Moneris smartselect Operating Manual


Software Version: 3.11
Document Date: June 24, 2005
Document Version: 2.0
Copyright Notice
Copyright © Moneris Solutions, 2003, 2004, 2005.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of Moneris Solutions.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Using This Manual 1
Overview 1
Merchant and Terminal Information 2
Contacting Moneris Solutions 2
Terminal Supplies 3
Additional Documentation 3
Chapter 2: About the SmartSELECT 5
The Terminal 5
The Touch Screen 5 The Printer 11 The Magnetic Stripe Reader 11 The Speaker 12 The Connection Ports 12
The Cables 12
The Power Cable 12 The Communication Cable 12 The PINPad to Terminal Cable 13
The PINPad 13
Care of the Components 13
Chapter 3: Features & Procedures 15
Standard Features 15
Menu driven interface 15 On-line Help System 15 POS Administrative Card 15 On-screen Calculator 16 Time and Date Display 16 Stored Transactions 16 Training Mode 16 Bilingual Displays and Receipts 16 Card Number Masking 17
Standard Procedures 17
Terminal Security 17 Disputed Debit Transactions 17 Code 10 Authorization 17 PAN Fraud Check 18
SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual V2.0 i
Table of Contents
Optional Features 19
Optional Procedures 22
Shortcuts 18 Terminal Display Language 18 PINPad Display Language 19 Pre-Authorization and Advice Transactions 19 Cancelling a Transaction 19
Invoice Number Prompt 19 Clerk ID Prompt 20 Tip Entry on PINPad 20 Tip Line on Credit Card Receipts 20 Personalized Message on Receipts 20 Pre-Authorization as Default Transaction 20 Third Party Credit Transactions 20 Private Label Cards 20 Cheque Authorization 21 Purchasing Cards 21 Gift Cards 21 Loyalty Programs 21 Clerk Subtotalling 21 Terminal ID 22 Balanced Prompt 22
Group Clerk Subtotals Reporting 22 Multi-Terminal Reporting 22 End-of-Day Shortcut 22
Chapter 4: Configuring Your Terminal 23
Powering Up the SmartSELECT 23
Configuration Shortcut 24
Following the Configuration Shortcut 24 Restarting the Shortcut 26 Exiting the Shortcut 26
Intro Shortcut 27
The Terminal Configuration Menu 28
General Parameters 29
Receipt Format 29 Additional SmartSELECT Prompts 30
Other Configuration Parameters 31
Screen Control 31 Printer Control 32
Communications Parameters 32
Communications Type 32
Dial Communications Parameters 33
ii SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual V2.0
3201 Direct Communications Parameters 35
LAN Communication Parameters 35
Configure Terminal as LAN master station 35 Configure Terminal as LAN slave 36
Printing Configuration Parameters 36
Remote Code Download 37
Restoring Factory Defaults 37
Chapter 5: Training Mode 39
Enter Training Mode 39
Exit Training Mode 40
Transactions Available in Training Mode 40
Chapter 6: Administrative Transactions 41
Initializing the SmartSELECT Terminal 41
Terminal Initialization (First Initialization) 41 Terminal Re-initialization 42
Logon 43
Balancing & Settling Your Account 43
Close Batch 43 Multi-Terminal Report and Close 46 End of Day Shortcut 46
Logoff 47
Table of Contents
Chapter 7: Reporting Transactions 49
Reprinting a Receipt 49
Transaction Inquiry 49
Merchant Subtotals Inquiry 52
Deposit Totals Inquiry 53
Print Stored Transactions 53
Cancel Report Printing 54
Chapter 8: Debit Financial Transactions 55
Debit Purchase 56
Debit Refund 57
Debit Purchase Void 58
Debit Refund Void 59
‘Enter Purchase Amount’ Idle Screen Instructions 60
Cancelling a Debit Transaction 61
SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual V2.0 iii
Table of Contents
Chapter 9: Credit Financial Transactions 63
Credit Purchase 64
Refund 65
Purchase Void 66
Refund Void 67
Pre-Authorization 68
Advice 69
Advice by Sequence Number 69 Advice by Card Number 70
To remove a Pre-Authorization Transaction 71
‘Enter Purchase Amount’ Idle Screen Instructions 72
Completing a Paper Sales Draft 73
Chapter 10: SmartSELECT Help System 75
Context-Sensitive Help 75
SmartSELECT Help Topics 75
On-line Help Index 76 On-line Help Search 76
Chapter 11: On-Screen Calculator 77
Accessing the Calculator 77
Transferring a Calculator Value 78
Clearing the Calculator 78
Appendix A: Clerk Subtotalling 79
Clerk Subtotalling Configuration 79
Configure Clerk Subtotalling 80 Clerk ID Maintenance 81 Set Default Clerk ID 83
Reporting - Clerk Subtotals Inquiry 84
Subtotals Report for One Clerk 84 Subtotals Report for Multiple Clerks 85
