Mongoose AMG 850 C User Manual [ru, it, en]

The AMG 850C alarm system has been designed to protect car doors, hood and trunk,
dorm space and the space closed to your car.
To prevent unauthorised access to the system, a KeeLoq code protection is provided, which will prevent any attempted code interception with code grabber. Also provided are a built"in Antiscanner feature, which inhibits alarm system disarming by random code fitting and a Status memory feature, which excludes alarm system being disarmed by just disconnecting and then connecting the car battery terminal, since in this case an alarm will be triggered and the engine blocking will persist.
Power supply interruption and recovery with the system disarmed will not trigger an alarm to avoid problems, for instance, during repair.
If the car is powered off with the alarm system in the Valet mode, a subsequent power" on will return the alarm system to that state.
To avoid locking the keys inside the car, no change in the door locks status occurs at the recovery of supply from the car battery.
False alarm can be avoided by the Defective zone bypass feature, which will disable the faulty sensor until the end of arm cycle once it has triggered 8 alarms.
The other controlled zones and blockings will remain armed.
The programmable feature of Interior light detection allows using AMG 850С with any type of car.
To enhance the system security properties and the car’s ease of use, AMG 850С is equipped with the following auxiliary outputs:
" pager connection,
" trunk unlock control,
" power window close while arming,
" power window or external lighting control from remote control.
A standard AMG850C package includes:
Central unit with a complete installation kit.
A two"stage shock sensor, which either issues a short siren chirp or activates a full
alarm depending on the strength of impact upon the car body.
Two remote control transmitters.
A LED indicating the alarm system mode of operation and intended for installation
inside the car.
An Override Switch, which point of installation inside the car you select together with your installer so that it is both inconspicuous and easy to use.
A complete instruction for controlling all AMG 850C modes and also a memo card with a shorter description, which you can always take around.
"based radio command
 To enhance the security properties of your alarm system you are advised to purchase an optional two"stage space disturbance sensor, which is able to register any movement both inside the car and in immediate proximity to it. Your AMG 850C has a special input to connect such a sensor.
Remote control transmitter.
This is a miniature radio transmitter fed from a 12 volt battery (type 23 А), which lasts for about 1 year of operation. A considerable decrease in the transmitter coverage points to the need for battery replacement. The transmitter features three control buttons and an indicator LED. When any button is pushed, the transmitter forms and transmits a special coded command, which is altered with every new button push to prevent your code interception with a code grabber.
Control summary
Feature Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 Note Arm/Disarm Ignition OFF Door locking Ignition ON Arm with sensors disabled  Ignition OFF Silent arm/disarm 2 1 Ignition OFF Silent arm with sensors disabled 2 1 Ignition OFF Door unlock Ignition ON Panic 3 sec Ignition OFF Trunk unlock 3 sec Ignition OFF Power window/external lighting turn#on 3 sec Ignition OFF Multifunctional output to control power 3 sec 3 sec window or external lighting VALET mode 3 sec 3 sec Alarm system disabled Two#step unlock  Ignition OFF Anti#hijack 3 sec Ignition ON Arm/disarm of a second car Ignition OFF
press button briefly
 press briefly two times in an interval no longer than 3 seconds
3 sec press and hold button for at least 3 seconds
3 sec press and hold buttons for 3 seconds to activate channel, keep held for the
time required for channel operation but no longer than 30 seconds.
1, 2 order of button pressing
Useful information.
PIN code.
To enhance the secrecy of alarm system control, AMG 850C provides an option to use a personal PIN code for emergency cancellation of alarm signals, memorisation of additional transmitters and user functions, or disabling the Anti"hijack feature.
PIN consists of two digits and can have a value from 11 to 99. In the factory the value «11» is set but we recommend you to change it after installation (see the section «Feature programming»). This will secure your alarm system against unauthorised disarming.
PIN code is entered using the Emergency disarm button and the ignition key.
Emergency disarm.
If the control transmitter is missing or broken, to disarm the system: unlock the door with a key " an alarm mode will be started " take your seat in the car and turn the ignition on. With ignition on press the Override Switch as many times and the first digit of the current PIN code, then turn the ignition off/on and press the Override Switch as many times as the second digit of your PIN code. Turn the ignition off " the system will disarm.
