100 - 200 - 300 Series
In-Ceiling & In-Wall Speakers

Performance guide
G o o d 100 Series 2-way Loudspeakers
All 100 Series loudspeakers incorporate proprietary technologies and materials found in our
award-winning Bronze and Radius in-room loudspeakers. 100 Series models are 2-way
designs that combine advanced MMP®II bass drivers with Monitor Audio’s trademark
C-CAM® gold dome tweeter to provide high-performance sound, ease of drive, and wide
frequency response and dispersion. Optimum imaging and set-up are established via a
pivoting tweeter and high-frequency (+3dB / 0dB /-3dB) level adjustment.
B e t t e r 200 Series 2-way Loudspeakers
The step to the 200 Series 2-way loudspeakers is dened by upgrades in driver technology
and control features. All 200 Series loudspeakers incorporate proprietary technologies and
materials found in our highly acclaimed Silver in-room loudspeakers. 200 Series models
marry C-CAM® bass drivers with a more highly specied version of the C-CAM® gold
dome tweeter. Optimum imaging and set-up are established via a pivoting tweeter, highfrequency (+3dB / 0dB / -3dB) level adjustment, and Boundary Compensation (on / off)
controls. The Series 200 2-way loudspeakers provide extended high-frequency response
to 30kHz, and higher output and power handling capacity than the 100 Series 2-way
B e s t 200 Series 3-way Loudspeakers with IDC
200 Series 3-way loudspeakers feature our unique Inverted Dual Concentric (IDC®) driver
module. The IDC® driver module houses a 4-inch C-CAM® midrange and 1-inch C-CAM®
gold dome tweeter. 200 Series 3-way models combine C-CAM® bass drivers with an
IDC® driver module to provide rich midrange detail, higher system output, greater power
handling, and superior vocal intelligibility and sound localization than 200 Series 2-way
models. Optimum imaging and set-up are established via the pivoting IDC®, highfrequency (+3dB / 0dB / -3dB) level adjustment, and Boundary Compensation (on / off)
F l a g s h i p 300 Series 3-way Loudspeakers with IDC
Our agship 300 Series 3-way loudspeakers provide THE BEST Monitor Audio in-wall and
in-ceiling loudspeaker options for music and home theater applications. All 300 Series
loudspeakers incorporate proprietary technologies and materials found in our awardwinning Gold in-room loudspeakers. 300 Series 3-way models marry C-CAM® bass
drivers with RST® cone proles and a cast-aluminum driver chassis with an IDC®
driver module to provide deeper bass, higher system output, and greater power
handling than the 200 Series 3-way models. Like the 200 Series 3-way loudspeakers, the
300 Series models provide rich midrange detail, and superior vocal intelligibility and
sound localization. Optimum imaging and set-up are established via the pivoting IDC®,
high-frequency (+3dB / 0dB / -3dB) level adjustment, and Boundary Compensation (on /
off) controls. The W380LCR in-wall loudspeaker adds a midrange-frequency (+3dB / 0dB
/ -3dB) level adjustment for system tuning and a die-cast aluminum front bafe for added
rigidity resulting in superior bass articulation.
F X Surround Loudspeakers
The C265FX and C380FX models feature selectable dipole (diffuse sound) or bipole (direct
sound) modes for use as rear surround speakers in discreet home theater applications.
The surround mode can be selected via a front-mounted switch for both models. The
C380FX also features a 12-volt trigger input for automatic surround mode switching. The
C265FX and C380FX models use dual 1-inch C-CAM® gold dome tweeters mounted at a
precise xed-angle for optimized performance. The C265FX has a 6.5-inch C-CAM® bass
driver. The C380FX has an 8-inch C-CAM® bass driver with RST® cone prole and a castaluminum driver chassis.
T 2 Stereo Loudspeakers
Our T2 Stereo models feature dual, independent pivoting 1-inch C-CAM® tweeters, and
6.5 inch (C165T2) or 8-inch (C180T2) MMP®II dual wound voice coil bass drivers for high
performance stereo sound from a single speaker. The T2 models are ideal for bathrooms,
hallways, or any area where space does not allow for stereo pairs.
Performance at a glance
C1 80 In- Cei lin g 2 -Way
C2 80 In- Cei lin g 2 -Way
8˝ In-C eili ng
6. 5˝ In -Cei ling
8˝ In-Wal l
6. 5˝ In -Wall
C2 80L CR In- Cei lin g 3 -Way
C3 80L CR In- Cei lin g 3 -Way
C3 80F X I n-C eil ing Su rro und s
C1 80T 2 I n-C eil ing St ere o
C1 65 In- Cei lin g 2 -Way
C2 65 In- Cei lin g 2 -Way
C2 65L CR In- Cei lin g 3 -Way
C2 65F X I n-C eil ing Su rro und s
C1 65T 2 I n-C eil ing St ere o
W1 80 In- Wa ll 2-Wa y
W2 80 In- Wa ll 2-Wa y
W2 80L CR In- Wa ll 3-Way
W3 80L CR In- Wa ll 3-Way
W1 65 In- Wa ll 2-Wa y
W2 65 In- Wa ll 2-Wa y
FX Surround
T2 Stereo