Appendix B: Multi-Terminal Reporting 87
Configuration 87
Multiple Terminal Setup 87
Multi-Terminal Report and Close 89
End of Day Shortcut with Multiple Terminals 90
iv SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual V2.0
Appendix C: Tip Entry on PINPad Transactions 93
Configuration 94
Debit Transactions with Tip Entry 95
Debit Purchase with Tip Entry 95 Debit Refund with Tip Entry 96 Debit Purchase Void with Tip Entry 97 Debit Refund Void with Tip Entry 98
Credit Card Transactions with Tip Entry 99
Credit Purchase with Tip Entry 99 Other Credit Transactions with Tip Entry Enabled 100
Appendix D: Purchasing Card Transactions 101
Configuration 102
Purchase 103
Other Financial Transactions 103
‘Enter Purchase Amount’ Idle Screen Instructions 104
Table of Contents
Appendix E: Private Label Transactions 105
Configuration 106
Third Party Host 106 Third Party Card 108
Financial Transactions 111
Private Label Card Purchase 111 Private Label Card Refund 11 2 Other Financial Transactions with Private Label Cards 11 3
Credit Application 114
Error Messages on Credit Application Receipt 115
Payment 116
Payment Void 117
Appendix F: Cheque Authorization 11 9
Configuration 119
Enabling Cheque Authorization 119 Disabling Cheque Authorization 120
Driver’s License Authorization Method 121
Credit Card Authorization Method 122
Appendix G: ValueLink Gift Card Program 123
ValueLink Screen Format 124
SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual V2.0 v
Table of Contents
Terminal Configuration for ValueLink 124
ValueLink Gift Card Financial Transactions 126
ValueLink Gift Card Receipts 134
ValueLink Gift Card Admin Transactions 135
Enabling ValueLink on the Terminal 124 Changing Terminal Configuration for ValueLink 125 Disabling ValueLink on the Terminal 125
ValueLink Gift Card Activation 126 Activation Void 127 ValueLink Gift Card Redemption 128 ValueLink Gift Card Redemption - Balance Owing 128 ValueLink Gift Card Redemption Void 130 ValueLink Gift Card Refund 130 ValueLink Gift Card Refund Void 131 ValueLink Gift Card Balance Transfer 132 ValueLink Gift Card Balance Inquiry 133 ValueLink Gift Card Cash Out 133
ValueLink Gift Card Receipt Language 134
Print ValueLink Gift Card Transactions 135 ValueLink Gift Card Transaction Inquiry 136
Appendix H: ERNEX Electronic Marketing Programs 137
Ernex Screen Format 138
Ernex Configuration 138
Terminal Configuration for ERNEX 138 ERNEX Host Configuration 139 Clerk IDs with ERNEX 140
Ernex E-Gift Transactions 140
ERNEX E-Gift Card Activation 140 ERNEX E-Gift Card Purchase 141 ERNEX E-Gift Card Void 141
Financial transactions with Ernex Loyalty Transactions 142
ERNEX Loyalty Card Activation 142 Purchase with ERNEX Loyalty 142 Purchase Void with ERNEX Loyalty 142 Refund with ERNEX Loyalty 143 Refund Void with ERNEX Loyalty 144 Pre-Authorization with ERNEX Loyalty 144 Advice 145 ERNEX Loyalty Card Void 145 ERNEX Loyalty Redemption 145
ERNEX Administrative Transactions 146
ERNEX Card Deactivation 146 ERNEX Card Balance Inquiry 146
vi SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual V2.0
Print Stored ERNEX Transactions 146 ERNEX End-of-Day Close 147
Appendix I: AIR MILES Reward Program 149
AIR MILES Configuration 150
Overview of Calculation of Points 150 Calculator and Factor Values 150 Incentive Value and Dates 153 Sale Item Values 153 Order of Calculations 154 Calculation Table 154 Tes t Val ue Tab le s 155 Configuring AIR MILES Rewards 156 Changing Reward Program Configurations 159
AIR MILES Financial Transactions 160
Reward Purchase 160 Reward Refund 161
AIR MILES Receipts 162
AIR MILES Receipt Language 162
AIR MILES Admin Transactions 163
Reward Daily Totals Report 163 Reward Transaction Report 163 Reward SAF Transaction Report 164 Deleting Reward SAF Transactions 164 Completing Rewards Transactions 165
Table of Contents
Appendix J: Error Messages & Troubleshooting 167
Initialization Error Messages 167
Communications Error Messages 169
3201 LAN Communications Error Messages 170
Printer Error Messages 171
Financial Transaction Error Messages 171
PINPad Error Messages 175
Administrative Transaction Error Messages 176
ERNEX Error Messages 177
Appendix K: Transelect Code Equivalents 179
SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual V2.0 vii
Table of Contents
viii SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual V2.0

