- 5 -
3. Basic function list
Function Description Remarks
Common Running Functions
Integrated control
for synchronous
and asynchronous
It can drive both AC asynchronous motor and
permanent magnetic synchronous motor (PMSM).
between the
two types of
motors easily by
modifying F1-25
Full collective
In automatic running or attendant state, this function
enables the elevator to respond both car calls and
hall calls. Passengers at any service oor can call the
elevator by pressing the up call button and down call
selection set in
Door open time
The system automatically determines different door
open time for door open for call, command, protection,
or delay according to the set door open holding time.
Set in group Fb
Door open holding
In automatic running state, passengers can press
the door open button in the car to delay door open to
facilitate goods to be moved in or out.
Set in group Fb
Door machine
service oor setting
You can set the required service oors of the door
Set in Fb-02 and
Door pre-close
by the door close
During door open holding in automatic running state,
passengers can press the door close button to close
the door in advance, which improves the efciency.
Floor number
display setting
The system supports display of oor numbers in
combinations of numbers and letters, which meets the
requirements of special conditions.
Set in group FE
Light curtain signal
If the door is blocked by stuff during door close, the
light curtain acts and the elevator opens the door. This
function is invalid in re emergency state.
Independent control
of the front door
and back door
When there are two doors for a car, this function
implements independent and automatic control on the
two doors according to your requirements.
Refer to section
5.2.3 in Chapter 5
Repeat door close
If the door lock is not applied after the elevator
performs door close for a certain time, the elevator
automatically opens the door and then closes the door
Fb-08 (Door close
protection time)
The systems implements automatic accurate leveling
based on the oor pulse counting and up/down leveling
feedback signals.
Response at
The system allows the elevator to automatically
respond to calls from the service oors during
Idle elevator
returning to base
In automatic running state, the elevator automatically
returns to the set parking oor and waits for
passengers if there is no car call or hall call within the
set time.
F9-00 (Idle time
before returning
to base oor)