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U.S. Patents
4,968,148 and 5,112,134 ; Canadian Patent 1,305,334 .
and methods are protected by the following patents:
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SPECTRAplate, SPECTRAstrip, PathCheck and Automix are trademarks and SPECTRAmax and SOFTmax are
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Molecular Devices Corporation Instrument Warranty
Molecular Devices Corporation warrants this product against defects in material or workmanship as follows:
1) All parts of the SPECTRAmax
Microplate Spectrophotometer are warranted for a period of one (1)
year from the original date of delivery.
2) All labor charges to repair the product for a period of one (1) year from the original date of delivery will be paid
by Molecular Devices Corporation.
3) This warranty covers the SPECTRAmax
printer, software, reagents, or disposables used with the instrument.
Labor and Parts
To obtain warranty service during the applicable warranty period, you must take the product or deliver the product
properly packaged in the original shipping materials and carton to an authorized Molecular Devices Corporation service facility. You must call or write to the nearest Molecular Devices Corporation service facility to schedule warranty
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time of requesting warranty service, you must present proof of purchase documentation which includes the date of
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and returned by you within ten (10) working days of the date of delivery.
instrument only, and does not extend to any computer,
prior to bringing or shipping the product for servicing. At the
Microplate Spectrophotometer Operator’s Manual
This warranty only covers defects arising under normal usage and does not cover malfunctions of failures resulting
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Repair or replacement as provided under this warranty is the exclusive remedy of the purchaser (the “Buyer”).
Molecular Devices Corporation (the “Seller”) shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages
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The Seller specifically excludes all express and implied warranties including without limitation any implied
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For the name of the nearest authorized Molecular Devices Corporation service facility, please contact Molecular
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(408) 747-1700
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If the Buyer furnishes specifications to the Seller, the Buyer agrees to hold the Seller harmless against any
The names of keys that appear on the SPECTRAmax PLUS
shown in boxed Helvetica type. Example:
control panel are
Italic and boldface type are used for emphasis. Examples: “Press carefully to
engage,” “
Do not press down. ”
A note provides information that will help you properly execute an
action or procedure.
Indicates an action or condition that could potentially damage
the instrument or one of its components or could result in loss of data.
person working with the system
Indicates a situation that could result in potential injury to a
Indicates a condition involving potentially infectious biolog-
ical agents requiring that proper handling precautions be taken.
Absorbance, A
The amount of light absorbed by a solution. To measure absorbance accurately, it
is necessary to eliminate light scatter. In the absence of turbidity, absorbance =
optical density.
A = log (I
= incident light
I = transmitted light
In this manual, we use the terms absorbance and optical density interchangeably.
Optical Density, OD
The amount of light passing through a sample to a detector relative to the total
amount of light available. Optical Density includes absorbance of the sample plus
light scatter from turbidity.
Transmittance, T
The ratio of transmitted light to the incident light.
and sensitive UV/VIS measurements of a variety of analytes including specific
proteins, nucleic acids, and other molecules across a wide range of concentrations. It measures the optical density (OD) of samples in both 96- and 384-well
microplates or in a cuvette at a selected wavelength for a single point in time
(endpoint), over a specified period of time (kinetic), or over a selected wavelength
range (spectral scan).
microplate spectrophotometer provides rapid
Figure 1.1 : The SPECTRAmax PLUS
The on-board microprocessor calculates and reports the absorbance (or % Transmittance) for each well of a microplate. Data from multiple wavelengths can be
acquired during a single reading, if desired, and different calculations can be
made based on this data using SOFTmax PRO software, including the subtraction of blanks, use of standard curves, etc.
Typical applications include endpoint assays (quantitation of cytoproliferation by
MTT reduction, colorimetric protein assays, protein measurement at 280 nm,
DNA/RNA measurement at 260 nm, and endpoint ELISAs) and kinetic
measurements (enzyme studies, such as determination of the activity of enzymes
released from cells, and kinetic ELISAs).
All standard 96- and 384-well microplates, strip wells, and filter-bottom microplates can be used in the SPECTRAmax
. When reading at wavelengths
below 340 nm, special UV-transparent, disposable or quartz microplates and
cuvettes that allow transmission of the
far UV spectra must be used.