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1: Using This Manual

This Merchant Operating Manual describes the SmartSELECT Point of Sale sys­tem – what it looks like, what the components do, and how to take care of them – and provides instructions on how to set up the system and how to operate it.

1.1.1: Overview

Here’s a quick overview of what each chapter covers:
Chapter 2: About the SmartSELECT describes the physical components of
the system and how to take care of them.
Chapter 3: Features & Procedures describes the SmartSELECT’s standard
features and processes as well as options that can be activated.
Chapter 4: Configuring Your Terminal explains how to set up your termi-
nal to meet your POS needs.
Chapter 5: Training Mode describes how to use the SmartSELECT’s Train-
ing Mode to familiarize operators with the terminal.
Chapter 6: Administrative Transactions provides instructions on initializ-
ing your terminal, activating the training mode, and settling your accounts.
Chapter 7: Reporting Transactions provides instructions on printing reports
and duplicate receipts.
Chapters 8 - 9: These chapters describe standard Debit and Credit card Finan-
cial Transactions, including purchase, refund, and void transactions.
Chapters 10 - 11: These chapters explain how to use the SmartSELECT’s on-
screen help system and calculator.
Appendix A: Clerk Subtotalling: This appendix describes how to enable and
configure Clerk Subtotalling, how to change to Clerk IDs and produce Clerk Sub­totals reports.
Appendix B: Multi-Terminal Reporting: This appendix outlines the proce-
dures for enabling Multi-terminal Reporting and processing reporting transactions when this feature has been enabled.
Appendix C: Tip Entry on PINPad Transactions provides instructions for
performing Debit and Credit transactions when Tip Entry has been enabled.
Appendices D - E: These appendices describe how to perform purchasing
card and Private Label card transactions.
Appendix F: Cheque Authorization explains how to use the SmartSELECT
to electronically obtain approval from a cheque authorization company.
SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0 1
Appendices G, H, and I: provide information and instructions on using gift
card and loyalty card programs on the SmartSELECT. The ValueLink, Ernex, and AIR MILES programs are available.
Appendix J: Error Messages & Troubleshooting lists the error message
you may encounter on the SmartSELECT and suggests possible solutions to those error conditions.
Appendix K: Transelect Code Equivalents: This appendix lists the Finan-
cial, Administrative and Configuration transactions available on the Transelect system with their Admin Codes and the SmartSELECT menu containing that function.

1.2: Merchant and Terminal Information

Merchant Name:
Merchant Location:
Moneris Merchant ID Number:
Initialization Telephone Number:
Configuration Code:

1.3: Contacting Moneris Solutions

Call the Moneris Merchant Service Centre at:
1-866-319-7450 toll-free
for information and assistance with:
Balancing your account
Problems with your equipment
Processing financial transactions
Processing non-financial transactions
Security features - merchant responsibility or liability concerns
Settlement processing
Terminal set-up
Ordering terminal supplies
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Contact Moneris Authorization at:
1-866-802-2637 toll-free
for assistance with:
Voice authorizations
Code 10 situations
2 SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0

1.4: Terminal Supplies

It is recommended that merchants obtain their POS stationery and paper rolls from Moneris to ensure that these supplies comply with the applicable specifications. Contact the Moneris Merchant Service Centre (see section 1.3:) to obtain addi­tional supplies for your terminal.

1.5: Additional Documentation

To download additional copies of this Merchant Operating Manual, visit­ and select SmartSELECT.
To download a copy of the SmartSELECT Quick Reference Guide for Debit and CreditProcedures, visit and select Smart­SELECT (Debit/Credit).
To download a copy of the SmartSELECT Quick Reference Guide for Loyalty Programs, visit and select SmartSELECT (Loyalty).
SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0 3
4 SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0

Chapter 2: About the SmartSELECT

Your SmartSELECT terminal is a stand-alone, electronic Debit and Credit card payment system that connects to the Point of Sale (POS) payment services pro­vided by Moneris Solutions.
The basic SmartSELECT system consists of the SmartSELECT terminal with a built-in printer. If you accept debit cards, you will need to connect a PINPad to the terminal.
If you encounter any problems using the SmartSELECT, review the appropriate section of this documentation (use the Index to find information quickly) or con­sult Appendix J: Error Messages & Troubleshooting. If the problem persists, call the Moneris Merchant Service Centre for immediate professional assistance. (See Section 1.3: Contacting Moneris Solutions for telephone numbers.)

2.1: The Terminal

The SmartSELECT terminal consists of a touch screen, an integrated printer, a magnetic stripe reader (MSR) and a small speaker. Together these pieces form a self-supporting unit. A PINPad holster can also be attached if a PINPad will be connected to the terminal for performing debit transactions.

