molex TCDEC-8B4P-DYU-G8, TCDEC-8B4P-D1U-G8, TCDEC-8B4B-D1U-G8, TCDEC-8B4B-D1U-GW, TCDEC-8B4P-D1U-GW Original Instructions Manual

EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
1  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ HarshIO
IP67 Digital I/O Modules
Brad™ from Molex
Version 1.2
June 06th, 2017
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
2  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Revision History
February 04, 2016
E. Gory
Release version
May 19, 2016
E. Gory
Page 34 – Output sourcing - Update wiring schematic with
24 VDC on Pin1
Page 42 – Add 5-pole product references Page 84 – Add product code in decimal New “Safety I/O connections” chapter  Update template of “Declaration of Conformity” (DoC)
1.1 June 06, 2017
E. Gory
Page 27 – Update concerning the safety classes Page 42 – Add important note when UB is in overvoltage Page 61 – Correction of 5-pole power connector wiring Page 80 – Correction of the default Gateway address
when using the static IP method
Page 136 – Update of the Safety Reset procedure
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, all information is subject to change without notice. Molex takes no liability for any errors in this document or for direct, indirect, or consequential damage resulting from the use of this manual.
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
3  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Bradfrom Molex, manufacturer of HarshIO products, warrants to the Buyer that products, except software, manufactured by Brad will be free from defects in material and workmanship. Brad obligation under this warranty will be limited to replacing the defective parts within one year of the date of installation. Products may be returned by Buyer only after permission has been obtained from Molex. Buyer will prepay all freight charges to return any products to the facility designated by Brad.
Brad further warrants that any software supplied as part of a product sale, except obsolete products, will be free from non-conformances with Brad published specifications for a period of 90 days from the time of delivery. While Brad endeavors to improve the features and performance of software associated with its products, no effort on the part of Brad to investigate, improve or modify HarshIO modules firmware at the request of a customer will obligate Brad in any way.
For the convenience of existing customers, Brad continues to supply certain products that are classified as obsolete. No warranty on the software features of these products is stated or implied and Brad specifically is not obligated to improve the design of these products in any way. Information about the status of any product is available upon request and customers are advised to inquire about the status of older products prior to making a purchase.
This limited warranty does not cover losses or damages which occur in shipment to or from the Buyer or due to improper installation, maintenance, misuse, neglect or any cause other than ordinary commercial or industrial applications. All such warranties are hereby expressly disclaimed. No oral or written information or advice given by Brad or Brads representative shall create a warranty or in any way increase the scope of this warranty. This limited warranty is in lieu of all other warranties whether oral or written, expressed or implied. Brad’s liability shall not exceed the price of the individual units, which are the basis of the claim. In no event shall Brad be liable for any loss of profits, loss of use of facilities or equipment, or other indirect, incidental or consequential damages.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, all information is subject to change without any notice. Brad takes no liability for any errors in this document or for direct, indirect, or consequential damage resulting from the use of this manual.
The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Brad™ cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Molex is prohibited.
