan.
_] LOCK -_--
NOTE: Cannot be selected with RINSE ONLY cgcle.
You can lock the controls to prevent ang selections from being made.
Or gou can lock the controls after gou have started a cgcle.
Children cannot accidentally start the dishwasher by touching pads with
this option selected.
To lock the dishwasher controls, press and hold the HEATEDDRYpad for
] seconds. The LOCKlight will turn on.To unlock the dishwasher controls,
press and hold the HEATEDDRYpad for ] seconds. The LOCKlight will turn off.

Control Panel/Operation
[[] Status Indicator Lights (indicatorsvaryby model)
The Status display tells you what is happening while the dishwasher is in operation.
The lights will come ON, indicating the sequence of the dishwasher operation.
LOW DETERGENTDisplayed when the Bulk Dispenser needs to be refilled with liquid or gel
automatic dishwasher detergent.
NOTE:If you are not using the Bulk Dispenser and and you want to turn
the LOW DETERGENTLEDlight off, press the ADDED MEATpad 5 times within
3 seconds. You will hear 3 beeps; then the light will go off. You can turn the light
back on by pressing the ADDED HEATpad 5 times within 3 seconds.
SENSING Displayed while the ExtraCleanTM Sensor is measuring the amount of soil and
temperature of water. The dishwasher will adjust the selected cycle to achieve
optimal performance.
ADD-A-DISH Displayed during prewash, indicating that dishes added now will still be cleaned.
WASHING Displayed during prewash, main wash and rinse periods.
DRYING Displayed during HEATEDDRY.
SANITIZED Displayed when cycle has met sanitization conditions.
CLEAN Displayed when a wash cycle and enhancements are complete.
[_Time Remaining Display (on some models)
During operation, the display shows the minutes remaining until the cycle is complete. The display
may adjust the remaining time while the Sensing light ison. The time displayed at the start of
each cycle may change from the factory setting as the unit customizes itself to actual home
usage. During a DELAYHOURS,the display will show hours of time remaining until the cycle starts.
After selecting the cycle and desired enhancements, press the START/RESETpad
one time to ready the dishwasher to begin the cycle. Close the door to start the
cycle or begin the DELAYHOURScountdown. When the cycle starts, the water
fill begins and approximately 60 seconds later the wash action begins.
The dishwasher will always display your last selection and enhancements.
If you don't want to change the settings, simply press the START/RESETpad
one time to ready the dishwasher and close the door to begin the cycle.
NOTE:If the START/RESETlight is flashing, the cycle has been interrupted.
Light will stop flashing after the dishwasher automatically pumps out the water.
Close the door to allow the water to pump out (this takes approximately
70 seconds). When the light stops flashing, the dishwasher can be
reprogrammed and restarted.
Also, if a power failure occurs, NORMALand HEATEDDRYwill automatically be
programmed. Make any new selections and press the START/RESETpad to begin
the new cycle.
Open the door slowly to prevent splash-out. Pressthe START/RESETpad
to cancel the cycle. Close the door. The dishwasher will pump out and turn off
after 70 seconds.
F_ Clean-
The CLEANlight is illuminated and a double beep will sound when the selected
cycle and enhancements are complete. You may remove the dishes at any
time. Note the high-efficiency fan will run quietly for 30 minutes to 4 hours
(depending on selected cycle) after the CLEANlight is illuminated to continue
drying the dishes. This can be stopped by opening the door and pressing
any keypad.
NOTE:To turn off the double beep indicator (or re-activate it if it was previously
disengaged), press the HEATEDDRYpad 5 times within 3 seconds. A triple beep
will sound to indicate the end-of-cycle beep option has been toggled.