2.1.1: The Touch Screen

The interface is a touch-sensitive, backlit, monochrome black on white, LCD screen, 3.4” wide by 4.5” high.
To select an item or “press” a button, touch the surface of the screen gently with your fingertip or the eraser end of a pencil.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT use pointed objects on the touch screen.
They may damage the surface.
The screen changes as you proceed through a transaction, presenting the neces­sary prompts and information in a clear, easy-to-read fashion. The standard screens are described below along with the standard areas of the screen, and the buttons and keypads that appear on the screen.
The Idle Screen
The Idle screen is displayed when your SmartSELECT terminal is not performing any transactions or functions. It is determined by whether a PINPad is attached to the terminal and, if so, the type of PINPad. There are two types: the Idle screen and the Amount Entry Idle screen.
Swipe Card Idle screen appears if there is no PINPad or there is a PINPad
II attached. It displays the default transaction type (
) over the prompt Swipe Customer Card and a numeric keypad with a
Calculator button and a Transfer from Calc button.
Purchase or Pre-Authori-
Swipe Card
SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0 5
About the SmartSELECT
•The Amount Entry Idle screen appears if there is an PINSmart (eN-Crypt
1200) PINPad attached to the terminal. It displays the default transaction type (
Purchase or Pre-Authorization) over the prompt Enter Purchase Amount and
a numeric keypad with a
To access the Idle screen from the Moneris Logo screen, press the Moneris Solu­tions logo.
Calculator button and a Transfer from Calc button.
To access the Idle screen from any other screen, press the
Exit button repeatedly
until the Idle screen appears.
Moneris Logo Screen
The Moneris Logo screen appears after the Idle screen has been displayed for one minute without any activity. It displays the Moneris Solutions logo, the
Menu but-
ton and the Date and Time at the bottom of the screen.
Standard Transaction Screens
The Standard Financial Transaction screen
Terminal Status Area
Prompt Area
Data Entry Display Box
Variable Screen Area (Numeric keypad displayed)
6 SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0
The Standard Selection Screen
About the SmartSELECT
Terminal Status Area
Prompt Area
Variable Screen Area (List with Choice 5 selected displayed)
The Standard Host Response Screen
Terminal Status Area
Host Response Area (
Approved Purchase
response displayed)
Variable Screen Area
Navigation Button
Next Copy button
( displayed)
SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0 7
About the SmartSELECT
Standard Screen Areas
The following tables provide definitions of the standard screen areas identified in the illustrations above.
Terminal Status Area Two lines centred at the top of the screen. This area
Prompt Area Two lines centred on the screen just below the Status
Current Choice box A single line high, it appears on the List screen below
Data Entry Display box Appears on screens that require data entry, sits below
Variable Screen area See below
appears on every screen. The first line displays one of the terminal or communi­cation status prompts. The second line indicates whether the communications connection is active or inactive and to which Host the terminal is connecting
Area. It contains transaction prompts, error messages or, if the variable screen area contains a list, the list name.
the Prompt Area and above the list items. It displays the currently selected item.
the Prompt Area and above the keypad. It is a single line high and displays the data that has been keyed in using the keypad.
If the data is longer than the width of the box, scroll indicators appear at the left and right sides of the area and the appropriate arrow button will blink at the bot­tom of the screen. Press once on the enabled arrow button to move through the text character by character, press twice quickly to move through the text in chunks, press and hold to scroll through the text smoothly.
8 SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0
About the SmartSELECT
Variable Screen Area
This area changes depending on the activity you are performing. It may contain:
a list of items to choose from
one of a variety of keypads with text boxes to input data
navigation buttons
a message from the host
List Multiple lines of text with arrowheads to left or right of
text. Select an item:
by pressing the arrowhead.
that is already highlighted (e.g. the default item or the last item selected) by pressing
If the list is too long to display all items on the screen, scroll indicators (small up and down arrowheads) appear. Scroll through the list by pressing the enabled arrow button:
once to move through the list item by item,
twice quickly (double clicking) to move through the list by screen
and holding to scroll through the list item by item.
Association List Multiple lines of text with arrowheads to left of text.
Each line contains a parameter with its associated val­ues. Select items in order to change their value. See the List Screen Type for instructions on selecting and scrolling.
Data Entry keypad
Receipt Printer Edit box Text display box that appears below the Terminal Sta-
Host Response Text display box that appears below the status area. It
Appears below the Data Entry display box. See
Alphanumeric Keypads
tus Area, above the Data Entry keypad, in the same space as the Prompt Area. The box fills the width of the screen and contains a row of numbers at the top and an end-of-text marker (a black diamond). All text must fit in the display box, which can contain a maximum of five lines of 40 characters each. If the text goes past the bottom right corner of the display box, it is deleted.
Text will wrap automatically to keep words whole. Use spaces to indent and centre text.
contains information received from the host regarding the current transaction (e.g., transaction type and amount, host message, etc.). It may also contain a
below for details.
Next Copy button.
Help see Chapter 10
SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0 9
About the SmartSELECT
Standard Touch Screen Buttons
Note: If a button is “greyed out” or dimmed, this means it cannot be used on
that particular screen.
? Use this button to access the Context Sensitive Help.
?? Use this button to access the On-line Help Index and
Menu Appears only on the Idle and Sleeping screens.
Lang Appears on all screens except the Idle and Sleeping
Navigation Buttons: Finan, Admin, Config Reprint, Next Copy Term Lang
Exit Use this button to cancel the current activity and return
Clear Use this button to erase all of the displayed data from a
Navigation Arrows:
w, Up y,
z, Right x
Del Delete: Use this button to delete single characters from
Enter Use this button to accept displayed data.
Calculator Appears only on the Idle screen.
Transfer from Calc Appears only on the Idle screen.
CE Clear Entry: Appears only on the Calculator screen.
Search screens.
Use this button, when the terminal is logged on, to access the Use this button, when the terminal is logged off, to access the
screens: Use this button to change the terminal display lan­guage and the merchant receipt language.
These oval-shaped buttons appear above the naviga­tion arrows on the menu screens. Use these buttons for moving to a different screen (e.g., (e.g., display language (
to the previous screen or the Idle screen.
text box and, in the calculator, to erase the entire math­ematical operation.
Use these buttons to move through lists of options or displayed text, or through characters you have input
a text box.
Use this button to access the on-screen calculator.
Use this button to copy the value on the on-screen cal­culator to the Purchase Amount text box.
Use this button to clear the displayed value but con­tinue the mathematical operation.
Financial Transactions menu.
Administrative Transactions menu.
Finan, Admin, Config), completing a process Reprint, Next Copy) and changing the terminal
Term L a ng).
10 SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0
Alphanumeric Keypads
About the SmartSELECT
Upper Case Alpha
Lower Case Alpha
Accented Characters
Numeric with Punctua­tion
Numeric with Alpha Numbers 0-9, letters A-F.
Telephone Number Entry
Calculator Numbers 0-9, decimal, 6 math operations, and 3 mem-
Letters A-Z, Use these keys to enter your Terminal ID, receipt text,
Letters a-z and Use these keys to enter Credit Application information,
receipt text, etc.
13 accented characters, 5 math symbols,
ABC, abc and 123 buttons.
Use these keys to enter Credit Application information, receipt text, etc.
Numbers 0-9, 16 punctuation keys, and
áçè buttons.
Use these keys to enter an Invoice Number, receipt text, etc.
Use these keys to enter a 3201 poll code, LAN address, etc.
Numbers 0-9, buttons. Use these keys to enter transaction values.
Numbers 0-9,
, Pause, and Wait Tone buttons.
Use these keys to enter access numbers for Moneris, Third Party Hosts, Gift Card and Loyalty program pro­viders.
ory function keys.
Chapter 11: On-Screen Calculator for details.
Space, abc, 123, and áçè buttons.
Space, ABC, 123, and áçè buttons.
Space, ABC, abc,
Calculator and Transfer from Calc
* and #, Call Wait, Tone Dial, Pulse