With SOFTmax PRO, the contents of the wells in a microplate can be mixed
automatically by shaking before each read cycle, making it possible to perform
kinetic analysis of solid-phase, enzyme-mediated reactions (mixing is not critical
for liquid-phase reactions). The temperature of the microplate chamber can also
be regulated, if desired, from 4°C above ambient to 45°C.
Microplate Spectrophotometer Operator’s Manual1-3
Chapter 1
An optional printer, for use with the cuvette chamber in a stand-alone mode, can
be purchased as an accessory.
As predicted by the Beer Lambert law of light absorption, absorbance is proportional to the distance that light travels through the sample—the longer the pathlength, the higher the absorbance.
Microplate readers use a vertical light path so the distance of the light through the
sample depends on the volume. This variable pathlength makes it difficult to perform extinction-based assays and confusing to compare results between microplate readers and spectrophotometers.
The standard pathlength of a cuvette is the
conventional basis for quantifying the unique
absorptivity properties of compounds in solution.
Light Path
Quantitative analyses can be performed on the basis
of extinction coefficients, without standard curves
(e.g., protein at 280 nm, nucleic acid estimates at
260 nm and NADH-based enzyme assays). When
using a cuvette, the pathlength is known and is
independent of sample volume, so absorbance is
proportional to concentration.
dependent on the
In the microplate, pathlength is
liquid volume, so absorbance is proportional to
the concentration and the pathlength of the sample.
Standard curves are often used to determine analyte
concentrations in vertical-beam photometry of
Vertical Light Path
unknowns, yet errors can still arise from pipetting the
samples and standards. The PathCheck feature of the
automatically determines
the pathlength of aqueous samples in the microplate
and normalizes the absorbance in each well to a
pathlength of 1 cm. This novel approach to
Microplate Wells
correcting the microwell absorbance values is accurate
to within 2.5% of the values obtained directly in a 1cm cuvette.
Reference measurements made by reading the cuvette or using factory-stored values derived from deionized water can be used to normalize the OD data for
microplate wells.
This pathlength correction is accomplished only with the use of SOFTmax PRO
software. Stand-alone control of the instrument is limited to fixed-wavelength
Microplate Spectrophotometer Operator’s Manual
Instrument Description
Control Panel
reference measurements made with the cuvette. SOFTmax
PRO software from
Molecular Devices provides full instrument control and statistical data analysis.
The main components of the SPECTRAmax PLUS
• The control panel
• The microplate drawer
• The cuvette chamber
• The back panel (connections and power switch)
Back Panel
Cuvette Chamber
Figure 1.2 : Major areas of the SPECTRAmax PLUS
Control Panel
Figure 1.3 : Control Panel
The control panel consists of an LCD and nine pressure-sensitive, color-coded
membrane keys which can be used to perform the stand-alone functionality of
the SPECTRAmax
plate drawer and cuvette chamber, setting the wavelength at which to read the
cuvette, toggling between displayed values as absorbance or percent transmission,
, including setting the temperature inside the micro-
Microplate Spectrophotometer Operator’s Manual1-5
Chapter 1
and opening or closing the microplate drawer. Pressing a control panel key activates the function.
A 2-
-20-character liquid crystal display which shows the current instrument set-
(Incubator)Enables/disables the incubator function.
(Incubator)Allows you to enter a set point to regulate the
microplate and cuvette chamber temperature. Pressing the up
or down arrow key scrolls up or down, starting at the previous
temperature setting (or the default of 37.0°C, if no setting had
been made). Pressing the up (
) or down (
) arrow once incre-
ments or decrements the temperature shown in the display by
0.1°C; pressing and holding
either arrow increments or decrements the temperature shown in the display by 1°C until it is
released. If you increment the setting to the highest limit (45°C)
and continue to press the up (
) arrow, the display will not
change. If you decrement the setting to the lowest limit, 15°C,
and continue to press the down (
) arrow, the display will not
If the incubator is disabled, pressing the
enable the incubator.
[Temp On/Off]
Selects the wavelength that will be used for reading the cuvette
manually. Pressing the up or down arrow key scrolls up or
down through the available wavelengths, starting at the previ-
ous setting. Pressing the up (
) or down (
) arrow once increments or decrements the wavelength shown in the display by
1 nm; pressing and
holding either arrow increments or decre-
ments the wavelength shown in the display by 10 nm until it is
released. If you increment the setting to the highest limit
(1000 nm) and continue pressing the up (
) arrow, the display returns to the lowest possible setting (190 nm) and begins
incrementing from there. The inverse is true for decrementing
by pressing the down (
) arrow.