Using the Dishwasher
(on some
Interior Lights Ion some models)
The interior Xenon lights provide better visibilitg
for loading and unloading. Theg turn on when the
door is opened and turn off when the door is
latched. The lights will turn off after !5 minutes
if the door remains unlatched. Toturn the lights
back on, latch and open the door.
End-of-Cgcle Indicator Light (on some models}
The end-of-cgcle indicator light is located on the
right side of the dishwasher, above the handle.
This light comes on when the selected cycle is
complete. The light will stag on until the door is
opened. The dishes mag be removed at ang time.
The entering water must be at least 120°F (49°C)
and not more than 150% (66°C),for effective
cleaning and to prevent dish damage.
Do not attempt to replace the bulbs. If light bulb
replacement is necessary, please contact the
GEAnswer Center for service bg calling
Note that the high-efficiencg fan will run quietlg
for ]0 minutes to 4 hours (depending on the
selected cgcle) after the end-of-cgcle indicator
light is illuminated to continue drging the dishes.
Opening the door and pressing ang keypad will
stop the fan.
Check the water temperature with a candg or
meat thermometer. Turn on the hot water faucet
nearest the dishwasher, place the thermometer in
a glass and let the water run continuouslg into the
glass until the temperature stops rising.
Use a
A rinse agent improves drg performance
reduces spots and prevents new film buildup
on gour dishes, glasses, flatware, cookware
and plastic. Jet-Drg® and Cascade Crgstal
Clear®are recommended rinse agents for
Monogram Dishwashers.
The rinse agent dispenser holds 3.5 oz. of rinse
agent. Under normal conditions, this will last
approximatelg one month. Trg to keep it full,
but do not overfill.
Tofill the rinse agent dispenser, make sure the
dishwasher door isfullg open.
ndicator__ D
window _e- spenser
Rotate the dispenser cap counterclockwise and
lift it out. Add rinse agent until the indicator
window shows full.
Clean up ang spilled rinse agent with a damp
cloth. Replace the dispenser cap.
The amount of rinse agent released into the final
wash can be adjusted. The factorg setting is at
the midpoint. If there are rings of calcium (hard
water) spots on dishes, trg a higher setting. If
there is foaming, use a lower setting.
To adjust the setting, remove the dispenser cap;
then turn the adjuster counterclockwise to
increase the amount of rinse agent or clockwise
to decrease the amount of rinse agent dispensed.

Using the Dishwasher
Prior to
to Add
a Dish?
• No prerinsing of normal food soil is required.
• Scrape off hard soils, bones,toothpicks, skins
and seeds.
A forgotten dish can be added any time before
the main wash.
1.Open the door slightly.
2. Wait until the water spray action stops.
Steam may rise out of the dishwasher.
Use onlL detergent specifically made for use in
dishwashers. Cascade®, Cascade Complete ®
and Electrasol ®Automatic Dishwashing
Detergents have been approved for use in all
Monogram Dishwashers. Keep your powdered
detergent fresh and dry. Don't put detergent into
the dispenser until you're ready to wash dishes.
All wash cycles except RINSEONLYrequire
detergent. The amount of detergent to use
depends on whether your water is hard or soft.
Protect your dishes and dishwasher by
contacting your water department and asking
how hard your water is.Twelve or more grains
isextremely hard water. A water softener is
recommended. Without it, lime can build up in
the water valve, which could stick while open
and cause flooding. Too much detergent with
soft water can cause a permanent cloudiness
of glassware, called etching.
The detergent cup has indicator lines to help you.
Usethe right amount of detergent. As a guide:
ForSoft water (water hardness less than/4 Grains
PerGallon [GPG]),fill cup to the first line.
For Medium soft water (/4-8 GPG),fill cup to
the second line.
For Medium hard water (8-12 GPG),fill cup.
For Extremely hard water (more than 12 GPG),
fill both cups.
Medium Medium Extremely
Soft Soft Hard Hard
__f ...... \
If the amount of food soil ishigh, use a bit more
detergent. If water temperature is greater than
140°F,use a bit lessdetergent.
Close cover and be sure it is latched after filling
dispenser with detergent.
• Remove large quantities of any remaining food.
• Remove leafy vegetables, meat trimmings and
excessive amounts of grease or oil.
3. Add forgotten dishes.
4. Closethe door.
1/Main Wash
____ Section
_ Cover Latch
_._J " Pre-wash
Do not use hand dish detergent.
that isnot specifically
NOTE:Using a detergent
designed for dishwashers
will cause the dishwasher
to fill with suds. During
operation, these suds will
spill out of the dishwasher vents, covering the
kitchen floor and making the floor wet.
Because so many detergent containers look
alike, store the dishwasher detergent in a
separate space from all other cleaners. Show
anyone who may use the dishwasher the correct
detergent and where it is stored.
While there will be no lasting damage to the
dishwasher, your dishes will not get clean using
a dishwashing detergent that is not formulated
to work with dishwashers.
Drying Fan
If the Heated Dry
option is selected,
the drying fan will
run during the
drying portion
of the cycle and
up to 2 hours after the CLEANlight turns on,
depending on the selected wash cycle. If the
Heated Dry option is not used, the CLEANlight
will come on at the end of the final rinse and
the fan will run up to/4 hours, depending on the
selected wash cycle.
If the Rinse Only wash cycle is selected, the
Heated Dry option is automatically turned off
and the drying fan will run for/4 hours.
If the drying fan is running and the CLEANlight is
on, the drying fan can be turned off by opening
the door and pressing any keg on the keypad.