2.1.2: The Printer

A thermal printer is attached to the back of the SmartSELECT terminal. The printer prints black text on white one-part thermal paper and has a “paper out” sensor.

2.1.3: The Magnetic Stripe Reader

The Magnetic Stripe Reader (MSR) is incorporated into the body of the SmartSE­LECT terminal. It resides in a slot that runs along the right-hand side of the termi­nal. When you slide (or swipe) a payment card through the MSR, it reads the information encoded on the magnetic stripe on the back of the card. Cards can be swiped top to bottom or bottom to top. The MSR can read Track 1, Track 2 or both tracks in the card’s magnetic stripe.
SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0 11
About the SmartSELECT

2.1.4: The Speaker

The speaker makes an audible beep to acknowledge key entry, announce error conditions and monitor modem activity. The beep can be turned on or off using the
Audible Key Click item on the General Parameters menu.

2.1.5: The Connection Ports

The SmartSELECT has eight connectors on its back, hidden by a cover panel:
one I/O port for each of the following communication methods (only one of these ports can be active at a time):
DIAL for dial-up communication over an analogue line
LAN for Datapac 3201 LAN communication
3201 for Datapac 3201 direct communication
•two PINPad ports:
RS232 SPED port for an RS232 enabled PINPad
TTL SPED port for a TTL enabled PINPad
one power port
two Auxiliary sockets (for future use):

2.2: The Cables

The standard SmartSELECT terminal comes with two cables, the power cable and a communications cable. If you are processing Debit transactions, your will also receive a PINPad cable.

2.2.1: The Power Cable

The power cable is in two pieces. One piece consists of the power supply box and a cable that ends in a plug that is inserted into the terminal’s “POWER 24VDC” port. The other piece consists of a cable with two plugs, one is inserted into the power supply box, the other into the wall socket.