Technology guide
Adjustable Response Controls
Optimum imaging and set-up is established via pivoting tweeter,
pivoting IDC® driver module, high-frequency, midrange-frequency, and/
or boundary compensation controls (depending on model). The Boundary
Compensation control provides a gentle midrange roll-off response
while preserving the extreme low frequency output when the speaker is
placed close to a corner apex of the ceiling and wall.
Patented Tri-Grip® Fixing Clamps
The Tri-Grip® mounting clamps feature three clamping points per dogleg
providing triple the clamping surface area than conventional single-point
clamping speakers. Our wider three-point clamps provide a better seal
between the speaker and the ceiling maximizing bass response and
midrange clarity.
Easy Handling During Installation
All models feature protective crossover covers designed to prevent the
ingress of loose building materials and dust into the drivers and crossover. The protective covers also make handling easy, and protect the
crossover components from damage during installation.
Ready for Action in Humid Environments
All models will resist high humidity and ultraviolet light and can be placed
in bathrooms, pool areas, and outdoors.
New Construction Brackets
Accessory New Construction Brackets are available for all models to
help mark speaker placement during framing and prior to sheetrock
application. The brackets will span up to 24-inch stud spacing. New
Construction Brackets are not required for retrot applications.
MMP®II (Metal Matrix Polymer) driver cones have a polypropylene base
loaded with metallic particles for a rigid and responsive structure. A
high-pressure, injection molded process achieves a different cone thickness at critical points to optimize stiffness and consistency resulting in
superior sonic performance.
C-CAM® (Ceramic-Coated Aluminum Magnesium) is an innovative alloy
material originally developed by the aerospace industry for its use as
blades in jet engines where low mass and extreme rigidity are required.
Monitor Audio C-CAM® drivers are formed from an alloy of aluminum
and magnesium, which is made into the cone shape by a two stage high
pressure forming technique. After forming the shape, a layer of pure
ceramic (alumina) is depleted onto the surfaces, to give a completely
rigid exterior. The resulting properties of the C-CAM® material are
lightning-fast response for incredible clarity and extreme rigidity for low
The dimpled surface of C-CAM® drivers with the RST® (Rigid Surface
Technology) cone prole provides the conical shape of driver cones with
another degree of resistance to mechanical bending forces. The dimples
signicantly increase cone rigidity and allow us to use thinner and therefore lighter C-CAM® cones. The dimpled RST® pattern also displaces any
standing waves that can propagate across the cone surface. C-CAM®
drivers with the RST® cone prole provide speed and accuracy, while
virtually eliminating distortion caused by cone-ex during operation.
A paint mask and additional grille scrim are provided for color matching
to any décor.
Technology at a glance
10 0 S eri es
20 0 S eri es
30 0 S eri es
C-CAM Tweeter
MMP II Woofer
C-CAM Woofer
• •
• •
• • •
moni tor aud io. co. uk
RST Technology

Inverted Dual Concentric Driver module
Typical 2-Way Speakers
Vocal-band information
(250Hz to 30KHz) is
produced by the pivoting
IDC® midrange/tweeter
driver module
Monitor Audio LCR Speaker with IDC
Low-frequency information
radiates from the woofer
At the heart of the new in-ceiling and in-wall LCR models is a unique Inverted
Dual Concentric (IDC®) pivoting midrange/tweeter module with up to 18
degrees of play. Speakers can be discreetly positioned, and then the sound can
be directed into the desired listening zone by pivoting the IDC® driver module to
maximize performance. These models are true 3-way designs and offer superior
performance and exibility over typical 2-way or xed angle speaker designs.
Only Monitor Audio offers the innovative IDC® driver module. Our special
inverted 4” midrange driver provides superior dispersion, while enabling the midrange cone and tweeter dome to be set as far forward as possible, allowing
clear acoustic ‘sighting’ of the desired listening zone and negating undesirable
diffraction effects. It’s impossible to avoid diffraction effects with two-way
designs where signicant vocal band information comes from a bass driver set
3” to 6” back from the speaker grille.