Bulk Dispense Detergent Dispenser
(on some
This dishwasher may have Bulk Dispense,a
feature which automatically dispenses liquid
automatic dishwasher detergent into each cycle
based on soil level and water hardness.
Toutilize the Bulk Dispense Detergent Dispenser,
it must first be filled. Although any liquid or gel
automatic dishwashing detergent can be used
in the Bulk Dispensesystem, all liquid or gel
automatic dishwashing detergents are not the
same. Host automatic dishwashing detergents
are chlorine bleach-based (such as Cascade®or
Electrasol®)while others contain enzymes (such as
Cascade Complete ®or Electrasol®AdvancedT"Gel}.
Do not mix any chlorine bleach-based
automatic dishwashing detergent with any
dishwashingdetergent containing enzymes as
this could cause the detergents to congeal and
lead to blockage of the Bulk Dispense system.
Check the detergent label to determine if the
detergent is chlorine bleach-based or one that
contains enzymes. It is recommended that the
same type of detergent be used when refilling
your Bulk Dispense system.
CAUTION! Absolutely do not add
powder detergent, tablets or any liquid soap
or detergent normally used for washing hands
or dishes in a sink. Only use liquid or gel
detergent specifically designed for use in
an automatic dishwasher.
Toopen the dispenser for filling, push down and
turn the blue cap counterclockwise until the cap
is loose. Lift cap off.
Aim the detergent bottle at the opening in the
door and begin to fill.
The dispenser will hold 45 oz of liquid dishwasher
detergent (standard size bottle).
When full, replace the cap and turn clockwise
until tight to ensure no water enters the Bulk
Dispense dispenser. If residue is left on the door,
it will be washed off in the next cycle.
An indicator light will turn on to notify you when
the dispenser needs to be filled again. After filling,
the light will not turn off until the door isclosed. A
full dispenser will last approximately 1 month for
the average user.
Refill (appearance may vary)
Set the door at a comfortable angle to fill the
NOTE:If you are not using Bulk Dispense and you
want to turn the LOW DETERGENTLEDlight off,
press the ADDED HEATpad 5 times within ]
seconds. You will hear ] beeps; then the light will
go off. You can turn the light back on by pressing
the ADDED HEATpad 5 times within ] seconds.

Bulk Dispense Detergent Dispenser
Prior to the first use, the dishwasher needs
to be calibrated for water hardness. Pleasefollow
the directions below to calibrate the dishwasher
to the hardness of your tap water.
Determine the Hardness of Your Tap Water
In the bag that contained these instructions, you
should find a water hardness test strip package.
Read the instructions on the package, remove
the test strip and follow the instructions to
determine the hardness level of your tap water.
You will use this information to calibrate your
dishwasher to dispense the optimal amount
of detergent.
Water hardness test strip indication
Value to Enter
0 RED _ 1
1 RED _ 2
2 RED _ 3
3 RED _ 4
4 RED _ 5
Calibration of Models With 3-Digit Display
into Dishwasher
Calibration of ModelsWithout 3-Digit Display
1. Openthe door and touch a pad to turn lights on.
2. Pressthe "Up" _ arrow pad and DELAYHOURS
pad at the same time for 3 seconds.All lights
will light up and you will hear I to 5 beeps.The
number of beepsindicates the current hardness
3.To change the setting, pressthe DELAYHOURS
pad the number of times that corresponds to the
water hardnessvalue determined at the left.The
control will beep each time you pressthe pad.
4. Once finished pressing the pad, you will hear a
confirmation with beepsfor the number of times
you pressedthe pad.
5. If the number of beepsisnot what you desire,
start pressingthe DELAYHOURSpad again to
reenter a new water hardness level.
6. Once the water hardness isset, pressthe
START/RESETpad to save the setting and return
the dishwasher to normal operation.
NOTE:Youshould recalibrate the dishwasher control
ifwater conditions change; for example,if a water
softener system isaddedor removedfrom your
Display Pressat the same time.
Open the door and touch a pad
(other than START/RESET)to turn the lights on.
Pressthe"Up" _ ArrowPad and DELAY
HOURS pad atthesame timefor3 seconds.
The displaywillshow a number from 1to S.
Press the "Up" _ Arrow Pad to raise
the value or the "Down" _Arrow Pad
to lower the value. Set the water hardness
value to the number determined with
the test strip and table above.
Once the water hardness is set, press
the START/RESETpad to save the setting
and return the dishwasher to normal

