Monogram 197D3359PO02 Owner's Manual

Side-by-Side Stainless Steel
Free-Standing Refrigerators
We bring good things tolife.
Consumer Inff)rmation
Stainless Steel I_t_/}'ig'erator
Your new Monogram ret]'igerator makes an eloquent statement of style, convenience and kitchen
planning flexibility, Whether you chose it fist its purity of design, practical storage arrangements or assiduous attention to detail--or flw all of these reasons--you'll find that your Monogram
refl'igerator's superior blend of fl)rm and ftmction will delight you fin" years to come.
The inflmnation on the %llowing pages will help you operate and maintain yore" refrigerator properly.
If you have any other questions, visit our Website at:
Contents Consumer Services
Important Phone Nmnbel_ .............. 31
Model and Serial Nmnbers ............... 3
Peril)finance Data Sheet ................ 28
Problem Solver . .................... 23-27
Product Registration .................... 3
Satety Instructions .................... 4-7
State of Califl_rnia
_lter Treatment Device Certificate ....... 29
Warrant_ ..................... Back Cover
Care and Cleaning
Cleaning--Outside and Inside ........... 20
Light Bulb Replacement ................ 22
Movi,*g ............................... 21
Vacation .............................. 21
Operating Instructions
Automatic ]cemaker . ................... 17
Additional Features .................... 15
Crispers and Pans ...................... 16
CustomCool TM . ..................... 10, 1 l
Ice and Water Dispenser . ............ 18, l 9
Shelves and Bins .................... 13, 14
Perflwmance Air Flow System ............. 8
Temperatm'e Controls ................... 8
TurboCool TM . .......................... 9
_lter Filter . .......................... 12
Read this manual carefully. It is intended to help you operate and maintain yore" new
refl'igerator properl>
Kee I) it handy fin" answers to your questions.
If you don't understand something or need more help, there is a list of toll-fl'ee consmner
service nmnbers included in the back section of this manual.
V]sit on r Websit e at:
down the
model & serial
n u 711DerS
Yilu'll see them on a label inside the fl'esh fl/od
compartment at the top on the right side. Please write these mlmbers on the (;onsumer
Product (-)wnership Registration Card included
with the packing material.
Before sending in this card, please also write these numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Nmnber
Use these numbers in any correspondence or service calls concerning your refl'igerator.
If you
received a damaged
Immediately contact the dealer (or buikler) that sold you the refi'igerator.
Save time
& money
Befllre you request service, check the Problem Solver ill the back of this manual,
It lists ca uses of minor operating problems that you call correct y(mrselL
If you
7teed service
To obtain service, see the Consumer Services page ill the back of this manual.
We're proud of our service and want you to
be pleased. If fllr some reason you are not happy with the service you receive, here are steps to follow fl)r turther help,
For cusC_omers in the USA:
FIRST, contact the people who seiMced your appliance. Explain why you are not pleased. In most cases, this will solve the problem.
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the details--including your phone nmnbel_to:
Manager, Customer Relations GE Applia*lces
Appliance Park
I,ouisville, KY 40225
For cus¢omers in Canada:
FIP.ST, contact the people who serviced your appliance. Expkdn why you are not pleased.
Ill most cases, this will solve the problem. NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the
details--inch/cling your phone Immber to:
Managel; CollStll/*er Rehtions Camco Inc.
1 Factory I,ane, Suite 310
Moncton, N.B. El(; 9M3
WARNING-whe,, .sin,
this appliance, always exercise basic safety precautions, including the following:
" Use this appliance only for its intended
purpose as described in this Owner's
" This refrigerator must be properly installed in
accordance with the Installation Instructions
before it is used.
Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang on the shelves in the refrigerator. They could damage the refrigerator and seriously ii_im'e
Do not touch the cold surfaces in the freezer compaactment when hands are damp or wet.
Skin may adhere to these extremely cold
* Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in tim vicinity of this or any other appliance.
* In refrigerators with automatic icema_kers,
avoid contact with moving parts ot the ejector mechanisuL or with the heating element
located on the bottom of the icemaker.
Do not place fingers or hands on the automatic icemaking mechanism while the refl'igerator is plugged ill
Keep fingers out of the "pinch point" areas: clearances between the doors and between
the doors and cabinet are necessarily small. Be careful closing doors when children are
in the area.