2.2.2: The Communication Cable

The communication cable connects the SmartSELECT terminal to the communi­cations device (e.g., a telephone wall jack). One end of the cable is inserted into the appropriate connection port on the SmartSELECT, the other into the appropri­ate communications device.
IMPORTANT: You must use the exact power adaptor and cable
provided with the terminal by Moneris Solutions. Failure to do so may affect the operability of, or cause damage to the terminal and Moneris Solutions shall have no liability whatsoever for a failure to follow these instructions.
12 SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0

2.2.3: The PINPad to Terminal Cable

If you process Debit transactions, you will have a PINPad with an attached cable ending in either a TTL connector (looks like a phone connector) or an RS232 con­nector. The connector is inserted into the appropriate “SPED” port on the termi­nal.

2.3: The PINPad

This component is optional. If you process only Credit transactions, you do not need to attach a PINPad. If you wish to process Debit card transactions with your SmartSELECT you must attach a PINPad. The PINPad II PINPad (also called the eN-Crypt 150) and the PINSmart (also called the eN-Crypt 1200) PINPad have been certified for use with the SmartSELECT.
Each of the PINPads has a keypad, a display window and a connection cable. The PINSmart also has a Magnetic Stripe Reader (MSR) for reading the information on the magnetic stripe on debit cards.
PINPad Keys
About the SmartSELECT
CHQ Blue Use this key to select a chequing account.
SAV/EP Blue Use this key to select a savings account.
Spare Function key Blue This key is not active.
ALPHANUMERIC KEYS Grey Use these keys to enter the confidential
CORR. Yellow Use this key to clear the displayed data

2.4: Care of the Components

Proper care of your SmartSELECT system will help ensure uninterrupted service. Here are some recommendations for maintaining your terminal in good working order:
PIN (Personal Identification Number) and the tip amount.
Red Use this key to cancel the current debit
and re-enter it or, if data has not been input, to return to the previous prompt.
Green Use this key to complete the PIN, accept
amounts displayed and approve the trans­action.
IMPORTANT: Misuse of equipment can result in replacement
DO press gently on the touch screen with your fingertip or a pencil eraser.
Do NOT use a pen or pencil tip, fingernails or other sharp objects on the touch screen.
DO clean the touch screen with a damp cloth rinsed in a mild soap solution.
SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0 13
About the SmartSELECT
Do NOT use solvents, cleaning fluids or abrasives on any part of the terminal.
Clean the Magnetic Stripe Reader (MSR) periodically, using the cleaning card provided with your SmartSELECT system. To obtain additional MSR clean­ing cards, contact the Moneris Merchant Service Centre (see Section 1.3: Contacting Moneris Solutions).
To maintain the warranty on the equipment, use only supplies obtained from the Moneris Merchant Service Centre (see Section 1.3: Contacting Moneris Solutions).
Load the paper into the printer correctly (see the diagram on the inside of the printer cover).
Avoid spilling liquids on components.
Do NOT expose components to extreme temperatures.
Avoid unnecessary movement of the terminal to prevent accidental disconnec­tion of any of the cables.
If the equipment fails, call the Moneris Merchant Service Centre. (See Section
1.3: Contacting Moneris Solutions for contact information.)
14 SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0

Chapter 3: Features & Procedures

Your SmartSELECT terminal can be set up to accept and process a variety of cards including Debit and Credit cards, Third Party cards, Purchasing cards, Gift cards and Loyalty programs. The terminal can also be set up to process cheque authorizations and to prompt for a tip entry on a PINPad for both debit and credit transactions.

3.1: Standard Features

These features are available for all configurations of the SmartSELECT.

3.1.1: Menu driven interface

All interaction with the SmartSELECT takes place through menus, lists and prompts that appear on the touch screen to guide you through transactions. There’s no need to memorize transaction codes. (However Transelect Admin Codes and the corresponding SmartSELECT menu can be found in Appendix K: Transelect Code Equivalents if you wish to refer to them.)

3.1.2: On-line Help System

SmartSELECT’s on-line help is available at the touch of a button. Simply press the
? button on the top-left corner of the touch screen to access information about
the screen you are viewing. Then press the access an index of SmartSELECT topics and a search screen. See Chapter 10: SmartSELECT Help System for details and instructions.
?? button inside the on-line help to

3.1.3: POS Administrative Card

The POS Administrative (Admin) Card is required for refunds, purchase voids and configuration functions if your SmartSELECT terminal processes Debit trans­actions. It allows you and your staff to access various terminal functions and com­plete various financial transactions that impact your deposit account.
If your SmartSELECT terminal processes only Credit transactions, you may not need a POS Admin Card.
IMPORTANT: You, the merchant, are solely responsible for the
security and care of all your POS Admin Cards at all times. If your POS Admin Card is lost, stolen or damaged (or you suspect it may be lost or stolen), call the Moneris Merchant Service Centre immediately.
All financial transactions completed with a POS Admin Card are subject to the guidelines of the Debit Card Merchant Agreement entered into with
SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0 15
Features & Procedures

3.1.4: On-screen Calculator

The SmartSELECT has an on-screen calculator that can perform basic math func­tions and has a memory function as well as the ability to paste values into the amount field in a transaction (See Chapter 11: On-Screen Calculator for detailed information).