Mini-Change®, Ultra-Lock™, Bradare all registered trademarks of Molex, Inc. All other products or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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4  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
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Table of contents
1. About This Manual ............................................................................... 8
About this manual .................................................................................................... 8
2. General Safety Instructions .............................................................. 11
Intended use .......................................................................................................... 11
Responsibility of the user ...................................................................................... 11
Documentation ...................................................................................................... 12
Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 12
Spare parts ............................................................................................................ 12
Shipping ................................................................................................................ 12
Disposal ................................................................................................................. 13
Education of the personnel ................................................................................... 13
Personal protective equipment .............................................................................. 13
Special hazards ..................................................................................................... 14
Sign-posting .......................................................................................................... 15
3. Product Overview .............................................................................. 16
Introduction ............................................................................................................ 16
Functional safety - safety relevant parameters ..................................................... 18
Product environmental and safety instructions ..................................................... 19
Product features .................................................................................................... 21
Ultra-Lock M12 connectivity .................................................................................. 21
Ordering information.............................................................................................. 22
Ethernet topologies ............................................................................................... 23
4. Functional Safety Functions ............................................................. 27
Safety States ......................................................................................................... 27
Safety Inputs ......................................................................................................... 28
Safety Sourcing Outputs (TCDEC-8B4P-D1U-Gx and TCDEC-8B4P-DYU-Gx) .. 33
Bipolar Safety Outputs (TCDEC-8B4B-D1U-Gx and TCDEC-8B4B-DYU-Gx) ..... 37
I/O Status .............................................................................................................. 39
Behavior in case of fault ........................................................................................ 39
Response Time ..................................................................................................... 41
5. Product Characteristics .................................................................... 42
Hardware characteristics ....................................................................................... 42
Mechanical characteristics .................................................................................... 47
Physical I/O mapping ............................................................................................ 48
Safety I/O assemblies ........................................................................................... 49
Safety I/O connections .......................................................................................... 50
Safety I/O data mapping ....................................................................................... 52
Pin assignment ...................................................................................................... 60
LED assignment .................................................................................................... 62
6. Product installation and wiring ........................................................ 66
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6  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Power supply ......................................................................................................... 66
Ethernet connection .............................................................................................. 67
Module grounding .................................................................................................. 70
I/O wiring ............................................................................................................... 71
7. Product Deployment .......................................................................... 78
Getting Started ...................................................................................................... 78
IP address setting .................................................................................................. 78
EDS files ................................................................................................................ 85
Import HarshIO Safety EDS into Rockwell hardware description library .............. 89
Configure HarshIO Safety module into Rockwell RSLogix 5000 project .............. 97
Safety I/O assemblies ......................................................................................... 100
Configure HarshIO Safety module in Molex SNCT ............................................. 103
Connection and testing of HarshIO Safety module in RSLogix 5000 ................. 119
8. EtherNet/IP Behavior ....................................................................... 122
I/O behavior ......................................................................................................... 122
IDLE behavior ...................................................................................................... 122
Duplicate IP address ........................................................................................... 122
EtherNet/IP Object Classes ................................................................................ 123
9. Product Replacement ...................................................................... 131
Before to start ...................................................................................................... 131
Replacement procedure ...................................................................................... 132
Verification ........................................................................................................... 133
10. SNCT Configuration Software ........................................................ 134
Overview ............................................................................................................. 134
Safety Reset ........................................................................................................ 136
Lock / Unlock Configuration ................................................................................ 142
Stored IP Address using DHCP Server............................................................... 149
IP Address Conflict .............................................................................................. 155
Ethernet Port Diagnostics ................................................................................... 156
Module Information .............................................................................................. 157
Set/Reset password ............................................................................................ 159
Additional Information.......................................................................................... 162
Download Firmware ............................................................................................ 164
Print module configuration .................................................................................. 169
Log (Emergency Mode) ....................................................................................... 172
11. Product Package .............................................................................. 173
Product package ................................................................................................. 173
USB Stick ............................................................................................................ 173
Memory Key ........................................................................................................ 174
12. Web Server Interface ....................................................................... 176
How to connect the web server ........................................................................... 176
General information ............................................................................................. 177
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7  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Diagnostic information ......................................................................................... 178
13. Selection of Cables and Cordsets .................................................. 180
Overview ............................................................................................................. 180
14. Certifications .................................................................................... 181
TUV Certificate .................................................................................................... 182
EU Declarations of Conformity ............................................................................ 183
15. Product Support .............................................................................. 185
Warranty conditions ............................................................................................. 185
Product Information ............................................................................................. 185
Technical Support ............................................................................................... 186
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
8  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
1. About This Manual
This Safety Manual describes the IP67 digital safety I/O modules (also called HarshIO) from Molex.
About this manual
Chapter 1: About This Manual
This is this present chapter.
Chapter 2: General Safety Instructions
This chapter gives an overview of all important safety aspects for optimum protection of the personnel, as well as for the safe and fault-free operation.
Chapter 3: Product Overview
This chapter gives an overview of the product usage and main features.
Chapter 4: Safety Functions
This chapter gives a presentation of the characteristics of the Safety Inputs and Safety Outputs of the module.