Unplug your refrigerator before cleaning and making repairs. NOTE: We strongly recommend that any servicing be perfln'med by a qualified individual.
" Before repladng a burned-out light bulb,
the refl'igerator should be unplugged in order to avoid contact with a live wire
filament. (A bm'ned-out light bulb may break when being replaced.) NOTE: Turning control to OFF does not remove power to the light circuit.
" Do not refreeze frozen foods which have
thawed completely.
, Always clean the CustomCool 'MTray after
thawing food.
Child entrapment and suffocation are not problems of the past.Jm*ked or abandoned refrigerators are still dangerous...even if thev
will sit %r 'lust a tew days." If you are getting
rid of your old refligeratoL please tollow the instructions below to help prevent accidents.
Before You Throw Away Your Old Refrigerator or Freezer:
" Take off the doors.
* Leave the shelves in place so that children
may not easily climb inside.
All refl'igeration products contain refl'igerants, which under federal law Inust be reuloved prior
to product disposal.
If you are getting rid of an old refl'igeration produrt, check with the (ompany handling the disposal about what to do.
Lorsque wins utilisez le r(_fl'ig(_rateur, obsesvez toujours certaines prOcautions de base,
notamment :
, N'utilisez le r6frig6rateur que pour son usage
pr6vu, comme dOcfit dans le prOsent manuel.
, InstaJlez le r_frig6rateur conform6ment aux
directives d'installation avant de l'utiliser.
, Ne laissez pas les enfants grimper, s'asseoir,
se tenir debout ni se pendre attx clayettes du r6frig6rateur. Ils pourraient endommager le r(_frig(_rateur et se blesses" gravement.
" Une fois le r6frig6rateur en marche, ne
touchez pas les surfaces froides du cong61ateur, surtout si vous avez les mains
huruldes ou moulll6es : la peau risque
d'adh_rer 5 ces surfllces tr_s fl'oides.
* N'entreposez et n'utilisez pas d'essence on
autres vapeurs et liquldes inflammables _t
proximit6 de cet appaaceil ou de tout autre
appareil 61ectrom6nager.
* Pour les r6frig6rateurs dot6s d'une machine
h gla_ons automatique, &'itez le contact avec les pi_ces mobiles du m_canisme _jectem', ou avec l'(q_ment chauflant situ_ "l la pattie infi_rieure de la machine 5 glacons.
Ne posez pas les doigts ou les mains sur le m_canisme de la machine a glacons pendant (isle le r_fl'ig&'ateur est branch'.
, 1_71oignez les doigts des parties dn
r6frig6rateur off l'on peut facilement se pincer : les espaces entre les portes et entre les portes et les placards sont toujom's Otroits. Soyez ptudent lorsque vous termez les portes de l'appareil ell prg_sence des enflmts.
, D6branchez votre r&frig6rateur avant
de le nettoyer et de le r6paxer. REMARQUE : Nous vous recommandons vivement de confier toute r(_paration aun technicien qualifiO.
, Avant de remplacer tree ampoule grill6e,
le rOfl'igOrateur doit Otre dObranchO afin d'(_viter tout contact avec un fil sous tension.
(Une ampoule grill(_e peut se briser pendant Fop&'ation). REMARQUE : Lorsque wins placez la commande sur Oteint, l'alimentation (qectrique de l'ampoule n'est pas coup(%.
, Ne faites PAS recongeler des aliments
surgel6s qul ont compl&tement d6gel& Nettoyez toujours le contenaJat CustomCooF'
apr&s avoir d6gel6 les aliments.
Les enfimts pris au pi&ge ou morts d'asph};xie sont toujoul_ d'actualit<q. Les appareils de r_fl'ig_ration abandon_s sont toujours aussi dangereux, mOme si on n'attend que "quelque
jours" pore" s'en d(4barasser. Si vous ne gardez
pas wme ancien appareil, veuillez suivre les directives ci-dessous afin de prOvenir les
Avaaat de vous d6barasser de votre vieux
appaxeil de r6frig6ratinn :
* D(_montez les pos'tes.
, Laissez les clayettes ell place afin d'emp6cher
les enfimts de grimper 5 l'int6riem'.
P 2FPJG1,;'Pu4N75
Tousles appareils de rOfi'ig&'ation contiem_ent des refl'igerants qui, confimn&nent a ux lois
f6dOrales, doivent &tre enlevOs awmt toute Olimination de l'appareil,
Si vous wins d_barrassez de vieux appareils de rOfl'igOration, v&'ifiez, aupr_s de la sociOt_ qui s'occupe de leur 61imination, ce que wins
devez taire.