LED indication of system status
Armed blinks slowly
Disarmed out
Arming blinks fast
Valet mode continually lit
Basic security features control
To arm the system, press button 1 of the transmitter with ignition off. If the doors, hood and trunk are closed, the siren will chirp once and the lights will flash once. The system LED will blink slowly, the door locks will lock (if the car is equipped with lock blocking actuators). If any door, hood or trunk happen to be open, three chirps and three flashes will follow.
Arm status.
In the arm status the system monitors the state of all available pin switches of the doors, hood and trunk, the status of ignition and the status of shock sensor, and also the space disturbance and other sensors if installed. In addition, engine start is blocked in this mode. If any guard zone is violated, a 30"second alarm mode is triggered.
Once the alarm mode is started, the siren will chirp and the signal lights will flash for 30 seconds or until cancelled using button 1 of the transmitter.
If the warning zone of shock sensor or the external zone of an additional sensor is violated, the siren will issue a warning chirp.
To disarm the system, push button 1 of the transmitter, the siren will chirp twice and the lights will flash twice. The LED will go out, the door locks will unlock (if the car is equipped with lock blocking actuators). If an alarm mode has been started within the armed period, there will be four chirps and four flashes at disarm.
If you opted for the Twostep door unlock scheme at setup, the first push of the button will open only the driver’s door, to unlock the other doors press button 1 again and hold it for 3 seconds.
If your press button 1 and hold it down for 3 sec with ignition on, the siren and signal lights will be started. A repeated push of button 1 will cancel the mode. Activation and deactivation of Panic does not change the system status, i. e. if armed, the system will remain armed with doors locked, and if not armed and the doors unlocked, there will be no arming or door locking.
Silent arm.
If you have to arm the alarm system without audible confirmation, i. e. if you do not want to disturb people around you with siren chirps, press button 3 of the transmitter immediately before pressing button 1, the lights will flash once as usual, but the siren will remain silent. The system LED will blink slowly, the doors will lock (if the car is equipped with lock blocking actuators). With silent arming audible warnings about open doors, hood or trunk remain functional, so there is no risk of your leaving the car unlocked.
Silent disarm.
To disarm the system without audible confirmation, press buttons 3 and 1 in the same sequence, the lights will flash twice, but the siren will remain silent. The LED will go out, the doors will unlock (if the car is equipped with lock blocking actuators). However, if an alarm has been started within the guarded period, this will be indicated with usual audible signals even at Silent disarm.
Arm with sensors disabled.
If it is necessary to disable the dorm sensors at arming, i. e. if passengers or animals are to be left in the dorm, press button 1 twice. The system will confirm sensor disabling with an additional chirp and a flash.
Silent arm with sensors disabled.
You can also disable the dorm sensors at silent arming; to do so press button 2 twice. In this case only an additional flash will confirm sensor disabling.
Additional security features control
Automatic rearm (protection against inadvertent button push).
If neither door, the hood or the trunk have been opened and ignition has not been turned on within 30 sec after disarm, the system will automatically rearm. Door locking
at rearm can be disabled by programming.
Twostep disarm
If an alarm has been started, then pressing the button once will only cancel the siren chirps and flashes (if the cause of alarm has been removed, e. g. an open door has been closed or a shock sensor triggers no more). But if the cause of alarm persists, a repeated push of the button is needed to cancel the alarm. Full disarming requires a further push of the button after the alarm is cancelled.
Passive arm.
This function can be enabled or disabled by programming at setup.
If the feature is enabled, then turning off the ignition, opening or closing the door, will cause two flashes of the signal lights and the LED will blink fast. If 30 seconds later all doors, the hood and the trunk remain closed, the alarm system will be armed and the doors will lock.
If the Passive arm feature is used, the alarm delay mode is activated, which allows you to take your seat in the car and disarm the system with a PIN code " there will be no alarm for 10 seconds. Delay duration of up to 20 seconds can be set by programming.
Automatic door lock at ignition turnon.
The electrical door locks automatically lock 10 sec after ignition switch"on, once the ignition is switched off, the locks will unlock. If any door happens to be open within these 10 sec, there will be no automatic locking to avoid locking in the keys. The function can be disabled by programming.
Remote control of central lock.
With the ignition on, the door locks can be locked or unlocked at any moment by pressing the transmitter buttons 1 or 2 respectively.
