Moneris 8200 Quick Reference Manual

• The Debit Refund amount was greater than your Refund limit.
Retrieve the terminal and press OK.
• Another terminal is using the base. If the base becomes available, this transaction will start. If not, PLEASE WAIT disappears.Press
OK and retry the transaction.
• The BASE ID entered does not exist. Press OK, check the BASE ID and re-enter it.
• The BASE ID entered has the maximum number of terminals registered to it (max. = 7). Register to another base or Power Off one of the other terminals.
• A transaction was tried on a terminal that has not been registered. Register the terminal and retry the transaction.
• During a transaction, the terminal could not communicate with the base. See “The wireless signal status icon is notvisible” for suggestions.
• Swipe the card again. If the message reappears:for Credit, key in the card number manually; for Debit,request another form of payment.
• Open the printer,check that there is a paper roll and that the roll is loaded properly then close the printer.
• A communication error occurred. Press OK to finish printing the cancelled receipts and retry the transaction.
• The terminal could not connect via Ethernet. If available, dial back-up was used.Press OK to finish the transaction.
• Ensure the card is the correct type (e.g. debit card for debit) and retry the transaction.
• In Training Mode,ensure the amount of the transaction or the Tip is $1.00 or less (max. total = $2.00).
• The battery charge is too low.The terminal beeps 3 times then powers down. Place the terminal on a base or replace the battery with a fully charged one.
• The terminal cannot detect an available communications line. Check that all communications cable are connected to the base and the wall jack correctly.
• Press OK to return to the READY screen. Waitfor a moment then
try again. If the message reappears,check the connec tions on the communication base then try the transaction again.
• Press OK, check the Admin code, press Admin and re-try.
• The Refund amount was greater than your Refund limit. Cr
Refunds: enter a lower amount to complete the
transaction. Debit Refunds: press OK then retry the Refund for
a lower amount. If necessary,call Moneris for a temporary
• Check all cables to ensure everything is plugged in tightly.
• Check that the router and hub/switch (if any) are functioning.
Public Internet: Contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) for assistance.
Private Internet: Call the Moneris Merchant Service Centre.
Corporate WAN: Call your corporate help desk to confirm that the Corporate WAN is functioning properly.
If one of the following error messages appears, follow the instructions to continue the transaction. As a general rule,when an error
message appears, press OK or Can/Ann to continue. If the problem is not resolved,call the Moneris Merchant Service Centre.
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Equipment Problems
The battery is not charging.
• If the battery is attached to a terminal, ensure is displayed on the terminal when it is on the base.
• Move the terminal or battery on the base until the battery con­tacts touch the base contacts.
• Ensure the Base Status light on the base is lit.
The display screen is blank.
• The terminal is in Stand-by Mode. Press OK. If the READY screen does not appear,replace the battery.
The Base Status Light is not lit.
• Wait for 30 seconds then check the power cable on the base and ensure everything is plugged in tightly.
The (wireless signal status icon) is not visible.
• Walls and (metal) equipment may affect communication between the base and the terminal.
• Ensure the terminal is close enough to the communication base (max. range = 60m indoors to 120m outdoors).
• If is still not visible, place the terminal on the communications base and perform the transaction.
The icon appears.
• The battery needs to be recharged. Replace the battery or place the terminal on a base to complete the current transaction.
Quick Reference Guide
For Debit and Credit Card Procedures
Your Moneris Merchant Number is:
Record your IP Communication parameters here for reference:
Moneris Mobile
It is the merchant’s responsibility to ensure that proper card processing procedures are followed at all times. Please refer to your Merchant manuals and the Terms & Conditions of your Merchant Agreement for details. MasterCard and VISA Merchant Manuals are available for free download at
IMPORTANT You must use the exact power adaptor and cable
provided with the base, and use only batteries provided by Moneris Solutions. Failure to do so may affect the operability of,or cause damage to, the terminal and/or the base.
For Assistance call the
Moneris Merchant Service Centre
Toll-free 1-866-319-7450
8200 Keypad
For More Information
• For detailed instructions and information on additional features,visit the Moneris Mobile 8200 Webhelp. Go to
and select Mobile 8200.
• To download additional copies of this Quick Reference Guide go to and select Mobile 8200.
F1 Move through the items on the display or and Select the option displayed above the key, e.g., F3 if
appears above F1, press F1to select
if appears above F3, press F3to scroll down
F2 not in use Alphanumeric Key in numbers and (with the Admin key) letters keys and punctuation
[Paper Feed] Advance the receipt paper in the printer
Admin Go to the Main Menu or
Select letters and punctuation.
Can/Ann Cancel a transaction or
Move back one screen at a time
CORR Clear displayed data one character at a time OK Accept displayed data, finish keying data, or Enter select a menu item Entrée
Base Status
Light (not
Display Screen Magnetic Stripe Card
Chip Card Reader
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The Moneris Mobile 8200 consists of 3 main parts:
• An all-in-one, wireless terminal
• A rechargeable battery
• A communications-and-charge base
The all-in-one terminal and pinpad means that both you and your customer enter information on the terminal so you will need to pass the terminal back and forth. NOTE: Some transactions, e.g.,a Credit Purchase without Tip, do
not have customer prompts so you will not need to pass the terminal.