Chapter 5: Product Characteristics
This chapter gives an overview of characteristics and technical data of the HarshIO safety modules.
Chapter 6: Product Installation and Wiring
This chapter details the wiring possibilities and associated safety categories.
Chapter 7: Product Deployment
This chapter presents an example of how to proceed with the commissioning of the HarshIO Safety modules based on the Rockwell Automation RSLogix™ 5000 software version 20.
Chapter 8: Product Behavior
This chapter gives a presentation of HarshIO safety modules behaviors related to EtherNet/IP communication.
Chapter 9: Product Replacement
This chapter describes the strategy in case of replacement of commissioned HarshIO Safety modules.
Chapter 10: SNCT Configuration software
This chapter presents the important features that are available in the SNCT software used for the HarshIO module commissioning.
Chapter 11: Product Package
This chapter details the contents of the product package.
Chapter 12: Web Server Interface
This chapter presents the HarshIO information available by connecting the module web server.
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
9  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Chapter 13: Selection of cables and cordsets
This chapter presents how to access to a selection of connectivity products and associated part numbers to help designing the system infrastructure.
Chapter 14: Certifications
This chapter describes how to identify the product and contact information the technical support.
Chapter 15: Product Support
This chapter describes how to identify the product and contact information the technical support.
Target audience
The manual is targeted at users who have a background in automation and networking technology, including safety application, EtherNet/IP™ and CIP Safety.
Structure of the manual
The manual consists of chapters. Every chapter provides a self-contained description of a specific topic.
The manual is available in electronic form as PDF-file (Adobe Acrobat Reader) in English language. It is important to warrant that the product will be implemented by a body having the right skill to understand English. In case of concern, this document could be on request translated to a different language. Nevertheless the English version will remain the reference in case on hazardous translation.
Icon headings
Important passages in the text are highlighted by following icons and headings:
Immediate danger to life and limb of personnel and others. Non-compliance will cause death or serious injury.
Hazardous situation to life and limb of personnel and others. Non-compliance may cause death or serious injury.
Designates a possibly harmful situation. Non-compliance can damage the product or something in its environment.
Supplementary information and useful tips.
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10  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Liability Limitation
All data and notes in these instructions were prepared with consideration to the statutory standards and regulations, the present state of technology, as well as our many years of knowledge and experience.
The manufacturer accepts no liability for damage caused because:
Non-compliance with the instructions  Non-specified use  Use of untrained personnel
The actual scope of delivery can, by special designs, deviate from the explanations and presentations given here, because of the utilization of additional order options, or because of the most recent technical changes.
The user is responsible for the execution of service and commissioning according to the safety instructions of the prevailing standards and other relevant national and local instructions concerning conductor dimensioning and protection, earthing, overcurrent protection and so on.
The individual, who has carried out the mounting or the installation, is liable for damages which result from the mounting or from the connection.
We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly. Necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
Suggestions for improvement are welcome.
The manufacturer is no liable for damage resulting from missing or insufficient knowledge of the manual. Therefore, it is recommended to the operator to obtain written instructions from qualified people.
Modifications or functional alterations on the product are not allowed due to safety reasons. Any modification on the product not explicitly authorized by the manufacturer will result in loss of any liability claims to the vendor. The same applies if non authorized parts or equipment are used.
This manual is to be treated confidentially. It has been provided only for the personnel, which uses the product. The transfer of this document to third parties without the authorization in writing of the vendor is prohibited.
The contents, texts, drawings, pictures and any other illustrations are copyrighted and subject to other protection rights. Any person unlawfully using this publication is liable to criminal prosecution.
Use of this manual
This safety manual contains information for the intended use of the HarshIO safety modules.
Knowledge of regulations and the proper technical implementation of the safety instructions detailed in this manual performed by qualified personnel are prerequisites for safely planning, engineering, programming, installing and starting up the HarshIO safety modules as well as for ensuring safety during their operation and maintenance.
Molex will not be held liable for severe personal injuries, damage to property or the surroundings caused by any of the following: unqualified personnel working on or with the devices, de-activation or bypassing of safety functions or failure to comply with the instructions detailed in this manual.
The manual contains safety instructions, description of the modules and information about life cycle.
