Monitor Audio PLW215 II User Manual

Owners Manual
Introduction from the Technical Director 2
Technical Director  2
Company History 2
PLW215 II Technology 3
Real Wood Veneers 3
Amplier 4
Remote 6
Front Panel 6
Control Panel 7
Positioning 8
Spiked Foot Fixing For Carpeted Floors 8
Spiked Foot Fixing For Wooden/Hard Floors 8
Using the PLW215 II 9
Power Cycle 9
Waking Up 9
Room Correction 9
Using SubConnect for Room Correction 10
Recommended Settings for AV Systems 10
Recommended Settings for Stereo 10
SubConnect Application 11
About the Application 11
Installation 11
Initial Setup 12
Master Controls 13
Presets 15
EQProles 16
Infra Red Remote Codes 16
RS232 16
RS232WiringConguration 16
Command Protocol 16
Command List 17
Update Subconnect 18
Update Firmware on Sub 19
Bootloader Mode 19
Automatic Update. 19
Manual Update 20
Factory Reset 21
Care and Maintenance 21
Guarantee 21
Specications 22
SubConnectSpecications 23
Trouble Shooting 23 1
How can a loudspeaker be made to sound more natural? This is the question that drives our endeavour day- in, day-out. We’re motivated by the quest to eliminate distortion from the most important element in your audio system. How far we’ve come can be measured by the sound of Platinum II: the most accurate and beautiful loudspeakers Monitor Audio has ever made. Supported
by painstaking analysis and a lifetime of listening, their evolution has rened our technologies, inspired new discoveries and
achieved advances in every area of design - electrical, mechanical, magnetic, acoustic and aesthetic. The result is a speaker
range of exceptional quality, dedicated to raising your emotional contact with music and lm sound in all its natural glory. Built
by audio lovers, for audio lovers, Platinum II provides our answer to the primary challenge of speaker design. To the big question we simply reply “like this”!
Dean Hartley Technical Director

Company History

Since 1972, Monitor Audio’s near fanatical commitment to quality in every aspect of loudspeaker design coupled with its willingness to innovate has inspired global recognition and acclaim. Daring to challenge design orthodoxy has been its signature approach.
When Monitor Audio launched its R852MD loudspeaker – the rst model to
incorporate a metal dome tweeter - it caused quite a stir. Until that time, most metal domes were single-metal types made from copper or titanium and virtually all sounded unconvincing. The R852 used an aluminium-
magnesium alloy dome and sounded signicantly better and smoother than all of its single-metal rivals. It also incorporated ferro-uid damping/
cooling of the metal voice-coil former and a vented voice coil mechanism for better heat dissipation. These radical design elements formed the basis for successive generations of C-CAM® metal domes.
By consistently rening and applying the technology, Monitor Audio has
become the world’s foremost proponent of metal dome drivers. Monitor Audio designs everything in house at their world headquarters in England, so that it can optimise the incomparable blend of virtues that makes
Monitor Audio loudspeakers unique: clean, dynamic sound, superior build quality and innovative design. Because they share a philosophy of excellence and a consistency of quality and voicing, loudspeakers of dierent types: on-wall, in-wall, oor and
stand-mounting, may be used together to create the perfect acoustic blend for any room.
In the strength and depth of Monitor Audio’s evolving product portfolio, the ideal of a universal whole-house loudspeaker brand
nds true expression. Decades of accumulated expertise and knowledge have rened the rare mix of innovation, reliability and sheer performance that has propelled the brand to global status and on which acionados of music and movie sound have come to
PLW215 II2

