Moen YB5488CH Specs

25300 AL MOEN D RI VE NOR TH OLMSTED , OH 44070 COR PORATE H EADQU ARTERS: (800) 321-8809 F AX: (800) 848-6636 IN TER NATION AL: (440) 962-2000 FAX: (440) 962-2726 CU STOMER SERVI CE (USA): 800 -882-0116 FAX: (888) 379-2720 WW W. MOEN .C OM
Copyright Creative Specialties International
YB5488CH – Three Post Paper
Chrome Finish
Cleaning Instructions:
Stock Number:___________________Three Post Paper Holder
By Creative Specialties
Installation Instructions:
Stock Numbers:
Three Post Paper Holder
Kingsley® Technical Specification
To preserve the fine finish of this product, clean only with a soft damp cloth. Dry well. Do not use commercial or abrasive cleaners.
Literature #BA1458
1. Remove the mounting post from the body by loosening the set screw.
2. Position the mounting template on the w all in the desired location. Using a level, align the template and tape it to the w all.
3. Place each mounting post on the template.
4. One at a time, place each anchor screw through the mounting plate, centered in the large hole. Using a Phillips screwdriver, turn the anchor screw while applying pressure. Screw will self­drill and tap into drywall.
5. Only insert screw ½” to ¾ ” into dryw all.
6. After all screw s are installed, tear the template aw ay from w all.
7. Tighten all four screws. Do not over tighten.
8. Place each post over the mounting plate (set screw down).