Do not, under any drcumstaaaces, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safety, this appliance must be
properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates with a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall outlet
to minimize tile possibility of electric shock hazard ii'om this appliance.
Hare tile wall outlet and dreuit checked by a qualitied electrician to make sure the outlet
is properly grounded.
Where a standaM 2-prong wall outlet is
encountered, it is your personal responsibility and obligation to have it *eplaced with a
properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet. Tile refrigerator should always be plugged into
its own individual electrical oudet which has a voltage rating that matches tile rating plate.
This provides tile best perfi_unance and also prevents overloading house wiring circuits which
could cause a fire hazard _i'om oxerheated wires. Nerer unplug your refrigerator by pulling on tile
power cord. Alwa}:s grip plug firmly and pull straight out ti'om tile outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that hare become tiaved or otherwise damaged.
Do not use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage along its length or at either end.
\_]len moving tile refrigerator away ti'oul tile wall, be caleflll Ilot to roll over or damage tile
power cord.
Because of potential safety hazaacds under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the
use of am adapter plug. HoweveL it you UltlSt rise all adapter; where local
codes permit, a temporary connection may be made to a propedy grounded 2-prong wall outlet
by use of a UI Aisted adapter available at most local hardware stores.
The larger slot in tile adapter must be aligned with tile larger slot ill the wall outlet to provide proper
polarity in tile connection ot tile power cord.
When disconnecting the power cord ti'om tile
adaptel, always hold tile adapter ill place with one hand while pulling tile power cord plug with tile other hand. If this is not done, tile adapter ground
temfinal is ve_y likely to break with repeated use.
If tile adapter ground terminal breal<s, DO NOT USE tile appliance until a proper ground has been
established, Attaching tile adapter ground terlninal to a wall
outlet cover screw does not gro/md the appliance unless tile cover screw is metal, and not insulated,
and tile wall outlet is grounded through tile house wiring. You shoukl have the dreuit checked bv a qualified electridan to make sure tile outlet is
properly grounded.
Use of all adapter plug will increase tile clearance
needed tb, tile back (ff tile appliance.
Because of potential safety hazaacds under certain conditions, we strongly recommend agafinst the
use of am extension cord.
Howe\w. if you must use all extension cord, it is absolutely necessai T that it be a UIAisted, 3-wire
grounding _pe appliance extension cord having a grounding b,pe plug and outlet and that tile
electrical rating of tile cord be 15 amperes
(minim urn) and 120 volts.
Ne coupez _fi retirez en aucma cas la woisi_me
broche (raise a la terre) de la fiche du cordon
d'alimentation. Pour vowe s_curit_, cet appareil doit 6we correctement mis h la terre.
I,e cordon d'alimentation de cet appareil est muni d'une fiche 5 3 broches (raise 5 la terre)
qui se branche darts une prise m ural ordinaire fi 3 alv0oles (raise fi la torte) pour r6duire an minim um les fisques du chocs _lectriques.
Faites examiner la prise de courant et le circuit par un 01ectficien qualifi0 pour vous assurer que la prise est correctement raise fi la terre.
Si la prise mumle est du Qpe standard fi 2 alv&)les, il vous incombe de la edre remplacer par line prise 5 3 alv&)les correcmment raise
5 la terre. I,a machine 5 glaqons doit totljoms _tre
branch_ darts sa propre prise de courant, dont la tension nominale est identique 5 celle indiqu_e sur la plaque signal_tique.
Cette prOcaution est recommandOe pour gamntir un rendement optimum et &'iter une surcharge des circuits _lectriques de la r_sidence, ce qui pourrait crier un risque d'incendie par
sm_cha ufli _ des ills.
Ne d_branchezjamais l'appareil en firant le cordon d'alimentation. Saisissez ti_mmment
la fiche du cordon et tirez droit pour la retirer de la prise.
R_parez ou remplacez imm&liatement tout cordon efliloch_ ou endommag_. N'utilisez pas un cordon tendill_ ou pr_sentant des signes
d' tlS/lI'e.