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11  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
2. General Safety Instructions
This chapter gives an overview of all important safety aspects for optimum protection of the personnel, as well as for the safe and fault-free operation.
Intended use
The modules have been engineered and designed exclusively for the proper use described in this documentation. The modules are intended to be used if considering all references and information of this manual.
Warning! Danger by not intended use!
Each use of the product, which differs from the intended use, can lead to dangerous situations.
Therefore: Use the product only as intended. Use the product only together with the recommended components. Consider all the data in this manual. Ensure that only qualified personnel works with the product. Ensure during configuration that the product is operated within its specifications. Ensure that the power supply corresponds to the given specifications. Only use the product in a technically adequate condition. Only use the product in combination with approved components.
Changes and modifications at the product
To avoid endangerments and to ensure the optimal operating, neither changes nor modifications should be made to the product, which are not specially approved by the manufacturer.
Responsibility of the user
The product is used in the factory automation environment. The user of the product is subject of the statutory duties to work safely.
In addition to the safety instructions in this manual, for the usage environment of the product, adhere to the relevant accident prevention and environmental protection regulations.
The user must be informed about the valid industrial safety regulations in order to evaluate additionally
dangers, which arise as a result of the special conditions for the product in the place of operation. This is to be transcribed with working instructions for the operation of the product.
These working instructions must be kept in the direct environment of the product and accessible at any
time for people who work with the product.
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Fully adhere to the working instructions.  The product is only to be operated in a technically flawless and reliable condition.
Every person working with the product must have read and understood the operating instructions before carrying out any work. The manual must be available to all personnel involved in:
project design  installation  commissioning  operation  decommissioning
The following conditions must be met before using or commissioning the components described in this manual
Modification to the process control system should only be carried out when the
system has been disconnected from power!
Installation and modifications shall only be performed by properly trained personnel  The national rules and regulations of the respective country must be satisfied
(installation, safety, EMC ...)
To prevent hazards and ensure optimum performance, no changes, modifications or conversions may be made to the product that have not been expressly approved by the manufacturer.
The corresponding safety module is maintenance-free.
Spare parts
Please use only original spare parts of Molex.
Incorrect or faulty spare parts can cause damage, malfunction or failure as well as affect security and safety function.
For shipping always use the original packaging.
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National rules and regulations apply to the disposal of the unit. Please check with the local authorities for the correct local disposal procedures.
Education of the personnel
Warning! Risk of injury resulting from insufficient qualification!
Improper use can cause considerable personal injury and material damage.
The automation system may only be operated by persons, which are trained, instructed and authorized. Troubleshooting, maintenance, cleaning, and replacement must be performed only by skilled or trained personnel.
Qualified personnel
These persons have to know the instruction manual and have to act accordingly. Commissioning and training should only be performed by qualified personnel.
Operating personnel
These are electrical engineers and electricians of the customer or third party, which are authorized by the manufacturer and which have learned installation and commissioning by the manufacturer and are allowed to ground, mark and install electrical circuits and devices in accordance to the standard safety technology.
Qualified personnel is trained and instructed according to the corresponding valid standards in safety technology in the care and use of appropriate safety equipment.
Personal protective equipment
During work, the wearing of personal protective equipment is needed to minimize health hazards.
Always wear the necessary protective equipment for the corresponding job.  For your own safety regard the signs, which are in your work space.
Work clothing
is close-fitting clothing with low tensile strength, with tight sleeves and without a protruding part. Depending on the application it should be prevented, that the carrier gets serious injured or is exposed to health risk during work.
For reasons of injury no jewelry like rings and chains should be worn.
Protective helmet
for protection against falling and flying objects.
Safety shoes
for protection against falling heavy objects.
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
14  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Protective gloves
To protect hands from friction abrasions, punctures or injuries, as well as from contact with hot objects
Eye protector
To protect eyes from flying parts and liquid splashes
Special hazards
In the following section the residual risks are identified, which result from the hazard analysis. Regard the listed safety warnings here and the notes in the whole manual to reduce health hazards and to
avoid dangerous situations.
Electric current
Danger! Risk of death by electric current!