Antihijack. Protection against robbery.
This function can be enabled or disabled at any time by programming.
If the feature is enabled by programming, it will be activated each time the ignition turning on follows a door open and closed as well as each time someone opens a door with ignition turned on and also remotely by pressing button 3 of the transmitter for 3 seconds. Thus, if a robber forces you to leave the car and give him the keys, obey: Anti" hijack will trigger the alarm and block the engine.
A siren beep will confirm the Anti Hijack activation by switching the ignition on or remotely, that will be followed by 2"minute pause with the LED flashing slowly. After the pause, the siren will emit beeps during 30 seconds. After those 30 seconds of siren signals the signal lights will begin to flash and the engine will be blocked. Starting from this moment, the engine will be blocked until complete cancellation of Anti"hijack. In a minute of blocking the engine the alarm system will begin 30"second alarming and will repeat these 30 second alarming cycles until the ignition is switched off.
If a door is opened with the ignition turned on, this will cause the LED to flash for
30 seconds (but not 2 minutes), after that the above procedure will follow.
From the moment of Anti"hijack activation and until its complete cancellation, all transmitters will be blocked and the system will not respond to any remote commands.
To cancel Anti"hijack within the 2"minute or 30"second (the second case) pause, enter the first digit of your PIN code using the override switch. The LED will go out, the system will revert to normal operation, one flash/beep signal will confirm the Anti Hijack has been disarmed.
Note: as soon as you turn the ignition off without the Anti Hijack previously disarmed the alarm system will warn you by double beeps.
To cancel Anti"hijack after the 2"minute or 30"second pause, you have to stop the car and enter the full code, the same as while emergency disarming. If the full PIN code is
used to disarm the Anti Hijack, then there will be no Anti Hijack activation with exception of remote mode unless you open and close a door with the ignition turned off.
To suspend Antihijack functionality you can use the Valet mode, however, to enable
Valet mode you must first disable Antihijack.
Diagnostic features
Fault warning.
If any door, the hood or the trunk remain unclosed at arming, you will hear 3 audible
signals instead of 1 and the lights will flash 3 times.
Alarm memory.
If an alarm has been activated during the guard period, then at disarming the system will issue four chirps and four sounds instead of the usual two and will report the cause of alarm with series of LED flashes within 10 seconds after the first ignition turn"on.
Number of flashes in a series Component involved
2 Dorm sensor 3 Door pin switch «"» or «+» 4 Trunk pin switch «"» 5 Ignition
Interior light detection.
If your car has the interior light delay functionality and interior light detection mode is enabled by programming, then the door pin switches will be armed only after the light in the dorm goes out. In this mode there will be no warning about unclosed doors at arming.
Programming enables the mode.
Valet mode.
In this mode all the system’s security features are disabled. You can enable this mode, for instance, when you leave your car at the service centre, then you will not have to leave your control transmitter along with the car. This is a 100% warranty against unauthorised memorisation of new control transmitters with your system.
To enable the mode press buttons 1 and 2 for 3 sec with alarm system disarmed; the signal lights will flash three times, the system LED will be continually lit. In Valet mode you retain the option to remotely control the central lock and auxiliary outputs. A repeated push of the same buttons will return the system to normal operation, which will be reported by three chirps.
To exit the Valet mode the PIN code can also be used.
Transmitter programming.
A standard AMG 850C package includes 2 remote control transmitters, however, the alarm system is capable of memorising up to 4 transmitters. You can initialise additional transmitters using this procedure:
1. Turn the ignition on.
2. Enter the first digit of the current PIN code by pressing the Emergency disarm button as many times.
3. Turn the ignition off/on.
4. Enter the second digit of the set PIN code by pressing the Emergency disarm button as many times..
5. Turn the ignition off/on. If the correct PIN code was entered, the siren will chirp twice confirming your entering the Transmitter programming mode.
6. Push button 1 of the transmitter. The siren will chip once confirming the transmitter code recording.
7. Turn the ignition off and press the Emergency disarm button or wait for 15 seconds, there will be two chirps confirming you have quit Transmitter programming.
CAUTION! If you have enabled Antihijack by programming, then for memorising new transmitters you should turn on the ignition (1), then first enter the PIN code to disable Antihijack, then wait for a chirp and a flash confirming Antihijack disabling, and then without turning the ignition off proceed to transmitter programming (2) i. e. enter the PIN code once again.