Loading the Racks
Upper Rack
Features and appearance of racks and
silverware basket may vary from your model.
Although the upper rack is for glosses, cups end
saucers, pots and pans can be placed in this
rack for effective cleaning. Cups and glosses fit
best along the sides and should be placed open-
end down. This isalso a secure place for
dishwasher plastics.
The utility shelf (on some models) may be placed
in the up or down position to add flexibility.
The upper rack is good for all kinds of
odd-shaped utensils. Saucepans, mixing bowls
and other items should be placed face down.
Fold-down tines (on some models) provide
flexibility for extra-large and hard-to-fit items.
Secure larger dishwasher-safe plastics over
2 tines when possible.
Make sure small plastic items are secure so they
can't fall onto the heater.
Be sure that items do not protrude through the
bottom of the rack and block rotation of the
middle spray arm. This will result in poor wash
performance for items in the upper rack.
Check to make sure that no items in the lower
rack will block rotation of the wash arm mounted
under the upper rack.
A wine glass holder (on some models) secures
wine glasses for best washability. Because wine
glasses come in various sizes, after loading,
slowly push in the rack to make sure they will
clear the top of the dishwasher.

Loading the Racks
Upper Rack
[on some
The standard position of your adjustable rack
is "up", which allows for maximum clearance for
your taller items in the lower rack. If you have
taller wine glasses, tumblers or other items to
place in the upper rack, you may want to adjust
the rack to the lower position.
A variety of options are available regarding the
three-piece silverware basket (on some models)
in your dishwasher. The complete basket is
designed to fit on the right side of the lower rack.
Additionally, each end of the basket is removable
to add loading flexibility to accommodate
flatware and lower rack capacity needs.
To lower the rack, support the weight of the rack
with your hands as shown, and press both finger
pads about 1/4" toward the inside of the rack
as indicated, guiding the rack down to its lower
I! !1 II II Illll|lr
To raise the rack to the "up" position, pull up on
the center of the rack side frame until the rack
locks into place.
The lids of both end and middle baskets can be
opened and closed to contain small items. Long
items can be placed on the utility shelf in the
upper rack.
ti" ti"
at oppositecornersandslideapart.

Loading the Rocks
Lower Rack
Remove the
Upper Rack
The lower rack isbest used for plates, saucersand
cookware. Large items such as broiler pans and
baking racks shouldgo along the left-hand side.
Load platters, pots and bowls along the sides,in
corners or in the back. Thesoiled sideof items
shouldface the center of the rack, or theg can be
placed soil sidedown. If necessarg,oversized
glassesand mugs can be placed inthe lower rack
to maximize loading flexibilitg.
Your new dishwasher has the capabilitg to wash
extra large items in the lower rack. Thisis
accomplished bg removing the upper rack and
installing a nozzleoverthe port that normallg
supplieswater to the upper rack.The nozzleis not
includedwith gour dishwasher,but is available for
purchase from GE.CallGEat 1.800.ro2ro.2002or go
to the GEwebsite ge.com and request NozzleSprag
Asm,part number WD12X10134.
Also,be careful not to let aportion of an item such
asa pot or dish handle extend through the bottom
rack.Thiscould blockthe wash arm and cause poor
washing results.
Fold-down tines (onsome models)provide flexibilitg
for extra-large and hard-to-fit items.The tines mag
be left inthe up positionor folded down to customize
the lower rack.
Besure tall tines in the lower rack do not block the
sprag arm abovethem. Checkfor this bg spinning
the arm when both racks arepushed all the wag in.
Pullthe rack straight out and off the rails.
Replacethe end caps, then push the rails all the
wag back into the dishwasher.Slidethe shower
nozzleattachment over the spout.
Customersin Canada can order on-line at
geappliances.ca 24 hours everg dag, or bg phone
at 1.800.ro61.1616during normal businesshours.
To remove the upper rack, push thumb tab out and
remove the front end caps on each side of the rail.
Pus_-/ .... 1_2/_
nemoveenacap --
-"J I
Then fill the lower rack and begin gour cgcle.
NOTE:Nozzlemust be in place with upper rack
removed. If not installed properlg, poor wash
performance and noise will result.
NOTE:Don'tforget to remove the shower nozzle
attachment before gou replace the upper rack.

Loading the Rocks
Extra Rack
(on some
for loading
10 and
Cutlery Tray
ThecutlerUtraUholds up to/4 large knives such as
a carver,chef's knives,bread knife,etc.,that aretoo
tall to fit in the silverware basket.
Hook the tray onto the rear of the upper rack.
Laythe knivesbetween the guides (asshown).
Bowl Tines
Thespecial large-bowl tines in the lower rack add
flexibility to your loading pattern. They areuseful
for serving bowls or other large bowls.
To usethe bowl tines,fold down the 2 rows of flex
tines in front of the bowl tinesand load bowlsjust
as you would in the upper rack.
Features and appearance of racks and silverware baskets may vary from your model.
Thesetinesfolddown Large-bowltines
12 place
Upper Rack--lOplace settings
Upper Rack--12placesettings
Lower Rack--lOplace settings
Lower Rack--12 place settings