Contact with live parts is immediate danger to life. Damage of the insulation or of components can be danger to life.
Therefore: Immediately turn off the power supply when the insulation is damaged. Work on the
electrical system only by qualified personnel. Always power-off and secure the electrical system during work.
Risk by residual energy
Danger! Risk of death by electric current!
After disconnecting the device from main voltage, parts such as power connections should only be touched when the capacitors are discharged in the device.
Therefore: Regard discharge time of the capacitors; do not touch live parts before having observed
a period of 1 minute. If there are additional connected capacitors on the link, the discharge of the link can last
considerably longer. In this case you have to determine the required waiting period or even to measure whether the device is safe.
Moving objects
Warning! Risk of injury from moving parts!
Rotary and linear moving parts can cause serious injuries.
Therefore: Do not touch moving parts during operation. Do not open the cover during operation. The mechanical residual energy depends on the application.
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
15  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Driven components rotate respectively move for a certain time even after switching off the power supply.
Fire fighting
Danger! Risk of death by electric current!
Risk of an electrical shock when using a conducting firefighting medium.
Therefore use the following firefighting medium:
ABC powder / CO2
Behavior with dangers and accidents
Preventive measures
Always be prepared for accidents or fire!  Keep first-aid equipment (first aid kit, blankets etc.) and fire extinguishers handy.  Make personnel familiar with accident message, first aid and rescue mechanisms.
In case of emergency: act correctly
Set immediately the device with emergency stop out of operation.  Initiate first-aid measures.  Rescue persons from the danger zone.  Inform responsible on-site.  Call medical and / or fire department.  Clear the access routes for emergency vehicles.
Warning! Danger of injury by illegible symbols
In course of time stickers and symbols on the equipment can get dirty or otherwise become unrecognizable.
Therefore: Please always maintain all safety warnings and operation instructions on the device in
easily readable condition.
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16  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
3. Product Overview
This chapter gives an overview of the product usage and main features.
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ Brad™ HarshIO modules provide a reliable solution for the monitoring of safety input devices (interlock switches, emergency stops, light curtains, laser scanners …) as well as the control of safety output devices (relays, muting lamps, fail-safe motor starters…) with industrial safety controllers in harsh duty environments. Contained in an IP67 rated housing, Brad HarshIO can be machine mounted and are able to withstand areas where liquids, dust or vibration may be present.
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ HarshIO module serves mainly applications for automotive manufacturers and machine builders looking for on-machine safety I/O connection to reduce cabinet space. The IP67 60mm housing with M12 connectors make HarshIO modules ideally suited for many safety applications including material handling equipment, automated assembly machinery and automotive applications running robots into cells.
- Example of safety application used for automotive assembly line -
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17  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
The combination of EtherNet/IP and CIP Safety protocols allow exchanging safety process I/O and diagnostics information over a single Ethernet network. The modules need to be configured in order to suit with the safety function definitions, up to SIL 3 as defined by IEC 61508 or CAT 4/ PLe as defined by ISO 13849-1 (in particular, inputs and outputs could be set for use as dual-channel).
The diagram below shows some examples of safety I/O wirings.
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18  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Functional safety - safety relevant parameters
This chapter describes parameters associated to functional safety. In according to IEC 61508, Safety means first that a system is free from unwarrantable risks. Functional safety is a part of the total safety, which guarantees the fail-safe response of a safety system according to the input conditions. Here internal safety­relevant device errors must be detected and lead to a safe condition.
Safety relevant parameters may always be found in the according manuals of the modules.
TCDEC-8B4P-D1U-Gx and TCDEC-8B4P-DYU-Gx products:
Parameters according to IEC 61508
PFH = 1 *10
Probability of failure per Hour: Probability of danger failure per hour
PFDavg = 8.74 * 10
Probability of Failure on Demand average: Average of probability of failure on demand
SFF according SIL 3
Safe Failure Fraction: Fraction of failure, which lead to a safe state.