3.1.5: Time and Date Display

At the bottom of the Sleeping screen, the SmartSELECT displays the current time and date. If the date and time are visible, press the bottom of the touch screen (the entire area is a button) to make them disappear. If they are not visible, press the bottom of the touch screen to make them appear.

3.1.6: Stored Transactions

Moneris. The Agreement contains important provisions regarding your responsibility for POS Admin Card security and your liability for financial transactions made with a POS Admin Card.
The SmartSELECT can store up to 1000 approved Credit and Debit transactions in its memory and, if your terminal is configured to process Gift Card transac­tions, up to 500 approved Gift Card transactions. These transactions are search­able, allowing you to print reports and reprint receipts in the event of a disputed transaction.
The oldest transaction is dropped once the terminal memory reaches capacity. If your terminal is replaced, the memory cannot be transferred to the new terminal, and is therefore lost. Moneris recommends printing a list of all transactions on the old terminal before disconnecting it then installing the new terminal.

3.1.7: Training Mode

Training mode on the SmartSELECT enables the transaction screens, but does not connect to the host when you complete a transaction. This allows you and your staff to practice processing financial transactions without communicating those transactions to the Moneris Host and without affecting your bank account or your customer’s bank account. (See Chapter 5: Training Mode for instructions.)

3.1.8: Bilingual Displays and Receipts

The SmartSELECT terminal displays text in either English or French.
The initial message on the PINPad (if a PINPad is attached to the SmartSELECT) is always bilingual. The language of the PINPad messages and prompts after the customer’s card has been swiped will be based on that card’s language code.
Customer and merchant receipts can be printed by the SmartSELECT in English, in French or bilingually. If the printer is configured to print separate copies for the customer and merchant (i.e., two or three copies), the customer receipt language is based on the language code on the customer’s card; the merchant receipt language
16 SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0
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is based on the current terminal language. If the printer is configured to print only one copy and the customer’s language code matches the terminal language, the receipt will be printed in that language. If the customer’s language code does not match the terminal language, one bilingual receipt will be printed.

3.1.9: Card Number Masking

To reduce the risk of fraudulent card use, only a portion of the cardholder's card number is printed on the cardholder receipt. The remainder of the card number is masked, i.e., an '*' is printed for each remaining digit in the card number. Both debit card and credit card numbers (including private label card numbers) are masked.
For debit card numbers, the first 10 digits of the card are printed in clear. From the 11th digit onwards, asterisks are printed in the place of the real digits, e.g.: 0123456789******.
For credit card numbers, only the last four digits are printed in clear, the rest are replaced with an asterisk, e.g.: *************1234.
To further reduce fraudulent credit card use, the credit card expiry date is not printed on the cardholder copy of the receipt.

3.2: Standard Procedures

These procedures are followed for all configurations of the SmartSELECT.

3.2.1: Terminal Security

To minimize the risk of unauthorized transactions being processed through your terminal after your business hours, log the terminal off at the end of each business day and log on again at the beginning of each business day.

3.2.2: Disputed Debit Transactions

Do not attempt to resolve or compensate a Cardholder for a disputed Debit trans­action. Refer the Cardholder to their Financial Institution.

3.2.3: Code 10 Authorization

During a transaction, if you feel that a customer, card or transaction is suspicious and needs investigating, call the Moneris Authorization Center (see Section 1.3: Contacting Moneris Solutions for contact numbers) and state that the call is a Code 10. This will alert the Moneris operator without alarming your customer. The operator will ask you some “Yes/No” questions and then provide instructions.
Reasons for calling in a Code 10 include:
the signature on the credit card does not seem to match the signature on the purchase receipt.
the card appears to have been tampered with.
the name on the card is inconsistent with the person’s gender.
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the customer is purchasing an unusual number of expensive items.
the customer’s purchases seem randomly selected, with little regard for size, quality or value.
the customer seems nervous or signs slowly with uncertainty.

3.2.4: PAN Fraud Check

To reduce the fraudulent use of credit cards, this security feature prompts you to key in the last four digits of a credit card number after the card has been swiped. The PAN Fraud Check then compares the keyed-in digits to the information con­tained in the card’s magnetic stripe to ensure they match.

3.2.5: Shortcuts

The SmartSELECT has three Shortcuts that guide you step-by-step through these processes:
Configuration Shortcut: When you turn on the terminal for the first time, this shortcut guides you through setting up required functions, inputting options and testing the peripheral devices as required to complete the basic configuration and initialization processes. This shortcut is followed immedi­ately by the Intro Shortcut.
Intro Shortcut: This one-screen shortcut provides information on the POS Admin card and instructions on how to access on-line help. It begins immedi­ately after the Configuration Shortcut is complete. You can also start this pro­cedure from the
End-of-Day: This shortcut takes you through the steps required to process the close batch transaction and produce the end-of-day reports to properly close your terminal. It can be started from the
Administrative Transactions menu.
Administrative Transactions menu.