PLW215 II Technology

The PLW215 II has been designed to produce wall-shaking bass using the best technologies available to our team of designers and engineers. The sealed cabinet
houses a vibration-cancelling driver conguration featuring 2 x 15” sub woofer drivers
with an inverted surround, triple suspension, and a single layer edge wound, vented voice coil, to enable a massive 42mm (peak to peak) of excursion. Drawing power
from the Hypex supply, each driver has its own 700w RMS Hypex amplier providing
a combined 1400W RMS power output. Controlling all of this is our bespoke, in house designed, 172MHz DSP Core. The DSP can handle 3500 instructions per sample, with
139dB of dynamic range and 56-bit double precision processing all dynamically
updated by an 80MHz MCU. The Wolfson Microelectronics (Cirrus Logic) ADC & DAC @
24bit/48KHz (WM8786 ADC & WM8740 DAC) handles all of the important conversions.
The DSP is set by our proprietary application, SubConnect. It can be used straight out of the box, being set by the control panel on the top of the sub woofer, or more advanced settings can be adjusted using the application. Refer to page 11.
One of the features of the DSP is the room calibration. This, again using our own algorithms, measures the room acoustics and smooths out any major peaks and troughs found in the room creating as a smooth a response as possible before applying the preset equalisation curves. That can also be customised in the application. Refer to page 15.

Real Wood Veneers

Just like a human ngerprint, no two trees are identical. Each wood grain has an
exclusive aesthetic beauty that tells a story of a lifetime of growth. We use only the highest quality natural wood veneers, hand selected and pair matched from sustainable sources. Platinum II speakers are hand veneered after the cabinet structure is made, and then coated with 11 layers of clear gloss piano lacquer. These traditional techniques ensure close grain matching, and invisible veneer panel
joining. The exquisite grain denition and rich colour variation provided by our Santos
Rosewood and Natural Ebony veneers make a statement of quality, while blending naturally with any interior style or decor. Each cabinet is a unique and natural work of art!
Because of this, Monitor Audio Ltd. is unable guarantee that the veneer on dierent pairs of speakers will be identical in colour or grain denition. We can only assure you
that the very best raw materials have been selected and applied.
Please refer to page 21 for advice on care and maintenance. 3
3 4
1. USB Connector
This is provided to update the rmware and settings of the PLW215 II in conjunction with the SubConnect application (refer to page 11). A USB cable is not included, please use the appropriate USB A to USB B cable.
2. RS232 Input
For use with home automation systems through a conventional RJ45 connector. Please refer to page 16 for the wiring conguration and set up protocol.
3. 12 Volt Trigger Input ~ Centre Pin = +12Vdc.
For external power control from AV amplier/receiver to the PLW215 II (lead supplied), and to toggle between dierent
presets depending on set up via the SubConnect application (refer to page 11). The default setting controls the power. This
12 volt signal comes from the source amplier and supplies the PLW215 II with a signal to perform a predetermined action: either to power up/down or to switch presets. When used to power PLW215 II up or down, the trigger is a very energy ecient method of power control. The auto o timer and signal sense will not operate when the 12V trigger is connected.
12 12a
4. IR (Infrared) Output
For use when controlling other IR devices via the PLW215 II. Connect the PLW215 II with a second device using a mono 3.5mm jack connector and control the second device with its remote via the PLW215 II. This is ideal when the device is out of sight or in another room.
5. Line Level Inputs (Stereo Left & Right)
For connection to a 2 channel/ stereo amplier system. Connection should be provided by a pair of high-quality signal cables from the pre-out section of an amplier. Note: Cable lengths should not exceed 10 metres to avoid interference from other
electrical appliances.
6. RCA Line Level Outputs (Stereo Left & Right)
To be used to feed additional sub-woofers or power ampliers from the PLW215 II by ‘daisy chain’ type connection. The outputs are link-out only connections and do not provide any form of ltering or amplication. There must be a signal on the
stereo input for the linked outputs to work.
7. LFE Input (RCA Type)
This input is to be used when connecting the PLW215 II to an AV amplier/ receiver. When using the LFE input, the crossover function in the menu/ set-up is not used. This is due to the crossover function being controlled by the source to which it is
connected. Input between LFE and Stereo input is switched automatically.
8. LFE Output/ Link (RCA Type)
To be used to feed additional PLW215 IIs (or another sub woofer) by ‘daisy chain’ type connection. The output is a link out only connection and does not provide any form of ltering.
9. Balanced LFE Output (Male XLR Type)
To be used when connecting to the balanced input on an additional sub woofer or amplier. This is the best method of
connection when using long runs of cables (over 10m, up to 100m). A balanced connection provides a much better (almost noise free) method of connection over analogue audio type connectors.
10. Balanced LFE Input (Female XLR Type)
To be used when connecting to the balanced output on the amplier. This is the best method of connection when using long
runs of cables (over 10m upto 100m). A balanced connection provides a much better, almost noise free method of connection over analogue audio type connectors.
11. Voltage Selection Switch
Factory preset to suit the voltage of the country of origin. This should not be adjusted.
12. IEC Mains Power Connector/Fuse Location
The PLW215 II is supplied with a three-pin mains input socket for connection to the mains supply. Use ONLY the appropriate
IEC mains lead provided with the product. Also tted is an external mains fuse. If a fuse blows during operation a spare fuse
is provided within the fuse holder for replacement. If you wish to change the fuse, you can do this by removing the IEC mains lead and carefully levering out the original fuse from its holder below the IEC mains input socket (12a, opposite). If the fuse
blows again it is advisable to seek help from an authorised service agent. DO NOT attempt to re-t a further fuse as this could result in serious damage to the amplier unit.
13. Mains Power Switch
Mains ‘rocker switch’ providing overall power o and on/ auto. In the on/auto mode, the unit will turn on when an input signal is sensed or the control dial/ power button on remote is pressed. It will turn o after 20 minutes (default setting) when the signal is removed (source turned o). Alternatively, using the 12V trigger (see above) to control the power by turning the source on or o. 5