TCDEC-8B4P-D1U-Gx and TCDEC-8B4P-DYU-Gx products:
Parameters according to IEC 61508
PFH = 8.67 *10
Probability of failure per Hour: Probability of danger failure per hour
PFDavg = 7.65 * 10
Probability of Failure on Demand average: Average of probability of failure on demand
SFF according SIL 3
Safe Failure Fraction: Fraction of failure, which lead to a safe state.
All products:
Parameters according to DIN EN ISO 13849-1
MTTFd: High
Mean Time To dangerous Failure
DCavg: High
Diagnostic Coverage average
Service Life: 20 years
During the expected life of the device of up to 20 years, no proof test is required
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19  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Product environmental and safety instructions
Approvals, directives, standards
The HarshIO safety module has been designed to comply with the following directives and standards:
Conformity and approval
Machinery directive
RoHS 2 directive
EMC directive for industrial use (Class-B)
UL Listed
UL 508
Approval for USA and Canada
IEC 61508
Ed 2010
Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-related Systems (E/E/PE, or E/E/PES)
ISO 13849-1
Ed 2015
Safety of machinery
IEC 62061
Ed 2012
Safety of machinery: Functional safety of electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems
IEC 61131-2
Ed 2007
Programmable logic controllers - Equipment Requirements and Tests
ODVA conformance
Vol 2 – 1.18
Vol 5 – 2.6
CIP Safety
IEC 60529
Ed 2010
IP67 degree of protection
*CE Declaration of conformity can be found in section ‘Certifications’ of this manual
The HarshIO has been designed and produced specifically for:
communication and process control  general control and automation applications  industrial applications  operation within the environmental conditions specified in the technical data
This product was EMC tested for use in industrial areas. If it is to be used in personal or business and trade environments, the resulting system must go through EMC qualification.
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20  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Explosive environments
This device is not certified for applications in
explosive environments (EX-zone)
Power supply and Electrical safety
The device is developed for operation on 24 VDC power supplies, which correspond to the PELV-/SELV regulations in accordance to EN 50178.
Risk of injury by electric current!
There may only devices be connected to the module, which have a safe separation from the mains (such as 120V/230V/600V) power.
The power supply to generate 24 V power must correspond to the requirements for PELV/SELV according to EN 50178.
IP67 rating
The product complies with IP67 when installed. All caps of non-used connectors shall be mounting on the product to maintain the IP67 rating during operation.
Danger! Risk of electric power!
Contact with live parts is immediate danger to life.
Mission time
The expected life time of the HarshIO module is up to 20 years with no proof test necessary.
If the user calculates their safety application with the specified data for >20 years, the HarshIO has to be decommissioned and replaced. A proof test cannot be established by the user.
Connections to earth shall be wired accordingly to the relevant chapter of this manual in order to warrant EMC characteristics of the product.
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21  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Product features
EtherNet/IP CIP Safety HarshIO main features include:
Safety Inputs
o To connect safety devices, such as emergency stop push buttons, gate switches, and safety light
o Single or dual channel modes supported. o Dual-channel mode evaluates consistency between two input signals (channels), which allows
use of the module for Safety Category 3 and 4. The time of a logical discrepancy between two channels can be monitored using a discrepancy time setting.
o Each safety input has its own associated test output to check external wiring short-circuit. o Independently adjustable ON and OFF delay are available per channel.
Test Outputs
o Separate test outputs are provided for external short circuit detection of a safety input. o Power (24 V) can be supplied to devices, such as safety sensors. o Test outputs can be configured as standard non-safe outputs. o 2 test outputs can be used for broken wire detection of a muting lamp.
Safety Outputs or Bipolar Safety Outputs
o Up to 1A for safety outputs and up to 2A for bipolar per output point. o Dual-channel mode evaluates consistency between two output signals (channels). o Safety outputs can be pulse tested to detect field wiring shorts to 24 VDC. o Bipolar safety outputs use pulse testing to detect a short to 24 VDC on the safety sourcing output,
and a short to 0VDC on the safety sinking output.