Setting the wavelength in SOFTmax PRO and reading using the soft-
ware will override the manual setting.
The control panel will not show
the wavelength selected through SOFTmax PRO.
Microplate Spectrophotometer Operator’s Manual
Instrument Description
A reading of buffer, water, or air taken in the cuvette that is
used as I
reference reading is taken, the SPECTRAmax
the I
to calculate Absorbance or %Transmittance. If no
values stored in the NVRAM (non-volatile memory) of
will use
the instrument.
Initiates the sample reading of the cuvette.
Toggle switch used to display cuvette data as percent
transmission or absorbance.
Opens or closes (toggles) the microplate drawer. Whether or
not the drawer will remain open depends on the incubator
setting. If the incubator is off, the drawer will remain open;
if the incubator is on, the drawer will close after approximately
10 seconds to assist in maintaining temperature control within
the microplate chamber.
If the SPECTRAmax
software, the
If the SPECTRAmax
is being controlled by the computer
is idle, all keys on the control panel are
button will be inactive.
active. During a kinetic run, if the read interval is >30 seconds, pressing
button will open the drawer. The instrument will automat-
ically close the microplate drawer for the next reading.
Control Panel Display
The left side of the display shows the temperature, both actual and set point, and
whether or not the temperature is at the set point (enunciator blinks if not at set
point). The middle of the display shows the wavelength. The right side of the display shows the data received from the reading as either absorbance or percent
transmission and indicates whether or not a reference measurement was made
(enunciator blinks if no reference reading was taken).
To change the contrast on the control panel, press
or down keys.
and the
Microplate Spectrophotometer Operator’s Manual1-7
Chapter 1
A1 Indicator
The Microplate Drawer
Figure 1.4 : Microplate Drawer
The microplate drawer is located on the right side of the SPECTRAmax PLUS
and slides in and out of the reading chamber. Springs on two sides of the drawer
automatically position and hold a microplate in the proper position. The drawer
remains in the reading chamber during read cycles.
Microplate drawer operation varies, depending upon the incubator status. To
open the drawer, press the
key. If the incubator is turned on, the
drawer will remain open for approximately ten seconds, after which a beeping
sound will alert you approximately two seconds before the drawer closes automatically.
Do not obstruct the movement of the drawer. If you must retrieve a
plate after an error condition or power outage and the drawer will not
open, it is possible to open it manually (see Chapter 4, “Maintenance
and Troubleshooting”).
microplates, strip wells, and filter-bottom microplates. When reading at wavelengths below 340 nm, special UV-transparent, disposable or quartz microplates
allowing transmission of the deep UV spectra must be used.
Not all manufacturers’ microplates are the same with regard to design, materials,
or configuration. Temperature uniformity within the microplate may vary
depending on the type of microplate used.
can accommodate standard 96- and 384-well
Microplate Spectrophotometer Operator’s Manual
The Cuvette Chamber
Instrument Description
Figure 1.5 : Cuvette Chamber
Located at the right front of the SPECTRAmax PLUS
, the cuvette chamber
has a lid that lifts up, allowing you to insert or remove a cuvette. The chamber
contains springs that automatically position the cuvette in the proper alignment
for a reading. The cuvette door must be closed in order to initiate a reading.
cuvettes and 12 x 75 mm test tubes when used with the test tube cover.
Figure 1.6 : Test Tube Cover
Not all manufacturers’ cuvettes are the same with regard to design, materials, or
configuration. Temperature uniformity within the cuvette may vary depending
on the type of cuvette used.
can accommodate standard-height (45 mm), 1-cm
Be sure to handle cuvettes on the frosted sides only. Place the cuvette into the
chamber so that the “reading” (clear) sides face left and right (see Figure 1.5).
Microplate Spectrophotometer Operator’s Manual1-9
micro cuvettes.
will not accept the short (25-mm high)
Chapter 1
The Back Panel
Power Switch
Fuse Box Cover
Power Cord
Printer (Centronics)
Computer (RS-232)
Figure 1.7: Components on the Back Panel of the SPECTRAmax PLUS
The following components are located on the back panel of the SPECTRAmax
• Power switch—a rocker switch, labeled I/O (for on and off, respectively).
• Power cord receptacle—plug the power cord in here.