I,o_sque vous d_placez l'appareil du ram; thites attention de ne pas la tifire fouler sur le cordon d'alimentation afin de ne pas l'endommage_:
Nous vous recolmnmadons fortement de ne pas ufiliser mm fiche d'adaptation h cause des risques
potentiels qu'elle prSsente dmls certaJnes
T()utefifis, si vous d_cidez d' utiliser tout de m brae une fiche d'adaptation, vous pouvez eflectuer un
raccordement temporaJre, si les codes locaux le pem}ettent, dans une prise de courant 5 2 alv&)les ad&luatement raise fi la terre en ufilisant une fiche d'adaptation homologu_e UI,, en vente darts la plupart des quincailleries.
I,a tente la plus longue de la fiche dolt &tre aligng_e avecla tente la plus hmgue de la prise murale afin d'assurer la polarit_ appropfi_e pour
le branchement du cordon d'alimentation.
I,o_sque vous d_branchez le cordon d'alimentafion de la fiche d'adaptafion, saisissez toujou_ la fiche d'une main pendant que vous
tirez sur la fiche du cordon d'alimentation de l'autre. Sinon, la borne de raise 5 la terre de la fiche d'adaptafion risque de casser avec le temps.
Si la borne de raise fi la terre de la fiche casse, N'UTILISEZ PAS l'appareil rant qu' tree raise
fi la terre ad&luate n'aura pas _t_ r_tablie. I,e tifit de fixer la borne de raise 5 la terre de la fiche d'adaptafion 5 la plaque de la prise de
CO/lI'ilnt n'[ISS/lI'e p[IS [l[ltoII/[Iti(llleIIleIlt la Illise _
la terre de l'appareil. I1 timt que la vis soit en m_tal, non isol0e, et que la prise de courant soit raise 5 la terre par l'entremise du cfiblage de r_sidence. Faims v&ifier le circuit par un _lectficien qualN_ pour vous assurer que la prise est ad&luatement
raise 5 la terre.
Nous vous reco_mnm_dons fortement de ne pas utiliser de cordo_s prolongateurs h cause des risques potentiels qu'ils pr6sentent dmas certaJnes
Toutefi)is si vous dOcidez d'ufiliser tout de m_me un cordon prolongateu_; il est absolument
n_cessaire qu'il s'agisse d'un cordon 5 3 ills avec raise 5 la terre pour ap.pareils _lectrom&mge_
homologu(_/5i, (aux Etats-Unis) ou homologu_ CSA (au Canada), pou_wu d'une fiche et d'une prise raises 5 la terre de 15 amp0res (minimum)
et de 190 volts.
OperaOng InstrucOons
Stainless Steel /b_/)'i._'era/or
The temperatm_ _vmSmlsar,,[m<_esi_ thejacto, O, at 37°F f_r she f!_h
f,od compartm_,_t and O°Ff,r the,/i(_,z_,rcompamm¢_ t. A lb,w 24
hour:Lira SheSemperaSur_ SosSabil_ze SoSheproses >_comm_,_,led.sdtb_Ks.
Tke semp(_rasutz_controls can di.spk O,bosh she SET temperature
a.s well a.s She actual temperature in She!_z,shjbod (md ji(_(_z(_r comparSme_ Ss. The actual temperature m(O, vm 7 ._l_g'k@,fiwm the SET semp_rasur_, ba.sed on u.sag_,and @eraSing e_vi'ronmer_S.
5'(4sivg"either or both conSr.Z_ SoOI_T ,sSop,_cooling" in both Shef!'e('z(_r amlj?(*sb f!_od com/mrt_ne*_Ss;but do(*s_oS skuS qff el(_csriealDower so
ske re:¢,ii_z_raSor,
NOTE: 77te r@igeraS.r i._._hipped wish ptvs(,cSive f!lm (v_w_rin_She
temperature co,m'oLs. (!'shi.Lfihn wa._ _oS remov(d during" i_tsSallasiom
Yel)?o_e is I?OW.
To change the temperature, press and release the (_ (warnler) or @ (colder) pad. The SET light will come on and the display will show the set temi_erature. To change the ten_i_erature , tap either the (_ (wanner) or @ ((older) pad tmtil the desired temperature is displayed. Fresh food teini)eratures can be ac!justed
between 34°F and 44°F and the fl'eezer telni)eratures C_lll be a(!justed between
-6°F and +6°E
Once the desired temperature has been set, the temi)erature display will returi_ to the actual fl'esh fi)od and fl'eezer telni)eratures aiier 5 seconds. Several a@ustments inav be required. Each tilne vou at!just controls, allow 24 hours fi)I" the refi'igerator to reach the temi)erature you have set.