I/O Safety RPI with up to 10ms cycle time  IP67 rated enclosure that when properly installed provides protection against the ingress of dust, water  Integrated 2-port unmanaged Ethernet switch with cross-over and DLR capability  Isolated grounding to able to use 2 separate power supplies to energize the module logic/inputs and
Protective earth (for power supplies)  Functional earth (for Ethernet connectors)  Diagnostic visible LEDs  Easy commissioning via Molex Safety Network Configuration Tool (SNCT)  On-board memory key (Window or M8 versions) allowing to store module configuration and perform
replacement in few minutes without any special tool or re-commissioning.
3 rotary switches to set IP address
Ultra-Lock M12 connectivity
HarshIO safety modules with Micro-Change® (M12) ports accept both threaded cordsets and Molex Ultra-Lock™ system.
Ultra-Lock™ connection System! The fastest, easiest and most secure connection ever designed. Ultra-Lock™ technology is designed for higher performance and reliability.
Discover how the push-to-lock technology of the Ultra-Lock connection system can eliminate the downtime, increase the productivity and lower the costs. More information visit:
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
22  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Ordering information
This user safety manual applies to the following HarshIO product references:
Part Number Table
4-pin 7/8” power connector versions
Material No
EtherNet/IP CIP Safety IP67 module, 4-pin power connector,
12 Safety Inputs + 4 Safety Outputs, Windows key
EtherNet/IP CIP Safety IP67 module, 4-pin power connector,
12 Safety Inputs + 4 Safety Outputs, M8 key
EtherNet/IP CIP Safety IP67 module, 4-pin power connector,
12 Safety Inputs + 2 Safety Bipolar Outputs, Windows key
EtherNet/IP CIP Safety IP67 module, 4-pin power connector,
12 Safety Inputs + 2 Safety Bipolar Outputs, M8 key
5-pin 7/8” power connector versions
Material No
EtherNet/IP CIP Safety IP67 module, 5-pin power connector,
12 Safety Inputs + 4 Safety Outputs, Windows key
EtherNet/IP CIP Safety IP67 module, 5-pin power connector,
12 Safety Inputs + 4 Safety Outputs, M8 key
EtherNet/IP CIP Safety IP67 module, 5-pin power connector,
12 Safety Inputs + 2 Safety Bipolar Outputs, Windows key
EtherNet/IP CIP Safety IP67 module, 5-pin power connector,
12 Safety Inputs + 2 Safety Bipolar Outputs, M8 key
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
23  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Ethernet topologies
EtherNet/IP CIP Safety HarshIO IO module can be used with a protocol compliant scanner as part of control system architecture. The modules built-in 2-port Ethernet DLR capable switch allowing to use the network topology that meets the application needs. These topologies include the following:
Star  Daisy-chain  Combination of star and daisy-chain  DLR for Ethernet media ring redundancy
Star topology
Star topology allows to connect mixed I/O modules or additional devices. Performing maintenance on one module – for example, by removing the network cable, or by cycling power to the module – does not affect other modules.
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
24  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Daisy-chain topology
Daisy-chain ring topology is the easiest way to add more EtherNet/IP CIP Safety HarshIO IO module or additional devices in the system by daisy-chaining, or connecting each industrial device in series to the next.
This topology is the simplest and cost-effective solution because it takes full advantage of the dual port Ethernet switch integrated in HarshIO modules and reduces the overall Ethernet cable length.
When considering the daisy chain topology, note that:
Performing maintenance on any module not physically located at the end of the
daisy chain – for example, by removing the network cable, or by cycling power to the module – affects any modules located down the chain from the maintained module.
The embedded dual port Ethernet switch located in each module eliminates the
need for additional Ethernet switches
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
25  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Combination of star and daisy-chain topology
Combining star and daisy-chain topology allows connecting EtherNet/IP CIP Safety HarshIO IO modules with mixed HarshIO modules or additional devices.
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
26  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
DLR Ring topology
DLR ring topology allows including mixed I/O modules and additional devices in a ring. Performing maintenance on one module – for example, by removing the network cable, or by removing a module does not affect other modules as the disruption can be detected and the CIP safety communication can be then routed adequately.
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
27  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
4. Functional Safety Functions
EtherNet/IP CIP Safety HarshIO modules can achieve the following safety classes by making suitable parameter settings and wiring.