Feature programming.
To change a PIN code value, erase the transmitters you no longer need from the system memory, or change the settings of programmable features, you should first perform transmitter programming (see above) using a transmitter already known by the system. Then proceed as follows:
1. Complete transmitter programming and turn the ignition on.
2. Enter the number of program switches group by pressing the Emergency disarm button as many times (first digit). A siren chirp will confirm each push of the button.
3. Turn the ignition off/on.
4. Enter the number of switch within the group (second digit) by pressing the Emergency disarm button as many times. A chirp will confirm each button push.
5. The feature current status is indicated by the system LED, which is lit if the feature is enabled or is out if it is disabled.
6. To enable a feature press button 1 of the transmitter, to disable it press button 2.
7. To exit the Feature programming mode, turn the ignition off or wait several seconds for a double siren chirp. To proceed with programming, turn the ignition on without waiting for a chirp and resume from step 2.
Switch function Factory LED lit LED out
default 1"1 Passive arm OFF ON OFF 1"2 Alarm duration 30 sec 30 sec 60 sec 1"3 Door locking at rearm ON ON OFF 1"4 Door locking at ignition turn"on ON ON OFF 1"5 Audible signals confirming command ON ON OFF
execution 1"6 Central lock pulse duration 0.6 s 0.6 s 3.5 s 2"1 Window closing while arming OFF ON OFF 2"2 Pulse duration at power window output 25 s 10 s 25 s 2"3 Delay of alarm from door at passive arm ON ON OFF 2"4 Duration of alarm from door 10 s 10 s 20 s 2"5 Interior light detection OFF ON OFF 2"6 Anti hijack OFF ON OFF 3"1 PIN code setting (11÷99) 1 Button 1 Button 2
A chirp accompanies entering each digit: code value code value
long for tens, short for units. increase decrease
3"2 Erasing the codes of all transmitters " Press buttons 1& 2
except the one being used simultaneously 3"3 Return to factory defaults " Press buttons 1& 2
The system does not respond to remote control or emergency disarm commands
No optical signals with otherwise normal functioning of all modes.
Electric door locks do not function.
The remote control panel LED will not light, the system does not respond to remote control.
For other faults turn to your local service centre.
1. Check whether the car battery is charged.
2. Check the system power circuit fuse and replace it if necessary.
Check the signal lights power circuit fuse, replace if necessary.
Check the locks power circuit fuse, replace if necessary.
Replace the control panel cell.
Scope of delivery
Mongoose AMG"850 C electronic unit " 1 Main bundle of wires with connectors " 1 Installation kit " 1 LED " 1 Emergency disarm button " 1 Remote control transmitter " 1 Shock sensor " 1
General recommendations
The electronic module is installed inside the dorm, away from sources of moisture or heat. It should be installed in such a way that it could be removed only using special tools or at least along with one decorative panel. The module is fixed in the selected location with screws from the kit.
The siren is installed in the engine compartment at least 30cm away from potential shock zones, away from sources of heat and moisture, and fixed with two screws from the kit.
The emergency disarm button is fixed on the dashboard so that the driver could reach it from the driver’s seat. To fix the button, drill a through hole 7mm in diameter and fasten the button with a nut. Pass the wires to the electronic module and connect them to the connector in accordance with the Wiring diagram.
Drill a hole 8mm in diameter in the dashboard or lining panel and fix the LED in it. Pass the cable to the electronic module and connect it to the connector in accordance with the Wiring diagram.
Install the shock sensor on body metal inside the dorm, as close to the car’s longitudinal axis as possible. Fasten the sensor with self"tapping screws or stick it with double adhesive tape.
Technical specifications
Supply voltage 10...15 V Power consumption in arm mode 20 mA Radio channel frequency 433.92 MHz Operating temperature range "40...+850С Upper current limit " engine blocking circuits 300 mA " signal light circuits 10 A " central lock control circuits 15 A " auxiliary output circuits 300 mA Transmitter maximum range of coverage 30 m
Before you get down to connection, select locations in your car for the following
instruments and connections:
direct current source; current source to be used with ignition on; lights connection points (positive pulse); door pin switches; trunk pin switch; hood pin switch (install an additional pin switch if necessary); starter wire; disconnect the «(« terminal of car battery.