To turn the cooling system off, tap the
O (wariner) pad fi)r either the fresh tood
colnl)artlnent or the fl'eezer until the display sh ows O FF. To turn the unit back on, press the @ (colder) pad ti)r either the fresh food conq)artmei_t or fl'eezer. The SET light will illulninate on the side you selected. Then press the @ (colder) pad again (on the side where the SET light is illmninated) and it will go to the preset points of 0°F ti)I" the freezer and 37°F for the fl'esh fl)od colnl)artlnent.
[)Q/i(9 T_/'I(/,71('_
Air How
The Perfm'mance AiI_Flow System is designed to n_aximize teml)erature control in the ti'esh fi)od and fl'eezer coml)artn/ents. This tmique special feature consists of the ?dr Tower along the top and back walls of the fi'esh fi)od conq)artlnei_t and the _&Ji"Tulmel on the bottoln portioi_ of the fi'eezer rear wall. Placing food in fi'ont of the louvels on these comi)oi_ents will not affect i)erfi)rmai_ce.
Although the Air Tower and the Air Tulmel can be removed, doing so will affect telllpei'attlFe perfoFillaiice. (For rell/oval insti uctions, on-line, 24 hours a day, contact us at _vw.monogram.('om or call 800.444.1845.
In Canada, ('all us at 1.888.880.3030.)
Stahdess Steel H_i/)'it{'erat0r
How it works
TurboCool rapidly cools the refl'igerator compartment in
order to more quickly cool f6ods. Use TurboCool when addino a TurboCool
large amotmt ot tood to the refl'igerator compartment, putting away foods after they
have been sitting out at room temperature or when putting away warm leitove_. It can
also be used if the refligerator has been
without power for an extended period.
Once actix;tted, the compressor will turn on immediately and the rims will cycle on and
off at high speed as needed for 8 horn's. The compressor will continue to rtm until
the refligerator coml)artment cools to approximately 34°F (1 °C), then it will cycle
on and off to maintain this setting. Aflrer 8 horn's, or if TurboCool is pIessed again,
the refl'igerator compartment will return to the original setting.
Hozl) [o use
1 Press TurboCool. The refl'igerator
temperature display will show TC.
2 _Mter TurboCool is complete,
the refl'igerator comi)artinent will return to the original setting.
NOTES: " The refl'igerator temperature cannot be
changed dm'ing TurboCool.
" The fl'eezer temperature is not affected
during TurboCool.
" When opening the reti'igerator door during
TurboCool, the rims will continue to rtm
if they have cycled on.
(ills t()H)(](-) Ol _'_
Stai_dess Steel I_@'ig'erator
How it
The CustomCool fl_atm'e is a system of dampers, a tim, a temperature therinistor and a heater. Depending on the function
selected, a combination of these will be used to quickly chill items, thaw items or
hold the pan at a specific temperature.
The pan is tightly sealed to prevent the pan's temperature fl'om causing temperature fluctuations in the rest of the refi'igerator.
The controls flw this pan are located at the top of the fl'esh fl_od corn partm ent with the
ten/perature controls.
How to 7lSe
1 Empty the pan. Place the Chill/Thaw tray in
the pan with the metal plate timing down to chill and store items, or with the metal plate liming up to thaw items. Place the items on the tray and close the pan completely.
2 Select the ExpressThawF ExpressChill'"
or SelectTemp TM pad. The display and SET light will come on. Tap the pad until the light appea_ next to the desired setting. Use the chart to detemfine the best setting to use.
, To stop a fl_ature befl_re it is finished, tap that
feature's pad until no options are selected and the display is oil
" During ExpressThawand ExpressChill,
the display on the controls will count down the time in the cycle.
, _Mter the ExpressThaw cycle is complete,
the pan will reset to the MEAT setting (31 °F) to help preserve thawed items until they
are tlsed.
The displayed actual temperature of the CustomCool pan may var_ slightly fi'om the SET temperature based on usage and
opel'iltillg envirollI//ellt.
NOTE: For fl)od satety reasons, it is recommended that fl)ods be wrapped in plastic wrap when using ExpressThaw. This will help contain meat juices and improve thawing perflwmance.
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