Safety Classes
I/O Configuration
Per IEC 61508 / IEC 62061
Per ISO 13849-1
Dual I/O Channel
PL e / Cat. 4
Single I/O Channel
PL d / Cat. 2
Safety States
The safety states of the HarshIO module are defined as the following:
Safe Outputs are switched OFF  Safe Inputs are reported in the OFF state on the network
HarshIO modules are to be used in systems where the OFF state is the safety state.
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
28  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Safety Inputs
Safety inputs are used to report the state of safety input devices.
A safety input can be configured as:
Not Used (default) - the input is disable and doesn’t participate in any safety function  Safety - the input participates to the safety function, but does not have a dependency on a test output  Safety Pulse Test - the input participates to the safety function and has a dependency on an
associated test output configured as “Pulse Test”
Standard - The input doesn’t participate in any safety function (allows to connect non-safe input
device). Nevertheless a Standard input behaves exactly like an input configured as Safety.
Using Safety Inputs on Single-Channel
The inputs are configured as 2 distinct safety inputs on the same M12 connector.
The process Input value is set to safety device physical input value and status is “1” (good) as long as no fault is detected. On fault detection, the process Input value is turned OFF and status is “0” (bad).
HarshIO behavior when used as single safe inputs:
Safety Device
Physical State
Fault Detected
Safe Input
Process Value
Safe Input
Process Status
Safe Input
Led Status
0 = OFF
0 (safe)
1 = ON
1 (active)
0 = OFF
0 (fault)
1 = ON
0 (fault)
(1) When single channel input is configured as “Standard” or “Safety”, only internal
hardware faults can be detected. Input shall be configured as “Safety Pulse Test” to allow external short to ON detection.
(2) This state is a transitory state only as it corresponds to fault reset condition
(physical value set to OFF). If physical fault still exist on the wiring, fault will be detected again at next ON transition.
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
29  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
Using a Test Output
A test output can be configured as
Pulse Test – When the external contact of the safety device is closed, the test output pulse allows
diagnosing external wiring faults as stuck with the power supply or short with the other safety input from the same M12 connector.
Note! Characteristics of the pulse test
Pulse test length: 2ms  Pulse test period: 12ms
A pulse test can be configured to each safety Input of the M12 connector. It can be also associated to the both inputs.
Power Supply – The test output is used as a power supply to supply 24 VDC for the safety input
Standard – The test output is used as a non-safe digital output.
No status led is associated to test outputs. Test output values and status can nevertheless be monitored via Inputs process image.
Muting Lamp – The test output diagnoses whether the circuit and lamp are operational.
When test outputs are configured for Power Supply or Muting Lamp, the use of double isolation cable could be required depending on the application and on the expected SIL/CAT to achieve.
EtherNet/IP™ CIP Safety™ IP67 HarshIO 600
30  IP67 Safety Digital I/O Modules
When test output is activated, Muting Lamp feature controls the output current. Below 5mA, a fault is detected and the status is 0=OFF. Above 25mA is normal operation, the status is 1=ON.
Below is a typical scenario for muting lamp broken wire detection:
Test Output Process Value
Muting Lamp Physical State
Muting Lamp Status
Step #1: 1 = ON
Lamp good
Step #2: 1 = ON
Lamp broken
Step #3: 0 = OFF
Lamp broken
Step #4: 0 = OFF
Lamp replaced
Only Test Output 3 and Test Output 7 can be configured in Muting Lamp
When Test Output is not activated, no broken wire fault can be detected.
However, once a default has been detected (step 2), the lamp replacement is diagnosed even if the Test Output is deactivated (step 3)
Broken wire detection is performed at a 3 second period. Two
consecutive detections are required before the status is reported as BAD, so up to 6 seconds can be required before muting lamp status to be set to BAD
Typical wiring of safety inputs
M12 pining and wiring of the safety inputs with the associated pulse test outputs
1: Test Output #1 (TP1, 24 VDC powered from UB)  2: Safe Input #1 (IN1)  3: Ground Logic/Input (UB GND)  4: Safe Input #0 (IN0)  5: Test Output #0 (TP0, 24 VDC powered from UB)
1 2
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