Main 24way connector.
Connect to car body.
Electronic module power supply. Connect to 12V direct current source via a 5A fuse.
Relay outputs to lights. One wire is connected to the left side lights circuit, the other "
to the right side lights circuit.
These wires are connected to the door pin switches. The connection layout depends
on whether positive or negative door pin switches are used.
Negative door pin switches:
connect the YELLOW wire to ground, the GREEN wire to the door wire between the door pin switches and dorm light lamp, on which ground appears at doors opening. Make sure that the selected wire is connected to all the car’s doors.
Positive door pin switches:
Connect the GREEN wire to the (+) terminal of the 12V power supply, the YELLOW wire to the door wire between the door pin switches and dorm light lamp, on which 12V appears at doors opening. Make sure that the selected wire is connected to all the car’s doors.
CAUTION! It is strongly prohibited to use the yellow and green wires simultaneously as the system trigger inputs, i. e. there must be no simultaneous connection to the positive and the negative door pin switches.
«+0.3A» output to connect the pager or the klaxon relay.
«"0.3A» output of the trunk opening device. If button 2 is pressed for 3 seconds with
ignition off, a 0.5s negative pulse appears on this wire.
Pass the wire through the rubber ferrule in the engine compartment partition and
connect it to the siren red wire. Connect the siren black wire to the body.
Input for lights supply and for selecting the polarity of lights control. Normally
connected to +12V via a 15A fuse.
«"0.3A» outputs to connect to the engine blocking relay.
Connect to ignition power supply. Caution! This power supply must not be switched off at engine start.
Connect the wire to any circuit on which ground appears at trunk opening. If there is no such circuit, install an additional pin switch at which ground will appear at trunk opening.
Connect the wire to any circuit on which ground appears at hood opening. If there is no such circuit, install an additional pin switch at which ground will appear at trunk opening.
«"0.3A» output to control closing of windows/hatch, Comfort system and the lights. When button 3 is pressed for 3 seconds with ignition off in the arm mode, a 10s or 25s signal appears at this output (See programmed features switches 2.2).
This channel can also be enabled automatically at each system arming (See programmed features switches).
«"0.3A» output to control auxiliary devices. When buttons 2 and 3 of the transmitter are pressed simultaneously, a signal appears at this wire and is present until the buttons’ release, but no longer than 30 seconds.
«"0.3A» output to organise two"step doors unlocking. A signal appears at this wire when button 2 of the transmitter is pressed twice in succession.
Wires for door locking devices.
Mongoose AMG"850 C is supplied with a multifunctional door locking system having six wires. See the attached diagrams for connection layouts of negative control, positive control, installation of new actuators and pneumatic actuator.
GREY/RED WIRE "locking relay " common contact
RED/YELLOW WIRE"locking relay " open contact
GREY/YELLOW WIRE"locking relay " closed contact
BLUE/YELLOW WIRE"unlocking relay " closed contact
RED/BLACK WIRE"unlocking relay " open contact
BLUE/RED WIRE"unlocking relay " common contact
Additional electric actuator
Positive CL control.
Negative CL control.
Pneumatic CL
(Audi, Mercedes)
L’antifurto AMG 850С e’ progettato per proteggere gli sportelli dell’automobile, la capotta e il bagagliaio, lo spazio dentro il salotto e attorno la Vs vettura.
Per evitare l’accesso non sanzionato nel sistema e’ prevista la protezione del codice dei comandi radio, basata sulla tecnologia KeeLoqTM; la protezione neutralizza i tentativi di intrecciare il codice con un code grabber, dispone della funzione antiscan, che non permette di disattivare l’allarme con una serie di codici randomizzati, e della funzione della memoria degli status, che non permette di disattivare l’allarme semplicemente rimuovendo e rimettendo il morsetto della batteria: in questo caso l’allarme scatta e il motore rimane bloccato.
Con l’antifurto non attivo, si puo’ staccare e riattacare la batteria senza far scattare l’allarme " per evitare problemi, per esempio, durante la manutenzione.
Se la batteria verra’ staccata nel modo Valet, il suo riattacco riportera’ il sistema allo stesso status.