• Fuse box cover—cannot be opened while the power cord is plugged in. When
opened, it provides access to the fuse box containing two fuses that are required
for operation.
• Printer port (double-shielded, 25-pin parallel, for use in stand-alone opera-
tion)—plug the 25-pin end of the cable into this port; the other (Centronics)
end attaches to the port on the printer.
• Computer port (double-shielded 8-pin RS-232 serial, for use with an external
computer)—plug the 8-pin DIN serial cable connecter into this port; the other
end attaches to the serial (modem) port of the computer.
• Labels—provide information about the SPECTRAmax PLUS
voltage rating, cautionary information, serial number, etc. Record the serial
number shown on this label for use when contacting Molecular Devices Technical Services.
, such as line
Microplate Spectrophotometer Operator’s Manual
Instrument Description
Stand-Alone Operation
The paragraphs that follow describe functions that can be activated during standalone operation.
When operating the SPECTRAmax PLUS
as a stand-alone system, you can
obtain a fixed-wavelength reading of the cuvette. The wavelength is chosen by
pressing the up or down arrows beneath the display labeled λ. Temperature regu-
lation of the cuvette/microplate chamber can be enabled and set using the keys
on the left side of the control panel and actual temperature can be monitored in
the display. To obtain a reading of the cuvette, press either the
reference reading) or the
[READ CUVETTE] key (for a sample reading). The
[REF] key (for a
resulting data can be displayed as absorbance or percent transmission by toggling
[%T/A] key. You can also open or close the drawer using the [Drawer] key
on the right of the control panel.
Keep cuvette door closed when reading a cuvette.
Wavelength Selection
The display on the control panel shows the currently selected measurement wave-
length (λ). You can change the wavelength by pressing the up or down arrows
until the display shows the desired wavelength. The wavelength will wrap around
to the top or bottom when the last selectable wavelength is reached.
Temperature Regulation
of the microplate chamber from 4°C above ambient to 45°C. Upon power up,
when the incubator is off, the temperature in the SPECTRAmax PLUS
plate chamber is ambient and isothermal. Pressing the incubator
key will cause the SPECTRAmax to begin warming the microplate/cuvette
chamber. The temperature set point defaults to 37.0°C at start-up.
Accuracy of the temperature set point is only guaranteed if the set point
is at least 4°C above ambient. If the temperature set point is lower than
the ambient temperature, the chamber temperature will remain at ambient. Temperature regulation is controlled by heaters only and, therefore,
cannot cool the temperature to a setting lower than ambient. Additionally, the highest setting (45°C) can be achieved only if the ambient temperature is >20°C.
You can change the temperature set point by pressing the up (▲) or the down
(▼) arrow keys above and below the word TEMP until the desired set point is
shown in the display. Typically, the microplate chamber will reach 37.0°C in 15
to 30 minutes.
The microplate chamber temperature is maintained at the set point until you
press the incubator
[TEMP On/Off] key again, turning temperature regulation
off. The microplate drawer will open and the temperature within the chamber
will begin returning to ambient.
Should you turn the incubator back on after a momentary shutdown,
allow about ten minutes after reaching temperature for the control algorithm to fully stabilize the microplate chamber temperature.
Temperature regulation and control of the microplate/cuvette chamber are
achieved through electric heaters, a fan, efficient insulation, and temperature sensors. The heaters are located in the chamber which is insulated to maintain the
temperature set point. The sensors, also mounted inside the chamber, measure
the air temperature. The temperature feedback closed-loop control algorithms
compare the measured air temperature inside the chamber against the temperature set point, and use the difference to calculate the heating cycles. This technique results in accurate, precise control of the chamber temperature with a
temperature variation of the air inside the chamber of less than 1.0°C. (The temperature uniformity within the microplate or cuvette will depend upon the
design, materials, and/or configuration of that component.)
Data Collection
buffer memory.
Data in the buffer memory is lost when power to the
outages. Do not turn the instrument off while important data remains in
the buffer memory.
stores only the most recent cuvette reading in a
is turned off. This applies even to short power
Printed Data Output
An optional printer, designed to sit on top of the instrument, can be purchased
for use with the SPECTRAmax PLUS
During stand-alone operation, results are automatically printed as soon as a
cuvette has been read. A new cuvette can be loaded into the SPECTRAmax
while the results from the first reading are being printed.
Microplate Spectrophotometer Operator’s Manual
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