3.2.6: Terminal Display Language

The text on the SmartSELECT’s touch screen can be displayed in English or French. There are two ways to change the display language from one language to the other:
by pressing the changes immediately.
by pressing the
If the PINPad is required during the transaction, the
prompt appears. Select returns to the screen on which the nal display language is now changed.
If the PINPad is not required during the transaction, the display language
changes immediately.
The terminal display language will remain changed until the button is pressed again, even if the terminal is logged off or powered off.
Term Lang button if it is available. The display language
Lang button during a transaction:
Change Language
Change Terminal Language. The terminal
Lang button was pressed and the termi-
Lang or Term Lan g
18 SmartSELECT Merchant Operating Manual v 2.0
Features & Procedures

3.2.7: PINPad Display Language

The text on the pinpad display screen can appear in English or French. The dis­play language can be changed from one language to the other in two ways:
by swiping a debit card that has a different language code on its magnetic stripe.
by pressing the tomer’s card is swiped and before the customer finishes entering their responses. The
the screen on which the
Changes to the pinpad display language only last for the duration of the current transaction. The next transaction will be displayed in the default pinpad display language set up during the initial configuration of the terminal.
Lang button during a debit transaction any time after the cus-
Change Language prompt appears. Select Change Customer
. The pinpad display language changes and the terminal returns to
Lang button was pressed.

3.2.8: Pre-Authorization and Advice Transactions

The Pre-Authorization (Pre-Auth) transaction allows you to verify that sufficient funds are available on a card and to place a hold on those “open to buy” funds. This transaction does not result in a charge to the cardholder or a deposit to your business account until an Advice transaction is processed. Pre-Auth transactions are most commonly used in hotel, restaurant and car rental environments where the final amount of the sale is unknown when the card is first swiped.

3.2.9: Cancelling a Transaction

To cancel a transaction at any time during the transaction:
1. Press
2. If the receipt or report has begun printing, the text * TRANSACTION CAN-
3. The Idle screen reappears.
Exit if available. The Cancelled status prompt appears on the terminal
screen (and the PINPad screen if a PINPad is attached to your terminal).
Note: If the Exit button is not available the transaction cannot be cancelled.
CELLED * will be printed on the receipt or report.

3.3: Optional Features

These features may be available on your SmartSELECT depending on your Con­figuration Code and the configuration of your Merchant ID on the Moneris Host. If the feature is available and you wish to use it, you must enable and configure the feature. If you do not wish to use an enabled feature, you can deactivated it.

3.3.1: Invoice Number Prompt

This feature enables a prompt to key in an Invoice Number for every Credit and Debit financial transaction. If this feature is activated, you have the option of entering an Invoice Number or bypassing the prompt by simply pressing when the prompt appears.
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3.3.2: Clerk ID Prompt

This feature enables a prompt to key in the Clerk ID of the terminal operator whenever a transaction is performed on the SmartSELECT. This allows you to produce reports tracking financial totals and number of transactions for each Clerk ID or group of Clerk IDs.

3.3.3: Tip Entry on PINPad

This feature gives your customers the option of adding a tip amount to Debit and Credit purchase transactions on the PINPad before they enter their PIN. It is gen­erally used in restaurants.
Note: You must have a PINSmart (eN-Crypt 1200) PINPad attached to your

3.3.4: Tip Line on Credit Card Receipts

This feature gives your customers the option of adding a tip amount to Credit transactions by indicating the tip amount on the Merchant copy of the receipt. It is traditionally used in restaurants and other service-based businesses.
terminal to process Tip Entry.

3.3.5: Personalized Message on Receipts

This feature allows you to configure your SmartSELECT to print a personalized trailer message at the bottom of your receipts. The language of the message will match the language on the customer’s card if the card is swiped. If the card num­ber and expiry date are keyed in, the customer’s receipt will match the language on the terminal screen.

3.3.6: Pre-Authorization as Default Transaction

If you operate a car rental business, a restaurant or a hotel, you may wish to have your Idle screen configured to process Pre-Authorizations rather than Purchase transactions. This feature must be set at the Moneris Host and is downloaded to your terminal during Initialization. To change it, please contact your Moneris sales representative.

3.3.7: Third Party Credit Transactions

This features enables your SmartSELECT to process Third Party Cards (e.g., JCB and Diners Club / enRoute). Contact your Moneris sales representative for further details.

3.3.8: Private Label Cards

Use this feature to offer your customers a credit card that can be used exclusively in your store(s). Depending on the program you create with the Private Label card Issuer, you can process standard financial transactions, Payment and Payment Void transactions, and Instant Credit Applications as well as produce reports of your Private Label transactions.
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