Per escludere la possibilita’ di lasciare le chiavi dentro la vettura, rimettendo l’alimentazione elettrica lo status delle serrature rimane invariato.
Per evitare i falsi allarmi, e’ prevista la funzione del bypass della zona difettosa. Questa funzione stacchera’ il sensore difettoso, se quello provochi l’allarme 8 volte.
Rimangono attive tutte le altre zone controllate e tutti i blocchi.
La funzione programmabile del ritardo della luce nel salotto permette di utilizzare l’AMG 850С per qualsiasi tipo di automobile.
Per migliorare le caratteristiche protettive e la comodita’ di utilizzo dell’automobile, l’AMG 850С dispone dei canali supplementari:
" per attacare il pager;
" per gestire la serratura elettrica del bagagliaio;
" per la chiusura automatica dei vetri all’attivazione del sistema;
" per gestire i vetri elettrici e le luci esterni con il portachiavi.
Il kit AMG 850С comprende:
Il comando centrale con tutti i fissaggi indispensabili.
Il sensore del colpo, a due livelli, che attacca il trillo di avvertenza o l’allarme definitivo
" a seconda della forza del colpo sull’automobile.
Due portachiavi di comando remoto.
Il LED di indicazione dei modi, da installare nell’automobile.
Il tasto di disattivazione in emergenza; Lei dovra’ scegliere la posizione di questo
tasto insieme al’installatore, prendendo in considerazione, che il posto deve essere abbastanza nascosto, ma allo stesso tempo, comodo.
Il manuale completo di gestione dell’AMG 850С, con la descrizione di tutti i modi,
nonche’ una carta di memoria, da portare sempre dietro, con una breve descrizione della gestione del sistema.
 Se Lei vuole migliorare le capacita’ protettive del Suo antifurto, Le consigliamo di acquistare un sensore volumetrico opzionale, a due livelli; questo sensore potra’ registrare qualsiasi movimento, sia dentro la macchina, sia nelle vicinanze. Il Suo AMG 850С ha un’entrata speciale per allacciare questo sensore.
Portachiavi del comando remoto
E’ una microtrasmettente alimentata da una batteria 12 V (tipo 23A), che Le servira’ circa 1 anno. La batteria va cambiata, quando si nota la diminuzione seria della distanza d’azione. Sul portachiavi si trovano tre tasti di comando e un LED di indicazione. Premendo uno dei tasti, la trasmettente forma e manda uno dei comandi codificati, il quale comando cambia con ogni impulso successivo, il che preventa l’intercezione del codice da un code grabber.
Tabella dei comandi
Funzione Tasto 1 Tasto 2 Tasto 3 Note Attivare/disattivare la protezione Accensione staccata Serrare gli sportelli Accensione attaccata Attivare la protezione con dei sensori inattivi  Accensione staccata Attivare/disattivare la protezione in modo 2 1 Accensione staccata silenzioso Attivare la protezione con dei sensori inattivi, 2 1 Accensione staccata in modo silenzioso Aprire gli sportelli Accensione attaccata Panico 3 sec. Accensione staccata Aprire il bagagliaio 3 sec. Accensione staccata Chiudere i vetri, gestione delle luci esterne 3 sec. Accensione staccata Uscire per gestire i vetri e le luci esterne 3 sec. 3 sec. Modo VALET 3 sec. 3 sec. Protezione staccata Disserratura a due passi  Accensione staccata Anti Hi#jack 3 sec. Accensione attaccata Attivare/disattivare la protezione della Accensione staccata seconda macchina
premere il tasto ad impulso
premere ad impulsi, due volte, entro 3 sec.
3 sec. Premere il tasto e tenerlo premuto non meno di 3 sec.
3 sec. Premere il tasto e tenerlo premuto 3 secondi per attivare il canale, poi tenere
premuto ancora durante il tempo indispensabile per il funzionamento del canale, ma non oltre 30 secondi.
1, 2 ordine dei tasti da schiacciare.
Informazioni utili
Per aumentare la segretezza della gestione l’AMG 850С prevede la possibilita’ di utilizzare un PIN, che permette di disattivare l’allarme in emergenza, di entrare nella programmazione degli eventuali portachiavi aggiuntivi e funzioni d’utente, di staccare la funzione Anti Hi"jack (contro la prepotenza).
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