This wireless, handheld terminal runs on a rechargeable battery and connects to a communications base using wireless technology. This means that you can take the Mobile 8200 terminal to your customer.
The communications-and-charge base connects to up to seven (7) terminals via wireless communications and to the Moneris host via Ethernet communications. It also charges Mobile 8200 batteries. A charge-only base is also available to charge batteries.
Helpful Hints
- If the “Press OK and Pass to Customer” prompt appears,
press OK then give the terminal to your customer.
- If prompted to enter an Invoice Number:
- key in the number and press OK or
- simply press OK to leave this blank.
- When the customer sees the “Return PINPad” prompt,
retrieve the terminal then press OK to complete the transaction.
- To print the next copy of the receipt, press OK.
- To return to the READY screen after printing the receipts,
press OK.
Credit/Debit Purchase [100]
Sale of a good or service using a credit or debit card.
Swipe the customer’s card to begin the transaction then follow the prompts on the terminal. NOTE: - If the ENTER TIP AMOUNT prompt appears, the
customer can add a tip to the purchase amount. They can:
- key in the tip amount and press OK or
- simply press OK to leave the value as $0.00.
Credit/Debit Void
Purchase Void [106]:cancels the original credit or debit Purchase Refund Void [107]: cancels the original credit or debit Refund
IMPORTANT: The Void MUST be performed in the same
batch as the original transaction. Neither the original nor the void transaction will appear on the cardholder’s statement.
To begin the transaction,press the Admin key then select TRANSACTIONS then scroll down and select:
Then follow the prompts on the terminal.
NOTES: - The amount of the void must equal the full
amount of the original Purchase or Refund.
- The Original Authorization # is the 6-digit AUTH# on the original receipt.
- For a Credit Pur
chase Void:you sign the
Cardholder copy.
- For a Credit R
Void:the customer signs the
Merchant copy.
Card Masking
• Card numbers are masked (e.g. credit card numbers are printed as ************1234 and debit card numbers as 0123456789****) on:
- the Cardholder Copy of the receipt.
- reports if you press OK at the SWIPE ADMIN CARD prompt.
If you swipe your POS Admin Card,the card numbers are printed in full.
Credit/Debit Refund [101]
Credits a cardholder’s account for a previous creditor debit purchase.
To begin the transaction,press the Admin key then select TRANSACTIONS then select REFUN D then follow the
prompts on the terminal. NOTES: - The Original Authorization # is the 6-digit AUTH#
on the original receipt.
- For a Credit Refund:You sign the Cardholder copy.
Credit Pre-Authorization [102] & Advice [103]
If the final amount of a credit Purchase is not known (e.g. in a restaurant or a hotel), do NOT perform a Purchase transaction. Instead,per form a Pre-Authorization for the current purchase amount.
1. Press the Admin key then select TRANSACTION S then select PRE-AUTH. then follow the prompts on the terminal.
When the final amount of the purchase is known, perform a Pre-Auth Advice for the final amount using the same card number.
IMPORTANT: The P-A ADVICE must be performed on the same
terminal as the PRE-AUTH in order to find the original transaction in the terminal memory.
2. Press the Admin key then select TRANSACTIONS then select P-A ADVICE.
3. Press F1 (YES) then follow the prompts on the terminal.
NOTE: - The Original Sequence Number is part of the
Pre-Auth Receipt Number.For example: if the Receipt Number = S35111111-001-002-003-0 then the Sequence Number = 002003
Credit Force Post [103]
Completes a Voice Authorized Purchase on a Credit Card.
1. Press the Admin key then select TRANSACTION S then select P-A ADVICE.
2. Press F3 (NO) then follow the prompts on the terminal.
prompt, key in the Voice Authorization Number that you wrote on the paper sales draft when you called for Voice Authorization.
Cheque Authorization [105]
Contacts a cheque auth service that verifies whether a cheque should be accepted based on the customer’s identification.
To begin the transaction,press the Admin key then select TRANSACTIONS then scroll down and select CH EQUE AUTH then follow the prompts on the terminal.
NOTE: - For credit card ID,the list of I D types is provided
by the cheque auth service.
- For driver’s licence, the list of Province and State codes is provided by the cheque auth service.
- Write the Approved # on the cheque.
- Receipts are not printed for Cheque Authorizations.
Private Label Card Transactions
Refer to the Purchase,Refund, Void, Pre-authorization & Advice, and Force Post instructions to perform Private Label
card transactions. NOTE: If prompted to enter a Promo Code:
- key in the value and press the OK key or
- simply press the OK key to leave this field blank.
Private Label Payment & Payment Void
Payment [104]: allows a cardholder to make a payment towards the balance on their private label credit card. Payment Void [108]: reverses a private label card Payment made in error.
Press the Admin key then select TRANSACTIONS then scroll down and select:
Then follow the prompts on the terminal. NOTE: - For P
ayment Void: the Original Authorization # is
the AUTH# on the Payment receipt.
All instructions in this Guide begin at the READY screen. To access the READY screen from any other screen, press the Can/Ann key repeatedly on the terminal until the READY screen appears.
Transactions that require base communication have a at the end of the transaction title.
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