1. Preset 1
Selects preset 1. The default EQ prole is Music mode.
2. Preset 2
Selects preset 2. The default EQ prole is Movie mode.
3. Preset 3
Selects preset 3. The default EQ prole is Flat mode.
13 14
4. Preset 4
Selects preset 4. The default EQ prole is Impact mode.
5. + Vol
Increases the volume trim level.
6. Enter
Selects/ conrms the command.
7. - Vol
Decreases the volume trim level.
8. LED Brightness
Toggles the LED display on or o.
9. Standby
Puts the PLW215 II into standby or wakes it up from standby. Refer to page 9.
10. Mute
Mutes all output from the PLW215 II.
11. Crossover Point
Selects the crossover control on the PLW215 II. Use the left and right arrows to adjust the crossover frequency. This is set in 5Hz steps from 20 to 135 Hz.
12. Phase
Selects the phase control of the PLW215 II. Use the left and right arrows to adjust the phase. This is set in 15
degree increments from 0 - 360 degrees.
13. Left arrow
Adjusts the chosen control.
14. Right Arrow
Adjusts the chosen control.

Front Panel

1. PLW215 II IR Receiver
Aim the PLW215 II remote here for it to function.
2. IR LED Indicator
Blinks when an IR signal is received.
3. Room EQ Set Up Microphone
Connect the supplied set up microphone here and run the set up procedure detailed below.

Control Panel

4 6
1. Main Indicator LEDs
These LEDs show the levels and the presets selected depending on the mode being adjusted. It will by default show the trim volume level. In normal operation, the volume trim level will be displayed along with the Level LED (2) and numbered preset LED 1-4 (3) will be illuminated.
2. Trim Level Indicator
When just turning the control dial, the trim level is the default mode. This can be adjusted +/- 11 dB and does not adjust the
master volume control. This must be set by the SubConnect application.
3. Numbered LEDs
These are the 4 presets. Only the selected preset will be illuminated and remain illuminated whilst the preset is in use.
4. Preset Select.
By pressing down on the control dial repeatedly to illuminate the Preset LED, the preset selection mode is activated. Turn the dial to select the required preset. By default EQ proles for each of the presets are: Music (1), Movie (2), Flat (3) and Impact
(4). When adjusting the presets, the 7 Indicator LEDs around that preset will be illuminated
5. Phase Adjustment.
Press down on the control dial repeatedly to illuminate the Phase LED. The phase is adjusted in 15 degree increments with the main LEDs illuminating to show the phase angle.
6. Crossover Adjustment
Press down on the control dial to illuminate the Crossover LED. Here you adjust the LPF crossover frequency (when using the stereo inputs). This is adjusted in 5Hz steps from 20 to 135 Hz and is preset to 80Hz.
7. Control Dial
Use this to adjust the trim level (just turn the dial) or select from the crossover selection, phase or presets by pressing the dial until the required feature is illuminated. 7
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